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ALGEBRA Algebra Quantities in Algebra are denoted by symbols which may have any value we choose to assign to them. The symbols employed are letters, usually those of our own alphabet. These letters are referred to as unknowns or variables. Sometimes we may be given the value of the unknowns, at other times we may be asked to find the value. An algebraic expression is a collection of symbols: it may consist of one or more terms, which are separated from each other by the signs + and ~. Thus 7a+3c—3e—x+2 five terms. Example: an expression consisting of 1, Multiply 6 by 8 => 6«8 = 48 x by 8 => xx8 = 8xx=8r Note: When we multiply variables, the answer should be written in alphabetical order. x by y => xxy = xy (NOT yx) © by a => ex a = ac (NOT ca) 2. Multiply 3 by 4 and then add 5 to your result => 3x4 + 5= 12 =17 Multiply x by 4 and then add 5 to your result => x*4 +5 > 4 +5 Note: 4x and 5 cannot be added because they are unlike terms 3. Add 7 to the product of 5 and 6. This means we multiply 5 and 6 and then add 7. => 5x6 +7=304+7=37 So if we add x to the product of 5 and 6 4, Subtract 5 from the product of x and 8. This means we multiply x by 8, and then subtract 5, => xX 8-5 = 8X x-5 = BS 5x6 4x= 3044 = 4430 10 1 6. Multiply the sum of x and 8 by 5 he = 1x10 y y DOE 2 ee This means we add x and 8, and then multiply by 5. (x+8)x5 = 5r+40 How to Simplify an Algebraic Expressio x Quantities like 2x, 4y, > are known as algebraic terms. If2 or more terms are combined, an algebraic expression is formed, Example: 4a and Sh are 2 terms, while 4a + 5b is an expression. Algebraic terms which have the same variable, known as like terms, may be added or subtracted. Examples: 1, Ann gave me 8 bananas and then Tom gave 2. 12p-Sp =p me $ more, How many bananas do I have ? [ keep p, and find the value of 12 - => Sbananas + 5 bananas = 13 bananas => Ifwe use the variable *b’ to represent banana, we have 8b + 5b = 13d. 3. ‘Sx- 7x =—12x [ keep x, and find the value of -S~ 7] Note: We keep the variables, and add the numbers. => 4x+ Ly = 15x [keepx, 44 11=15] 4. Peter gave Janet 3 apples and 5 bananas, To simplify an expression, we express the => these are different fruits, so they expression in a simpler form. cannot be added, Janet has The like terms are ‘grouped’, that is, we put the 3 apples and 5 bananas. terms together. => Janet has 3 apples + 5 bananas ; . Simplify Sa~4b + 2a + 9b call apple(a) and banana(b) grouping => Sa+2a — 4b + 9b => Janet has 3a + 5b 7a + 5b - Note: The expression Sa~4b + 2b + The variables are different and cannot be added | | 5 tae been simplified to 7a,» 5b NOT ALL expressions can be simplified, > Applying the distributive law ~ Examples: Examples: 3544) =3x5 4+ 3x4=15+ 12 = 27 This law can be extended to algebraic expressions Tp + 2c cannot be simplified because ables are different or unlike. 