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P OLICY FORUM Public health mitigation strategies across the
globe have affected on-site research to vary-
RESEARCH POLICY: COVID-19 ing degrees. In China, university research
was subject to strict control measures in

Moving academic research Wuhan and elsewhere, which contributed

to the mitigation of the spread of the virus
across the country (3). In Australia, where

forward during COVID-19 COVID-19 remains under greater control

owing to early mitigation efforts, universi-
ties moved classes online, but social distanc-
A gradual, stepwise approach to reopening, informed ing measures and encouraging nonessential
by public health expertise, will be essential work from home when possible were deemed
sufficient to keep most research facilities at
least partially open.
By N. S. Wigginton1,2, R. M. Cunningham1, tion to supporting the teaching and service In countries and regions where commu-
R. H. Katz3, M. E. Lidstrom4, K. A. Moler2, missions of higher education—and health nity transmission has been most severe—
D. Wirtz5, M. T. Zuber6 care delivery within academic medical cen- including the United States, Europe, and
ters—academic research contributes greatly China—most academic institutions imple-

he coronavirus disease 2019 to global economic development. In the mented policies to cease all “nonessential”
(COVID-19) pandemic has led to an United States, for example, higher education on-site research activities over a short time

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unprecedented disruption of society. institutions accounted for $74 billion, or frame, in some cases just a few days. This
Institutions of higher education have ~13%, of the $580 billion spent nationally on included not only laboratory research in the
been no exception. To preserve the research and development in 2018 (1). More physical and life sciences but also field-based
safety of their communities and ad- critically, these same institutions accounted activities involving travel or direct human
here to public health guidance, universities for nearly half of the $96 billion spent on contact, such as clinic-based health, social,
and colleges around the world have rapidly basic research nationwide, often seen as or educational research. Exemptions for ac-
pivoted to fully online teaching and learn- the seed corn for innovation and industry. cessing facilities on campus were solely made
ing models, implemented remote work for Moreover, academic research institutions for work required to maintain equipment,
the majority of employees, and shuttered are among the top five employers in 44 of preserve specialized research materials or
countless public spaces and programs. Most 50 U.S. states, employing more than 560,000 long-term experiments, perform research to
“on-site” research activities—in laborato- people (and more than 300,000 trainees) di- address the ongoing pandemic or other re-
ries, in clinics, or in the field—also ground rectly on research funds (2), many of which search deemed essential, or ensure patient,
to a halt. Many institutions are now plan- cannot perform their work remotely. animal, and laboratory safety. Although vary-
ning or implementing a ramp-up of on-site ing widely by discipline and region, we esti-
research activities, which offers an oppor- mate that these restrictions have halted more
tunity to begin implementing policies and than 80% of on-site research activity at our
practices that will lay the groundwork for six institutions.
the eventual reopening of additional on-
site academic programming, including RAPID RESPONSE
teaching. To ramp up safely, institutions Despite the myriad challenges associated
are working with stakeholder groups—such with ramping down on-site activities, re-
as public health experts, as well as faculty, search institutions worked closely with state
staff, and students—to develop guiding and federal governments, funders, private in-
principles that will help inform and drive dustry, and each other to maintain continuity
decision-making over the coming months. of research operations. In the United States,
We synthesized several risk and decision- universities and their associations have been
making frameworks under development at working closely with federal agencies to clar-
our universities to develop a set of criteria ify what activities are allowed under active
informed by public health expertise that in- grants (e.g., salary continuity for research-
stitutions should consider before and dur- ers who aren’t able to work on-site). Other
ing the first stages of restoring research ac- coordination efforts include commitments to
tivities and less certain factors to consider open sharing of data and research findings
for subsequent phases. during the pandemic (4), improving access
Ramping down academic research and to high-performance computing resources

development around the world will un- for COVID research (5), and licensing terms
doubtedly contribute to the long-term eco- that prioritize access to potentially life-saving
nomic ramifications of COVID-19. In addi- technologies (6).
Academic researchers have also greatly
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. 2Stanford contributed to work that directly addresses
University, Stanford, CA, USA. 3University of California, the ongoing pandemic—from revealing the
Berkeley, CA, USA. 4University of Washington, Seattle, fundamental biology of severe acute respira-
WA, USA. 5Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, Markings are placed on the floor of an empty lab to tory syndrome–coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),
USA. Email: promote social distancing. to studying the vast social, behavioral, and

