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ISSUE 2009/06
APRIL 2009
Response to the US Securities and
Exchange Commission’s public

• The economic importance of accounting standards has been confirmed by
recent controversy over ‘mark-to-market’ accounting. The SEC should favour
accounting standards that best serve investors’ information needs.
• Global harmonisation of accounting standards is in US interests, as a
pioneering experiment in effective global financial governance and as a
policy instrument against market fragmentation. The SEC should work
towards adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in
the US before the end of the next decade.
• However, the SEC should insist on three conditions: clarification of the
international standard-setter’s mandate and an overhaul of its governance
and funding framework, to better represent and empower its stakeholders;
continuously high standards, which should not be compromised by the
objective of achieving US GAAP convergence; and consistent enforcement
Telephone across jurisdictions that have mandated or authorised the use of IFRS.
+32 2 227 4210
Progress on these three dimensions is a precondition for the SEC to set a
specific target date for the shift from US GAAP to IFRS.

The text of this policy contribution was sent on 20 April 2009 in response to
the SEC’s public consultation about its proposed rule “Roadmap for the Poten-
tial Use of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with International Fi-
nancial Reporting Standards by U.S. Issuers” (SEC File No. S7-27-08)



Response to the US SEC’s public consultation

Attn. Elizabeth M. Murphy, Board” created earlier this year must be

Secretary U.S. Securities and Exchange replaced by a broader governing body with fair
Commission representation of IFRS stakeholders in
100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549 coherence with the mandate, which should
entail strong representation and empowerment
Re: Roadmap for the Potential Use of Financial of global users of financial information. In
Statements Prepared in Accordance with parallel, the SEC should insist on a complete
International Financial Reporting Standards by overhaul of the standard-setting organization’s
U.S. Issuers / File No. S7-27-08 funding framework.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. Standards Content and Quality: Quality of

standards, in compliance with the mandate of
It is in the U.S. interest to favor success of the international standard-setting, must be the top
“global accounting experiment”, the endeavor to priority, above convergence between IFRS and
set common accounting standards for the entire U.S. GAAP. A revamped agenda-setting process
world. SEC decisions about U.S. recognition of IFRS should also incorporate the aim of reducing the
will have a significant impact on this project. The unnecessary complexity that has developed under
SEC must articulate a clear long-term vision for IFRS, and improve the standards’ enforceability.
IFRS, compatible with political and economic
realities both in and outside the U.S. It must also 3. Enforcement: Switching from U.S. GAAP to IFRS
implement its vision flexibly enough to can only be justified if the benefits of enhanced
accommodate the multiple tensions in this policy comparability are greater than the significant
area, which have been emphasized and transition costs. As a consequence,
exacerbated by the financial crisis as illustrated international consistency of implementation
in particular by the controversies over fair value and enforcement should be an integral part of
accounting. the SEC’s strategy for IFRS recognition. The SEC
should create strong coordination structures
Specifically, clarity of purpose is needed in three with the world’s accounting enforcement
broad areas: agencies to promote best practices and
prevent local regulatory capture. In Europe, it
1. Mandate, Governance, and Funding: The should encourage the integration of
standard-setting organization needs a enforcement capacities at EU level.
governance framework that suits its global
responsibility. Its mandate must be clarified, Given the magnitude and complexity of these
with an unambiguous orientation towards requirements, it will be difficult for the SEC at this
investors’ information needs. The SEC should stage to set a firm date for IFRS adoption in the
defend financial reporting transparency as U.S. However, it should exert significant pressure
contributive not detrimental to financial to ensure rapid progress in the three directions
stability, including in the current crisis indicated above, so as to enable completion of U.S.
environment. The poorly designed “Monitoring adoption before the end of the next decade.


