HEAD BANGERS Project For 2011 Final Report

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Final report

Compiled by:
Robert Barendilla S209914904

Daniel Basson S2053845

Thanyani Murundwa S209919086

Sanele Mxoli S209404547

 Main Objectives……………..………………………………….

 Requirements……………………………………..………………….Pg1

 Constrains…………………………………………………………….Pg2

 Concept selection…………………………………………………..Pg3

 Parts list.………………...…………………..……………………….Pg4

 Price list…………………...…………………..……………………..Pg5

 Estimated weights………………………………………………….Pg6

 Materials and calculations……………………………………….Pg6

 Appendix A-Linear responsibility chart, Gantt chart, Evaluation

matrix, Schedule calendar

 Appendix B- Exploded isometric and 1st/3rd angle drawings

 Appendix C-Minutes of Project plan meeting

Main objectives;
Students are required to design a vehicle that will compete in a series of races and
tests of durability and endurance. The vehicle will advance down a two meter track and
no external controls or assistance to motion is given to the vehicle once activated.
Students work in groups of four and they delegate the workload according to individual
skill set. We will design concepts of the vehicle and compile a final draft of the vehicle
based on constrains as detailed later in the report. This will test the members of the
group in the processes of engineering and designing concepts, material selection and
final assembly of the vehicle.

Initial Requirements

- 3 hand sketched vehicle concept drawings

- Evaluation matrix
- Linear Responsibility chart
- Gantt chart

Drawing Requirements

- An explode view isometric assembly drawing is required including the:

1. Body
2. Chassis(motor, battery, switches, gears)
3. Wheels
4. All assembly parts to be labeled with assembly number
5. All dimensions and tolerances to be shown of non purchased parts and
purchased parts that have been modified
- Parts list showing the weight each part
- Parts list showing the estimated price of each part
- Drawing views
1. 1st angle drawing of vehicle
2. 3rd angle drawing of vehicle


- We are required to estimate the speed of the motor in revs/min by timing a run
of the vehicle
- Only four or less students are to build a vehicle for the head bangers 2011
project for machine design 2.
- Only one 9-V DC battery can be used for all the races that the team will
participate in.
- The vehicle has to race down the race track and back only by a on and off
switch on the vehicle itself.
- The vehicle is to be switched on, move forward, hit the wall, shift from forward to
reverse on its own and race back the track to finish the race.
- The vehicle may not be control by any external controls once the switch on it
has been activated.
- The vehicle must not exceed 300mm in length once it is on the race track.
- The whole vehicle is to be built from bottom to top and no purchased vehicle
may be used as it is, only parts like motors, wheels, small gears may be used
into the built vehicle.
- The chassis of the vehicle is to be built as an original and no purchased chassis
may be used.
- Only DC electric motor may be used and more than one motor may be used.
- The vehicle is to be built that it may only move as a single unit.
- No slingshot anchor-type vehicle may be used also a ball that can be thrown
down the race track.
Parts list

Part Qty Description

Chassis 1 Polyethelene
Bumper 1 Aluminium
Wheels 4 Rubber
Mag wheels 4 Polyethylene
Axel 2 Aluminium
Bearing blocks 2 Polyethylene
Battery 1  
Bumper block 1 Polyethylene
ISO 4014 - M3.5 x 20 2 Hexagon head bolt - Product grades A and B
ISO 4014 - M2.5 x 20 8 Hexagon head bolt - Product grades A and B
ISO 4032 - M3.5 2 Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Product grades A and B
ISO 4032 - M2.5 8 Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Product grades A and B
Switch stand(Toggle) 1 Aluminium
Switch-stand(On/off) 1 Aluminium
Toggle switch 1  
On/off switch 1  
Price list

Combined costs Of Vehicle (Rands)

Motor R128.95

Batteries R45.95

Complete chassis manufacturing cost R345.00

Wheels R60

Toggle Switch R80

On/off Switch R20

Gear Train R105

Total R784.90

Price paid by Each Member of the group R196.25

 Prices Quoted from The RC SHOP At 6th Avenue Walmer Shopping centre
Car weights

Actual weight of car 2.0kg

Estimated weight of parts

Chassis(Including all polyurethane parts) 0.9kg

Wheels 0.2kg

Axle(shafts) 0.1kg

Electrical mechanisms(switches, wires) 0.3kg

Gearbox and motor 0.5kg

Materials used

Chassis, blocks Polyurethane

Bumper, shaft Aluminium

Wheels Rubber


We ran the car over a 5 meter length and timed it to 2.35 seconds. We
calculated the linear speed of the car to be 2.13 m/s.
V= t