1190 12 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6496 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Phased approach and possible mitigations for determining allowable on-site research

Phase 0 Substantial Only essential work to ensure laboratory, Strict building access; personal protective Only essential staff with considerable
(current state) animal, or patient safety; maintenance equipment required; all work done remotely, training allowed; travel disrupted;
of equipment, materials, or long-running if possible substantial absenteeism owing
experiments; COVID-related research to illness, child care, or family care;
high-risk workers restricted
Phase 1 Moderate Gradual addition of laboratory and studio Control building and/or room access; require Fraction of researchers allowed
(ramp-up) work and regional field research not temperature and symptom checking, physical depending on need, training, and
involving human subjects; widely used distancing, strict limits on occupancy in labs, use willingness to return
shared facilities reopen of masks, enhanced cleaning procedures, and
closures of exposed work spaces and buildings;
testing and contact tracing if and when available
Later phases Minimal to Continued gradual addition of more on-site Gradual loosening of some control measures, Phased introduction of researchers
none research activities, use of office and shared depending on performance metrics working in-person with human
spaces, and relaxation of travel prohibitions; subjects; additional trainees; high-risk
research with human subjects will require workers only when conditions allow
the highest level of scrutiny

economic impacts felt across the world, to for decision-making. However, our plans, help determine when institutions are pre-
developing the tests, therapies, and vaccines as well as others around the United States pared to move into the next phase include

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that will help treat the disease and prevent its and in other countries, also diverge in ways building and laboratory occupancy rates,
transmission. Researchers around the globe that may be determined by a host of other rates of adherence to physical distancing
have published more than 13,700 papers on factors, from cultural norms on campuses guidelines, and the number of new cases and
SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 (7) and posted to local and state regulations. Policies such symptomatic individuals identified during
more than 3700 preprints to the bioRxiv and as allowing on-site undergraduate research- screening (see the box).
medRxiv repositories as of 19 May 2020. ers, deciding acceptable occupancy levels in Future ramp-up and stabilization phases
Institutions are also assisting with criti- facilities, deciding whether to prioritize cer- should be cautious and flexible enough that
cal public health services such as testing and tain buildings and activities at the expense of research activity can also ramp back down if
providing the public and decision-makers minimal access to everyone, permitting use metrics, public health guidance, or other ex-
with real-time data about the pandemic. For of nonlaboratory on-site spaces—including ternal factors (e.g., local health care system
example, Johns Hopkins University’s inter- libraries, offices, and studios—and allowing capacity) dictates. Within institutions, this
national COVID-19 dashboard receives 1.5 field research that does not involve human may also be required for certain laborato-
billion views each day, providing invaluable subjects are among the primary differences ries, floors, or buildings if cases are identified
data on total confirmed cases, deaths, re- in institutional responses. Variations in and researchers are required to self-quaran-
covery rates, bed occupancy, intensive care ramp-down and ramp-up approaches often tine after possibly being exposed to a sick
unit availability, and more (8). Overall, the reflected differing local and state guidelines co-worker.
collaborations and open sharing of data and or mandates, where political and social pres- Further control measures will be required
knowledge across international borders have sures have the potential to conflict with the for months or more, such as continued physi-
proven to be essential in the response to the best public health recommendations. cal distancing, engineering controls, requir-
pandemic and to the reopening of other eco- Public health frameworks provide a criti- ing personal protective equipment, and ad-
nomic sectors. cal and helpful risk-based assessment for ministrative controls that include staggering
when certain industries, governments, and access to spaces through shifts to minimize
GUIDANCE FOR PHASED RAMP-UP the economy more broadly can reopen [e.g., interactions between personnel (9). Although
Months after most on-site research was shut (9)]. Academic institutions represent a broad our suggestions are intended to prioritize cau-
down, institutions in China, Europe, and the set of activities and associated risk where one tion and reversibility, we are concerned that
United States have slowly started resuming size (and one policy) does not fit all; however, other ramp-up plans might instead reopen
on-site research. Institutions have developed it is clear from public health expertise that too quickly or without proper safeguards out
principles and policies for resuming on-site a gradual, stepwise approach to reopening of a desire to return to prepandemic opera-
research activities based on input from pub- and operating will be essential [see the table; tions as soon as possible. As we are seeing in
lic health and biosecurity experts, faculty, (10)]. Furthermore, the use of metrics both in countries or other sectors that are prema-
staff, students, and other community mem- the community and within institutions will turely reopening, undesired outcomes such
bers. Our six universities, which represent a help determine if and when it is suitable to as new transmission and outbreaks could
range of public and private institutions un- move into the next phase. On-site testing, lead to a whiplash effect of being fully open
der varying state and local mandates and contact tracing, and determining immunity and then back to fully closed. Gradually and
levels of local virus transmission, have devel- status will likely play important roles not carefully resuming on-site research, and
oped overlapping yet distinct guidance for just in institutional decision-making and risk demonstrating that mitigations are effective,
our research communities (see https://doi. mitigation but also for broader public health provides an ideal opportunity for institutions
org/10.3886/E119503V1). Common themes monitoring (11). To do so, institutions will to implement lessons learned to inform the
within our plans and elsewhere center also have to consider how these strategies for potential arrival of thousands of undergradu-
around the critical need to adhere to public research complement strategies being dis- ate students when terms resume. It will also
health guidance, prioritize the health and cussed for their broader campus community, help inform when other higher-risk activities,
safety of the workforce and participants, and as well as weigh potential costs, resources, such as in-person work with human subjects,
implement fair and transparent processes and privacy concerns. Other metrics that will can safely resume.

