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Instructional Design

● Final project of course

Session Objectives:
● Create an instructional design (Conceptual map) of a topic compatible with a learning objectives within resource restrictions
● Express appreciation of the contribution of a PT/PO educator in the development of the profession
● Situation
○ A lot a time in order to teach the topic (Do not consume too much time)
○ Observe if students have the equipments you need to learn
○ Not too much time, Have the right amount of resources
○ Situation Analysis
● Outcomes
○ To know? (knowledge)
○ To do? (Skill)
○ To appreciate? (Attitude)
○ Attitude is one of the most difficult thing to target in a learner
● Content
○ Sequence (Arrow Down) (Vertical Integration)
■ What is the order of the topic
■ Vertical Integration
○ Scope (Arrow Right) (Horizontal Integration)
■ How broad/wide is the topic
● Activity
○ Laboratory Demo
○ Practical Demo
○ Field Work
● Evaluation
○ Knowing if you have arrived on the target destination/learning
○ Objective and Evaluation is high connected
○ Evaluation should be done in the right situation

Elements of Instruction
● Situation
○ Contextual analysis
○ Resource Available
○ Learner Characteristics
● Objectives
○ What do you want them to learn? What do you want them to demonstrate at the end of the learning session?
● Content
○ What topics will be covered?
○ In what sequence?
● Activity

Reference: 1
○ How exactly will you tach?
○ Resources needed?
● Evaluation
○ How will we prove thatthe objectives have been emt?
Prescription Vs Rational Models

● Tyler and Taba

● Print
● Dick and Carey
● Wheeler
● Nichols
● Walker
● Skillbeck
● Backward Design

● Backward Design (Wigns and Mctighe)

○ Objectives; What I want the students to understand and know and be able tod o?
○ Evaluate: How do I check they have learned?
○ Activity: Which learning activities will lead students to the desire results?
● Dick and Carey

● WalkeIn

Reference: 2
Instructional Design on Paper
Activity and Discussion

● Instructional design/lesosn plan: the vehicle between point learner to point learned
● 5 basic elements: SOCAE
● Prescriptive Rationale vs Proscriptive Dyanamic Models

Reference: 3

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