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I looked down at my son Damin as he sat eating breakfast. I heard my sister come up behind me. Hi Aunt Rose!

Damin yelled, getting up to give her a hug. She hugged him and he sat back down. She turned to me. Hey Riley. You going to take him today? You said you were on the day of his ninth birthday. She said. I nodded. I just don't want to go by myself. I said and she hugged me. Do you want me to go with you? I nodded just as Damin announced that he was done eating. I set his plate in the sink just as Rose took his hand. Come on Damin, me and your mother have somewhere that we want to take you. Where? Where? He asked jumping up and down. I kneeled down in front of him. Do you want to meet your dad? I asked him and his eyes got big. He nodded. He hugged me before he took Rose's hand and followed her upstairs. I slowly followed them upstairs and into my room. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a 5x7 ornate, silver framed picture. I walked over to the bed and looked at the picture. I was still looking at it when Rose came in ten minutes later. Riley, come on. You have to get dressed. She said and I didnt look up. She walked over and took the picture from me. She sat next to me.

Riley Damin needs to know what happened to Caleb. I felt my heart clench when she said his name. She hugged me and I wiped at the few stray tears. I got up and walked into Damin's room. He was sitting in the middle of the floor playing with dinosaurs. I took his hand and we walked down the stairs to where Rose was waiting.Hey Ri, I grabbed all the stuff that we'll need She said and I nodded. We walked outside and simultaneously climbed into Rose's car. She pulled out of the driveway and we arrived at the cemetery fifteen minutes later. We got out of the car and I took Damin's hand before rose began leading us through the cemetery. We finally stopped in front of a smaller gray tombstone that read: Here Lies Caleb James 1990 2011 Loved Boyfriend, Father, and Friend

I stepped back as Rose spread the neon orange blanket out in front of the grave marker. I quietly sat down next to Rose and pulled Damin down onto my lap.

Damin I want you to meet your daddy. I said and he looked confused. What do you mean? He asked and Rose took his hand. Hun, your daddy died. She said and he looked at me. Can I know what happened? He asked and I sighed before I answered. Me and Caleb thats his name met when we were in high school. Well we started dating and he told me my senior year that he wanted to join the Marines and I said that he could if its what he really wanted to do. Well he left for training and when he came back from that, I got pregnant with you. Well he got deployed for eight months and came back a week before you were born. Well we had you, I pulled a picture out of my bag and handed it to him. Well he was deployed again a month after you were born. Well me and your Aunt Rose took care of you for four months before I got a call that he had been killed in action. I tried to reign in the flood of tears and Damin hugged me. Its okay mommy, you have me and Auntie Rose. He said and I hugged him again. I reached into the bag and pulled out a second picture. This was one of the last pictures of us taken before he left again. It was a picture of me and Caleb in the park near our house. I was on his back and Rose and taken it while we were laughing. I pulled Caleb's purple jacket out next and set it in

Damin's lap. What's this? That was your dad's favorite jacket. He always said he was going to give it to his first son, And now you have it. I said and he smiled at me before putting it on. We sat and talked about Caleb for around an hour before we packed up. Bye baby. I said and I ran my hand across the top of the tombstone. Bye daddy! It was nice to meet you! Damin yelled as he attempted to hug the tombstone. I smiled and took his hand and we walked back to Rose's car and headed home.


10 Years Later
I stood in front of my dresser and looked at the 8x10 picture on top of it. It was a picture of my father, who had died almost four months after I was born. It was his Marines picture, taken when he joined. I looked at the pictures on either side of it. One was of the day I was born, and the other, a picture of of my mom and dad together one last time before he was shot. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs and into

the kitchen where my mother and Aunt Rose were standing with my Asian uncle. Hey Uncle Hyo. Hey Aunt Rose. I hugged my aunt and my mom. Well me and Hyo were just leaving. Bye guys. I hugged my aunt again as she walked out the front door. I looked at my mom who was leaning against the kitchen counter drinking coffee. Hey mom can I talk to you? I asked. Sure honey. She said walking over to the table and pulling out a chair for me before sitting next to me. Now what's wrong Damin? I sighed. I needed to just tell her. Mom, I want to join the Marines. I said without looking at her. She didn't say anything and after a quiet minute I heard her quiet, shuddering sobs. I turned to look at her and she had her face in her hands and had let out the flood gate of tears. "Mom," I said turning to her. I pulled her to me in a hug and she cried against my shoulder. "Mom, if you don't want me to go then I won't." "No. Damin honey, I'm going to tell you the same thing I told your dad. If this is something that you really want to do, then don't let anyone else tell you otherwise." She said and she hugged me again. "Why are you crying then mom?" "It just shocked me. I would have thought that that

you would have decided against it, but it makes sense." I hugged her again. "I just don't know how Victoria will take it." "Hun, Victoria has been your girlfriend for two years, she will understand." I nodded. "And I can help her take care of Ceres." I nodded again, hugged her, and slowly walked upstairs and laid in my room. I wasnt sure if I wanted my mom to take care of Ceres. I mean she's my daughter but my mom shouldn't have to do that. I was deep in thought when my phone started ringing. I slowly got up and checked the caller ID. Victoria. I flipped open the phone and hoped that she was in a good mood. Hello? Hey Damin. Hey Victoria. I said quietly and I knew she would realized something was wrong. So I was wondering if you would like to come see Ceres today? I know you haven't seen her in a while and I wanted to spend some time with you. She said, her voice gradually getting smaller. Um, yeah, sure. I'd love to come see you and Ceres. I'll be over around three okay? I said, already looking forward to seeing both of them. Okay. I love you.