3 Stx) = 3x5 + 3xx= 154 3x > = Sx+4y-Tp+2c these are unlike terms Applying the distributive lav. More Examples: 1, 5(2a~3b) = 5*2a ~ 5x3b = 10a ~ 156 2. A(Sr+ Ty) = 4x Sx + 4x Ty = -20n ~ 2: 3. -1(2x-3y) = -7x 2x - 7 By = 14 + 4. -3(4a-5b) = -3%4a - 3% -5b = -12a + By aly 15b 5. Simplify 5(8v-2y +4) +3( 4x +3y The first step is to clear the brackets, then group like terms => 15x ~10y+20 + 12x +9p-3 => 15x + 12x - 10y + 9y 2x ly 7 or 27x-y+I7 Note: 1y may be written as y ly may be written as ~y 6. Simplify: 2x Ty +2) ~5(x-2y-4) => 6x ~ dy +4 ~Sx + 10y +20 => Gx -Sx -14y + oy +4 + 20 Ix = 4y + 24 Gil eae sean Bee SSE cd stucco Simplify: 1, (a) Sx + 6x; (b) 7x — 3x; (d x+x+x, (e) 8y+ Ly; (g) 2m—m:; 2 (a3 * 5x; (6) 7x * 5 (72 «3; (4% 745 (g) 3x * 5;, (h)2* 9e; 3. (a)Ox+1+3x+2; () w+ 1+ 2x43; (©) Jt5++5; A, (SKA 14 DTS ee eccesetecseeeeeeseeee () 9k 1 - 2k+ 3: (e)9a+1—4a—1 (@) (2 * Sx) +(S+4x); (0) (5 * 3 +(5 +40) (@) Se + (2c x 5); (AP FBP AP eececcoeee ()2ex (Np 5p; () 4a-Sa; (0) 3 * 263. (10x t () 3x (Say: (b) Sx 434042; (@) 9x +8 + 5x +5; (QInt34n;.... (x41 +3x-4; (d)8a ja—|; (Qint aan; (0) Bx x 4) Fx... (@) (6 * Bs) ~ (5 * 65) secs () (7% 3u) + (10 31)... bas ea ee aie le Write without brackets and simplify where possible; 1 @ 3x+3); (8) 2u-5); (©) au+2)s. WEF A); wom (©) x0+4);. - A -3(5-¥); (a) 2x-1)+ 3 +4); ... (b) 3(t+ 1) - 2+ 2)... (©) X= 1-2. Dp errsnrennnrsen (@) 4-1) - 20-5); Two examples: (@ @#3)@-4) a+ Be 4 Gi) (2x +3P = (QxP+2 x 2x x3 +B) = 4xt+ 12x +9. The second of these uses (a + 6)° = a + 2ab + 6* , and you may also need (a— by = a? —2ab + Write without br ‘kets, as in the above examples 3 @ &-3)e+2) ») &+DO-7s (OO+ DO+7): 4 (a) (3-5); (b) (e+ Sy +a); (©) (21+ NE-3); 5 (@) Gp-g2p+4q): (B) (e+3Ys (© @-4)s Indices is the plural for Index 2" represents a number written in Index Form, that is, 16 written in index form is 2* 16 = 2 => 2x2x2x2 2* => 2 is knownas the base, and 4 is the power or index or exponent. The base is usually written as a prime number. Laws of Indices lL axa =a 1 a=t 6 aaa 3. @=l 4. (ay =a” 7 all= (rm eee Examples: 1. Multiplication : \ 2. Division Example: Write 2°» 2° in index form. => 2%2%2 x2x2x2xK2 x2=28 => 3x2) If we multiply two numbers which have the same base, we add the powers and keep the base. Example: 3!» 3° Example: Write 5° 5° in index form 5x5x5x5x5x5x5x5 5x5x5 > =>5° => 3 of the fives will cancel, so we are left with 6 fives => 9 ~3 =6, bas => When two numbers are divided with the same base, keep the base and subtract the powers remains the same, Example: 3°~ >, In general (any number )°= 1 Any number raise to the zero power is always equal to 1 ~ 4, Express (4?) in index form. S>(PYP = PKB KB Ka XA prsessses = 4x5 = 4)5 Ifa power is raised to another power, we keep the base, and multiply the powers. 2x3 = 56 = (ey (4) means | = Ny 6. Find the value of 16" = 16*=(#y — first we write 16 in index form, 16 = 4? 1 => 4*2 > imuttiply powers. 1 => 4%2 = gizg 1 > 62. fag 8% x 64) i. 13. 7. 19. ios (Py = (sy? GB) 16 2 = (mY = 4m= (Py x 6m= .... 4x 5 6 msm = Se Oa 12. 16. 8 +e= 18, cox o= Substitution of numbers for algebraic symbols in simple algebraic expressions wm @ @) (4) (5) (6) 7) Examples: Given that a=~2, r 3 and 1=1 Find the value of Sr Solution Solution 4r+2a Solution 5t-3r Solution : r(4t - 3a) Solution Solution a Solution > Sr = 5x =5%3=15 We are given that r= 3 , so we repla rwith 3 > d= axa=-2x-2 We replace a with ~2. > 4r+2a = xr +2%a = (4%3)+(2 x 12+ (4) = 122-4 =8 > 5t-3r > 34% 1)-@B%-2)] = 3(4+6)= 3(10)=30 _. > (-2=-2x-2x-2 =-8 Brackets must be used. ~ 1 4, PE ge- Ul UR CUM Le) ba eee p=3,q=-S; calculate (0) p+4; cece (B)2P5 oa (0) 395 oo (A) 2» +34; (0) 4p - r=-2,s =10; caleulate: (a) r+s; DBM ceevecseeen (3r-s; @r-s; (e) 10r + 10s; m = -4, n= 5; caleulate: (a) mt