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GARP and Afriat’s Theorem


Econ 2100 Fall 2018

Lecture 8, September 24

1 Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preferences
2 Afriat’s Theorem
3 Production Sets and Production Functions
4 Pro…ts Maximization, Supply Correspondence, and Pro…t Function
5 Hotelling and Shephard Lemmas
6 Cost Minimization
From Last Class

fx j ; p j ; w j gNj=1 is a …nite set of demand data that satisfy p j x j wj.

Directly revealed weak preference: x j %R x k if pj x k wj
Directly revealed strict preference: x j R
xk if p j x k < w j
Indirectly revealed weak preference:
x j %I x k if 9 x i1 ; : : : ; x im s.t. x j %R x i1 ; :::; x im %R x k
Indirectly revealed strict preference:
xj I
x k if 9 x i1 ; : : : ; x im s.t. x j %R x i1 ; :::; x im %R x k with one strict
Using these de…nitions, we can …nd a condition that guarantees choices are the
result of the maximizing a preference relation or a utility function.
Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference
Axiom (Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference - GARP)
If x j %R x k , then not x k I
xj .
Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference
Axiom (Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference - GARP)
If x j %R x k , then not x k I
xj .

If a choice is directly revealed weakly prefered to a bundle, this bundle cannot

be indirectly revealed strictly preferred to that choice.
Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference
Axiom (Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference - GARP)
If x j %R x k , then not x k I
xj .

If a choice is directly revealed weakly prefered to a bundle, this bundle cannot

be indirectly revealed strictly preferred to that choice.
Note that if p j x j < w j then x j R x j and therefore x j I x j and therefore
GARP cannot hold.
Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference
Axiom (Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference - GARP)
If x j %R x k , then not x k I
xj .

If a choice is directly revealed weakly prefered to a bundle, this bundle cannot

be indirectly revealed strictly preferred to that choice.
Note that if p j x j < w j then x j R x j and therefore x j I x j and therefore
GARP cannot hold.
Therefore, GARP implies the consumer spends all her money.
Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference
Axiom (Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference - GARP)
If x j %R x k , then not x k I
xj .

If a choice is directly revealed weakly prefered to a bundle, this bundle cannot

be indirectly revealed strictly preferred to that choice.
Note that if p j x j < w j then x j R x j and therefore x j I x j and therefore
GARP cannot hold.
Therefore, GARP implies the consumer spends all her money.
Now suppose x j %R x k and x k I x j . Then there is a chain of weak preference
from j to k, and a chain back (from k to j) that has at least one strict
Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference
Axiom (Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference - GARP)
If x j %R x k , then not x k I
xj .

If a choice is directly revealed weakly prefered to a bundle, this bundle cannot

be indirectly revealed strictly preferred to that choice.
Note that if p j x j < w j then x j R x j and therefore x j I x j and therefore
GARP cannot hold.
Therefore, GARP implies the consumer spends all her money.
Now suppose x j %R x k and x k I x j . Then there is a chain of weak preference
from j to k, and a chain back (from k to j) that has at least one strict
This is a cycle with a strict preference inside; if such a cycle exists one can
construct a “money pump” to make money o¤ the consumer and leave her
exactly at the bundle she started from.
Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference
Axiom (Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference - GARP)
If x j %R x k , then not x k I
xj .

If a choice is directly revealed weakly prefered to a bundle, this bundle cannot

be indirectly revealed strictly preferred to that choice.
Note that if p j x j < w j then x j R x j and therefore x j I x j and therefore
GARP cannot hold.
Therefore, GARP implies the consumer spends all her money.
Now suppose x j %R x k and x k I x j . Then there is a chain of weak preference
from j to k, and a chain back (from k to j) that has at least one strict
This is a cycle with a strict preference inside; if such a cycle exists one can
construct a “money pump” to make money o¤ the consumer and leave her
exactly at the bundle she started from.
GARP rules these cycles out.
Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference
Axiom (Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference - GARP)
If x j %R x k , then not x k I
xj .

If a choice is directly revealed weakly prefered to a bundle, this bundle cannot

be indirectly revealed strictly preferred to that choice.
Note that if p j x j < w j then x j R x j and therefore x j I x j and therefore
GARP cannot hold.
Therefore, GARP implies the consumer spends all her money.
Now suppose x j %R x k and x k I x j . Then there is a chain of weak preference
from j to k, and a chain back (from k to j) that has at least one strict
This is a cycle with a strict preference inside; if such a cycle exists one can
construct a “money pump” to make money o¤ the consumer and leave her
exactly at the bundle she started from.
GARP rules these cycles out.

Problem 4, Problem Set 4.

Show that GARP is equivalent to the following: If x j %I x k then not x k I
xj .
Utility and Demand Data

A utility function u : Rn+ ! R rationalizes a …nite set of demand data
fx j ; p j ; w j gNj=1 if
u(x j ) u(x) whenever pj x wj
Utility and Demand Data

A utility function u : Rn+ ! R rationalizes a …nite set of demand data
fx j ; p j ; w j gNj=1 if
u(x j ) u(x) whenever pj x wj

This de…nition can alternatively be stated by the condition

x j 2 arg maxn u(x) subject to p j x wj
x 2R+
Utility and Demand Data

A utility function u : Rn+ ! R rationalizes a …nite set of demand data
fx j ; p j ; w j gNj=1 if
u(x j ) u(x) whenever pj x wj

This de…nition can alternatively be stated by the condition

x j 2 arg maxn u(x) subject to p j x wj
x 2R+

If the observations satisfy the de…nition, the data is consistent with the
behavior of an individual who, in each observation, chooses a
utility-maximizing bundle subject to the corresponding budget constraint.
Afriat’s Theorem

Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
Afriat’s Theorem

Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
Afriat’s Theorem

Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
2 The data satisfy the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference.
Afriat’s Theorem

Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
2 The data satisfy the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference.
3 There exist numbers v j ; > 0 such that
k j j
v v + [p j x k w j ]; for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)
Afriat’s Theorem

Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
2 The data satisfy the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference.
3 There exist numbers v j ; > 0 such that
k j j
v v + [p j x k w j ]; for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)
4 There exists a continuous, strictly increasing, and concave utility function
which rationalizes the data.
Afriat’s Theorem

Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
2 The data satisfy the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference.
3 There exist numbers v j ; > 0 such that
k j j
v v + [p j x k w j ]; for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)
4 There exists a continuous, strictly increasing, and concave utility function
which rationalizes the data.

