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Activated Sludge (AS):

Advanced Treatment:

Aerobic Zone/Aeration

Aerobic Zone:




Anaerobic Digestion
Anaerobic Digestion
anaerobic membrane
bioreactor (AnMBR):
Anaerobic stage:


Anaerobic Zone:
Arrhenius Relationship:

AS Bulking:

AS Process:


Autotrophic Aerobic

Autotrophic Nitrifying

Autotrophic Nitrifying Bac

Belt Filter Press:

Bench-scale Study:

Binary Fission:

Biochemical Oxygen Dema

Biodegradable COD (bCOD):

Biodegradable Soluble COD (bsCOD):

Biofilm Process:

Biofilm Reactor:



Biological Denitrification:

Biological Nitrification:

Biological Nitrification:

Biological Nutrient
Removal (BNR):

Biological Nutrient Remov

Biological Phosphorus

Biological Phosphorus Removal:

Biological Treatment Reac

Biological Waste Treatme

Biological Wastewater Tr
Biological/Chemical Phos
Biomass (X):

BioWin Simulation:
BOD Test:
Carbonaceous BOD (CBOD
Cell Death:
Cell Debris:
Chemical Pretreatment:

Coliform Bacteria:
Continuously Stirred
Tank Reactor (CSTR):
Cylindrical Digester
Death phase:
Dilution (D or P):
Egg-shaped Digester
Endogenous Decay Coefficient (b):
Endogenous Decay:
Enhanced Biological P
Removal (EBPR)

Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) process:

Environmental Engineer (
Escherichia coli (E. coli):
Exponential Growth Phase
extracellular polymer
substances (EPS):
Facultative Aerobes:
Facultative Aerobic Bacter
Fenton's Reagant
Final aerobic stage:
Final/Terminal Electron A
fluidized bed bioreactor
(FBR or FBBR):

Food to Microorganism Ra
Generation/Doubling Tim
Growth Rate Limiting Subs
Half-velocity Constant (Ks):
Heterotroph: .
Heterotrophic Bacteria:

Heterotrophic Bacteria:
High rate systems:

Hydraulic Residence Time


Indicator/Surrogate Micr
Inorganic Nitrogen:
Inorganic Solids:
Integrated fixed-film AS
(IFAS) system:
Intermediate VFAs
Kinetic Coefficients:
Lag Phase:
Low rate systems:

Main aerobic stage:
Mass Balance:
Measured Solids Production (PX):
Membrane bioreactor

biofilm reactor (MABR):

Mesophilic Digestion:
Metallic Constituents:
Methane Yield:

Michaelis-Menten Equati
Microbial Growth Curve:
Microbial Growth:
Microbial Metabolism:
Mixed Liquor (ML):
Mixed Liquor Suspended S
Mixed Liquor Volatile Su
Modified Bardenpho

Modified Bardenpho Process:

Monod Equation:
Moving bed biofilm
reactor (MBBR):

Multi-phase Digester:

Net Biomass Growth Rate (rx):

Net Biomass Yield (YBio):
Nitrogenous BOD (NBOD):
Non-biodegradable Particulate COD (nbpCOD):
Non-biodegradable Soluble COD (nbsCOD):
Nonbiodegradable VSS (nbVSS):
Nutrients (N & P):
Obligate Aerobe:
Obligate/Straight Aerobe:
Observed Biomass Yield (Yobs):
Observed Solids Yield (Yobs):
Organic Matter:
Organic Nitrogen (ON):

Oxygen Demand:
Organisms (PAOs):
Particulate COD (pCOD):
Particulate Substrate Conversion Rate (rxs):

Pilot-scale Testing:
Post-anoxic stage:
Pre-anoxic stage:

Preliminary Treatment:
Primary Treatment:
Process Flow Sheet:
Rate of Oxygen Uptake (rO):
Readily Biodegradable COD (rbCOD):
Residence Time:
Rotating biological
contactors (RBC):

Secondary Treatment:
Separate-sludge System:

Separate-sludge System:
Single-phase Digester:

Single-sludge System:

Single-sludge System:
Slowly Biodegradable COD (sbCOD):
Sludge Dewatering:

Sludge Digester Tanks:

Sludge Disposal:
Sludge Handling & Treat
Sludge Stabilization:

Sludge Thickening:

Sludge Volume Index (SVI)


Solids Production:
Solids Residence/Resistan
Solids Wasting Rate (1/SR
Soluble COD (sCOD):
Soluble Substrate Utilization Rate (rsu):
Specific Microbial Growth Rate (μnet):
Specific Substrate Utilization Rate (U):
Stationary phase:
Substrate (S):
SVI Empirical Test:
Swing Zone:

Swing Zone:
Tapered Feed Flow:

Tertiary Treatment:
theoretical CH4
Thermal Pretreatment:

Thermophilic Digestion:

Thermotolerant/Fecal Col
Total & Soluble Chemica
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
Total Mixed-Liquor VSS:
Total Suspended Solids (T
Tower Trickling Filter:
Trickling Filters:

True/Synthesis Yield (Y):

Ultimate Carbonaceous B
Upflow anaerobic
sludge bed (UASB):
Volatile Suspended Solids
Volumetric Organic Loading Rate (OLR, VL):
VSS loading rate:
Wastewater sludge
handling and

Wastewater Treatment Pr
Biological conversion of volatile acids to acetic acid and H (i.e., intermediate VFAs→acetic acid, H)

acid-forming bacteria with shorter HRT & lower pH; kept in a single reactor with methanogenic microorganisms; undergo hydr
The conversion of organic matter to CO2 and other low molecular weight compounds (i.e., monosaccharides→acetic acid, H, V
acids→VFAs, acetic acid, H; low C fatty acids→acetic acid, H)

engineered process in which high concs. of cultured microorganisms are contacted with WW containing organic matter. Consis

Advanced Treatment: removal of refractory organics, heavy metals, & dissolved inorganic solids for reuse.

Aerobe: microorganism that requires molecular O, cannot grow without it; capable of aerobic respiration.

PHB metabolized for new cell synthesis, oxidizes to release energy that’s used to form Poly-P bonds in the cell storage, leading
orthophosphates within cell; biomass synthesis & decay, PHA utilization, enhanced poly-P uptake; after anaerobic zone

Aerobic Zone: PHB metabolized for new cell synthesis, oxidizes to release energy that’s used to form Poly-P bonds in the cell s

inorganic non-metallic process parameter constituent that measures buffering capacity of WW; milliequivalent m of CaCO3 = 5

Alkalinity: inorganic non-metallic process parameter constituent that measures buffering capacity of WW. Milliequivalent m of

Ammonium-N: in untreated domestic WW; created from hydrolyzation of ON by heterotrophic bacteria; removed from WW us

in untreated domestic WW (typically 12-50mg/L); created from hydrolyzation of ON by heterotrophic bacteria; removed from
nitrification & denitrification process; sequentially oxidized to nitrite & then to nitrate; assimilated to ON

Anaerobe: microorganism that cannot grow in the presence of O as it is toxic to them.

A multi-step microbial decomposition process under an O-free environment where organic materials in sludge are broken down
C in organic molecules is reduced to CH4; biosolids can be used as fertilizer; ↑bioenergy recovery, SRT (15-30d), reactor V, st
pathogen, process t & sustainability, methanogenic bacteria growth rate, pH (6.8-7.2, add alkali); high & low-rate systems; con
can be used before AD for hydrolysis of PCOD to SCOD; thermal, mechanical, chem., and combined.
acideogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis; most digesters are single-stage

A mixed reactor system employing suspended/Aocculating anaerobic biomass and a synthetic membrane solids-liquid separatio
provide a long SRT with the short HRT. Designed for a COD loading of 5-15 kg/m3·d; high-rate system
Modified bardenpho process P removal (P release)

provides favorable condition for PAO growth with short HRTs (0.5-1h) where fraction of BOD fermented to acetate & consum
produce intracellular storage products, PHB, & release orthophosphates; biomass synthesis & decay, PHA utilization, enhanced
by aerobic zone

Anaerobic Zone: provides favorable condition for PAO growth with short HRTs (0.5-1h) where fraction of BOD fermented to a
Arrhenius Relationship: estimation of temp. effects on reaction rates (i.e. bio. reaction rate, settling characteristics, gas transfer

AS Bulking: poor settling sludge due to growth of filamentous bacteria, SRT too ↑, & microaerobic condition; V of a given m of

AS Process: bioreactor/aeration tank to final (secondary) clarifier/sedimentation tank to RAS line; aerobic heterotrophic bacteri

Autotroph: microorganism classified by inorganic C source.

mediates nitrification under aerobic conditions

can build organic molecules by using energy obtained from inorganic sources (i.e., NH 4 or nitrite)

Autotrophic Nitrifying Bacteria: can build organic molecules by using energy obtained from inorganic sources (i.e., NH 4 or nitr

Bacteria: prokaryotic microorganisms which are one to several μm in length.

Prevent clogging of the sludge or biosolids distribution system, prevent warping of rollers, and provide more uniform dewaterin

Bench-scale Study: tests conducted in the laboratory with small quantities of samples to answer specific treatment questions.

Binary Fission:

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): amount of O required by bacteria while biodegrading organic compounds under aerobic c

Biodegradable COD (bCOD): for a given SRT, its removal equals the O + biomass VSS remaining (in terms of an O eqv.)