SCIENCE 12 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6496 1191

Published by AAAS

LOOKING AHEAD for trainees, and policies to allow for ex-

Given the length of time that may be re- tended paid and unpaid leave will be essen-
quired to continue practicing social distanc-
Should we ramp up? tial to stabilize the research workforce.
ing, it may be years before academic research Checklist for assessing when more research Moving forward, it will be up to academic
institutions reach a new normal. Although activity is permissible on-site institutions, governments, and funding agen-
some beneficial practices may become more • Does local or regional public health guidance cies to develop practices and policies that en-
routinized (e.g., more alternative work ar- permit a gradual increase in research activity? courage a more resilient, nimble, and equita-
rangements and virtual meetings), there will • Do individual labs and the institution have ble research ecosystem during the COVID-19
undoubtedly be far more deleterious impacts reliable access to supplies such as personal pandemic and beyond. Deeper investments
protective equipment and disinfectants?
across higher education. Anticipated budget in the research workforce and infrastruc-
shortfalls from multiple revenue streams • Does the institution have the ability to track ture will surely help; however, governments
symptoms, conduct testing, and/or trace
suggest that the ongoing pandemic will and inform contacts? should also incentivize stronger ties between
hamstring institutions financially for years public health agencies and academic re-
• Have ramp-up procedures and plans been
to come. Regarding research specifically, in- communicated to researchers? search institutions to ensure that decision-
stitutions will have fewer internal resources • Are departments and individual labs ready to
making at institutions and across communi-
to perform research, invest in research infra- work safely? ties is guided by the best available research. If
structure, and maintain its workforce. This • Are the support units (facilities, not, it is unlikely that the research enterprise
presents challenges not only for individual environmental health, security, custodial, or society as a whole will be any better posi-
institutions but also for the global research transportation) prepared to support more tioned to help generate solutions, or recover
enterprise as a whole. In the United States, on-site activity? itself, when the next disaster arrives. j
for example, institutional investments in re-