Under GARP, the consumer behaved as if each choice was optimal (i.e.
Afriat’s Theorem

Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
2 The data satisfy the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference.
3 There exist numbers v j ; > 0 such that
k j j
v v + [p j x k w j ]; for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)
4 There exists a continuous, strictly increasing, and concave utility function
which rationalizes the data.

Under GARP, the consumer behaved as if each choice was optimal (i.e.
The fact (4) implies (1) is immediate (strictly increasing implies locally non
satiated). We will skip the remainder of the proof, but see Kreps or Varian for
Afriat’s Theorem
Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
2 The data satisfy the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference.
3 There exist numbers v j ; j > 0 such that
vk vj + [p j x k w j ]; for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)
4 There exists a continuous, strictly increasing, and concave utility function
which rationalizes the data.
Afriat’s Theorem
Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
2 The data satisfy the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference.
3 There exist numbers v j ; j > 0 such that
vk vj + [p j x k w j ]; for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)
4 There exists a continuous, strictly increasing, and concave utility function
which rationalizes the data.

For …nite data, the only implication of preference maximization is GARP;

conversely, if the data violate GARP, the consumer is not maximizing any
continuous, strictly monotone, and convex preference relation.
Afriat’s Theorem
Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
2 The data satisfy the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference.
3 There exist numbers v j ; j > 0 such that
vk vj + [p j x k w j ]; for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)
4 There exists a continuous, strictly increasing, and concave utility function
which rationalizes the data.

For …nite data, the only implication of preference maximization is GARP;

conversely, if the data violate GARP, the consumer is not maximizing any
continuous, strictly monotone, and convex preference relation.
Using a …nite number of observations, one cannot distinguish a continuous,
strictly monotone, and convex preference from a locally nonsatiated one.
Afriat’s Theorem
Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
2 The data satisfy the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference.
3 There exist numbers v j ; j > 0 such that
vk vj + [p j x k w j ]; for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)
4 There exists a continuous, strictly increasing, and concave utility function
which rationalizes the data.

For …nite data, the only implication of preference maximization is GARP;

conversely, if the data violate GARP, the consumer is not maximizing any
continuous, strictly monotone, and convex preference relation.
Using a …nite number of observations, one cannot distinguish a continuous,
strictly monotone, and convex preference from a locally nonsatiated one.
One way to test if demand data falsify utility maximization is to see if one can
…nd the numbers in (G).
Afriat’s Theorem
Theorem (Afriat)
Given a …nite set of demand data f(x j ; p j ; w j )gNk=1 , the following are equivalent:
1 There exists a locally nonsatiated utility function which rationalizes the data.
2 The data satisfy the Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference.
3 There exist numbers v j ; j > 0 such that
vk vj + [p j x k w j ]; for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)
4 There exists a continuous, strictly increasing, and concave utility function
which rationalizes the data.

For …nite data, the only implication of preference maximization is GARP;

conversely, if the data violate GARP, the consumer is not maximizing any
continuous, strictly monotone, and convex preference relation.
Using a …nite number of observations, one cannot distinguish a continuous,
strictly monotone, and convex preference from a locally nonsatiated one.
One way to test if demand data falsify utility maximization is to see if one can
…nd the numbers in (G).
These numbers help us construct a function that rationalizes data: each
observation has “utils” v i and a “budget violating penalty/prize” i ; every
choice is rational given these.
The Afriat Numbers
j j
9v j ; > 0 s.t. v k vj + [p j x k w j ] for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)

One uses the numbers v k and to construct a function that rationalizes the
the theorem then says that every choice is rational.

Where are the Afriat’s numbers coming from?

The Afriat Numbers
j j
9v j ; > 0 s.t. v k vj + [p j x k w j ] for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)

One uses the numbers v k and to construct a function that rationalizes the
the theorem then says that every choice is rational.

Where are the Afriat’s numbers coming from?

Consider utility maximization subject to a budget constraint:
x 2 arg maxn u(x) s.t. p x w:
x 2R+
The Afriat Numbers
j j
9v j ; > 0 s.t. v k vj + [p j x k w j ] for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)

One uses the numbers v k and to construct a function that rationalizes the
the theorem then says that every choice is rational.

Where are the Afriat’s numbers coming from?

Consider utility maximization subject to a budget constraint:
x 2 arg maxn u(x) s.t. p x w:
x 2R+

The solution maximizes the Lagrangean:

L(x; ) = u(x) + (w p x):
The Afriat Numbers
j j
9v j ; > 0 s.t. v k vj + [p j x k w j ] for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)

One uses the numbers v k and to construct a function that rationalizes the
the theorem then says that every choice is rational.

Where are the Afriat’s numbers coming from?

Consider utility maximization subject to a budget constraint:
x 2 arg maxn u(x) s.t. p x w:
x 2R+

The solution maximizes the Lagrangean:

L(x; ) = u(x) + (w p x):
Let x and be the optimal consumption and multiplier values, respectively.
The Afriat Numbers
j j
9v j ; > 0 s.t. v k vj + [p j x k w j ] for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)

One uses the numbers v k and to construct a function that rationalizes the
the theorem then says that every choice is rational.

Where are the Afriat’s numbers coming from?

Consider utility maximization subject to a budget constraint:
x 2 arg maxn u(x) s.t. p x w:
x 2R+

The solution maximizes the Lagrangean:

L(x; ) = u(x) + (w p x):
Let x and be the optimal consumption and multiplier values, respectively.
Then we have L(x ; ) L(x ; ) for all x 2 Rn+ . That is,
u(x ) + (w p x ) u(x ) + (w p x ):
| {z }
=0 since budget constraint binds
The Afriat Numbers
j j
9v j ; > 0 s.t. v k vj + [p j x k w j ] for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)

One uses the numbers v k and to construct a function that rationalizes the
the theorem then says that every choice is rational.