Biodegradable Soluble COD (bsCOD): an approx. to BOD5 used in design calcs. for bio. processes; a water quality (WW) param

Often, combined with AS process to possess advantages of both suspended growth and attached growth; aka Attached Growth o

sulfate-reducing activity with 60% SO42- removal

aggregate of microorganisms imbedded in a matrix composed of microbially produced extracellular polymer substances; non-h
(cells & surface) with aerobic oxidation layer and sulfate reduction layer; thickness with certain structure & functions
methane, usually contains 40-70% CH4 and 30-50% CO2

nitrate (employed as an e- acceptor instead of O) reduced to gaseous N; occurs under anoxic conditions, typically mediated by a
heterotrophic bacteria; necessary to provide sufficient e- donor in the form of organic C for energy (rbCOD or methanol/acetate
CaCO3 produced per g of nitrate-N reduced
Biological Denitrification: nitrate (employed as an e- acceptor instead of O) reduced to gaseous N; occurs under anoxic conditio

occurs under aerobic conditions, mediated by species of autotrophic aerobic bacteria where ammonium-N is sequentially oxidiz
nitrate; ↑O2 requirement by 30-40% of that required for cBOD removal; pH of 7.0-8.5, ↓with lower temp., CaCO3≥20mg/L

Biological Nitrification: occurs under aerobic conditions, mediated by species of autotrophic aerobic bacteria where ammonium

process for nutrients removal from WW before it is discharged into surface water

Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR): process for nutrients removal from WW before it is discharged into surface water

P can be removed biologically by a group of microbes known as P-accumulating organisms (PAOs); removed when biomass is

Biological Phosphorus Removal: P can be removed by a group of microbes known as P-accumulating organisms (PAOs)

Biological Treatment Reactor: design based on using mass balances across defined volume for each specific constituent of inte

Biological Waste Treatment: processes which attempt to reproduce, under accelerated, engineered conditions, the natural decay

Biological Wastewater Treatment: microbes remove contaminants; goal is to ↓BOD & SS to acceptable level & remove nutrie
Biological/Chemical Phosphorus: removes P in tertiary/advanced treatment.
Biomass (X): mass of microorganisms in a bio. treatment process; conc. expressed in VSS.
digested sludge which is further passed through a dewatering process by gravity thickening, centrifugation, and belt filter press;
↓costs for hauling offsite, moisture content prior to incineration

BOD Test: determines approx. quantity of O required to stabilize organic matter present, size of WWTPs, efficiency of tre
BOD5: parameter of organic pollution applied to both WW & surface water over 5-days.
Carbonaceous BOD (CBOD): BOD measured when nitrification reaction is suppressed; found with BOD test.
Cell Death: cell lysis occurs with release of cellular materials into liquid for consumption by other bacteria; cell wall isn't disso
Cell Debris: cell wall remains as nonbiodegradable particulate matter in system; represents ~10-15% of original cell weight; me
Acid, Base, H2O2, Fenton’s Reagent(Fe2++ H2O2),Ozone

Chemotroph: microorganism classified by chem. energy

Coliform Bacteria: Gram negative straight rods, facultative anaerobes which ferment lactose & produce acid + gas within 48h a
H2O2/Ultrasound, Ultrasound/Thermal, Ozone/Ultrasound, Microwave/H2O2

A completely mixed reactor system treating semi-solids wastes with suspended anaerobic biomass. The reactor detention time e
range from 15-30 d, with resulted COD loadings typically less than 4 kg/m3·d. low-rate system
Tank floor are usually conical with slopes, digested waste is withdrawn from thelow point in the center of the tank; diameter 6-

Death phase: substrate depleted so that no growth occurring & change in biomass conc. Is due to cell death.
Dilution (D or P): volume of the original sample.
Disinfection: removed pathogens in tertiary/advanced treatment
Provides better mixing, and smaller land area requirement.

Endogenous Decay Coefficient (b): accounts for loss in cell mass due to oxidation of internal storage products for energy for ce
Endogenous Decay: decrease in cell mass which is proportional to conc. of organisms present
PAOs accumulating P in cell mass (0.2-0.3g P/g VSS) at level much higher than ordinary heterotrophic microbes (0.01-0.02g P
consists of an anaerobic zone followed by an aerobic zone; maintained at SRT>2.5d@20 oC in aerobic stage, DO>1mg/L, pH>6

Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) process: PAOs accumulating P in cell mass (0.2-0.3g P/g VSS) at level much
Environmental Engineer (EnvE): develops bio. treatment systems using the basic principles, & design bioreactors that enhance d
Escherichia coli (E. coli): species of total coliform group specific to intestinal tract of humans/warm-blooded animals associated
Eukaryote: may or may not be a microorganism with nucleus, membrane-bound organelles; are large & are single cell or multic
caused by release of nutrients into surface waters; causes summer algal blooms, low DO, kills fish, etc
Eutrophication: caused by release of nutrients into surface waters; causes summer algal blooms, low DO, kills fish, etc.
Exogeneous: provided from outside.
Exponential Growth Phase: bacterial cells multiplying at max. rate since no limitation due to substrate/nutrients; biomass grow
Microbial fouling substances have in general been referred to as EPSs, which is a general term including autochthonous macrom
cell polymeric substances found outside bacteria cells and soluble material secreted by cells, such as proteins and polysaccharid
Facultative Aerobes: versatile microorganisms that grow under aerobic & anaerobic conditions.
Facultative Aerobic Bacteria: bacteria that can use O or nitrate/nitrite as e - acceptors when O is not available
Iron ion (FE2+) and H peroxide (H2O2)
uses modified bardenpho process to strip residual N gas from solution and minimize the release of P in the final clarifier
Final/Terminal Electron Acceptor: organic molecule, O, or inorganic e- acceptor such as nitrate, sulfate, etc.
A submerged attached growth process that con be used for either aerobic or anaerobic applications where WW is fed upward to
C; the fluid velocity causes the bed to expand and form a biolilm that removes soluble organic matter; high-rate system

Food to Microorganism Ration (F/M): measure of the mass of food available per unit mass of microorganism; balance between
Generation/Doubling Time: time required for a cell to divide.
Growth Rate Limiting Substrate: essential requirement for cell growth, often the e- donor as other requirements usually availab
Half-velocity Constant (Ks): substrate conc. At ½ the max. specific substrate utilization rate.
Heterotroph: microorganism classified by organic C source.
use organic compounds as C source for cell synthesis; hydrolyze ON to ammonium-N.

Heterotrophic Bacteria: use organic compounds as C source for cell synthesis; hydrolyze ON to ammonium-N.
Contact stabilization & high-purity O processes for BOD removal, designed for short SRTs, require less space than other proce
flow, step-feed, and CMAS processes are used for BOD removal & nitrification, & applied over a wide range of SRTs, dependi
treatment needs. Reduce amount of energy imported to WWTP. Removal of BOD at low SRT in 1st step requires less aeration
amount of influent organic material to AD for increased CH4 production. UASB, FBR, AnMBR, etc.; VSS reduction ranges fro

Hydraulic Residence Time (HRT): indicates average time liquid WW or soluble compounds remain in bioreactor in contact with
molecule of water breaks chem. Bonds; reactions occur between contaminants and water; rate-limiting step in AD (i.e., carbohy
proteins→amino acids, lipids→low C fatty acids)
Hyperthermophic: thermophile microorganism that can grow in 75°C+.
Indicator/Surrogate Microorganism:
can be measured directly; includes ammonium-N, nitrate, and nitrite
Inorganic Solids: are in influent WW (TSS-VSS) & biomass (10-15% by dry weight); are insoluble & assumed captured in mix
An AS process in which a portion of the biomass is maintained on fixed or suspended media that is separated from the reactor e
is required; may have suspended sponge or plastic biofilm carriers;
VFAs of propionate, butyrate, and valerate
Kinetic Coefficients: determined from bench-scale testing or full-scale plant test results & vary as a function of WW source, mi
Lag Phase: time required for organisms to acclimate to new enviro. before significant cell division & biomass production.
generally operated with longer aeration times and higher SRTs, though the oxidation ditch bas also been applied at lower SRTs
aeration alternative to the CMAS processes using diffused aeration. Mainly CSTR
release of cellular materials into liquid for consumption by other bacteria
modified bardenpho process BOD removal and nitrification (effluent partially return to the pre-anoxic zone); P removal (P stora
Mass Balance:
Measured Solids Production (PX): sum of solids in system effluent flow & solids intentionally wasted.
Ultrasound, Mechanical jet, High pressure homogenizer

A process that combines a suspended growth process with a membrane separation system
within !he process aeration tank; membrane separation is accomplished by either microfiltrotion
or ultrofiltration; used in anoxic-aerobic treatment to replace final clarifier
Plate and frame, tubular, and hollow membranes are used to transfer pure O to the biomass
attached to the outside of the membrane.

