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Integrated Basic Education Department

Senior High School
Lagao, General Santos City

General Physics 2

Quarter: Midterm Date: 2020.10.05 – 2020.10.09

Week No.: 4 21st Century Skills:
Damean’s Beat: Simplicity  Critical Thinking
NDDU’s 4Cs:  Christian Leaders  Computing/ICT Literacy
 Competent Professionals  Communication
☐ Community-Oriented Citizens ☐ Creativity
☐ Culture-Sensitive Individuals ☐ Collaboration
Teacher/s: Jean V. Handog ☐ Cross Cultural Understanding
Mark Hero S. Cabusao ☐ Career and Learning Self Reliance
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Module No.: 4
II. Learning Targets:
At the end of the lesson, I can:
1. infer the direction and strength of electric field vector, nature of the electric field sources, and
electrostatic potential surfaces given the equipotential lines;
2. calculate the equivalent capacitance of a network of capacitors connected in series/parallel
3. determine the total charge, the charge on, and the potential difference across each capacitor
in the network given the capacitors
III. Introduction:


We can represent electric potentials (voltages) pictorially, just as we drew pictures to illustrate electric
fields. Of course, the two are related. Consider Figure 1, which shows an isolated positive point charge
and its electric field lines. Electric field lines radiate out from a positive charge and terminate on
negative charges. While we use blue arrows to represent the magnitude and direction of the electric
field, we use green lines to represent places where the electric potential is constant. These are called
equipotential lines in two dimensions, or equipotential surfaces in three dimensions. The term
equipotential is also used as a noun, referring to an equipotential line or surface. The potential for a
point charge is the same anywhere on an imaginary sphere of radius r surrounding the charge. This
is true since the potential for a point charge is given by


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and, thus, has the same value at any point that is a given distance r from the charge. An equipotential
sphere is a circle in the two-dimensional view of Figure 1. Since the electric field lines point radially
away from the charge, they are perpendicular to the equipotential lines.

Figure 1. An isolated point charge Q with

its electric field lines in blue and
equipotential lines in green. The potential
is the same along each equipotential line,
meaning that no work is required to move
a charge anywhere along one of those
lines. Work is needed to move a charge
from one equipotential line to another.
Equipotential lines are perpendicular to
electric field lines in every case.

It is important to note that equipotential lines are always perpendicular to electric field lines. No work
is required to move a charge along an equipotential, since ΔV = 0. Thus, the work is

𝐖 = − 𝚫𝐏𝐄 = − 𝐪𝚫𝐕 = 𝟎.

Work is zero if force is perpendicular to motion. Force is in the same direction as E, so that motion
along an equipotential must be perpendicular to E. More precisely, work is related to the electric field

𝐖 = 𝐅𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝛉 = 𝐪𝟎 𝐄𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝛉 = 𝟎.

Note that in the above equation, E and F symbolize the magnitudes of the electric field strength and
force, respectively. Neither q nor E nor d is zero, and so cos θ must be 0, meaning θ must be 90º. In
other words, motion along an equipotential is perpendicular to E.

One of the rules for static electric fields and conductors is that the electric field must be perpendicular
to the surface of any conductor. This implies that a conductor is an equipotential surface in static
situations. There can be no voltage difference across the surface of a conductor, or charges will flow.
One of the uses of this fact is that a conductor can be fixed at zero volts by connecting it to the earth
with a good conductor—a process called grounding. Grounding can be a useful safety tool. For
example, grounding the metal case of an electrical appliance ensures that it is at zero volts relative to
the earth.

Because a conductor is an equipotential, it can replace any equipotential surface. For example, in
Figure 1 a charged spherical conductor can replace the point charge, and the electric field and
potential surfaces outside of it will be unchanged, confirming the contention that a spherical charge
distribution is equivalent to a point charge at its center.

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Figure 2 shows the electric field and equipotential lines for two equal and opposite charges. Given the
electric field lines, the equipotential lines can be drawn simply by making them perpendicular to the
electric field lines. Conversely, given the equipotential lines, as in Figure 3a, the electric field lines can
be drawn by making them perpendicular to the equipotential, as in Figure 3b.