Where are the Afriat’s numbers coming from?

Consider utility maximization subject to a budget constraint:
x 2 arg maxn u(x) s.t. p x w:
x 2R+

The solution maximizes the Lagrangean:

L(x; ) = u(x) + (w p x):
Let x and be the optimal consumption and multiplier values, respectively.
Then we have L(x ; ) L(x ; ) for all x 2 Rn+ . That is,
u(x ) + (w p x ) u(x ) + (w p x ):
| {z }
=0 since budget constraint binds
Thus for all x 2 Rn+
u(x ) u(x ) + (p x w)
Intuition Behind the Afriat Numbers
j j
9v j ; > 0 s.t. v k vj + [p j x k w j ] for all j; k = 1; : : : ; N (G)

Another intuition behind Afriat’s numbers

Rewrite (G) as
j j
vk vj [p x k w j ]:
Suppose that p j x k w j > 0. Then x k was una¤ordable at p j and w j .
Even if x k yields more “utils” than x j , at p j and w j the penalty for violating the
budget constraint (given by j [p j x k w j ]) is too large for the change in the
value of the choice (given by v k v j ) to compensate for it.
Thus, the decision maker chose x j over all other alternatives at p j and w j .
Suppose that p j x k wj 0. Then x k was a¤ordable at p j and w j .
But then (G) implies that
vj vk j
[w j p j x k ]:
j k
So the decision maker chose x over x because the di¤erence in “utils” is
higher than the bonus from having some extra money left over by choosing x k
instead of x j .
Producers and Production Sets
Producers are pro…t maximizing …rms that buy inputs and use them to produce and
then sell outputs.

The plural is important because most …rms produce more than one good.
Producers and Production Sets
Producers are pro…t maximizing …rms that buy inputs and use them to produce and
then sell outputs.

The plural is important because most …rms produce more than one good.

The standard undergraduate textbook description focuses on one ouput and a

few inputs (two in most cases).
Producers and Production Sets
Producers are pro…t maximizing …rms that buy inputs and use them to produce and
then sell outputs.

The plural is important because most …rms produce more than one good.

The standard undergraduate textbook description focuses on one ouput and a

few inputs (two in most cases).
In that framework, production is described by a function that takes inputs as
the domain and output(s) as the range.
Producers and Production Sets
Producers are pro…t maximizing …rms that buy inputs and use them to produce and
then sell outputs.

The plural is important because most …rms produce more than one good.

The standard undergraduate textbook description focuses on one ouput and a

few inputs (two in most cases).
In that framework, production is described by a function that takes inputs as
the domain and output(s) as the range.
Here we focus on a more general and abstract version of production.
Producers and Production Sets
Producers are pro…t maximizing …rms that buy inputs and use them to produce and
then sell outputs.

The plural is important because most …rms produce more than one good.

The standard undergraduate textbook description focuses on one ouput and a

few inputs (two in most cases).
In that framework, production is described by a function that takes inputs as
the domain and output(s) as the range.
Here we focus on a more general and abstract version of production.

A production set is a subset Y Rn .
Producers and Production Sets
Producers are pro…t maximizing …rms that buy inputs and use them to produce and
then sell outputs.

The plural is important because most …rms produce more than one good.

The standard undergraduate textbook description focuses on one ouput and a

few inputs (two in most cases).
In that framework, production is described by a function that takes inputs as
the domain and output(s) as the range.
Here we focus on a more general and abstract version of production.

A production set is a subset Y Rn .

y = (y1 ; :::; yN ) denotes production (input-output) vectors.

Producers and Production Sets
Producers are pro…t maximizing …rms that buy inputs and use them to produce and
then sell outputs.

The plural is important because most …rms produce more than one good.

The standard undergraduate textbook description focuses on one ouput and a

few inputs (two in most cases).
In that framework, production is described by a function that takes inputs as
the domain and output(s) as the range.
Here we focus on a more general and abstract version of production.

A production set is a subset Y Rn .

y = (y1 ; :::; yN ) denotes production (input-output) vectors.

A production vector has outputs as non-negative numbers and inputs as
non-positive numbers: yi 0 when i is an input, and yi 0 if i is an output.
Producers and Production Sets
Producers are pro…t maximizing …rms that buy inputs and use them to produce and
then sell outputs.

The plural is important because most …rms produce more than one good.

The standard undergraduate textbook description focuses on one ouput and a

few inputs (two in most cases).
In that framework, production is described by a function that takes inputs as
the domain and output(s) as the range.
Here we focus on a more general and abstract version of production.

A production set is a subset Y Rn .

y = (y1 ; :::; yN ) denotes production (input-output) vectors.

A production vector has outputs as non-negative numbers and inputs as
non-positive numbers: yi 0 when i is an input, and yi 0 if i is an output.
What is p y in this notation?
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:
no free lunch if Y \ Rn+ f0n g;

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:
no free lunch if Y \ Rn+ f0n g;
possibility of inaction if 0n 2 Y ;

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:
no free lunch if Y \ Rn+ f0n g;
possibility of inaction if 0n 2 Y ;
free disposal if y 2 Y implies y 0 2 Y for all y 0 y;

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:
no free lunch if Y \ Rn+ f0n g;
possibility of inaction if 0n 2 Y ;
free disposal if y 2 Y implies y 0 2 Y for all y 0 y;
irreversibility if y 2 Y and y 6= 0n imply y2
= Y;

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:
no free lunch if Y \ Rn+ f0n g;
possibility of inaction if 0n 2 Y ;
free disposal if y 2 Y implies y 0 2 Y for all y 0 y;
irreversibility if y 2 Y and y 6= 0n imply y2
= Y;
nonincreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 2 [0; 1];