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search comprised ~25% of total higher educa- 1. National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics,
tion R&D spending in 2018 (12), a proportion pertise, resources, or facilities when there “National patterns of R&D resources: 2017–18 data
update” (NSF 20-307, National Science Foundation,
that has increased considerably over the past is insufficient incentive or capacity for the 2019);
decade as the percentage of federal invest- private or public sectors to refocus produc- 2. The Institute for Research on Innovation & Science,
ment in research has declined. For countries tion or facilities rapidly, or when they lack Summary documentation for the IRIS UMETRICS 2019
data release. IRIS (2020);
in which a large percentage of its research capacity to scale up services such as test- a07t-1c72
workforce consists of international students, ing. Considering a broader subset of the 3. H. Tian et al., Science 368, 638 (2020).
4. Wellcome, Sharing research data and findings relevant
such as Australia, travel and visa restrictions R&D workforce among essential workers, to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (2020);
could lead to a substantial loss in revenue to as in Washington state’s “Stay Home, Stay
support operations and a considerable reduc- Healthy” order, would help facilitate these 5. The COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium;
tion of the national scientific workforce (13). cross-sector collaborations more effectively 6. AUTM, COVID-19 licensing guidelines; https://
The response to COVID-19 has highlighted while also maintaining other potential life-
how the lack of scenario planning and disas- saving research unrelated to the pandemic. 7. Q. Chen, A. Allot, Z. Lu, Nature 579, 193 (2020).
ter preparedness is a systemic problem span- Finally, COVID-19 has exacerbated mul- 8. E. Dong, H. Du, L. Gardner, Lancet Infect. Dis. 20, 533
ning virtually all sectors of society. Despite tiple equity issues in the research enterprise (2020).
9. C. Rivers et al.,“Public health principles for a phased
clear guidance and recommendations based that institutions will grapple with in the reopening during COVID-19: Guidance for governors”
on lessons learned from other disasters (14), months and years ahead. This broad-scale (Johns Hopkins University, 2020); www.centerforhealth-
the research community has much work to disruption of research operations has led to reopening-guidance-governors.pdf
do to improve disaster resiliency. The experi- an incalculable number of setbacks for re- 10. American College Health Association (ACHA),
ence of COVID-19 should make it clear that searchers, many of which disproportionately “Considerations for reopening institutions of higher educa-
tion in the COVID-19 era” (ACHA, 2020);
resilience planning should be a priority go- affect early-career researchers and their ca- documents/resources/guidelines/ACHA_Considerations_
ing forward, but even the best laid plans reer advancement. These include the can- for_Reopening_IHEs_in_the_COVID-19_Era_May2020.pdf
11. D. M. Altmann, D. C. Douek, R. J. Boyton, Lancet 395, 1527
fail without effective leadership and coordi- cellation of long-running experiments, the (2020).
nation. Global coordinating bodies like the loss of opportunities to collect critical data 12. National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
World Health Organization, or national agen- (e.g., in field and clinical studies), and lack (NCSES), Higher education research and development
survey: Fiscal year 2018 (National Science Foundation,
cies, must not be sidelined in their ability to of access to specialized major instrumen- 2018);
advise governments and guide policies. tation, among many others. Furthermore, herd18-dt-tab001.html
13. F. Larkins et al.,“Impact of the pandemic on Australia’s
In the absence of strong national leader- longstanding affordability and child- and research workforce,” 6 May 2020, p. 14;
ship, most institutions had to quickly de- family-care disparities across the research au/sites/default/files/rrif-covid19-research-workforce.
velop their own plans for ramping down workforce—which disproportionally affect pdf
14. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and
research, supplemented by ad hoc commu- women, lower-income support staff, and Medicine,“Strengthening the disaster resilience of the
nication between institutions. Coordinating trainees—are more clear than ever given the academic biomedical research community: Protecting the
nation’s investment” (Consensus Study Report, National
bodies like the Association of American sudden and asynchronous sector closures Academies Press, 2017);
Universities, which represents 63 major and cost-saving measures implemented 15. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
research universities in the United States at many institutions. Researchers that fall “Interim guidance for administrators of US institu-
tions of higher education” (CDC, 2020);
and Canada, are playing much more promi- into higher-risk categories on the basis of coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-ihe-
nent roles in facilitating ramp-up and other preexisting health concerns, age, or other response.html
long-range planning. Improved coordina- immunocompromising conditions face long- ACKNOWL EDGMENTS
tion across academia, government, health term uncertainties around when it is safe to We acknowledge helpful discussions and feedback from
systems, and industry during crises will return to work. Systemic solutions such as several individuals at our institutions, in addition to T. Smith,
also help identify early roles that institu- extensions to promotion and tenure clocks, P. Schiffer, J. Walsh, and anonymous reviewers.
tions could play to address critical needs. further deployment of alternative work ar- Published online 28 May 2020
For example, institutions could deploy ex- rangements, additional fellowship support 10.1126/science.abc5599

1192 12 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6496 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Moving academic research forward during COVID-19
N. S. Wigginton, R. M. Cunningham, R. H. Katz, M. E. Lidstrom, K. A. Moler, D. Wirtz and M. T. Zuber

Science 368 (6496), 1190-1192.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abc5599originally published online May 28, 2020

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