Occurs at 35-40oC, not as good as thermophilic

Mesophilic: microorganism with moderate temp. range, ~20°C-45°C.
Metabolism: energy balance (production & use) in cells; involves many biochemical reactions in which electrons are passed fr
Metallic Constituents:
amount of methane gas that can be generated through AD of 1g of COD; 1 Kg COD produces 0.35 m3 CH4 at STP; Assuming,
CH4 yield would be 0.5 L CH4/gVSSremoved
The metabolic conversion of organic acids or H and CO2 to methane; inhibited by acidic pH (i.e., acetic acid→methane, H→m
kept in a single reactor with acidogenic microorganisms; undergo methanogenesis; low growth rate can cause longer start-up tim

Michaelis-Menten Equation: models the substrate utilization rate for soluble substances.
Microaerophile: microorganism that requires an extremely low conc. of O for growth.
Microbes: removes contaminants; use organic compounds for energy generation & growth; transfer e’s from organic compound
Microbial Growth Curve: represent what occurs in a batch reactor in which, at t=0, substrate & nutrients are present in excess &
Microbial Growth: rapid & simple increase in cell #.
Microbial Metabolism:
reside in dynamically structured communities of multiple species embedded in a polymeric matrix, collectively known as a biof
measures profiles of O2 and H2S.
Mixed Liquor (ML): the (homogeneous) mixture of solids (biomass + other) & WW in a bioreactor of AS system.
Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS): conc. of SS in aeration tank (2000-4000mg/L); helps determine aeration tank V when
Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS): includes all the biomass X grown on various substrates plus the nbVSS; ML
BNR with combined N & P removal with BOD removal & nitrification in main aerobic stage, denitrification in pre-anoxic stag
aerobic & anaerobic stages, additional denitrification in post-anoxic stage, & stripping of residual N2 from solution & minimiz
clarifier in final aerobic stage

Modified Bardenpho Process: BNR with combined N & P removal with BOD removal & nitrification in main aerobic stage, d
Monod Equation: expresses specific microbial or biomass growth rate in variety of enviro. bio. treatment processes in which th
A submerged attached growth biological process in which most of the biomass is maintained
on suspended media, which is separated from the reactor effluent by screening. No return
activated sludge is used.
physical separation would allow for optimization of each stage independently & increase stability, process control, performance
digestion process; however challenging to optimize all 4 steps because of an increase in capital & operating cost
Net Biomass Growth Rate (rx): the net active rate of microbial growth or production per unit reactor V, applicable in both batch
Net Biomass Yield (YBio): estimate of amount of active microorganisms in system; ratio of net biomass growth rate to substrate u
Nitrification-denitrification Process: removes N in tertiary/advanced treatment.
Nitrogenous BOD (NBOD): O demand associated with oxidation of ammonia to nitrate.
Non-biodegradable Particulate COD (nbpCOD): particulate, similar to particulate COD minus particulate UBOD or 1.42nbVSS.
Non-biodegradable Soluble COD (nbsCOD): mostly particulate, similar to soluble COD minus soluble UBOD; always present &
Nonbiodegradable VSS (nbVSS): conc. resulting from cell debris is a relatively small fraction of VSS in bioreactor used to treat
Nutrients (N & P): N & P; release causes eutrophication in surface waters
Obligate Aerobe: microorganism with an absolute requirement for O to grow.
Obligate/Straight Aerobe: microorganisms that live only in the absence of O as it is poisonous to them.
Observed Biomass Yield (Yobs): based on actual measurements of biomass production & substrate consumption & is less than sy
Observed Solids Yield (Yobs): estimate of amount of sludge produced; accounts for actual solids production that would be measu
Organic Matter: contains stored chem. energy, which allows it to act as food for various organisms who consume & metabolize
cannot be measured directly; hydrolyzed by heterotrophic bacteria (decomposition) to ammonium-N

Oxygen Demand: O required for biodegradation of carbonaceous material, determined from mass balance using [bCOD] of WW
group of microbes that can biologically remove P using EBPR, accumulating P in cell mass at the level much higher than ordin
microbes. Growth kinetics within same order magnitude of aerobic heterotrophic in AS process
Particulate COD (pCOD):
Particulate Substrate Conversion Rate (rxs): rate-limiting process dependent on particulate substrate & biomass concs..
Pathogens: potentially disease-causing organism; can be bacteria, protozoa, & viruses.
Mainly contributed from human wastes (organic P) and detergents (poly-P), can be removed as orthophosphate via biological p
Phosphorus-accumulating Organisms (PAOs): group of microbes that can remove P using EBPR, accumulating P in cell
Phototroph: microorganism classified by light energy.
Pilot-scale Testing: Studies conducted at test beds at a scale larger than bench-scale, to establish the suitability of a process in th
modified bardenpho process additional denitrification, using nitrate produced in the main aerobic stage as the electron acceptor
organic C as the electron donor
employs rbCOD from the WW as e- donor
Post-denitrification: employs rbCOD from the WW as e- donor
modified bardenpho process denitrification, using nitrate in the return from the main aerobic stage as the electron acceptor, and
WW as the electron donor
employs either external C source (methanol) or relies on endogenous decay of bacteria.
Pre-denitrification: employs either external C source (methanol) or relies on endogenous decay of bacteria.
Preliminary Treatment: physical treatment process which uses screening & grit removal to remove larger inorganic & floating
Primary Treatment: removal of portion of SS & organic matter mainly using physical treatment (gravity settling), sometimes a