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:
no free lunch if Y \ Rn+ f0n g;
possibility of inaction if 0n 2 Y ;
free disposal if y 2 Y implies y 0 2 Y for all y 0 y;
irreversibility if y 2 Y and y 6= 0n imply y2
= Y;
nonincreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 2 [0; 1];
nondecreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 1;

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:
no free lunch if Y \ Rn+ f0n g;
possibility of inaction if 0n 2 Y ;
free disposal if y 2 Y implies y 0 2 Y for all y 0 y;
irreversibility if y 2 Y and y 6= 0n imply y2
= Y;
nonincreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 2 [0; 1];
nondecreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 1;
constant returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 0;

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:
no free lunch if Y \ Rn+ f0n g;
possibility of inaction if 0n 2 Y ;
free disposal if y 2 Y implies y 0 2 Y for all y 0 y;
irreversibility if y 2 Y and y 6= 0n imply y2
= Y;
nonincreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 2 [0; 1];
nondecreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 1;
constant returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 0;
0 0
additivity if y ; y 2 Y imply y + y 2 Y ;

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:
no free lunch if Y \ Rn+ f0n g;
possibility of inaction if 0n 2 Y ;
free disposal if y 2 Y implies y 0 2 Y for all y 0 y;
irreversibility if y 2 Y and y 6= 0n imply y2
= Y;
nonincreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 2 [0; 1];
nondecreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 1;
constant returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 0;
0 0
additivity if y ; y 2 Y imply y + y 2 Y ;
convexity if Y is convex;

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties

Y Rn satis…es:
no free lunch if Y \ Rn+ f0n g;
possibility of inaction if 0n 2 Y ;
free disposal if y 2 Y implies y 0 2 Y for all y 0 y;
irreversibility if y 2 Y and y 6= 0n imply y2
= Y;
nonincreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 2 [0; 1];
nondecreasing returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 1;
constant returns to scale if y 2 Y implies y 2 Y for all 0;
0 0
additivity if y ; y 2 Y imply y + y 2 Y ;
convexity if Y is convex;
Y is a convex cone if for any y ; y 0 2 Y and ; 0, y + y 0 2 Y .

Draw Pictures.
Production Set Properties Are Related

Some of these properties are related to each other.

Y satis…es additivity and nonincreasing returns if and only if it is a convex cone.
Production Set Properties Are Related

Some of these properties are related to each other.

Y satis…es additivity and nonincreasing returns if and only if it is a convex cone.

For any convex Y Rn such that 0n 2 Y , there is a convex Y 0 Rn+1 that
satis…es constant returns such that Y = fy 2 Rn : (y ; 1) 2 Rn+1 g.
Production Functions
Let y 2 Rm n
+ denote outputs while x 2 R+ represent inputs; if the two are related by
n m
a function f : R+ ! R+ , we write y = f (x) to say that y units of outputs are
produced using x amount of the inputs.
Production Functions
Let y 2 Rm n
+ denote outputs while x 2 R+ represent inputs; if the two are related by
n m
a function f : R+ ! R+ , we write y = f (x) to say that y units of outputs are
produced using x amount of the inputs.

When m = 1, this is the familiar one output many inputs production function.
Production Functions
Let y 2 Rm n
+ denote outputs while x 2 R+ represent inputs; if the two are related by
n m
a function f : R+ ! R+ , we write y = f (x) to say that y units of outputs are
produced using x amount of the inputs.

When m = 1, this is the familiar one output many inputs production function.
Production sets and the familiar production function are related.
Production Functions
Let y 2 Rm n
+ denote outputs while x 2 R+ represent inputs; if the two are related by
n m
a function f : R+ ! R+ , we write y = f (x) to say that y units of outputs are
produced using x amount of the inputs.

When m = 1, this is the familiar one output many inputs production function.
Production sets and the familiar production function are related.

Suppose the …rm’s production set is generated by a production function
f : Rn+ ! Rm n
+ , where R+ represents its n inputs and R+ represents its m outputs.
Y = f( x; y ) 2 Rn Rm
+ :y f (x)g:
Prove the following:
1 Y satis…es no free lunch, possibility of inaction, free disposal, and irreversibility.
2 Suppose m = 1. Y satis…es constant returns to scale if and only if f is
homogeneous of degree one, i.e. f ( x) = f (x) for all 0.
3 Suppose m = 1. Y satis…es convexity if and only if f is concave.
Transformation Function
We can describe production sets using a function.
Given a production set Y Rn , the transformation function F : Y ! R is de…ned
Y = fy 2 Y : F (y ) 0 and F (y ) = 0 if and only if y is on the boundary of Y g ;
the transformation frontier is
fy 2 Rn : F (y ) = 0g
Transformation Function
We can describe production sets using a function.
Given a production set Y Rn , the transformation function F : Y ! R is de…ned
Y = fy 2 Y : F (y ) 0 and F (y ) = 0 if and only if y is on the boundary of Y g ;
the transformation frontier is
fy 2 Rn : F (y ) = 0g

Given a di¤erentiable transformation function F and a point on its transformation
frontier y , the marginal rate of transformation for goods i and j is given by
@F (y )
MRTi ;j = @F (y )
Transformation Function
We can describe production sets using a function.
Given a production set Y Rn , the transformation function F : Y ! R is de…ned
Y = fy 2 Y : F (y ) 0 and F (y ) = 0 if and only if y is on the boundary of Y g ;
the transformation frontier is
fy 2 Rn : F (y ) = 0g

Given a di¤erentiable transformation function F and a point on its transformation
frontier y , the marginal rate of transformation for goods i and j is given by
@F (y )
MRTi ;j = @F (y )

Since F (y ) = 0 we have
@F (y ) @F (y )
dyi + dyj = 0
@yi @yj
Transformation Function
We can describe production sets using a function.
Given a production set Y Rn , the transformation function F : Y ! R is de…ned
Y = fy 2 Y : F (y ) 0 and F (y ) = 0 if and only if y is on the boundary of Y g ;
the transformation frontier is
fy 2 Rn : F (y ) = 0g