Dear Ms. Murphy and Commissioners: decision will have implications for U.S. companies,
investors on U.S. capital markets, and U.S. finan-
I greatly appreciate the opportunity to comment cial competitiveness. If it results in lower-quality
on the SEC Roadmap for the Potential Use of Fi- financial reporting, or if the increase in financial
nancial Statements Prepared in Accordance with reporting quality and/or comparability does not
International Financial Reporting Standards compensate for the cost of transition2, then IFRS
(IFRS) by U.S. Issuers (File No. S7-27-08). should not be endorsed by the SEC.

Bruegel is a European think tank devoted to inter- But this is not the only dimension that the SEC
national economics, which started operations in should consider. Seen in a global context, future
Brussels in 2005 with the support of a number of SEC decisions about IFRS recognition will have a
European member state governments and inter- significant impact beyond the U.S.:
national companies. Its publications, research
programme, and other detailed information are • To a large extent, the SEC’s attitude will deter-
available at mine the future of the International Account-
ing Standards Board (IASB). SEC endorsement
Bruegel’s stated aim is to contribute to the quality has arguably been the central strategic objec-
of economic policymaking in Europe through tive of the IASB since its creation in 2001, and
open, fact-based and policy-relevant research, of the International Accounting Standards Com-
analysis and discussion. Global interdependence mittee (IASC) for several years before. If only
in accounting standard-setting is such that the for this reason, an outright rejection of IFRS by
present communication to the SEC falls under this the SEC would severely impair the IASB’s cred-
mandate. As explained below, the impact of the ibility. Absent the prospect of future U.S. adop-
SEC’s future decisions on IFRS recognition will tion of IFRS, existing strains could develop to
extend far beyond the U.S. borders and will affect undermine the ability of the IASB to lead inter-
European policymaking in a material way. national accounting standard-setting. It is
imaginable that IFRS would then gradually un-
This note represents my personal views as a re- ravel: non-U.S. jurisdictions, including those
search fellow, not those of Bruegel as an organi- which have already adopted IFRS, may entrust
zation. Accounting standard-setting is a topic to future standard-setting to regional or national
which I have devoted significant attention since bodies, or alternative global standards issued
2002. I believe that my Bruegel work, private con- by other standard-setting entities may super- 1. These include
sulting activity, and nonprofit activities1 do not in- sede IFRS. participation in the
Accounting and Auditing
troduce a commercial or special-interest bias to Practices Committee of the
my views nor do they impair the integrity of my re- • Beyond accounting, the outcome will have International Corporate
search in the debate about accounting standard- implications for global financial governance Governance Network since
2004, and in the CFA
setting. more generally. Though perhaps not the most Institute’s Corporate
visible to the general public, international Disclosure Policy Council
GENERAL POLICY ORIENTATION accounting standards-setting is one of the since 2008.
most advanced experiments in financial and
2. See Luzi Hail, Christian
Much is at stake in the debate on IFRS recognition even economic policymaking on a global scale. Leuz and Peter Wysocki,
in the U.S. The most immediate impact is that any Failure of this experiment may negatively “Global Accounting
Convergence and the
Potential Adoption of IFRS
by the United States: An
‘SEC decisions about IFRS recognition will have a significant impact beyond the U.S. To a large Analysis of Economic and
Policy Factors”, February
extent, the SEC’s attitude will determine the future of the International Accounting Standards 2009, available at
Board. An outright rejection of IFRS by the SEC would severely impair the IASB’s credibility.’ 357331