Figure 2. The electric field lines and

equipotential lines for two equal but
opposite charges. The equipotential
lines can be drawn by making them
perpendicular to the electric field
lines, if those are known. Note that the
potential is greatest (most positive)
near the positive charge and least
(most negative) near the negative

Figure 3. (a) These equipotential lines might be measured with a voltmeter in a laboratory experiment.
(b) The corresponding electric field lines are found by drawing them perpendicular to the equipotential.
Note that these fields are consistent with two equal negative charges.

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One of the most important cases is that of the familiar parallel
conducting plates shown in Figure 4. Between the plates, the
equipotential are evenly spaced and parallel. The same field could be
maintained by placing conducting plates at the equipotential lines at the
potentials shown.

An important application of electric fields and equipotential lines

involves the heart. The heart relies on electrical signals to maintain its
rhythm. The movement of electrical signals causes the chambers of the
heart to contract and relax. When a person has a heart attack, the
movement of these electrical signals may be disturbed. An artificial
pacemaker and a defibrillator can be used to initiate the rhythm of
electrical signals. The equipotential lines around the heart, the thoracic
region, and the axis of the heart are useful ways of monitoring the
structure and functions of the heart. An electrocardiogram (ECG)
measures the small electric signals being generated during the activity
of the heart. More about the relationship between electric fields and the
heart is discussed in Energy Stored in Capacitors.

Capacitor and Capacitance

A capacitor is a device used to store electrical

charge and electrical energy. It consists of at
least two electrical conductors separated by a
distance. (Note that such electrical conductors
are sometimes referred to as “electrodes,” but
more correctly, they are “capacitor plates.”) The
space between capacitors may simply be a
vacuum, and, in that case, a capacitor is then
known as a “vacuum capacitor.” However, the
space is usually filled with an insulating material
known as a dielectric. The amount of storage in a
capacitor is determined by a property called
capacitance, which you will learn more
about a bit later in this section. Figure 5. Both capacitors shown here were initially uncharged
before being connected to a battery. They now have charges
Capacitors have applications ranging from of +Q and -Q (respectively) on their plates. (a) A parallel-plate
filtering static from radio reception to energy capacitor consists of two plates of opposite charge with area
storage in heart defibrillators. Typically, A separated by distance d. (b) A rolled capacitor has a
commercial capacitors have two conducting dielectric material between its two conducting sheets (plates).
parts close to one another but not touching,
such as those in figure 5. Most of the time, a dielectric is used between the two plates. When battery
terminals are connected to an initially uncharged capacitor, the battery potential moves a small
amount of charge of magnitude Q from the positive plate to the negative plate. The capacitor remains
neutral overall, but with charges +Q and -Q residing on opposite plates.

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A system composed of two identical parallel-conducting plates
separated by a distance is called a parallel-plate capacitor (Figure
6). The magnitude of the electrical field in the space between the
parallel plates is 𝐸 = 𝜎/𝜖0 , where (𝜎) sigma denotes the surface
charge density on one plate (recall that σσ is the charge Q per the
surface area A). Thus, the magnitude of the field is directly
proportional to Q.

Figure 6. The charge separation in a capacitor shows

that the charges remain on the surfaces of the
capacitor plates. Electrical field lines in a parallel-
plate capacitor begin with positive charges and end
with negative charges. The magnitude of the
electrical field in the space between the plates is in
direct proportion to the amount of charge on the

Capacitors with different physical characteristics (such as shape and size of their plates) store
different amounts of charge for the same applied voltage 𝑉 across their plates. The capacitance C of
a capacitor is defined as the ratio of the maximum charge 𝑄 that can be stored in a capacitor to the
applied voltage 𝑉 across its plates. In other words, capacitance is the largest amount of charge per
volt that can be stored on the device:
The SI unit of capacitance is the farad (𝐹), named after Michael Faraday (1791–1867). Since
capacitance is the charge per unit voltage, one farad is one coulomb per one volt, or
1𝐹 =

By definition, a 1.0 𝐹 capacitor is able to store 1.0 𝐶 of charge (a very large amount of charge) when
the potential difference between its plates is only 1.0 𝑉. One farad is therefore a very large
capacitance. Typical capacitance values range from picofarads (1𝑝𝐹 = 1.0 × 10−12 𝐹) to millifarads
(1𝑚𝐹 = 1.0 × 10−3 𝐹) which also includes microfarads (1𝜇𝐹 = 1.0 × 10−6 𝐹). Capacitors can be
produced in various shapes and sizes (Figure 7).