Given a di¤erentiable transformation function F and a point on its transformation
frontier y , the marginal rate of transformation for goods i and j is given by
@F (y )
MRTi ;j = @F (y )

Since F (y ) = 0 we have
@F (y ) @F (y )
dyi + dyj = 0
@yi @yj
MRT is the slope of the transformation frontier at y .
Pro…t Maximization

Pro…t Maximizing Assumption

The …rm’s objective is to choose a production vector on the trasformation frontier
as to maximize pro…ts given prices p 2 Rn++ :
max p y
y 2Y
or equivalently
max p y subject to F (y ) 0
Pro…t Maximization

Pro…t Maximizing Assumption

The …rm’s objective is to choose a production vector on the trasformation frontier
as to maximize pro…ts given prices p 2 Rn++ :
max p y
y 2Y
or equivalently
max p y subject to F (y ) 0

Does this distinguish between revenues and costs? How?

Pro…t Maximization

Pro…t Maximizing Assumption

The …rm’s objective is to choose a production vector on the trasformation frontier
as to maximize pro…ts given prices p 2 Rn++ :
max p y
y 2Y
or equivalently
max p y subject to F (y ) 0

Does this distinguish between revenues and costs? How?

Using the single output production function:
max pf (x) w x
x 0
Pro…t Maximization

Pro…t Maximizing Assumption

The …rm’s objective is to choose a production vector on the trasformation frontier
as to maximize pro…ts given prices p 2 Rn++ :
max p y
y 2Y
or equivalently
max p y subject to F (y ) 0

Does this distinguish between revenues and costs? How?

Using the single output production function:
max pf (x) w x
x 0

here p 2 R++ is the price of output and w 2 Rl++ is the price of inputs.
First Order Conditions For Pro…t Maximization
max p y subject to F (y ) = 0

Pro…t Maximizing
First Order Conditions For Pro…t Maximization
max p y subject to F (y ) = 0

Pro…t Maximizing
The FOC are
@F (y )
pi = for each i or p = rF (y ) in matrix form
@yi |{z} | {z }
1 n 1 n
First Order Conditions For Pro…t Maximization
max p y subject to F (y ) = 0

Pro…t Maximizing
The FOC are
@F (y )
pi = for each i or p = rF (y ) in matrix form
@yi |{z} | {z }
1 n 1 n
@F (y )
1 @yi
= for each i
First Order Conditions For Pro…t Maximization
max p y subject to F (y ) = 0

Pro…t Maximizing
The FOC are
@F (y )
pi = for each i or p = rF (y ) in matrix form
@yi |{z} | {z }
1 n 1 n
@F (y )
1 @yi
= for each i
the marginal product per dollar spent or received is equal across all goods.
First Order Conditions For Pro…t Maximization
max p y subject to F (y ) = 0

Pro…t Maximizing
The FOC are
@F (y )
pi = for each i or p = rF (y ) in matrix form
@yi |{z} | {z }
1 n 1 n
@F (y )
1 @yi
= for each i
the marginal product per dollar spent or received is equal across all goods.
Using this formula for i and j:
@F (y )
@yi pi
@F (y )
= MRTi ;j = for each i; j
First Order Conditions For Pro…t Maximization
max p y subject to F (y ) = 0

Pro…t Maximizing
The FOC are
@F (y )
pi = for each i or p = rF (y ) in matrix form
@yi |{z} | {z }
1 n 1 n
@F (y )
1 @yi
= for each i
the marginal product per dollar spent or received is equal across all goods.
Using this formula for i and j:
@F (y )
@yi pi
@F (y )
= MRTi ;j = for each i; j

the Marginal Rate of Transformation equals the price ratio.

Supply Correspondence and Pro…t Functions
Given a production set Y Rn , the supply correspondence y : Rn++ ! Rn is:
y (p) = arg max p y :
y 2Y
Supply Correspondence and Pro…t Functions
Given a production set Y Rn , the supply correspondence y : Rn++ ! Rn is:
y (p) = arg max p y :
y 2Y

Tracks the optimal choice as prices change (similar to Walrasian demand).

Supply Correspondence and Pro…t Functions
Given a production set Y Rn , the supply correspondence y : Rn++ ! Rn is:
y (p) = arg max p y :
y 2Y

Tracks the optimal choice as prices change (similar to Walrasian demand).

Given a production set Y Rn , the pro…t function : Rn++ ! R is:
(p) = max p y :
y 2Y
Supply Correspondence and Pro…t Functions
Given a production set Y Rn , the supply correspondence y : Rn++ ! Rn is:
y (p) = arg max p y :
y 2Y

Tracks the optimal choice as prices change (similar to Walrasian demand).

Given a production set Y Rn , the pro…t function : Rn++ ! R is:
(p) = max p y :
y 2Y

Tracks maximized pro…ts as prices change (similar to indirect utility function).

Supply Correspondence and Pro…t Functions
Given a production set Y Rn , the supply correspondence y : Rn++ ! Rn is:
y (p) = arg max p y :
y 2Y

Tracks the optimal choice as prices change (similar to Walrasian demand).

Given a production set Y Rn , the pro…t function : Rn++ ! R is:
(p) = max p y :
y 2Y

Tracks maximized pro…ts as prices change (similar to indirect utility function).

If Y satis…es non decreasing returns to scale either (p) 0 or (p) = +1.