3. See for example the impact the prospect of other comparable authority, including the rushed change brought
Financial Times
endeavors in the future. to accounting for financial instruments under
editorial, “Lessons
learnt for capitalism’s pressure from the European Union in October
future”, 14 April 2009: • This point is given additional importance by the 2008. IFRS have been adopted or are being
“The current mismatch current crisis context, which considerably adopted in many jurisdictions, and their
of globalised finance
and national amplifies the potential effects of regulatory implementation in the European Union and
governance is choices. We are close to a bifurcation point other jurisdictions has led to generally higher-
unsustainable. Either between global financial market fragmentation quality financial reporting from the point of
governance becomes
more globalised or
and the creation of stronger international view of users4, at a manageable transition cost.
finance less globalised”. financial policy frameworks3. Decisions by the Thus, the SEC should specify conditions for IFRS
4. See for example AFG and SEC on IFRS recognition will be part of the recognition while allowing for future policy
FFSA, Investor Perspectives balance of forces that determine the eventual flexibility, especially on timing (see below), in
on IFRS Implementation, outcome. a spirit not unlike that of the initial roadmap
Paris, December 2007.
5. Donald Nicolaisen, “A
Securities Regulator Given this, I recommend the following policy
Looks at Convergence”, orientations: In the next sections I outline suggested conditions
Northwestern University for IFRS recognition in three key areas: the man-
Journal of International
Law and Business, April • The SEC should reaffirm the aim of a single set date, governance and funding of the IASCF and
2005. of high-quality accounting standards applied IASB; the content of the standards they produce;
6. The Constitution throughout the globe as a guiding principle of and the adoption and enforcement framework. The
currently refers to “a its policy in this area – as agreed upon by the first and second items are within the decision-
single set of high
quality, understandable
U.S. in successive G20 summit declarations, on making remit of the IASCF and IASB, while the third
and enforceable global 15 November 2008 and 2 April 2009. In spite one depends on individual jurisdictions and inter-
accounting standards of the formal G20 agreement, temptations exist national bodies other than the IASCF/IASB.
that require high quality,
in jurisdictions which have adopted IFRS or
transparent and
comparable information variations thereof, including the European IASCF/IASB MANDATE, GOVERNANCE AND FUNDING
in financial statements Union, to shift back to regional standard-setting
and other financial in view of the tensions experienced with the • The SEC should foster clarity of the IASCF’s
reporting to help
participants in the IASB. The U.S., and the SEC on its behalf, has a mandate. “Quality” of accounting standards, as
world’s capital markets responsibility to make credible the prospect of referred to in the IASCF’s Constitution6, does
and other users make complete global accounting standards not exist in a vacuum, and must be assessed
economic decisions”
(Article 2).
harmonization. against collective-interest objectives and pri-
7. Office of the SEC Chief Ac-
oritization of stakeholders. Consistent with its
countant and SEC Divi- • The SEC should confirm conditional support for recently issued report on the impact of mark-
sion of Corporation the IASB as global standard-setter. Under to-market accounting7, the SEC should affirm
Finance, “Report and
Chairman Christopher Cox, such support was its commitment to accounting standards de-
Recommendations Pur-
suant to Section 133 of expressed with clarity but the relative absence signed to serve as a priority the needs of capi-
the Emergency Eco- of conditionality met strong and legitimate tal providers. Furthermore, it should ensure
nomic Stabilization Act resistance inside the U.S. The SEC’s support that this vision is not only the SEC’s and that it
of 2008: Study on Mark-
To-Market Accounting”, should be maintained, but it should be is shared throughout the U.S. government, in-
December 2008 conditional to ensure sustainability. The IASB cluding prudential supervisors. Many voices,
8. See Claudio Borio and and IASCF Foundation (IASCF) currently remain though not all, in the global supervisory and
Kostas Tsatsaronis, the world’s, and the SEC’s, best hope to attain central banking community concur that in-
“Risk in financial report-
ing: status, challenges
the aim mentioned in the previous paragraph vestor-oriented accounting standards are not
and suggested direc- in a reasonable timeframe. Their achievements only compatible with the aim of financial sta-
tions”, Bank for Interna- towards this aim in the past decade have been bility, but also can contribute to it8. The SEC
tional Settlements
remarkable, in spite of recent decisions which should make it clear that the obvious need for
Working Paper No 213,
August 2006 have to some extent jeopardized their role and the IASB to appropriately liaise with prudential


