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gest that policy-makers may not be able to

distinguish relatively robust scientific ideas

from less established ones (2). Particularly
in the pandemic setting, there is substan-
tial concern that policy may take up non-
vetted and potentially incorrect scientific
results. For example, preprint servers have
played an outsized role in disseminating
COVID-19–related research (8). Although
open science greatly facilitates the shar-
ing of data and research (8) and allows the
wider community to check and interrogate
the results and claims, publicly releasing
science before it passes peer review may
undermine the rigor of scientific evidence
accessible to the public (9). In the age of
misinformation, this may create enduring
harms if the evidence presented turns out
to be less robust. Such concerns are fur-
ther heightened by examples of widely re-
P OLICY FORUM ported and then retracted results regarding

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COVID-19 (10).
To explore COVID-19 science and pol-
SCIENCE FOR POLICY: COVID-19 icy, we harnessed a large-scale database,
Overton, which records policy documents

Coevolution of policy and sourced globally from government agencies,

think tanks, and IGOs. For each policy docu-
ment, we then matched scientific references

science during the pandemic to our second dataset, Dimensions, a large-

scale publication and citation database, of-
fering a distinct opportunity to examine the
Recent, high-quality science is being heard, but unevenly role of science in the global policy response
to COVID-19. Further details on all data col-
By Yian Yin1,2,3, Jian Gao1,2,4, during the pandemic. Our analysis sug- lection, integration, and analyses (includ-
Benjamin F. Jones1,2,4,5,6, Dashun Wang1,2,3,4 gests that many policy documents in the ing examples of policy documents and the
COVID-19 pandemic substantially access scientific papers they reference, systematic

isconnects between science and recent, peer-reviewed, and high-impact comparisons with alternative data sources,
policy, in which important scientific science. And policy documents that cite and external validations on the overall cov-
insights may be missed by policy- science are especially highly cited within erage of our datasets) are provided in the
makers and bad scientific advice the policy domain. At the same time, there supplementary materials (SM).
may infect decision-making, are a is a heterogeneity in the use of science
long-standing concern (1–7). Yet, across policy-making institutions. The ten- POLICY, SYNCHRONY, SHIFTS
our systematic understanding of the use of dency for policy documents to cite science Our Overton dataset captures 37,725 policy
science in policy remains limited (1, 4–6), appears mostly concentrated within inter- documents published by government agen-
partly because of the difficulty in reliably governmental organizations (IGOs), such cies and think tanks from 114 countries and
tracing the coevolution of policy and sci- as the World Health Organization (WHO), 55 IGOs, from 2 January to 26 May 2020.
ence at a large, global scale (3). Today, the and much less so in national governments, Policy documents are defined by Overton
world faces a common emergency in the which consume science largely indirectly as “research, briefs, reviews, or reports writ-
COVID-19 pandemic, which presents a dy- through the IGOs. This close coevolution ten with the goal of influencing or changing
namic, uncertain, yet extraordinarily con- between policy and science offers a useful policy,” and scientific and policy references
sequential policy environment across the indication that a key link is operating, but are demarcated within each document. The
globe. We combined two large-scale data- it has not been a sufficient condition for data includes all major economies and large
bases that capture policy and science and effectiveness in containing the pandemic. population centers, with a notable exception
their interactions, allowing us to exam- The rapid production of new science dur- of mainland China. Together, our data cover

ine the coevolution of policy and science ing COVID-19 raises key questions about its 66.3% of the world population, 79.3% of total
use in policy during the pandemic. There is gross domestic product, and 95.6% of con-
Center for Science of Science and Innovation, Northwestern long-standing skepticism over connections firmed deaths worldwide due to COVID-19
University, Evanston, IL, USA. 2Northwestern Institute on between science and policy, which are often (as of 30 May 2020). Within this corpus, we
Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, thought to be highly disconnected spheres. identified COVID-19–related policy docu-
USA. 3McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL, USA. 4Kellogg School of For example, the “two communities” the- ments through keyword filtering (7730 docu-
Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA. ory in knowledge utilization (7) highlights ments in total), which allowed us to compare
National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, a substantial gap between scientists and COVID-19 policy documents with all other
USA. 6Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, USA.
Email:; policy-makers, disconnecting research from policy documents published in 2020 (see SM the policy process. Related viewpoints sug- for data description and validation).

