A Love Story

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A big tear rolled down her cheeks as she opened her diary. It was
her personal diary and top secretive too. Not even her best friend
had been able to get access to this diary. In fact the person about
whom the diary was about was also denied access. It was just
hers, her feeling, her emotions, and her love. It was her habit to
write everything going on between her and her boyfriend, or more
precisely if put to, her soul-mate and sole-mate too, Eric in this

With trembling fingers, Angie opened the first page of the diary. It
read, “Today I met Eric at a dance party. He was with the band
giving live performance. I couldn’t stop looking at him when he
sang so passionately.” And while reading it, Angie was lost in the
past. The whole of the scene relived in front of her tear filled eyes.

After the party, Angie was introduced to Eric through some

common friend. Both of them were amazed to find their views so
similar and they did enjoy each other’s company. After the party,
when they parted, they both had each other’s numbers and had
promised to meet for a coffee the next weekend. The coffee meet
between them was enough to convert them into good friends. Of
late, both realized that it wasn’t just friendship as they supposed
it was but they had developed a liking- strong, immense and true
for the other though neither of them had the courage to tell this to
the other person.

One weekend, they went to a party at the same friend who

introduced them to each other. During the party, Angie gave Eric a
love poem she had composed for Eric and asked him to read it
when the party was over and she was out of sight. Eric had a
slight idea it was some sort of love letter and was delighted too. He
couldn’t resist the temptation of opening the letter right there and
announcing his love for her right there, right then. But he knew it
would offend Angie as she was a reserved person who didn’t want
to make her feelings public.
After reaching home, Eric opened the letter and was happy to find
that the love of his life loved him too. And without wasting any
more time, he started for her home for he wanted to admit his love
for Angie face to face with her. Angie opened the door half-
expecting to find him for she knew it was Eric’s nature to do
important things in person. And there Eric stood, his face shining
with happiness and his manly cheeks blushing with shy at what
he was about to announce. And he uttered those wonderful words
that made Angie feel that she’s on the top of the world.

“I love you too.” Angie nearly jumped into his arms on hearing
this. It was quite difficult for the couple to part that night after
confessing their love to each other. So Eric stayed at her home the
whole night, however, not for physical intimacy but for the sole
purpose of spending time with the girl for whom he would die also.
Angie and Eric spent the whole night talking, holding each other’s
hands. Their love was more of spiritual and platonic nature.

Angie and Eric spend two wondrous years together. Their

happiness was peerless and difficult to express. Theirs was a
perfect life full of love and respect for each other. All their friends
and families knew that they would be hearing their engagement at
any time but cruel destiny had some other plans for this happy

Eric was out of town for some performance. His band had
participated in a very prestigious competition. Eric knew if he did
it well, he could hear offers from film producers to sing in movies.
He wasn’t desperate for money or publicity but he wanted to settle
down in life so he could marry his love. It was like a life time
opportunity for him as many well known musicians and movie
producers were to attend the competition. Eric did make those big
heads notice him in the crowd of so many talented persons and he
was fortunate enough to bag a contract from a music company
too. Everything was going perfectly well for him but-

While he was going lucky in his career, Angie learned a very hard
truth- a truth that broke her dreams into pieces, shattered her
whole world. She had developed breast cancer and it was in the
second stage. The first thing that came into her mind was how she
will reveal this hard core fact to Eric when they were even thinking
of getting married. She didn’t want to keep Eric in dark for she
loved him deeply, more than she could ever love herself or anyone
else. So finally, she took a decision to inform him about this.

She called Eric to inform him about this hard destiny awaiting
her. “Hey Angie, was just thinking of calling you. I bet we’ve some
sort of connection that tells us about what the other might be
thinking. Telepathy, if I’m not mistaken.” Eric answered in a very
excited tone.

“Eric, I want to tell you something damn urgent.”

“First, listen this. I just got a contract with a famous music

company and after two month they’re launching me with my first
album.” Eric waited for Angie to answer.