‘The SEC should foster a comprehensive overhaul of the IASCF’s governance framework, and
9. Press release of the
promote a transformation of the Monitoring Board into a broader Governing Body that would IASCF, 29 January 2009:
“This basic approach to the
better represent the global stakeholders of IFRS.’ architecture of governance
is similar to that in place in
many national jurisdictions
supervisors, as has been emphasized in the the present Monitoring Board’s already for accounting standard-
declaration of the London Summit on 2 April, sweeping prerogatives12. The governing body setters”.
should not be interpreted as a dilution of stan- should, in particular, be sole competent to 10. For a more in-depth
dard-setting’s orientation towards investors’ amend the IASCF’s Constitution. These analysis, see my testimony
in the IASCF’s Constitution
needs. It should see to it that the long overdue recommendations are not trivial to implement. Review Round Table of 19
revision of the IASB’s conceptual framework They entail a degree of organizational June 2008, subsequently
does not introduce ambiguity on this point. complexity, and require a spirit of institutional published as “Empower
Users of Financial
innovativeness that the IASCF has not much
Information as the IASC
• The SEC should also foster a comprehensive displayed in recent years. But reform along Foundation’s Stakeholders”,
overhaul of the IASCF’s governance framework, such lines is the only sustainable way to Bruegel Policy Contribution
which does not currently correspond to the ensure the desired legitimacy, independence series, July 2008.
IASCF’s global responsibilities. The Monitoring and authority. 11. By contrast, the Charter
of the Monitoring Board,
Board established earlier this year is inherently adopted on 1 April 2009, is
dysfunctional, and marginal changes to its • Finally, the SEC should foster a rethink of the outside the remit of the
design cannot correct its fundamental flaws. IASCF’s funding structure, which is currently IASCF Constitution. In my
view this is incompatible
The central idea of the Monitoring Board, which built on an underlying concept of taxation with- with the autonomy of the
is to replicate the accountability channels of out representation13 and is therefore neither IASB. See the comment
national standard-setters vis-à-vis national sound nor sustainable. The SEC should encour- letter by Deloitte in
response to the IASCF’s
governments9, remains impractical as long as age the IASCF to align the funding structure
consultation on the
humankind does not submit itself to a global with the representation of global stakeholders establishment of the
government. Furthermore, the concern to keep as outlined in the previous paragraph, as op- Monitoring Board (Review
the Monitoring Board very small has led to key posed to country-based funding schemes as of the IASCF Constitution),
19 September 2008:
stakeholders being left out without apparent have been developed since 2006. “Agreeing to the creation of
justification, and an absence of clarity of the a monitoring group without
criteria which led to the Board members’ I am aware that the recommendations in the two knowing exactly what its
powers or terms of
selection10. The SEC should promote a previous paragraphs would lead to a framework of reference are to be, and
transformation of the Monitoring Board into a governance and accountability which has no where within (or out-with)
broader Governing Body that would better obvious precedents among existing global the governance system of
the IASC Foundation it is to
represent the global stakeholders of IFRS. This organizations. But the task that the IASCF has
fit would represent a ‘leap of
governing body should specifically entail a high given itself, the autonomous setting at global level faith’ on behalf of the IFRS
degree of accountability to representatives of of norms with as much economic impact as community”.
the investment community, in coherence with accounting standards, is also without precedent. 12. As set out in the
the previous paragraph about the Thus, the IASCF cannot escape the need to find Memorandum of
Understanding to
organization’s mandate, and also include innovative institutional responses to this largely Strengthen the Institutional
representation of other stakeholder categories unprecedented challenge. Framework of the IASCF of 1
such as analysts, auditors, preparers, April, which establishes the
Trustees’ relationship with
alongside national and regional regulators and CONTENT OF IFRS the Monitoring Board.
political authorities. It should be governed by 13. The IASCF’s euphemism
the IASCF’s Constitution11. It should also put an Even though the IASCF’s identity and governance for taxation is “non-
end to the fiction that the Monitoring Board’s will be a key determinant of the future quality of voluntary funding”, in the
Preamble of the
task can be artificially limited to Trustee IFRS, the SEC should also ground its future deci-
Memorandum of
appointments and reappointments (let alone sions on the content of the standards themselves Understanding referred to in
to actual monitoring), which is contradicted by and on the characteristics of the process under the previous note.