os (b) 3m —n; (0) mn + m; (d) mn Sm: What is the value of p(b—c) when b=3, P what is the value of M when L=~19, p +(e) 3n + 4mm; -3 and p=2? and R =~ If x=3and y=4, what is the value of (—x) ? If e=-4,f=5 and g=—3, thene f+ Binary Operations Binary operations involve 2 quantities. If an operation is other than the four basic ones ( + - x +), the operation will have to be defined. es Examples: qa x * y= Ix+3y This tells us that * means; we multiply the first number by 2 and add 3 times the second number. => 4*6 => 2x+3y => 24) +3(6) = 8+ 18=26 In other words, here we substitute 4 for.x and 6 for y 2*5 = 2x2 +3x5=4+15 = 19 Substitute 2 for x, and 5 for y. Q) If a*b=@-ab Find () 7*4 (i) 4*2 (7*4) * 2 Gv) @*2)*7 Solution (i) > a* b= s 1 49-28 =21 Solution (ii) > 16-8 =8 Solution (iii) > (7* 4) * 2 [work bracket first , found in (i) above] => 21 *2 [replace 7* 4 with21] @ -axb 21% 2 =441- 42 = 399, Solution (iv) > 7*(4* 2) [ work bracket first , found in (ii) above] => 7* 8 — [replaces * 2 with 8] @-axb > 7* 8m P78 = 49-56 fle CLUE Lela Cre melt 1, If a* bmeans ab’, what is the value of 5* 4 ? 2. If p*q means y/p?—q? whatis the value of -5*3 ? 4. Ifa*b=a'—b, then (1*4)* 2= 5 Ifm*n=n®, then 2*3= 6& Ifp*q 3q, what is (1*5)*2 2. 7. Given that a* b=ab —© Evaluate () 3*6 Gi) 2*(3*6) Algebraic Fractions When simplifying algebraic fractions we follow the same procedure as in arithmetic. (1) Find LCM of terms in denominators. (2) Multiply each numerator by the result we get when the LCM is divided by the denominator corresponding to the numerator. (3) Then simplify numerator and denominator. (a Simplify 3 2y CG simplify 24=3 4. 5042 © Solution Solution > Or @) LOM is 2x23 . 5 32a-3) + 2(5a+2) (i) LCM of 3and4is 3x4 3x2 i (ii) LCM gives, multiply xby 4, ECM ; ; (iii) Gii) == gives 3, multiply 2y by 3, answer => 4y—6y a) 12, 43 ax 4, Simplify 24 _4a-2_ 4 3 5 15 LCM is 1x3%5 Write all terms as LCM_, LCM aa? 3S fractions, so write 3 as LCM of 2y, 4x, lis 2x y*x2xxx1 > 5(2a)-3(4a—2)-1(4) 2x=> 3002 Bax 2x=2 3x24) LOM, 55369 5 WanI2a+6~4 2a +2 3 — 15 15 LOM wary 349) = 3x2x)-5y(9)+3(49) 2xyx2xaxxd This cannot be further > 6x2 =5y? 412ey Tilifed as crus we 4) sulk. 3 1. Simplify 24 3m" Sm 2. Simptity 2% Be 3. Write as a single fraction; 4. Write as a single fractio: 5. Write as a single fraction: 3. 6. When simplified, 3 . 4a 7. Simplify, expressing your answer in its simplest form: 44 8. Simplify, expressing your ans 9. Simplify 10. Simplify 2x 5 matics for Caribbean Examinations PO Uae ice arta Colt 3b ; 3x eras a single fraction; =~ expressing your answer as a single fraction. xt4 . {expressing your answer as a single fraction Solving Equations An equation is formed whenever two terms or expressions are equal to one another. The process of finding the value of the unknown quantity is called solving the equation ‘The value so formed is called the root or the solution of the equation. An equation which involves the unknown quantity in the first degree is called a simple equation eg. 2x'=6 (.xis the unknown quantity) An equation is a ‘balance’, and whatever is done to one side of an equation must also be done to the other side. Example: 1. Solve 3a+5=11 Always try to keep the variable on the left side and the numbers on the right side. 3a=11 Keep 3a on the left and subtract 5 from both sides 3x= 6 Simplify