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List and Describe Your Emotions

Today, I woke up in the dorm at 4am and found out I was sleeping on the chair
instead of the bed. I felt totally messed up and I felt really cold so I climb up to
my bed and in my mind I was surely cursing something. Then I woke up at about
6am and heard the annoying podcast bell rang over and over again, I was
cursing again and forced myself to sit straight. I was usually out of motivation in
the morning. After I arrived at school, I continued to feel nothing. I’m so numb.
On ESL class I felt tired and bored, but I finally knew my Chemistry IA score. It
was not that bad. It was a 6, I could actually get a 7 if the score was added 1
mark. I felt kind of satisfied with the score since I always feel like crap when I’m
doing Chemistry at any time, any day, anywhere. On AE class I was picked to do
a difficult task in 45 seconds, so I was angry that I was the one to do it. During
the rest between 2 AE classes, I asked Tony whether he knows about a guy whose
name is Raimond (he is my TOEFL speaking teacher, Tony and I used to have
TOEFL classes at the same place) Tony said yes and said that Raimond’s a very
nice teacher. Then Tony said he plans to transfer to the TOEFL class that I’m in.
I suddenly felt extremely messed up and regretful. IN FACT, I left the class
where Tony and I were both in is because that there are too many of us from the
same school, and I don’t want to have TOEFL class with them since they share
no common interest with me and I’m sick of it. That’s the reason why I
transferred to another place. Here I made friends with a university student and
she shared common interest with me, so I felt right to transfer, BUT now Tony
said he’s going to transfer here. What the hell is this. I’m not supposed to ask
him whether he knows about Raimond. It was such a stupid decision. Basically I
felt like trash in the morning.
At noon when I finished lunch and went back to the classroom, I happened to
meet Eric ( who is the leader of the film club I participate in ). Then my mood
became better because seeing him made me think of that I’m going to the
wonderful film club tomorrow.
On Chemistry class the teacher gave us so much work to do that I decided to
envision impossible but fantastic things that might happen to me. I felt nothing.
At last I came to the classroom that I am in right now and started to write my
emotions. Mr. Nunnally came to me and told me that I did not submit some of
the tasks. I thought “ I’m finally discovered that I delayed 3 weeks’ tasks! Haha
maybe I cannot procrastinate anymore” I then felt surprised when I saw my
friend Jade is coming to have an audition. Now I can’t say that I have any
obvious emotion, and I don’t know why. I just know that I’m going to feel a
thing soon, maybe later today.

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