128 8 JANUARY 2021 • VOL 37 1 ISSUE 6525 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

As a first look at the policy data The evolution of policy during the pandemic next examine the quality of scien-
and its practical relevance, we tific evidence that informs policy.
examined how the evolution of 107 We examined the quality of sci-
COVID-19 policy documents cor- ence that appears in policy docu-
responds to facts on the ground. ments along two dimensions. First,
The policy documents mirror the 10 6 we separated COVID-19–related pa-
10 -1

Share of COVID-19 policy

Total confrmed cases

case dynamics (see the first figure), pers into two groups on the basis of
showing a synchrony between the whether or not they are referenced
share of COVID-19 policy docu- by COVID-19 policy documents, and
ments among all policy documents we measured each paper’s scientific
and the number of total confirmed impact within the science commu-
cases (see SM for fit statistics). nity, approximated by the number
We further examined the content 104 of citations the paper received from
of the COVID-19 policy documents, 10 -2 other scientific papers. We found
breaking them down by field (see a large difference between the two
the first figure) and topic (fig. 103 groups (see the second figure):
S7). Both analyses show substan- Papers referenced in policy docu-
tial shifts in policy attention re- 01/01 02/01 03/01 04/01 05/01 06/01 ments garner on average 40 times
lated to the pandemic. In the early Date of 2020 more citations than those not refer-
stage of the outbreak (January The share of COVID-19 policy documents among all policy documents enced in policy documents (average
and February 2020), about 90% of published up to a given day (red line) versus the global confirmed case count citations, 67.72 versus 1.67). Overall,

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COVID-19 policy documents belong (blue line), as traced by the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 tracking map (15). this result shows that the coronavi-
to the health and science category, rus research used by policy-makers
showing a clear, initial focus on aligns with what scientists heavily
1.0 Science & health
medical and public health issues. engage with themselves.
Economy & labour
The policy priorities show a visible Further, we broke down the pol-
Society & others
shift, however, since WHO declared 0.8 icy coverage of COVID-19 research
COVID-19 a pandemic on 11 March according to publication venues
2020, with a rise in attention to is- (see the second figure). We found
Share of feld

sues around the economy and so- 0.6 that different venues differ widely in
ciety, suggesting a growing policy publication volume, with preprint
balance between health and socio- servers such as medRxiv, bioRxiv,
economic implications of the pan- 0.4 and SSRN publishing an order of
demic. These shifts are observed magnitude more COVID-19–related
in COVID-19 policy documents papers than did peer-reviewed
only; we repeated the analyses for 0.2 journals. Yet despite the volume of
other policy documents published preprints, their impact in policy is
in the same period, finding that the rather limited because these pre-
distributions of fields and topics re- print servers show consistently
01/01 02/01 03/01 04/01 05/01 06/01
mained relatively stable during this fewer policy citations than average.
Date of policy publication
period (see SM). By contrast, COVID-19 policy docu-
The share of three broad subject categories within the COVID-19 ments disproportionately reference
POLICY FRONTIER ROOTED policy documents (21-day moving average). peer-reviewed insights, drawing
IN SCIENCE especially heavily on top medical
Much like the global policy frontier, the policy documents, 19.9% of the scientific journals, both general (such as Lancet) and
scientific understanding of COVID-19 papers were published in 2020. This rate of specialized (such as Clinical Infectious
also evolved rapidly, as exemplified by the using the newest science is highly unusual, Diseases). Although peer review does not
strong response from the global research more than 10 times greater than seen for necessarily guarantee high-quality science
enterprise. According to Dimensions data, other policy documents. Predictably, the (9), amid growing concerns over the qual-
more than 40,000 papers on coronavirus latest science cited is primarily related to ity and abundance of coronavirus research
research were published from 1 January COVID-19 (88.4%). posted on preprint servers, these results
through 30 May 2020. Our findings reveal The close connection between science nevertheless show that during this crisis,
close connections between the evolving and policy is also reflected in the fields of peer-reviewed journals continue to remain
COVID-19 policy frontier and the evolving science that COVID-19 policy documents a crucial institution in supplying scientific