Divide both sides by 3, Answer 2, Solve 7x-8=3x+4 — Keep 7x on the left. Subtract 3x from both sides. Tx-3x=4+8 — Keep +4 on right. Add 8 to both sides. Simplify each side Divide both sides by 4. Answer Solve: 4x — 1) 32x -6) = 11014 =2x) First clear brackets, 12x = 4 = Gx +18 = 154-22 Keep variables on left, 12x - Gx + 22e = 15444-18, numbers on right. Remember to change sign Simplify 28x aa 140 28x 140 Divide both sides by 28 a = om Answer To solve equations involving Fractions, we multiply throughout (that is, both sides) by the LCM of the denominators. This eliminates the fractions. ~ 4 Solve Put each term in brackets 12 LCM = 12 Multiply each bracket by LCM to get rid of fraction. A(x) + 32x) = 20 Get rid of fraction 4y + 6x = 20 ‘Simplify 10x, = 20 Divide both sides by 10 fae 0 TO, “To Answer x = 2 3x+8 Solve - = 5 10 4x1) (3x+8) Put gach term in brackets: 10/—) -10/ ==") and write all terms as Ls) 10 ) LCM = 10 fractions, multiply each bracket by 10 A4x-1) — 13x+8) = 5Gx) - 1005) Clear brackets Sr -2 -3x-8 = 15x - 50 Collect like terms 8 - 3x -15x = 2 +8-50 This means, put variables on ‘one side, numbers on the other side lox = -40 =10x - 40 Divide by -10 =10 Answer x = 4 Solve the following equations: 1 xt5=15 2. 3. 4. 5 Sen is 6 3x =18., 2 8. = 9. eeeeaeaeeeeaeaenee . 10. 2y-3=7 MH. (xe+5)=16 12. 3(v-4)=24 13, 6-2(x+ 14, 1+2(r-1)= 1 Call Mathematics for Caribbean Examinati 16. 4(x-1)=2x-6 - \ 15, Wx+5=x+8 A(r+2) 18. 19. 2. S(x1)—3a-1=16 22. 0=2%y+1)-5( 21. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Inequalities An_ Inequality is a mathematical statement of ordering in terms of size. For example: 5 > 4 ( 5 is greater than 4), 3<9 (3 is less than 9), x25 (.is greater than or equal to );_x<5 (xis less than or equal to 5 ) Inequation is a mathematical statement involving inequalities. For example: x + y <5. Examples: 1. Solve 2x > 6 Solve -4x < 8 2x , 6 Solution + 4x Solution > 2° 2 =>x>3 Divide by 2 Divide by 4 2. Solve - 2x > 4. Solve 3p -9 < Tp +1 Solution + 2x <6 change signs Collate dp Ty < 148 -4p < 20 22.6 Divide by 2 A Change signs 4p > 20 Note: Note: < change to > Whenever the left side (after simplification) is negative, we change the signs throughout before solving, Divide by 4 => 3x26 > 3r<6 4p 20 P> ss 4 4 > -4a<8 > 4a But if Sx >-15, This remain Sy > ~ 15 Note: If x > S.....then 0,11,. And ifx > 5....then x={ 6,7,8,9,10,11, Examples: 1, Solve 2x - Solution > Representation of Inequalities on a number line > 1, showing your answer on a number line — 5>1 Qe > 145 a> 6 eee o 1 2 3 4 dx 6 | We want the region to the right of 3; 272 | circle unshaded. x>3 | 2. Solve Sx ~ 1 > 7x + 3, showing your answer on a number line. Note: When the inequality is > or <; the cirele is not shaded When the inequality is > or Solution + 3 if x stot, ‘S; the circle is shaded 5x — 7x 3+1. collect like terms -2x24 Simplify 2x <4 Since sign of x is, change signs throughout Show this on a number line and if-x is an integer. State (j) the values that x can take. i) the largest value x can take Solution > (i) x will lie in the region to the left of 10 +, circle is shaded. (ii) 10 11 lez) 3) 456789 Integers to the left of 10 + are { 10,9,8,7 The largest integer is 10. DT ut ecole lee eee Sore Cee ered toe Solve the following inequalities. [Remember that if an ine negative number the direction of the sign ( <, the number line. quality is multiplied or divided by a > ) is changed ]. Illustrate your answers on sketches of Lox+7<1 settee X—3<-B y-5<-2..., . oem 4. 