which they are prepared and adopted. Under this assessment in the user community that some
objective: of the present complexity is not justified by the
requirement of high-quality financial
• The SEC should insist on standards quality reporting15.
above convergence. The convergence process
between IFRS and U.S. GAAP, initiated under the • In a similar vein, the SEC should encourage the
Norwalk Agreement of 2002 between the IASB IASB to ensure a better enforceability of IFRS
and FASB and the subsequent Memorandum of by reducing the degree of discretion granted to
Understanding of February 2006, has not al- companies in cases where such discretion is
ways been conducive to an enhancement of not generally conducive to higher-quality
standards quality, and in some cases can be reporting. High-visibility developments such as
specifically identified as a cause of decrease in the booking in 2007 by Société Générale of a
quality of IFRS14. Such developments are dou- trading loss incurred in January 2008, invoking
bly detrimental, through the direct impact on fi- the “true and fair view override” under IAS 1,
nancial reporting but also because they tend to and other less visible cases, have reinforced
undermine the acceptance of IFRS outside the the perception that there is significant room for
U.S., by making standard-setting appear as improvement of IFRS from that viewpoint. This
dominated by U.S. special interests as opposed debate cannot and should not be reduced to the
to the interests of users of financial informa- largely misleading, though often heard, black-
tion prepared using IFRS. Convergence between and-white opposition between “principles-
IFRS and U.S. GAAP is a legitimate aim for the based” and “rules-based” standards.
SEC, as it potentially lowers the cost of transi-
tion to IFRS for U.S. issuers, but it should not be CONSISTENT ADOPTION AND ENFORCEMENT
allowed to supersede the more important ob-
jective of standards quality. Comparability is a crucial promise of IFRS, and is
one of the parameters which the SEC needs to as-
• Consistent with the previous point, the SEC sess in considering their future recognition in the
should encourage improvement of the IASB’s U.S. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, com-
agenda-setting process which has been ex- parability can be enhanced by the content of IFRS
cessively dominated by the convergence ob- and the extent to which the standards limit com-
jective since 2002 and especially since 2006. panies’ discretion in their financial reporting. Even
14. One such case is the Agenda-setting should instead be based on an more important for comparability is the consis-
adoption in 2006 of the autonomous assessment of IFRS’ gaps and tency of adoption and enforcement practices
IFRS 8 standard on
operating segments. shortcomings, such as currently on insurance across jurisdictions. I do not include here a spe-
See my note for the liabilities or the conceptual framework. Align- cific development about audit quality, but it is a
European Parliament’s ment of IFRS on U.S. GAAP should be reserved significant dimension from this point of view.
Economic and Monetary
Affairs (ECON)
to cases where the latter offer unambiguously
Committee, published superior solutions. • On adoption, the SEC should tailor the neces-
as “EU Adoption of the sary safeguards of U.S. national sovereignty so
IFRS8 Standard on • In the interest of users, the SEC should as to preserve the vision of a single global set
Operating Segments”,
Bruegel Policy encourage the IASB to reduce the complexity of of standards. As part of the responsibility
Contribution series, the current IFRS. There is a widespread granted to it by U.S. legislation, the SEC should
September 2007.