scientific frontier. cite (see SM), showing a clear shift from evidence for policy-making.
The fraction of COVID-19 policy docu- drawing primarily on the biomedical lit- Overall, the COVID-19 policy frontier
ments that cite at least one scientific paper erature to citing economics, society, and appears to be deeply grounded in ex-
fluctuates in early 2020 but then features a other fields of study, which is consistent tremely recent, peer-reviewed scientific
steady increase with time, especially after with overall shifts in policy focus (see the insights, and science directly drawn on
WHO’s pandemic declaration (fig. S12A). first figure). Together, these results suggest by this policy frontier appears to be espe-
Also, COVID-19 policies are disproportion- that despite the extremely recent develop- cially impactful within the research com-
ately centered on the latest scientific fron- ment in COVID-19–related research, new munity itself. Moreover, policy documents
tier (see the second figure). Out of all sci- scientific work has rapidly found its way that are grounded in the scientific frontier
entific references drawn on by COVID-19 into policy documents, prompting us to also tend to garner substantially more ci-

SCIENCE 8 JANUARY 2021 • VOL 37 1 ISSUE 6525 129

Published by AAAS

tations within the global policy network. Science use in policy documents there could be potential biases in data
Specifically, separating COVID-19 policy sample and coverage that future research
documents by whether they cite science or 0.2 COVID-19 policy documents may help to further elucidate. Also, our
not, we found that COVID-19 policy docu- Other policy documents data capture science-policy interactions
ments that cite at least one scientific paper up to 26 May 2020, and the observed pat-
are associated with more than twice the terns may continue to evolve as the pan-
number of citations from other policy doc- demic unfolds worldwide. Nevertheless,

uments (see fig. S12B). To test whether this our results suggest that COVID-19 policy
difference in use can be explained by other 0.1 documents appear neither isolated from
covariates, we further used a regression scientific advances nor reliant on dubious
model (see SM) to control for the policy science. These findings appear encouraging
document’s source, date, number of scien- for the scientific community as scientists,
tific references, and self-citations, arriving journals, and funders work expeditiously
at the same conclusions. 0.0 to advance and validate new research, with
Together, these results show that despite 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 the hope that their work might affect the
the rapidly evolving nature of the pan- Publication year course of the pandemic.
demic, the policy and scientific frontier Distribution of publication years of scientific Ultimately, although scientific advances
of COVID-19 are closely interlinked, with papers (published from 1980 to 2020) cited by provide a global public good, and IGOs can
documents and articles that are directly policy documents. The unusual spike in citing papers help coordinate global action, national pol-
along the policy-science interface (policy published in 2020 indicates that COVID-19 policy icy approaches and death rates have var-
documents that cite science and the cited documents draw heavily on recent scientific evidence. ied greatly (12). Although some countries

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science itself ) being more impactful within have been quite successful in containing
their own domains. But what policy insti- 3.0 Cited by policy documents the outbreak (13), some have been actively
tutions contribute most strongly to the Uncited by policy documents antagonistic to IGOs and scientific advice
Probability density function