3243<9 & 6 9>5-a 7 382y4+7 . Be athe, % 3-2a<5 10. 6x+528 When an expression is written in terms of factors, it is said to be factorized. Examples: 1. 2xy means 2xxxy > the factors of 2xy are 2,.x and Ys because 2%x x y = 2xy 2 a+b) = 2a + > the factors of 2a + 2b are 2 and (a+), because 2(a +b) = 2a + 2b 3. Factotize Sp—4pq 5*p-4xpxq We see that p is a common factor. Remove p from both terms and = p(5~4g) what is left is the other fact 4. Factorize xm? + xy x and y are common to both terms, Take out x and y, we are left with y and x, xXyxXy tye xy = w(y tx) a Factorize a? ~3a g ais common, axa-3xq Take out @ We are left common factor (a~3))as the other a(a-3) Sometimes a common factor may be an expression, 6 Factorize a(x +y) + B(x +y). ae ty) + brty) = (xty ath) 7. Factorize a( pq) — b(p~q) = (p-q)(a~b) Common factors Examples: Factorize the following expressions as in the above examples. 1. (@)5a +5: (a) 31-27;.. 2. (a) 4a~65... (d) 15p + 273. 3. (a) 3a 6b: (@) 7x4 21z: 4. @yt2 (d) aa, 5. (a) 10° = 10x; 30e+ 9); 2xn+4=2(x+ 2); @ +a=alat |); (6) 4x + 125, (@)3x +12; (b) 6-15; (©) 14q-35; (b) 15a — 5b; (e) 17x 102; (b) 83x... ()P-P +E, (B)2* WO? Xp 30Gssoveeessccensveees (0) 6 * 1034-8 x 10%, (©) 3x- 12; (0) 4p +10; (6) 14x #359, (c) ab + b; Factorization of expressions with FOUR terms which have no common factors amongst the four terms. irs of the terms will have common factors, so we group the terms in pairs, using brackets. Examples: Factorize @ PX=py + ge~qy (px-py)*(qx-qy) — Group in pairs P(x-y)+ g(x—y) Take out common factor from each bracket. (=) is common. (x-y)p + 4) (ii) ¥ + ay-2x -2y (2 + xy) = Qx+2y) Group in pairs => P+ ay-2x -2y (22 + 39) - Qr+2y) x(x+y)~2(r+y) Take out common factors from each bracket. = tye Take (x+y) as common, Note: When factoring, ALWAYS look for a common factor FIRST. al DEW eo elm ere URC LLL Ue ee Cre elo) 1 =e tay. sevens De 3a~ 6b + a2 ~ 2ab, 3. 4. 3ax ~3ay— bx + by 5. 8e-12-3x+ 2x7 a 6. Bxy— 2y' + 4x? — xy 7 2x9 +3+2043x? 8. bap + 15a~ 4p ~10. 3ab+ b+ 6a+2 10, 3x= 69+ a= Lay ecessvseeeseeee Factoring Three Term Expressions ( Quadratic Trinomials ) ese Examples: Factorize 4y’ + 9y + 2 We do not change the first and the last terms, but we break up the middle term as two terms which add to give 9y | Find two numbers whose product is 4 * 2 or 8 | (first » last ) and whose sum is 9 , the middle jams } term, ait +2 Jie, 8=1%8 | a | 9-148 4p sly + B42 4s] ys gyaoy (4y + Ly) + (8 + 2) > Group in pairs = yy +1) +2(4y+ 1) ——+ Take out common factor (4y +1) is now common @y+Do+2) (y+ 2)is left. 2: Factorize 4 3) + | Product = 4 x -3 = -12 _ Sum = -1 = ae + By - dr —3 12= 1x12 0r2’6 or 3°4 | 3, 4can work. | Grouping = (4x + 3x) - x +3) 3,-4.0 3- | Change sign in second bracket By 4) = x4x+3)-1(4r+3) | | ~Put lasafactor | a = (4x4+3)e- 12) —__,. (4x + 3) is common (x- 1) is left. Factorize 4a? —12ah+9ab? —» [Product=4%9=36| 36= Sum =-12 1x 36 unm 4a* — 6ab ~ 6ab + 98° Group, change signin = (4a ~ 6ab) ~ ( 6ab ~ 96%) second bracket = 2a(2a-3b) ~ 3b(2a~ 35) (2a -36) is common = (2a~3b)( 2a = 3b) 2a ~3) is left fer Ue), bo ee ee Ree cee uy Complete the following by filling in the brackets (first removing any common factors) 1 @ x8 +5x+6=(+2)( (BP -Sx + 6= (4-3)... ). 