Figure 7. These are some

typical capacitors used in
electronic devices. A
capacitor’s size is not
necessarily related to its
capacitance value.

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a. Compute the capacitance if the value of charge stored is 3.0 × 106 𝐶 and the voltage supplied
is 1 × 103 𝑉.
𝑄 3.0 × 106 𝐶
𝐶= = = 3,000 𝐹
𝑉 1 × 103 𝑉

The capacitance is approximately 3,000 𝐹

b. Calculate the capacitance of a capacitor if it stores a charge of 4.1 × 10−5 𝐶 when delivered
with a voltage of 2.5 × 104 𝑉.
𝑄 4.1 × 10−5 𝐶
𝐶= = = 1.64 × 10−9 𝐹
𝑉 2.5 × 104 𝑉

The capacitance is approximately 3,000 𝐹

c. A battery connected to the plates of a 3.0 𝜇𝐹 capacitor stores a charge of 27.0 𝜇𝐶. How much
voltage is provided by the battery?
𝑄 27.0 𝜇𝐶
𝑉= = =9𝑉
𝐶 3.0 𝜇𝐹

The voltage provided by the battery is 9 𝑉.

Parallel-Plate Capacitor

The parallel-plate capacitor (Figure 8) has two identical

conducting plates, each having a surface area 𝐴,
separated by a distance 𝑑. When a voltage 𝑉 is applied to
the capacitor, it stores a charge 𝑄, as shown. We can see
how its capacitance may depend on 𝐴 and d by
considering characteristics of the Coulomb force. We
know that force between the charges increases with
charge values and decreases with the distance between
them. We should expect that the bigger the plates are, the
more charge they can store. Thus, 𝐶 should be greater for
a larger value of 𝐴. Similarly, the closer the plates are
together, the greater the attraction of the opposite charges
on them. Therefore, 𝐶 should be greater for a smaller 𝑑.

Figure 8. In a parallel-plate capacitor with

plates separated by a distance 𝑑, each
plate has the same surface area 𝐴.

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We define the surface charge density σ on the plates as

We know from previous chapters that when d is small, the electrical field between the plates is fairly
uniform (ignoring edge effects) and that its magnitude is given by

where the constant ε0ε0 is the permittivity of free space, 𝜖0 = 8.85 × 10−12 𝐹/𝑚. The SI unit of 𝐹/𝑚
is equivalent to 𝐶 2 /(𝑁 ∙ 𝑚2 ) Since the electrical field 𝐸⃗ between the plates is uniform, the potential
difference between the plates is
𝜎𝑑 𝑄𝑑
𝑉 = 𝐸𝑑 = =
𝜖0 𝜖0 𝐴

Therefore Equation 4.1.3 gives the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor as

𝐶= = = 𝜖0
𝑉 𝑄𝑑/𝜖0 𝐴 𝑑

Notice from this equation that capacitance is a function only of the geometry and what material fills
the space between the plates (in this case, vacuum) of this capacitor. In fact, this is true not only for
a parallel-plate capacitor, but for all capacitors: The capacitance is independent of Q or V. If the charge
changes, the potential changes correspondingly so that Q/V remains constant.

What is the capacitance of an empty parallel-plate capacitor with metal plates that each have an area
of 1.00 𝑚2 , separated by 1.00 𝑚𝑚 (b) How much charge is stored in this capacitor if a voltage of 3.00 ×
103 𝑉 is applied to it?