policy-science interface? Our final analy- 2.5 (11, 14). In the current picture, science is
sis examines the policy institutions that breaking through, and scientific results are
cite science, comparing national govern- 2.0 being heard, but they are not being heard
ments, think tanks, and intergovernmen- everywhere. j
tal organizations. We found that although
government agencies produced the most
1.0 1. National Research Council, Using Science as Evidence in
COVID-19 policy documents among the Public Policy (National Academies Press, 2012).
three types of institutions (fig. S13), they 0.5 2. C. P. Snow, Science and Government (Oxford Univ. Press,
are the least likely to cite science (fig S14). 1961).
By contrast, policy documents that are 3. R. Haunschild, L. Bornmann, Scientometrics 110, 1209
0 1 2 3 4 (2017).
grounded in science are disproportionately 4. S. S. Jasanoff, Soc. Stud. Sci. 17, 195 (1987).
produced by IGOs, especially by WHO log10(no. of scientifc citations + 1) 5. S. Hilgartner, Soc. Stud. Sci. 20, 519 (1990).
(fig. S14). These differences in the use of COVID-19 scientific papers that are cited by policy 6. C. H. Weiss, Pub. Admin. Rev. 39, 426 (1979).
science persist when we compare the in- documents have greater citation impact within science. 7. N. Caplan, Am. Behav. Sci. 22, 459 (1979).
8. M. Zastrow, Nature 581, 109 (2020).
direct use of science (citing other policy 101 9. A. J. London, J. Kimmelman, Science 368, 476 (2020).
documents that cite science), showing 10. A. H. J. Kim et al., Ann. Intern. Med. 172, 819 (2020).
that IGOs again draw disproportionately 11. H. H. Thorp, Science 368, 341 (2020).
Number of average policy citations

more on the policy-science interface (fig. 12. T. Hale, A. Petherick, T. Phillips, S. Webster, “Variation in
MMWR government responses to COVID-19,” Blavatnik School
S14, inset). Many have argued that nations
NEJM Lancet of Government working paper BSG-WP-2020/2032
work best together through international 100 Eurosurveillance (2020).
institutions, especially in a crisis such as Lancet Infectious Diseases JAMA 13. S. Hsiang et al., Nature 584, 262 (2020).
Emerging Infectious Diseases
COVID-19 (11). These results suggest a key Clinical Infectious 14. J. Tollefson, Nature 586, 190 (2020).
role of WHO and other IGOs in the global Diseases 15. E. Dong, H. Du, L. Gardner, Lancet Infect. Dis. 20, 533
policy response to COVID-19, acting as cen-
tral conduits that link policy to science. 10-1 ACKNOWL EDGMENTS

medRxiv We thank E. Adie and all members of the Center for Science
SCIENCE IS BEING HEARD of Science and Innovation (CSSI) at Northwestern University
bioRxiv for their helpful discussions. This work uses data sourced
Taken together, our results show that policy
SSRN from and and is supported by
documents in the COVID-19 pandemic sub- the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under awards
stantially access recent, peer-reviewed, and 100 101 102 103 104 FA9550-17-1-0089 and FA9550-19-1-0354, National Science
Papers Foundation grant SBE 1829344, and the Alfred P. Sloan

high-impact science. At the same time, our

For different journals and preprint servers, we measured Foundation G-2019-12485. The authors declare no competing
reference-based measures are but a proxy for interests. Deidentified data necessary to reproduce all plots
the uses of science in policy (1), and policies the number of COVID-19 related papers (x axis) and
and statistical analyses are available at http://kellogg-cssi.
the average number of citations from COVID-19 policy
may cite science for different reasons (6). and at Figshare (10.6084/
documents to these papers (y axis) in 2020. Shown here m9.figshare.13326611). Y. Y. and J. G. contributed equally to
Policy-relevant science may be interpreted are the top 50 publication outlets based on the total this work.
differently depending on one’s specific number of citations from COVID-19 policy documents.
interests (4) and may even be distorted The black dashed line indicates the average number of SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIA LS
citations measured on all COVID-19 papers.
during the dissemination process (5). Fur- MMWR, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; NEJM,
ther, although our data captures among The New England Journal of Medicine; JAMA, The
the largest collection of policy documents, Journal of the American Medical Association 10.1126/science.abe3084

130 8 JANUARY 2021 • VOL 37 1 ISSUE 6525 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Coevolution of policy and science during the pandemic
Yian Yin, Jian Gao, Benjamin F. Jones and Dashun Wang

Science 371 (6525), 128-130.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abe3084

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REFERENCES This article cites 12 articles, 2 of which you can access for free


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