2.0 (Qe +x-12=(+4)( ), @)x2=x-6=(x~3) ( ). 3. (ap 1p + 10=(p +2)( Bg -3q-10=(q-S)U.... ) Factorize completely: 4. (@ait+4a~5; (y+ Iy 412; (0) MPABM A Ticcccccssessessnsenssenneene ni -Bm + 12... 5. (a)2? -6x-20;, : (6) 2x2 + Lx +15; (©) = y+ (d) W-n-42, Exercise 46: Difference of Two Squares Use of the identity @— squares’ type. (a—b) (a +b) helps us to factorize expressions of the ‘difference of two Examples: )*-25 2S =(y-S)(V+5), 1 a?=(P-a)=(1-a) (1+); S(x+ 2) 2). Factorize, as in the examples above: lL @ a4 a sects (0) P= 16: © (d) x © 42-25), . (9a? 49"; 2. @ 3e-27; (B) 8-20; (7-28; c (@ 2 3 @at-1 (B) PP Leer (©) 78-28); sesnee (A) = Bisco ll DTU age Ul eunere te et eae Pema ltre ol ‘Simplification of Algebraic Fractions You will remember that ze aia a axa_a Similarly ab FS > eat abe 3x x 3x. 3x x and — = ae 6x+9 2x+3 , 6x49 32x+3) 2x43 Simplify, as in the examples ( don’t forget to look for factors): a 2y* 1 (6) — eee ¢) —— ® Sa © > @ = 6x 3 2 2. a eeeteeeesenenee 1 aes. ib) ———. .. 1” fs ary 3x © gare aa 3a+2 9a+6b vey? Tx +12 3 (@ 7 () ae «& ry Changing the Subject of the Formula Equation: Mathematical statement that two expressions are equal. eg. 2x A formula is an equation. Example: =1 bh In this example, A is the subject of the formula. By substituting various values of b “and f into the formula, corresponding values of A can be found. Calculate the value of A when b= 4, and h=3 x4x3=6 A formula can be rearranged to make another letter the subject: This is called changing the subject of a formula or transposing the formula, Hints for changing the subject of a formula. |, Clear fraction by multiplying throughout by L.C.M. 2. Clear square roots by squaring both sides. Muttiply out brackets Factor out the required subject letter Reduce the term with the new subj te + by using division, multiplication, square, square roots, 6. Write down the formula with the subject letter on the L.H.S. (Left- Hand- Side), TTR OM Ole USS CLIO) Changing the Subject of the Formula 1. Solve for y 2. Iac=a+b, make athesubject @ eas Solution = Yo5. 25 ac=atb 2 2 awe Divide by 2 ac — la= b... Put terms with a on G left , remember a= la (i) a(c-1)= b.... Factor a > > YS 7 Divide by a Divide by (c- 1). _- (ii) (a+ dy a= e-t (aby __¢ (a+b) (a+b) Note: divide by (a+ 5) a appears only ONCE in the answer ~ 3. make y the subject. Since we have 2 fractions,we can cross-multiply. > sipy+@) = 3-7) => Spy+5q = 3qy-3r _...clear brackets => Spy-3qy = —3r—5q ... keep terms iny on the left, other terms on the right y( Sp—3q) = —3r—5q... Factory. y(Sp-34) _ -3r-5q 3r—5q Se Py Divide both sides by (5p — 3g Sp-3q 5p=3q 3p—3q y p34) 1 1 1 4 2+ =A, make w the subject. => We have more than two fractions, so multiply throughout by LCM vuf. vf Put terms containing w on the left. Factor w co Divide by (f—v) Co WeeR UES em ROL J 12] Take square roots of both sides. Ip 6. If r= 3x |”, make p the subject. \ q Since we have square roots, square both sides. aA Ip | > (P=)3x/2) => OP = 37 (py Va \Va Cross-multiply oe » ADD Solve the resulting equation to obtain the value of the unknown, 4. Substitute this value in one of the given equations to find the value of the other unknown. Check your answers in both equations Examples: Satna J) 27] Solve: 3x+4y=18..(1) Sx+2y=16..