Question 6, Problem Set 5.
Properties of Supply and Pro…t Functions

Suppose Y is closed and satis…es free disposal. Then:
Properties of Supply and Pro…t Functions

Suppose Y is closed and satis…es free disposal. Then:
( p) = (p) for all > 0;
Properties of Supply and Pro…t Functions

Suppose Y is closed and satis…es free disposal. Then:
( p) = (p) for all > 0;
is convex in p;
Properties of Supply and Pro…t Functions

Suppose Y is closed and satis…es free disposal. Then:
( p) = (p) for all > 0;
is convex in p;
y ( p) = y (p) for all > 0;
Properties of Supply and Pro…t Functions

Suppose Y is closed and satis…es free disposal. Then:
( p) = (p) for all > 0;
is convex in p;
y ( p) = y (p) for all > 0;
if Y is convex, then y (p) is convex;
Properties of Supply and Pro…t Functions

Suppose Y is closed and satis…es free disposal. Then:
( p) = (p) for all > 0;
is convex in p;
y ( p) = y (p) for all > 0;
if Y is convex, then y (p) is convex;
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p) (Hotelling’s
Properties of Supply and Pro…t Functions

Suppose Y is closed and satis…es free disposal. Then:
( p) = (p) for all > 0;
is convex in p;
y ( p) = y (p) for all > 0;
if Y is convex, then y (p) is convex;
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p) (Hotelling’s
if y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is symmetric and
positive semide…nite with Dy (p)p = 0.
The Pro…t Function Is Convex
Let p,p 0 2 Rn++ and let the corresponding pro…t maximizing solutions be y and y 0 .
The Pro…t Function Is Convex
Let p,p 0 2 Rn++ and let the corresponding pro…t maximizing solutions be y and y 0 .
For any 2 (0; 1) let p = p + (1 ) p 0 and let y be the pro…t maximizing
output vector when prices are p.
The Pro…t Function Is Convex
Let p,p 0 2 Rn++ and let the corresponding pro…t maximizing solutions be y and y 0 .
For any 2 (0; 1) let p = p + (1 ) p 0 and let y be the pro…t maximizing
output vector when prices are p.
By “revealed preferences”
p y p y and p0 y 0 p0 y
The Pro…t Function Is Convex
Let p,p 0 2 Rn++ and let the corresponding pro…t maximizing solutions be y and y 0 .
For any 2 (0; 1) let p = p + (1 ) p 0 and let y be the pro…t maximizing
output vector when prices are p.
By “revealed preferences”
p y p y and p0 y 0 p0 y
The Pro…t Function Is Convex
Let p,p 0 2 Rn++ and let the corresponding pro…t maximizing solutions be y and y 0 .
For any 2 (0; 1) let p = p + (1 ) p 0 and let y be the pro…t maximizing
output vector when prices are p.
By “revealed preferences”
p y p y and p0 y 0 p0 y
multiply these inequalities by and 1
p y p y and (1 ) p0 y 0 (1 ) p0 y
The Pro…t Function Is Convex
Let p,p 0 2 Rn++ and let the corresponding pro…t maximizing solutions be y and y 0 .
For any 2 (0; 1) let p = p + (1 ) p 0 and let y be the pro…t maximizing
output vector when prices are p.
By “revealed preferences”
p y p y and p0 y 0 p0 y
multiply these inequalities by and 1
p y p y and (1 ) p0 y 0 (1 ) p0 y
summing up
p y + (1 ) p0 y 0 [ p + (1 ) p0] y
The Pro…t Function Is Convex
Let p,p 0 2 Rn++ and let the corresponding pro…t maximizing solutions be y and y 0 .
For any 2 (0; 1) let p = p + (1 ) p 0 and let y be the pro…t maximizing
output vector when prices are p.
By “revealed preferences”
p y p y and p0 y 0 p0 y
multiply these inequalities by and 1
p y p y and (1 ) p0 y 0 (1 ) p0 y
summing up
p y + (1 ) p0 y 0 [ p + (1 ) p0] y
using the de…nition of pro…t function:
(p) + (1 ) (p 0 ) ( p + (1 ) p0)
proving convexity of (p).
The Supply Correspondence Is Convex
Let p 2 Rn++ and let y ; y 0 2 y (p).
The Supply Correspondence Is Convex
Let p 2 Rn++ and let y ; y 0 2 y (p).
We need to show that if Y is convex then
y + (1 ) y 0 2 y (p) for any 2 (0; 1)
The Supply Correspondence Is Convex
Let p 2 Rn++ and let y ; y 0 2 y (p).
We need to show that if Y is convex then
y + (1 ) y 0 2 y (p) for any 2 (0; 1)
By de…nition:
p y p y for any y 2 Y
The Supply Correspondence Is Convex
Let p 2 Rn++ and let y ; y 0 2 y (p).
We need to show that if Y is convex then
y + (1 ) y 0 2 y (p) for any 2 (0; 1)
By de…nition:
p y p y for any y 2 Y and p y0 p y for any y 2 Y
The Supply Correspondence Is Convex
Let p 2 Rn++ and let y ; y 0 2 y (p).
We need to show that if Y is convex then
y + (1 ) y 0 2 y (p) for any 2 (0; 1)
By de…nition:
p y p y for any y 2 Y and p y0 p y for any y 2 Y

multiplying by and 1 we get

p y p y and (1 ) p y0 (1 )p y
The Supply Correspondence Is Convex
Let p 2 Rn++ and let y ; y 0 2 y (p).
We need to show that if Y is convex then
y + (1 ) y 0 2 y (p) for any 2 (0; 1)
By de…nition:
p y p y for any y 2 Y and p y0 p y for any y 2 Y

multiplying by and 1 we get

p y p y and (1 ) p y0 (1 )p y
Therefore, summing up, we have
p y + (1 ) p y0 [ + (1 )] p y
The Supply Correspondence Is Convex
Let p 2 Rn++ and let y ; y 0 2 y (p).
We need to show that if Y is convex then
y + (1 ) y 0 2 y (p) for any 2 (0; 1)
By de…nition:
p y p y for any y 2 Y and p y0 p y for any y 2 Y