“Don’t believe it? Even I didn’t for some time. Know what I knew I’ll
get something like this here. I want to ask you something but not
now. Will talk to you after I come back. Love you, sweetie.” He
hung up.

Angie knew what he wanted to ask. “Will you marry me?” If he had
asked this thing before one day, Angie would have been the
happiest person on this earth and her answer would be “Anytime,
anywhere you want to.” But now the situation was totally different.
She couldn’t marry him knowing that she had breast cancer. She
also knew if Eric knew the truth, he will want to be with her more
than ever before. It was improper for his career as his career as a
professional had just started. And this thing wasn’t just common
cold lasting two to three days; it was breast cancer requiring more
efforts and time in addition to money. All the three if put together
would mean one thing- end of Eric’s career and dreams even
before their start.

The whole night, Angie thought about how she could make Eric go
away from her. And she came up with a brilliant solution. Eric
needed to hate her strongly to forget her and move on with his life.
The next evening when Eric returned, he didn’t find Angie at his
apartment waiting to congratulate him as he had thought and
imagined of. He didn’t take it seriously. “May be she’s stuck
somewhere else” he thought.

Eric called her three to five times but each time got an answering
machine. If only he had known how much pain had it caused
Angie to not take his call, he wouldn’t have tried calling her over
and over again. He even mailed her and messaged her but again
he didn’t get any response. Now it was becoming unbearable for
him. All the way he had thought of how’s he going to share his
experience with her and then in the middle of the discussion, he’s
going to kneel down and with the ring he had purchased for her,
he would propose her for marriage. But now he couldn’t wait for
anymore. So he set off to her place but found it locked.

Angie was staying at her friend’s house for she did know Eric
would turn up himself as he had done in reply to her first letter.
She was trying to avoid him for she knew she might break in front
of him. She also knew that Eric will pass a sleepless night even
though he would’ve been exhausted worrying about her and her
whereabouts. This continued for two days that looked like ages to
Eric as he became mad searching Angie. On the other hand, Angie
was also not happy for what she was doing but then according to
her that was the best she could do for him considering her present

Then on the third day, Eric spotted her in shopping mall with her
friend. Angry Eric rushed to her and pulled her into a corner.

“What do you think are you up to? If you were here, why didn’t
you reply me or call me? Do you know how much worried I was?
Didn’t sleep for the past 24 hours. All the while mad searching
you. Couldn’t you just give me a call?”

“I didn’t want to.” Angie answered determinately.

“What do you mean?” Eric was taken aback.

“If I didn’t call you, neither took you call nor replied to your
messages or emails, it means I am done with you. Between us, it’s
over. I called you that day to inform you this but you were too
busy to listen to me and now you are blaming me.” It required
every gut Angie had to lie to the man she loved.

“Is this your idea of some stupid joke? Let me tell you this is sick.”
Eric still didn’t believe her.

“I am dumping you, Eric Watson, I have already dumped you. I

can find better option than you, I realized. So now I hope, being a
good boy, you won’t interfere in my life ever again. And don’t show
your stupid face to me. Good bye, sweetie, for ever.”

Angie walked off rather proudly from there without turning back to
see the effect of her harsh words on Eric. She need not to because
she knew he would’ve been shattered but then it was in his
interest only. His dreams about his love may have shattered but at
least his career won’t shatter. And being successful, he would find
lots of love in life, though they wouldn’t be as true as her for him.

Now Angie sat in her room reading the last page she had written
five days before. She had written,

“Today I ended this relationship with him. I know it would be

difficult for him to handle this break up but I know he will do it.
He’s a fighter. I don’t want to be weak point, I want to be his
strength and that wasn’t possible if I stayed with him with my
illness. He must have never left me if I told him the truth. So I
think I did right.

Sometimes giving short term losses and pains are better compared
to ruining long term happiness of life. I know you will move on,
Eric but I’ll always be here. You might have gone out of my sight
but you will always be there in my heart. Love you truly and
honestly. Good bye.”