Love you, too. Bye. Bye. I hung up the phone and laid back down. I slowly drifted off into a restless sleep. When I woke up again it was 2:30. I slowly rolled out of bed and got dressed. I grabbed my car keys, my dad's purple jacket, and hugged my mom before I got in my car and drove towards her house. I pulled into the driveway and Victoria walked out and handed me Ceres before she gave me a kiss. I followed her into the house and up to her room. Ceres soon fell asleep and Victoria put her in her crib and laid down with me in her bed. Hey Victoria? Hmmm? I have something important to tell you. I said and she turned to look at me in question. What is it? You can tell me. She said when I didn't answer right away. "I'm joining the Marines." I said and she froze. She sat up and looked at me. "Why Damin? Why?" She asked as the silent but deadly tears started to roll down her face. I pulled her to my chest and she cried. "I feel like my dad would have wanted me to." I said and she sniffled. I hugged her and she held onto me

tightly. "What about Ceres? She can't grow up without a father." She said and I nodded. "In the beginning I will only have basic training. And we will just tell her the truth. My mom said she would help take care of her." I said. "Your mom isn't responsible for our daughter." "But she loves her and you try telling my mother no." I said with a laugh and after a second Victoria laughed too. "If you really want to join the marines, then I will support you. She said looking up at me. I hugged her and we laid there. Eventually she feel asleep. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and carefully got it out without waking her up. "Hello?" I whispered. "Hey honey. How did it go with Victoria?" My mom asked quietly. "I think it went good. She didn't have a fit and kick me out." I said and I could hear the smile in her voice when she spoke again. "That's good to hear. Are you spending the night with her?" "I'm going to if I can." I said before I said bye and we hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and laid my head against Victoria's and fell asleep. I was woken up the next morning when Victoria got up

to check on a crying Ceres. She got her out of her crib and took her downstairs. I followed quietly and helped make her a bottle. She handed me Ceres and I sat on the couch and fed her. When she was done she fell asleep in my arms. Victoria? Hmm? Are you and Ceres coming when I leave? I asked looking at Ceres. I know I am, but I can bring Ceres if you want me too. Thanks. I said as she snuggled against my side.


Today was the day. I carefully set a picture of me, Ceres and Victoria on top of my bag and zipped it up. I grabbed a small, black box and shoved it in my pocket before I picked up my bag and made my way downstairs. My mom was standing in the living room looking at a picture of my father's smiling face. My Aunt Rose had told me that my dad had been really depressed. Almost to the point of suicide. But then he met my mother, and things were a lot better for him. I put my hand on my mom's shoulder and she turned to look at me.

Oh honey. She hugged me and the tears started rolling down her cheeks. You look so much like your father in your uniform. She smiled and hugged me again. Damin. I turned around and saw my Aunt Rose standing there with Uncle Hyo behind her. For a second I thought you were your dad. She said hugging me. Hyo put his hand on my shoulder. I never met your dad, but, be a great person like he was. He said smiling at me. I hugged them all one last time before I walked out to my car. I got in and turned towards Victorias house. When I pulled up she was sitting on the porch swing holding a sleeping Ceres. We carefully got her in her car seat, and started towards the base. I held her hand on the way there. Ceres woke up about half way there and looked around the car confused. We got to the base and Victoria got her out of the car while I got my bags out. We silently walked into the base and I stopped in the middle of the floor. "Did you wanna stop here or do you wanna watch the plane take off?" "I wanna be with you till the last possible minute." She said. I nodded and we continued to walk till we arrived at a plane that was in the process of boarding. I dropped my bags and took Ceres from Victoria. I bounced her in my arms and she giggled. I kissed her

forehead and handed her back to Victoria. I kissed her lips and she hugged me. I pulled out the box and handed it to her. When she opened it a small gasp escaped her lips. It was a heart shaped locket. On one side a picture of both of us and on the other a picture of Ceres. I put it on her and she hugged me again. "I'll always love you Damin. Don't forget that." She squeezed me tighter and I whispered in her ear. "I will come back and be here for you and Ceres. I promise. Even if it's the last thing I do." I kissed her and slowly boarded the plane. She stood there holding Ceres and watched the plane taxi and take off. I walked back to the car and slowly drove home. Trying to see through the haze of tears. I knew Damin was going to come home. I believed it with all my heart.

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