Finding the capacitance C is a straightforward application of 𝐶 = 𝜖0 . Once we find C, we can find the
charge stored by using 𝐶 = 𝑄/𝑉.
a. Entering the given values into 𝐶 = 𝜖0 𝑑 .
Convert 1 𝑚𝑚 = 1.0 × 10−3 𝑚
𝐴 1.00 𝑚2
𝐶 = 𝜖0 = (8.85 × 10−12 𝐹/𝑚) = 8.85 × 10−9 𝐹 𝑜𝑟 8.85 𝑛𝐹
𝑑 1.0 × 10−3 𝑚

This small capacitance value indicates how difficult it is to make a device with a large

b. By deriving the equation 𝐶 = 𝑄/𝑉 and entering the known values into this equation gives

𝑸 = 𝑪𝑽 = (8.85 × 10−9 𝐹 )(3.00 × 103 𝑉 ) = 2.655 × 10−5 𝐶

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Suppose you wish to construct a parallel-plate capacitor with a capacitance of 1.0 𝐹. What area must
you use for each plate if the plates are separated by 1.0 𝑚𝑚?

Convert 1.0 𝑚𝑚 into 𝑚:

1 𝑚𝑚 = 1.0 × 10−3 𝑚
By deriving the equation 𝐶 = 𝜖0 𝑑, we obtain:
𝐶𝑑 (1.0 𝐹)(1.0 × 10−3 𝑚)
𝐴= = = 1.13 × 108 𝑚2
𝜖0 (8.85 × 10−12 𝐹/𝑚)

Spherical Capacitor

A spherical capacitor is another set of conductors whose capacitance can be easily determined
(Figure 9). It consists of two concentric conducting spherical shells of radii 𝑅1 (inner shell) and 𝑅2 (outer
shell). The shells are given equal and opposite charges +𝑄 and −𝑄, respectively. From symmetry,
the electrical field between the shells is directed radially outward. We can obtain the magnitude of the
field by applying Gauss’s law over a spherical Gaussian surface of radius r concentric with the shells.
Thus, the electrical field between the conductors is
1 𝑄
𝐸⃗ = 𝑟̂ .
4𝜋𝜖0 𝑟 2
We substitute this 𝐸⃗ into equation and integrate along a radial path between the shells:
𝑅2 𝑅2 𝑅2
1 𝑄 𝑄 𝑑𝑟 𝑄 1 1
𝑉 = ∫ 𝐸⃗ 𝑑𝑙 = ∫ ( 2
𝑟̂ ) ( 𝑟̂ 𝑑 𝑟 ) = ∫ ( 2) = ( − )
𝑅1 𝑅1 4𝜋𝜖0 𝑟 4𝜋𝜖0 𝑅1 𝑟 4𝜋𝜖0 𝑅1 𝑅2

In this equation, the potential difference between the plates is 𝑉 = −(𝑉2 − 𝑉1 = 𝑉1 − 𝑉2 ). We substitute
this result into equation to find the capacitance of a spherical capacitor:
𝑄 𝑅1 𝑅2
𝐶 = = 4𝜋𝜖0
𝑉 𝑅2 − 𝑅1

Figure 9. A spherical capacitor

consists of two concentric
conducting spheres. Note that the
charges on a conductor reside on its

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Series and Parallel Capacitance

 Series Capacitance

When capacitors are connected in series, the total capacitance is less than any one of the
series capacitors’ individual capacitances. If two or more capacitors are connected in series,
the overall effect is that of a single (equivalent) capacitor having the sum total of the plate
spacings of the individual capacitors. As we’ve just seen, an increase in plate spacing, with all
other factors unchanged, results in decreased capacitance.

Thus, the total capacitance is less than any one of the individual capacitors’ capacitances. The
formula for calculating the series total capacitance is the same form as for calculating parallel

 Parallel Capacitance

When capacitors are connected in parallel, the total capacitance is the sum of the individual
capacitors’ capacitances. If two or more capacitors are connected in parallel, the overall effect
is that of a single equivalent capacitor having the sum total of the plate areas of the individual
capacitors. As we’ve just seen, an increase in plate area, with all other factors unchanged,
results in increased capacitance.

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Thus, the total capacitance is more than any one of the individual capacitors’ capacitances.
The formula for calculating the parallel total capacitance is the same form as for calculating
series resistances:

As you will no doubt notice, this is exactly the opposite of the phenomenon exhibited by
resistors. With resistors, series connections result in additive values while parallel connections
result in diminished values. With capacitors, it’s the reverse: parallel connections result in
additive values while series connections result in diminished values.