(2) Number these equations (1) and (2) Make the x terms to be 15x, by multiplying the first equation by 5 , and the second by 3. Bx t 4y=18 x5 => SGx+ 4y = 18) Sx 4 2y 216 ...Gi)x3 3 35x + 2y = 16) 15x + 20y = 90 We can now subtract “5x + _6y = 48) 0 + lay = 42 To find x , substitute this value of y in either of the given equations. Thus from equation (1) ; Collect like terms, ES Solutions: x=2 and y=3 3. Solve 7a + 2b = 47. 5a -4b=1 To eliminate x we multiply (1) by 5 and (2) by 3, so as to make the coefficients of x in both equations equal. multiply (1) by 2, 14a + 4b a — 4b This gives = 135 soo) adding 19a +0 Y= AB ar) a subtracting 29y = 87 Substitute this value in (1) , ya3 (5) + 2b= 47 35 + 2b= 47 To find x, substitute this value of y in 2b= 47-35 either of the given equations . 2b= 12 b=6 Thus from (1) 3x + 7(3) = 27 3x + 21= 27 Solutions: a=5 and b=6 3x =27-21 3x = 6 x=2 Solutions: x=2 and y =3 Here it will be more convenient to eliminate b. a) Q) 94 Gill EWG ur ekg e-Uls unc ular ely ~ 4. Solve simultaneously — 1) 4a~3b= 54 2) Solutions: Since equation (1) has fractions , we multiply throughout by LCM to get rid of fractions, LCM = 15 15x] > - = Sa - 6h = 9 call this equation (3) We now solve equations (2) and (3) 90) @) = — 20a~245=360 54) oo = 4x(Sa - 66 sx(4a — 3b Substitute for d in equation (2) > 4a = 3-10) =54 4a + 30 =54 4a =54 ~30 da =24 24 4 10 Answer: @ Po Cue Cee Solve the following Lox ty=5 2. 3x + y=9 w+y=5 4. Solve simultaneously Quadratic Equation ‘An equation which contains the square of the unknown quantity, but no higher power, is called a quadratic equation, or an equation of the second degree. Equations of the type: ax +bx=0 or acte 0 The general form of a quadratic equation is: ax? + bx + az0 The solution to a quadratic equation often results in two values for the unknown, 0, where a, b and ¢ are numbers and Examples 1 Solve 2x°-18=0 2. 2 = 18 amy 16 x=+y16 x=4 or x=-4 Quadratic Equations of the form ax’ + bx+c=0 Factor Method Examples 1. Solve x°- 7x 2 Solve ao +x =3 Product =6 Sum 1x6 =6 14-6) Solution The right side must be zero, transpose 3 to the left side Y= Ix- 6x +6 = 0 ae 42 +1x-3=0 x(x- 1) 6-1) = 0 Product =12 ; Sum= (2-6) = 0 34> 1 or x-6=0 > 4e-3x +4x-3 = 0 x= 6) x(4x-3)+ 1(4x-3)= 0 (4v -3)@ + 1) =0 ol Pre Ce leat) Solve the following equations by method of factorization: 1. (a) P+ 4x 2. (a) 2x°-6x-20=0 3. 6y'—lly+3=0 (b) +12 = (b) SP +3p 12= dpt+p Quadratic Equations (Formula method) Ee cluolis) This method works in all cases but especially when the quadratic expression cannot be factorized If ax? + bx += 0, then x = Examples 1. Solve 28-7x+3 = 0 Solve 3x° + 8r-1 = 0, >) giving your answer correct to Solution 2 decimal places. => a-2 x= x 4(2)(3) or or aly pli This tells us that the expression has no factors => so we must use the formula, Always write down the values of a,b, and ¢ and the formula. Then substitute using brackets a=3, b=8, c=-1 (®)? -4@CD 23) Show working to 3 decimal places x = -0.12 Oe Exercise 51: Quadratic Equations Solve the following equations by using the formula method, giving your answers correct to 2 decimal places where necessary. 