Prokaryote: microorganism with no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles; small (0.5-5μm), always single cell (i.e. bacteria,
Protozoa: larger microorganisms that feed upon bacteria & are indicative of effective treatment conditions which produce rela
Psychrophilic: cold-loving microorganism, grows at 0°C, or -10°C to 20°C.
Rate of Oxygen Uptake (rO): related stoichiometrically to substrate utilization rate & microbial growth rate.
Readily Biodegradable COD (rbCOD): mostly soluble, similar to UBOD; can be degraded in an aeration tank by aerobic bacteria
Redox/Oxidation-Reduction Reaction:
Residence Time:
Respiration: exogenous e- acceptors with high energy yield; O consumed for endogenous respiration.
A fixed-film biological treatment device in which microorganisms are grown on circular plastic disks mounted on a horizontal
while partially immersed in WW; used for rural small communities in cold climate; design based on sBOD (and sBOD/BOD ra
RBC soluble unit surface organic loading rate equal to or less than 12 to 15 g sBOD/m 2⋅d.

Secondary Treatment:
uncommon; optimize C oxidation & nitrification separately

Separate-sludge System: uncommon; optimize C oxidation & nitrification separately

acidogenic and methanogenic microorganismsare kept in a single reactor; most common

BOD & ammonium are removed in a single tank; requires extended SRTs compared to the systems designed for BOD removal
at 10oC, 4-7 days at 20oC, nitrification ↓ at T<10oC
Single-sludge System: BOD & ammonium are removed in a single tank; requires extended SRTs compared to the systems desig
Slowly Biodegradable COD (sbCOD): mostly particulate, similar to particulate UBOD or 1.42bVSS; some can be degraded by ae
Third step in a sludge handling/treatment process; reduces transportation costs of disposal & improve suitabilitys for compostin
filtration, centrifugation, or belt filter press
typically cylindrical (with floating or fixed cover) or, egg-shaped; concrete (large-scale) or steel (small scale); heating and mixi
manufacturers; size can be calculated based on VSS loading rate
Last step in a sludge handling/treatment process; land application, landfill, incineration
Sludge Handling & Treatment:
Second step in a sludge handling/treatment process; reduces volume of sludge, organic content,and pathogens through anaerobi
alkaline treatment, or composting
First step in a sludge handling/treatment process; increase solids content through gravity thickening, centrifugation, or gravity b

Sludge Volume Index (SVI): indication of settling characteristics of sludge; high SVI indicates sludge settles poorly; desired val
The solids settled out at various points of the WWTP (e.g., primary clarifier, secondary clarifier); needs further treatment prior
Solids Production: (from a bio. reactor) represents mass of material that must be removed daily to maintain the process, quantif
Solids Residence/Resistance Time (SRT): avg. t solid biomass, microbial cell, or AS solids remain in bioreactor (system) or dig
Solids Wasting Rate (1/SRT): the inverse of SRT; solids wasted per day divided by solids present (a fraction); = to net biomass
Soluble COD (sCOD):
Soluble Substrate Utilization Rate (rsu): a fraction of total degradable organic substrates; the amount of substrate removed in th
Specific Microbial Growth Rate (μnet): corresponds to change in biomass per day rel. to biomass amount present; function of sub
Specific Substrate Utilization Rate (U): a
Stationary phase: amount of growth offset by death cells; biomass conc. remains relatively constant with time.
Steady-State: the rate of change of biomass conc. in reactor (dX/dt) is = to 0.
Substrate (S): WW/solids constituents used to promote bio. growth; typically organic compounds expressed in BOD or COD.
SVI Empirical Test: volume of 1g dry weight of sludge after 30min of settling, determined by placing mixed-liquor sample in 1L
nitrification zone that can be either aerobic (winter) or anoxic (summer) by switching diffusers on & off; are switched manually

Swing Zone: nitrification zone that can be either aerobic or anoxic by switching diffusers on & off; are switched manually, mos
The solid-bowl centrifuge consists of a long bowl, normally mounted horizontally and tapered at one end. Sludge is introduced
and the solids concentrate on the periphery. An internal helical scroll, spinning al a slightly different speed, moves the accumul
tapered end where additional solids concentration occurs and the thickened sludge is discharged
Tertiary Treatment: removal of nutrients & residual SS with physical, chemical, & bio. treatment. Reduces N, P, & pathogens.
can be estimated from the amount of COD removed during digestion.