Find the total capacitance for three capacitors connected in series, given their individual capacitances
are 1.000 µ𝐹, 5.000 µ𝐹, and 8.000 µ𝐹.


With the given information, the total capacitance can be found using the equation for capacitance in

Entering the given capacitances into the expression for


2021.01.31 2:29:34 PM NDDU-IBED-F-081
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= + +
𝑪𝑻 𝑪𝟏 𝑪𝟐 𝑪𝟑


𝑪𝟏 = 1.0 µ𝐹
𝑪𝟐 = 5.0 µ𝐹
𝑪𝟑 = 8.0 µ𝐹

𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟒𝟎 + 𝟖 + 𝟓 1 40
= + + = = = µ𝐹 = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟓𝟓 µ𝑭
𝑪𝑻 1.0 µ𝐹 5.0 µ𝐹 8.0 µ𝐹 𝟒𝟎 µ𝐹 53 53
40 µ𝐹


Find the total capacitance of the combination of capacitors shown in figure below. (Round off to the
nearest hundredths).


𝑪𝟏 = 𝟏 𝝁𝑭, 𝑪𝟐 = 𝟓 𝝁𝑭, 𝑪𝟑 = 𝟖 𝝁𝑭

To find the total capacitance, we first identify which capacitors are in series and which are in parallel.
Capacitors 𝐶1 and 𝐶2 are in series. Their combination, labeled 𝐶𝑆 in the figure, is in parallel with 𝐶3 .


Since 𝐶1 and 𝐶2 are in series, their total capacitance is given by

𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= +
𝑪𝑺 𝑪𝟏 𝑪𝟐

Substitute the following given values

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𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟓+𝟏 𝟔 𝟏 𝟓 𝝁𝑭
= + = = = = = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟑𝟑 𝝁𝑭
𝑪𝑺 𝟏 𝝁𝑭 𝟓 𝝁𝑭 𝟓 𝝁𝑭 𝟓 𝝁𝑭 𝟔 𝟔
𝟓 𝝁𝑭

Total Capacitance in Series is equal to 𝟎. 𝟖𝟑𝟑 𝝁𝑭.

This equivalent series capacitance is in parallel with the third capacitor; thus, the total is the sum

𝑪𝑻 = 𝑪𝑺 + 𝑪𝑷

𝑪𝑻 = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟑𝟑 𝝁𝑭 + 𝟖 𝝁𝑭
𝑪𝑻 = 𝟖. 𝟖𝟑𝟑 𝝁𝑭
IV. Check your Understanding

1. Unit of Capacitance is ____farad___________.

2. In a capacitor energy is stored in ___________.
3. The capacitance between two plates increases with
4. The capacitance of 1 𝜇𝐹 equals.
5. The capacitance is a circuit component that oppose the change in circuit
6. Equivalent unit of Farad.
7. The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected by
8. Capacitance increases with
9. The capacitance of a capacitor is influenced by
10. A capacitor consists of

insulator 6. 𝐶/𝑉
Two conductors separated by an 10. 5. Voltage
Nature of dielectric 4. 1 × 10−6 𝐹
Plate area, Plate separation and 9. distance between plates
in distance between the plates 3. Larger plate area and shorter
Increase in plate area and decrease 8. 2. Dielectric
Thickness of plates 7. 1. Farad

V. Enrichment

Your enrichment activity will be in a short test that will be posted in Moodle.

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VI. References/Materials

Power point

Silverio, A. (2017). Exploring life through science series: General Physics 1.Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines. pp

Ferrer, R. & Ungson O. (2010). Science, Environment, Technology, and Society: Physics. Sibs
Publishing House, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines. pp

Crisostomo, R. & Padua, A. (2003). Practical and Explorational Physics Modular Approach.
Vibal Publishing House, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines. pp

Arevalo, R. (2017). General Physics 1. Diwa Learning Systems, Inc. Makati City, Philippines. pp

2021.01.31 2:29:34 PM NDDU-IBED-F-081

Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
Lagao, General Santos City

General Physics 1

Student’s Name: ________________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Grade & Section: ________________________________
Quarter: Midterm Week No.: 4
Teacher/s: Mark Hero S. Cabusao

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name & Signature

2021.01.31 2:29:34 PM NDDU-IBED-F-081

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