1. p+ 8p47=0 sess 2 2 Algebraic Worded Problems Equations and inequalities may be formed. from worded statements, Examples 1. Think ofa mumber. Multiply it by 3 and then add 11 to the result.The final answer is 35 By forming and solving an equation, find the number Solution > Let the number be x Multiply x by 3 to get 3x Then add 11 to 3x to get 3x4 11 Final answer is 35 => 3x+11 = 35 3x = 35-11 3x = 24 The sum of 2 number product is 144. One of the numbers represented by 1. (i) Write the other number in terms of n (ii) Form an equation in n (iii) Solve this equation (iv) State what the numbers are Solution (i) Since the sum is 25, and one number is n, the other numbr is (25-1) (ii) Product of numbers is 144 => n(25—n) = 144 25n — n= 144 (iii) => —r? + 25n - 144 = 0 Since n? term is negative, => ow - 25n +144 = 0 Change signs (iv) the equation is then solved by method of factorization or the quadratic formula. Answer: The numbers are 16 and 9 or 9 and 16, ‘Andrew and Kim went toa stationery shop to buy some pens and pencils. Andrew bought 6 pens and 5 pencils and paid $1100. While Kim bought 8 pens and 7 pencils and paid $1480, If one pen cost $x and one pencil cost Sy Write two equations which represent the above statements, Solve these equations, and state the cost of (a) Apen —() 1 pencil Solution > IF 1 pen cost Sx, 6 pens cost Sx x 6 of $6x. 1 pencil cost $y; 5 pencils cost Sy *5 or $Sy Andrew bought 6 pens and 5 pencils, Total cost S6x + SSy = $ 1100 => 6x + Sy = 1100 -8 can now be left out Similarly the total cost of 8 pens and 7 pencils is $8x+$7y => 8x + Ty = 1480 => 6x + Sy = 1100 ....() 8x + Ty = 1480... i) We then solve simultaneously Answer: 1 pen cost $ 150; 1 pencil cost $40 in a bag containing black and white balls, We have the following equations half the number of white is equal to a third of the number of black ; and twice the whole a) number of balls exceeds three times the number 203 of black balls by four. How many balls did the Axty)=3y44 2) bag contain ? ; We then solve simultaneously © Solution si ly Let x be the number of white balls, and y the number of black balls; then the bag contains x + y balls Answer : 8 white and 12 black balls Pe cea) 1, Sandra and Peter went to the market to buy some apples and bananas, Sandra bought 5 apples and 4 bananas and paid $110, while Peter bought 6 apples and 3 bananas and paid $105, If one apple cost Sa and one banana cost $b. (a) Write two equations which represent the above statements, (5) Solve these equations , and state the cost of (i) 1 apple Gi) L banana Gall cg se mnie Maria has p pencils and Marva has 12 pencils more than Maria, \ (a) Express, in terms of p, the number of pencils Marva has. Maria gives Marva 10 of her pencils. Marva now has twice as many pencils as Maria now has. (b) Write an algebraic equation to represent this new information. (©) Calculate the value of p. 3. Afa mer shared 496 tomatoes among his three workers, Mathew, Mark and Luke. Mark received 16 more than Mathew. Luke received three times as many as Mathew. Calculate the number of tomatoes Mathew received. Algebraic Worded Problem: iz [or piece of rope 117 cm long is cut into two pieces so that one piece is 27 em longer than the other. Calculate the length of the longer piece of rope. 5. Peter is x years old and his sister Ruth is (5x — 12) years old. Given that Ruth is twice as old as Peter, (a) Write down in terms of x an equation connecting their ages (b) Caleulate their ag

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