Conventional Heating, Microwave

Occurs at 50-60oC; more advantageous compared to mesophilic operation but is very limited due to poor process stability and h

Thermophilic: heat-loving microorganisms with an optimum growth temp. of 50°C+.

Thermotolerant/Fecal Coliforms: included in sub-group of coliforms, differentiated by their ability to grow at 44.5°C
Total & Soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): O equivalent or organic material in WW that can be oxidized chemically usi
organic N + ammonium N, where Ammonium N represents 60-70% of TKN; typically 20-85mg/L in domestic WW

Total Mixed-Liquor VSS: (in aeration tank) equals biomass conc. plus nbVSS conc. (mass balance), which is affected by the am
Total Suspended Solids (TSS): includes VSS + inorganic solids; total mass of dry solids wasted per day is based on TSS.

fixed-film process used in WW treatment; shallow depth with rocks; types include non-submerged attached growth shallow dep
tower trickling filter with plastic media, and non-submerged attached growth tower type trickling filter with plastic media
True/Synthesis Yield (Y): amount of biomass produced during cell synthesis rel. to amount of substrate degraded
O required to complete the oxidation of organic C in oxidation, synthesis, & endogenous respiration.
An upflow reactor with a bottom sludge bed and dense, granular anaerobic bio· mass with good mixing provided by the upflow
generation; the first and most common of the anaerobic sludge blanket processes; high-rate system
consists of active biomass, cell debris following endogenous decay, nbVSS in influent WW fed to bio. reactor & other particula
mass load of a compound per unit volume per unit time; very important load-based design approach. ↑VL desirable to reduce ca
size of a digester can be calculated expressed as kgVSS/m3-d. For a given VSS loading rate, the size of reactor can be easily de
VSS (kg/day) is known to us; optimum VL can be selected by conducting a pilot-scale study to find out VSS removal (target) e
Sludge is thickened, stabilized, dewatered, and then disposed. Sludge management costs 40-50% of total WW treatment costs, t
amount of solids generated & other site-specific conditions

design objective to remove BOD & SS using physical & bio. processes to meet discharge regulation & reduce sludge V; levels
removes excess solids when effluent VSS is low by most commonly removing biomass/sludge from the clarifier underflow recy
f bacteria primarily responsible for assimilating & degrading organic matter.

to uptake of orthophosphates within cell.

ation & denitrification process; sequentially oxidized to nitrite & then to nitrate

med by PAOs which produce intracellular storage products, PHB, & release orthophosphates
es when poor settling occurs at SVI>150mL/g.

ic matters; VSS typically <15g/m 3; operated in stationary phase; target DO conc. in aeration tank =2.0mg/L.

sures, aggregately, quantity of biodegradable organic compounds without differentiating specific organic compounds; ~200mg/L in domesti

n appropriate representation of the fraction of COD that is rbCOD.

diated by a range of facultative heterotrophic bacteria; necessary to provide sufficient e - donor in the form of organic C for energy (rbCOD

ly oxidized to nitrite & then to nitrate; ↑ O 2 requirement by 30-40% of that required for cBOD removal; pH of 7.0-8.5, ↓with lower temp.

biomass is wasted

would occur in rivers/lakes if wastes were discharged untreated

aerobic AS treatment processes; relies upon ability of organisms to utilize contaminants as substrates (food); can be engineered by providin

mpliance with WW discharge permits.

& contributes to total VSS conc. measured in reactor mixed liquor; rate of production of cell debris is directly proportional to endogenous d

-, catalase +. Belong to Enterobacteriaceae family of Gammaproteobacteria; sensitive indicator of fecal contamination & pathogens in wa
death, & predation by organisms.

dinary heterotrophic microbes (0.01-0.02g P/g VSS) for P removal; consists of an anaerobic zone followed by an aerobic zone; maintained a
s or functionality.
amination; bacterial indicator that divides every 20min.
ae, protozoa, fungi, plant, animal).

ses exponentially but still affected by temp.

engineered process in which high concs. of cultured microorganisms are contacted with WW containing organic matter. Consis
s, or average time sludge substrate remains in digester in contact with microorganisms

& removed in wasted solids.

reproduction in bacteria which creates new cells with genetic similarity.