V = 2.35

= 2.13 m/2
Wheel diameter 0.046m
ω= r

ω = 0.023

= 92.61 rad/s

2x π x N
ω= 60

ω x 60
N = 2x π

92.61 x 60
= 2x π

= 884.36rpm(wheels)

Gear diameter shaft

VR = Pinion diamete r motor

= 7

= 1.714

RPM motor = RPM wheel x VR

= 884.36 x 1.714

= 1515.79 rpm
Appendix B–Charts

Linear Responsibility Chart

No Tasks Danie Robert Sanele Thanyani

0 Management
1.1 Overall leadership 1 2 3 3
1.2 Team meeting minutes 1 3 3 2
1.3 Financial accounts 1 2

0 Procurement
2.1 Motor 3 1 2 3
2.2 Gears 3 3 1 2
2.3 Chassis 2 3 3 1
0 Electrical
4.1 Circuit design 3 1 3 1
4.1.1 Build and test circuit 2 1 3 3
4.2 Add circuit to chassis 1 2 3 3
0 Drawings
5.1 Concept sketches 3 1 2 3
5.2 Initial 3D drawing 3 3 1 2
5.3 Final drawing 3 3 1 2
5.3.1 Individual parts 3 3 2 1
5.3.2 Scenes, 3D isometric 3 1 3 2
5.3.3 Parts list 3 2 1 3
0 Construction
6.1 Build chassis 1 2 3 3
6.2 Assemble drive train 3 2 3 1
6.3 Assemble electronics 3 3 1 2

7. Testing
7.1 Test assembled car 1 3 2 3
7.2 Modify and re-test 3 2 3 1

0 Final report 1 1 1 1

1. Primary responsibility 2. Secondary responsibility 3. Review

Changes to chart  

Appendix C–Minutes of Project plan


1st REPORT Minutes

Agenda/Subject: Head bangers meeting regarding first practical report.

Date : 25 February 2011

Time : 12:30

Attendees: Robert Barendilla, Thanyani Murundwa, Danie Basson, Sanele Mxoli

To ensure that all the requirements of the first report could be met. It was decided that
each team member must free hand sketch a chassis of a battery operated vehicle. This
drawing must show all relevant parts of the vehicle such as drive train, motor, wheels
and switches based on their own individuals’ designs and concepts. Three of the four
chassis design concepts will be used for the first report.

The following tasks were handed out to the relevant team members. They are as

 Robert Barendilla :The requirements section for the report and the responsibility
 Thanyani Murundwa : The constrained section.
 Danie Basson: Gantt chart and Minutes.
 Sanele Mxoli: Objectives and Evaluation matrix.

All relevant team members must hand in their tasks on the 02March 2011

Agenda/Subject: Head bangers meeting regarding second practical report.

Date: 22 March 2011

Time: 12:25

Attendees: Robert Barendilla, Thanyani Murundwa, Danie Basson, Sanele Mxoli

What we as group 5 agreed upon is that every member must make a chart that are
required for the second report. Each group member was given a week to make sure
that the task that they had to do, Should be done in the correct manner. Also every
member within the group must make sure that they bring their work at the team
meeting that followed.

The following tasks were handed out to the relevant team members. They are as

 Robert Barendilla Linear responsibility chart,

 Thanyani Murundwa: Calendar, Meeting Minutes.
 Danie Basson: Gantt chart.
 Sanele Mxoli: Price list and evaluation matrix.

All relevant team members must hand in their tasks on the 22 March 2011

Agenda/Subject: Head bangers meeting regarding final practical report.

Date: 19 & 21 April 2011

Time: 11.00 & 13:00

Attendees: Robert Barendilla, Thanyani Murundwa, Danie Basson, Sanele Mxoli

It was discussed that all the tasks were to be done according to the linear responsibility
chart that was drawn up in the 2nd report. It was decided that some of the
responsibilities would change due to the fact that we had recess and travelling would
be a problem. The relevant documents we changed and noted.

The following tasks were handed out to the relevant team members. They are as

 Robert Barendilla : Exploded isometric assembly with numbers, testing

 Thanyani Murundwa : 1st/3rd angle view drawings, testing
 Danie Basson: Construction, manufacturing of model, testing
 Sanele Mxoli : Purchased part drawings, price list, weight list, materials list,

All relevant team members must hand in their tasks on the 28 th April 2011

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