multiplying by and 1 we get

p y p y and (1 ) p y0 (1 )p y
Therefore, summing up, we have
p y + (1 ) p y0 [ + (1 )] p y
p [ y + (1 ) y 0] p y
proving convexity of y (p).
Hotelling’s Lemma
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p)
Suppose y (p) is the unique solution to max p y subject to F (y ) = 0.
Hotelling’s Lemma
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p)
Suppose y (p) is the unique solution to max p y subject to F (y ) = 0.
The Envelope Theorem says
Dq (x (q); q) = Dq (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q [ (q)] Dq F (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q
Hotelling’s Lemma
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p)
Suppose y (p) is the unique solution to max p y subject to F (y ) = 0.
The Envelope Theorem says
Dq (x (q); q) = Dq (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q [ (q)] Dq F (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q
In our setting,
Hotelling’s Lemma
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p)
Suppose y (p) is the unique solution to max p y subject to F (y ) = 0.
The Envelope Theorem says
Dq (x (q); q) = Dq (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q [ (q)] Dq F (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q
In our setting,
(x ; q) = p y ,
Hotelling’s Lemma
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p)
Suppose y (p) is the unique solution to max p y subject to F (y ) = 0.
The Envelope Theorem says
Dq (x (q); q) = Dq (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q [ (q)] Dq F (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q
In our setting,
(x ; q) = p y ,
F (x ; q) = F (y ), and
Hotelling’s Lemma
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p)
Suppose y (p) is the unique solution to max p y subject to F (y ) = 0.
The Envelope Theorem says
Dq (x (q); q) = Dq (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q [ (q)] Dq F (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q
In our setting,
(x ; q) = p y ,
F (x ; q) = F (y ), and
(x (q); q) = (p).
Hotelling’s Lemma
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p)
Suppose y (p) is the unique solution to max p y subject to F (y ) = 0.
The Envelope Theorem says
Dq (x (q); q) = Dq (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q [ (q)] Dq F (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q
In our setting,
(x ; q) = p y ,
F (x ; q) = F (y ), and
(x (q); q) = (p).
Thus, by the envelope theorem:
r (p) = Dp (p y )jy =y (p) [ (p)] Dp F (y )jy =y (p)
Hotelling’s Lemma
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p)
Suppose y (p) is the unique solution to max p y subject to F (y ) = 0.
The Envelope Theorem says
Dq (x (q); q) = Dq (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q [ (q)] Dq F (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q
In our setting,
(x ; q) = p y ,
F (x ; q) = F (y ), and
(x (q); q) = (p).
Thus, by the envelope theorem:
> >
r (p) = Dp (p y )jy =y (p) [ (p)] Dp F (y )jy =y (p) = y jy =y (p) [ (p)] 0
Hotelling’s Lemma
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p)
Suppose y (p) is the unique solution to max p y subject to F (y ) = 0.
The Envelope Theorem says
Dq (x (q); q) = Dq (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q [ (q)] Dq F (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q
In our setting,
(x ; q) = p y ,
F (x ; q) = F (y ), and
(x (q); q) = (p).
Thus, by the envelope theorem:
> >
r (p) = Dp (p y )jy =y (p) [ (p)] Dp F (y )jy =y (p) = y jy =y (p) [ (p)] 0

because p y is linear in p and Dp F (y ) = 0.

Hotelling’s Lemma
if jy (p)j = 1, then is di¤erentiable at p and r (p) = y (p)
Suppose y (p) is the unique solution to max p y subject to F (y ) = 0.
The Envelope Theorem says
Dq (x (q); q) = Dq (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q [ (q)] Dq F (x; q)jx =x (q);q=q
In our setting,
(x ; q) = p y ,
F (x ; q) = F (y ), and
(x (q); q) = (p).
Thus, by the envelope theorem:
> >
r (p) = Dp (p y )jy =y (p) [ (p)] Dp F (y )jy =y (p) = y jy =y (p) [ (p)] 0

because p y is linear in p and Dp F (y ) = 0.

r (p) = y (p)
as desired.
Law of Supply
If y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is positive semide…nite.

Write the Lagrangian

L=p y F (y )
Law of Supply
If y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is positive semide…nite.

Write the Lagrangian

L=p y F (y )
By the Envelope Theorem:
@ (p) @L
@pi @pi y =y
Law of Supply
If y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is positive semide…nite.

Write the Lagrangian

L=p y F (y )
By the Envelope Theorem:
@ (p) @L
= = yi (p)
@pi @pi y =y
Law of Supply
If y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is positive semide…nite.

Write the Lagrangian

L=p y F (y )
By the Envelope Theorem:
@ (p) @L
= = yi (p)
@pi @pi y =y

Therefore, we have
@ 2 (p) @y (p)
= i
@pi @pi
Law of Supply
If y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is positive semide…nite.

Write the Lagrangian

L=p y F (y )
By the Envelope Theorem:
@ (p) @L
= = yi (p)
@pi @pi y =y

Therefore, we have
@ 2 (p) @y (p)
= i 0
@pi @pi
Law of Supply
If y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is positive semide…nite.

Write the Lagrangian

L=p y F (y )
By the Envelope Theorem:
@ (p) @L
= = yi (p)
@pi @pi y =y

Therefore, we have
@ 2 (p) @y (p)
= i 0
@pi @pi

where the inequality follows from convexity of the pro…t function.

Law of Supply
If y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is positive semide…nite.

Write the Lagrangian

L=p y F (y )
By the Envelope Theorem:
@ (p) @L
= = yi (p)
@pi @pi y =y

Therefore, we have
@ 2 (p) @y (p)
= i 0
@pi @pi

where the inequality follows from convexity of the pro…t function.

This is called the Law of Supply: quantity responds in the same direction as
Law of Supply
If y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is positive semide…nite.

Write the Lagrangian

L=p y F (y )
By the Envelope Theorem:
@ (p) @L
= = yi (p)
@pi @pi y =y

Therefore, we have
@ 2 (p) @y (p)
= i 0
@pi @pi

where the inequality follows from convexity of the pro…t function.

This is called the Law of Supply: quantity responds in the same direction as
Notice that here yi can be either input or output.
Law of Supply
If y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is positive semide…nite.

Write the Lagrangian

L=p y F (y )
By the Envelope Theorem:
@ (p) @L
= = yi (p)
@pi @pi y =y

Therefore, we have
@ 2 (p) @y (p)
= i 0
@pi @pi

where the inequality follows from convexity of the pro…t function.