temp.; represents net effect of microbial kinetics on simultaneous degradation of variety of different WW constituents

e to another

appropriate e- acceptors (reduced); from this e- transfer process, microbes generate ATP energy.
mall pop. of biomass exists. As substrate is consumed, 4 distinct growth phases develop sequentially.
h sludge settling characteristics & clarifier design
nc. is affected by the amount of nbVSS in the influent WW, the amount of nbVSS wasted per day, & the amount of cell debris produced fro

pre-anoxic stage, P removal in main aerobic & anaerobic stages, additional denitrification in post-anoxic stage, & stripping of residual N2 f
rate is available to the microorganisms in a dissolved form

systems; is the biomass growth rate less the endogenous respiration rate

d in effluent.
me industrial WWs. Comes from cell debris from endogenous respiration & influent WW; fraction of solids in influent largely retained in W

non-exogenous e- acceptors with low energy yield

cause of cell loss concurrent with cell growth.
em, rel. to substrate removal

ount of biomass wasted from system daily.

uses selected groups of bacteria to indicate potential fecal contamination of water. Must be present with fecal contamination, #

el much higher than ordinary heterotrophic microbes. Growth kinetics within same order magnitude of aerobic heterotrophic in AS process

a specific WW under specific enviro. conditions & to obtain data that can be used for full-scale design.

indicated flowrates (kg/L/s) for mass of constituent entering/leaving the system & appropriate reaction rate terms for depletion/
macro & micro nutrients, toxic at elevated concs., watch for them for reuse.

agulant. Goal is 50-60% SS reduction & 20-30% BOD reduction.

converts the fuel in food into energy, harvesting it from glucose & other organic molecules (i.e. fats, amino acids), conserving i

emoval alone; SRT of 10–20 days at 10 oC, 4-7 days at 20oC.

eve good sludge settling in AS process

TSS, VSS, & biomass.

given degree of treatment; key design & operating parameter for AS process that affects system solids production (total sludge produced d

he reactor V.
endogenous decay coefficient.

electron-releasing & electron-accepting reactions where one compound loses e’s (donor) vs. the other receives e’s (acceptor); g
determines volume of bioreactor; typically longer for nutrients removal & operation at low temp.

removal of biodegradable organic matter & SS using bio. treatment (i.e. AS); includes disinfection. Reduces BOD, bsCOD, SS

combines physical/chem./bio. process to reduce sludge V for landfill/land application with thickening, anaerobic digestion, dew

in acid solution; ~500mg/L in domestic WW.

in influent WW, the amount of nbVSS wasted daily, & amount of cell debris produced from cell decay.

g (i.e., heating) cost since more sludge can be digested per unit volume of a digester (1-9kg VSS/m 3d)
treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, tertiary/advanced treatment, & sludge handling & treatment.
m the aeration tank.
pounds; ~200mg/L in domestic WW.
organic C for energy (rbCOD or methanol/acetate).

of 7.0-8.5, ↓with lower temp.

can be engineered by providing suitable enviro. conditions & process parameters; O 2, NO3-, & SO42- are common e- acceptors.

y proportional to endogenous decay rate

tamination & pathogens in water

y an aerobic zone; maintained at SRT>2.5d@20oC in aerobic stage, DO>1mg/L, pH>6.5.

taining organic matter. Consists of large #’s of bacteria primarily responsible for assimilating & degrading organic matter.
unt of cell debris produced from cell decay

ge, & stripping of residual N2 from solution & minimize release of P in final clarifier in final aerobic stage

in influent largely retained in WAS stream. Typically 60-100mg/L in untreated WW & 10-40mg/L in primary WW.

nt with fecal contamination, # of survival characteristics ≥ that of the pathogen, of warm-blooded animal intestine origin, can’t reproduce o

c heterotrophic in AS process

action rate terms for depletion/production of the constituent within the system.
ats, amino acids), conserving it as ATP.
ction (total sludge produced daily), determines effluent soluble substrate & aeration tank biomass conc., & is maintained by amount of soli

other receives e’s (acceptor); generates energy for microorganisms

on. Reduces BOD, bsCOD, SS, N, & P.

ning, anaerobic digestion, dewatering, & incineration/landfill.

mon e- acceptors.
ganic matter.
stine origin, can’t reproduce outside host, isolation & quantification > the pathogen, and shouldn’t be able to multiply in water.
maintained by amount of solids wasted per day, or by wasting a given % of the aeration tank V per day to control process performance. De
multiply in water.
ontrol process performance. Determined by ÷ aeration tank solids mass by the solids removed daily via effluent & wasting; ↑SRT = filamen
nt & wasting; ↑SRT = filamentous bacteria growth, sludge bulking, ↓sludge settling, ↑biomass decay, cell debris accumulation, ↑diff. b/w M
bris accumulation, ↑diff. b/w MLVSS & biomass VSS, ↑slow growing methanogens within digester (stable operation); ↓SRT = pin floc, ↓sl
eration); ↓SRT = pin floc, ↓sludge settling, ↑effluent SS. AKA sludge age or mean cell retention time.

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