15. See for example

Moody’s Global ‘The SEC should insist on standards quality above convergence. The convergence process
Corporate Finance
Special Comment, “Are between IFRS and U.S. GAAP has not always been conducive to an enhancement of standards
We Better Off Under
quality, and in some cases has been a cause of decrease in quality of IFRS.’
IFRS?”, November 2008.


keep a domestic safeguard mechanism simi- reformed IASCF/IASB in the second half of the next
lar to the EU’s endorsement mechanism intro- decade. Obviously, many issuers would prefer to
duced in 2002 as a key component of the immediately know a “date certain” and adjust their
decision to adopt IFRS there16. As in the origi- planning accordingly19. But setting a firm target
nal EU regulation, this should allow the SEC to date for IFRS adoption at this stage would in my
adopt or reject any given IFRS standard or IFRIC opinion be incompatible with the flexibility that
interpretation, but not to rewrite them or amend will be required to manage the complex set of pol-
their content including through the use of icy developments which will inevitably unfold in
“carve-outs”17. However, the SEC should simul- the meantime. It may be appropriate for the SEC
taneously establish IFRS as issued in English to set up a formal yearly progress review towards
by the IASB as the sole standard for cross-bor- this objective, perhaps in conjunction with the U.S.
der mutual recognition. Unlike the current prac- Congress, with the aim of making rapid progress
tice of the European Commission, the SEC that will eventually allow the announcement of a
should not grant “equivalent status” to ac- firmer schedule.
counting standards other than “full IFRS”, in
order to avoid further fragmentation. I do not recommend allowing the optional use of
IFRS by U.S. issuers in the meantime, especially
• On enforcement, the SEC should promote not in the very short term as is envisaged in the
strong coordination mechanisms, which may proposed rule. Such a “two-GAAP” situation would 16. Regulation of the
European Parliament and
include binding arrangements, in order to en- inevitably lead to regulatory arbitrage by some
the Council 1606/2002 of
sure international consistency. One aspect of companies and may thus negatively impact both 17 July 2002.
this would be to foster a reduction of interna- the quality of financial reporting, and the reputa-
tional divergence by encouraging the European tion of both IFRS and U.S. GAAP. 17. My understanding is
that the carve-out of IAS 39,
Union to centralize enforcement of IFRS among as set out in the European
its member states through the establishment I am neutral as to whether the eventual adoption Commission Regulation
of a “European Chief Accountant” who would be of IFRS should occur over several years depend- (EC) 2086/2004 of 19
November 2004, is not
delegated enforcement authority by most, or ing on the size of issuers, as envisaged in the pro- compliant with Regulation
ideally all, EU national relevant public authori- posal rule. 1606/2002.
ties18. Beyond the European Union, the SEC
18. A sketchy proposal for
should expand on existing efforts by the Inter- I am grateful to the SEC for giving me the opportu-
such a reform is outlined in
national Organization of Securities Commis- nity to offer my views on the proposed rule and my 2007 essay The Global
sions to coordinate IFRS enforcement. the broader debate about IFRS recognition in the Accounting Experiment,
U.S. Of course, I would be delighted to develop the Bruegel Blueprint series,
April 2007, in which I refer
TIMING items outlined in this letter if you or your staff to a “European Accounting
have questions or seek further elaboration of Authority” – but “European
To implement these recommendations, the SEC them. Chief Accountant” better
capture the nature of the
will need to implement a difficult balancing act. On enforcement mandate,
the one hand, it should actively foster a consen- Yours sincerely, especially with reference to
sus about reform not only with the IASCF and IASB the role of the SEC Chief
but also with other authorities including the mem- Accountant. It is to be noted
that in some EU member
bers of the Monitoring Board as well as U.S. (and states, including the United
likewise non-U.S.) prudential supervisors. On the Nicolas Véron Kingdom and Germany, the
other hand, it should not indefinitely postpone de- Email: public authority in charge of
IFRS enforcement is
cisions on IFRS recognition under the pretext of Phone: +32 473 815 372 distinct from the securities
conditionality, which would carry a serious risk of regulator.
undermining the IASB’s credibility as argued
19. See for example
above. I recommend that the SEC clearly signal its
Deloitte, “2009 IFRS Survey
desire to adopt an improved set of IFRS under a Results”, March 2009.

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