This is called the Law of Supply: quantity responds in the same direction as
Notice that here yi can be either input or output.
What does this mean for outputs?
Law of Supply
If y (p) is di¤erentiable at p, then Dy (p) = D 2 (p) is positive semide…nite.

Write the Lagrangian

L=p y F (y )
By the Envelope Theorem:
@ (p) @L
= = yi (p)
@pi @pi y =y

Therefore, we have
@ 2 (p) @y (p)
= i 0
@pi @pi

where the inequality follows from convexity of the pro…t function.

This is called the Law of Supply: quantity responds in the same direction as
Notice that here yi can be either input or output.
What does this mean for outputs?
What does this mean for inputs?
Factor Demand, Supply, and Pro…t Function
The previous concepts can be stated using the production function notation.
Factor Demand, Supply, and Pro…t Function
The previous concepts can be stated using the production function notation.

Given p 2 R++ and w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the …rm’s
factor demand is
x (p; w ) = arg max fpy w x subject to f (x) = y g
Factor Demand, Supply, and Pro…t Function
The previous concepts can be stated using the production function notation.

Given p 2 R++ and w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the …rm’s
factor demand is
x (p; w ) = arg max fpy w x subject to f (x) = y g = arg max pf (x) w x:
x x
Factor Demand, Supply, and Pro…t Function
The previous concepts can be stated using the production function notation.

Given p 2 R++ and w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the …rm’s
factor demand is
x (p; w ) = arg max fpy w x subject to f (x) = y g = arg max pf (x) w x:
x x

Given p 2 R++ and w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the …rm’s
supply y : Rn+ ! R is de…ned by
y (p; w ) = f (x (p; w )) :
Factor Demand, Supply, and Pro…t Function
The previous concepts can be stated using the production function notation.

Given p 2 R++ and w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the …rm’s
factor demand is
x (p; w ) = arg max fpy w x subject to f (x) = y g = arg max pf (x) w x:
x x

Given p 2 R++ and w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the …rm’s
supply y : Rn+ ! R is de…ned by
y (p; w ) = f (x (p; w )) :

Given p 2 R++ and w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the …rm’s
pro…t function : R++ Rn++ ! R is de…ned by
(p; w ) = py (p; w ) w x (p; w ) :
Factor Demand Properties

Given these de…nitions, the following results “translate” the results for output
sets to production functions.

Given p 2 R++ and w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ ,
1 (p; w ) is convex in (p; w ).
@y (p;w )
2 y (p; w ) is non decreasing in p (i.e. @p 0) and x (p; w ) is non
@xi (p;w )
increasing in w (i.e. @w i 0) (Hotelling’s Lemma).
Factor Demand Properties

Given these de…nitions, the following results “translate” the results for output
sets to production functions.

Given p 2 R++ and w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ ,
1 (p; w ) is convex in (p; w ).
@y (p;w )
2 y (p; w ) is non decreasing in p (i.e. @p 0) and x (p; w ) is non
@xi (p;w )
increasing in w (i.e. @w i 0) (Hotelling’s Lemma).

Problem 7a,b; Problem Set 4.
Cost Minimization
Cost Minimizing
Consider the single output case and suppose the …rm wants to deliver a given
output quantity at the lowest possible costs. The …rm solves

min w x subject to f (x) = y

Cost Minimization
Cost Minimizing
Consider the single output case and suppose the …rm wants to deliver a given
output quantity at the lowest possible costs. The …rm solves

min w x subject to f (x) = y

This has no simple equivalent in the output vector notation.

Cost Minimization
Cost Minimizing
Consider the single output case and suppose the …rm wants to deliver a given
output quantity at the lowest possible costs. The …rm solves

min w x subject to f (x) = y

This has no simple equivalent in the output vector notation.

Given w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the …rm’s conditional
factor demand is
x (w ; y ) = arg min fw x subject to f (x) = y g ;
Cost Minimization
Cost Minimizing
Consider the single output case and suppose the …rm wants to deliver a given
output quantity at the lowest possible costs. The …rm solves

min w x subject to f (x) = y

This has no simple equivalent in the output vector notation.

Given w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the …rm’s conditional
factor demand is
x (w ; y ) = arg min fw x subject to f (x) = y g ;

Given w 2 Rn++ and a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the …rm’s cost function
C : Rn++ R+ ! R is de…ned by
C (w ; y ) = w x (w ; y ) :
Properties of Cost Functions
Given a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the corresponding cost function C (w ; y )
is concave in w .

Question 7c; Problem Set 4. (Hint: use a ‘revealed preferences’argument)
Properties of Cost Functions
Given a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the corresponding cost function C (w ; y )
is concave in w .

Question 7c; Problem Set 4. (Hint: use a ‘revealed preferences’argument)

Shephard’s Lemma
Properties of Cost Functions
Given a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the corresponding cost function C (w ; y )
is concave in w .

Question 7c; Problem Set 4. (Hint: use a ‘revealed preferences’argument)

Shephard’s Lemma
Write the Lagrangian
L=w x [f (x) y]
Properties of Cost Functions
Given a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the corresponding cost function C (w ; y )
is concave in w .

Question 7c; Problem Set 4. (Hint: use a ‘revealed preferences’argument)

Shephard’s Lemma
Write the Lagrangian
L=w x [f (x) y]
by the Envelope Theorem
@C (w ; y ) @L
= = xi (w ; y )
@wi @wi
Properties of Cost Functions
Given a production function f : Rn+ ! R+ , the corresponding cost function C (w ; y )
is concave in w .

Question 7c; Problem Set 4. (Hint: use a ‘revealed preferences’argument)

Shephard’s Lemma
Write the Lagrangian
L=w x [f (x) y]
by the Envelope Theorem
@C (w ; y ) @L
= = xi (w ; y )
@wi @wi

Conditional factor demands are downward sloping

(w ;y ) @xi (w ;y )
Di¤erentiating one more time: @C @w i @w i = @w i 0 where the
inequality follows concavity of C (w ; y ).
Next Class

Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Expected Utility Representation

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