Angie broke into tears again. This wasn’t the first time she was
reading this after her supposed break-up with Eric. She read it
over hundred times a day after that. It was her way of
remembering Eric without letting him know that she’s still very
much in love with him. She had already sent the letters and the
gifts of Eric to him in hope that it will show that she had seriously
moved on.

Angie was still lost in the book reading the last words on the last
page “GOODBYE”. She muttered to herself, “Good bye Life, good
bye happiness.”

“Hey” Somebody called her from behind. She turned instantly to

the direction for it was the voice she could separate from
thousands. It was Eric.

“What are you doing here?” She turned her face away from him
and wiped her tears away.

“Just passing by here and so thought that could see you.” Eric

“So seen me? Now if you don’t mind, can you leave?”

“Actually I was here to ask you something?” Eric came to the

point. Angie knew he was going to ask how can she do this to him
after all the promises and good times they had together.

“What now? I gave you all the answers in the mall, didn’t I?” Angie
tried to sound harsh.

“You didn’t.” Eric came forward, “This one remains.”

“Shoot then”

“Will you marry me?” Eric asked with a ring in his hands.

“What?” Angie couldn’t believe this.

“Will you marry me? I know you love me and you know I love you.”

“I told you I don’t want to see you.” Angie answered

“This isn’t the answer to my question, Angie.” Eric asked, “Yes or

“Eric, go away.”

“So that you could be alone with your pains and sorrows? How
could you even think that I’ll leave you at the moment when you
need me the most?” Eric looked for the answer in her eyes.

“Who told you? I mean, what do you mean?” Angie was shocked

“Your doctor did.” Eric came nearer to him, “Actually the problem
is that you love me too much. So when you were filling up the
form, you stupidly entered my cell number rather than yours. She
gave me a call this morning to ask me if Angie is prepared for the
operation. I was like what are you talking about. Then I went to
meet her and she told me everything.”

“Say something” Eric said when Angie didn’t answer for a long

“Eric, leave me alone. Move on in life. Don’t wait for me.”

“I’m sorry I can’t do that. You know what you are my life and I
cannot move on without my life, without you. That’s for sure. Any
other query?”

“Do you know what does that operation mean? It involves a huge
amount of money. In that operation my breast would have to be
removed and I will be disfigured and deformed. Not beautiful

“Who told you? You will be beautiful anyways. And if you will ask
me this question when you are above 90 with a bent back and
wrinkled skin, my answer would remain the same.”

“You don’t understand, do you? I will not remain beautiful, not

worthy of you.”

“Do you remember me saying even for once that I love you so
much because you are beautiful? Do you remember the poem you
gave me in that party?”
Angie shook her head with her eyes wet and her cheeks pale.

“But I do.” Eric took out a piece of paper from his pocket and
began reading aloud.

Don’t think of me every time,

Don’t miss me all day all night.
Just love me for a moment truly,
That would be perfectly alright.

Don’t dream about me in sleep

Don’t prove your love to me.
Love is beyond doubts and proofs
I need no special efforts from thee.

Don’t bring any gifts for me,

Just bring me love-pure and true.
Don’t love simply my body and face,
Love with me, my soul too.

When he finished reading, he could see tears welling up Angie’s

cheeks. He didn’t blame her for that for he himself had tears in his

“Angie, when I told you I love you, I never meant you beauty or
just body. I meant you.” Eric said, wiping her tears.

“Are you sure? I mean will you be able to love a woman who” Angie
wanted to ask but was stopped by Eric.

“I love your soul and that’s what is important, isn’t it? I know you
are my soul mate and you cannot deny that you can ever love
someone to the extent you do love me. Forget about the extent of
love, I doubt if you will be ever able to love anyone else.” Eric

“I love you, I love you so much that I cannot live without you.”
Finally Angie let herself dissolve in his arms.
“Will you marry me, then?”

“This is not a dream, is it?”

“Well it isn’t. Now answer me. I cannot stop thinking of you,

dreaming about you, loving you. Marry me? YES OR NO?”

“Anytime, anywhere, anyway you want, sweetheart. I love you too.”

Angie kissed Eric deeply.


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