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PNG 410: Applied Reservoir Engineering

Home work assignment #5 Solution

April 21, 2010

Due date: April 28, 2010

NOTE: Please detail the formula, steps, and units for the calculation. Missing
formula, steps, and units can lead to lost points.

Problem 1:
The following data are taken from an oil field that had no original gas cap and no water
Initial reservoir pressure = 3500 psia
Initial reservoir temperature = 140 deg F
Bubble point pressure of the reservoir pb= 2400 psia
Oil pore volume of reservoir = 75 MM cu ft
Solubility of gas in crude oil below bubble pressure = 0.42 SCF/STB/psi
Formation volume factor Boi at 3500 psia = 1.333 bbl/STB
Gas deviation factor z at 1500 psia and 140 deg F = 0.95
Oil produced when pressure at 1500 psia Np= 1.0 MM STB
Net cumulative produced gas-oil ratio Rp at 1500 psia = 2800 SCF/STB

1.1 Calculate the initial STB of oil in reservoir

Vo = 75 MM cu ft = 75/5.615 MM bbl = 13.36 MM bbl
Vo 13.36 MM bbl
N= = = 10.02 MM STB
Boi 1.333 bbl/STB

1.2 Calculate the initial gas-oil ratio and SCF of gas in reservoir (using the definition
of gas solubility in crude oil).
Solubility of gas in crude oil = 0.42 SCF/STB/psi,
at bubble point pressure of 2400 psia,
gas-oil ratio R soi = 2400 psia × 0.42 SCF/STB/psia = 1,008 SCF/STB
Above bubble point pressure, gas-oil ratio reamins constant,
Therefore, G = 1,008 SCF/STB × 10.02 MM STB = 10.1 MMM SCF

1.3 Calculate the SCF of gas remaining in the reservoir at 1500 psia
N p at 1500 psia = 1 MM STB, R p at 1500 psia = 2800 SCF/STB,
produced gas = N p × R p = 1 MM STB × 2800 SCF/STB=2.8 MMM SCF
gas remaining in the reservoir = 10.1 - 2.8 = 7.3 MMM SCF

1.4 Calculate the SCF of free gas in the reservoir at 1500 psia

With gas solubility of 0.42 SCF/STB/psi, and initial R soi = 1, 008 SCF/STB
at 1500 psia, the R so = Rsoi − 0.42 × (2400 − 1500) = 630 SCF/STB
So the gas dissolved in oil is (N-N p ) × Rso = (10.02 − 1.0) MM STB × 630 SCF/STB=5.68 MMM SCF
free gas in the reservoir = 7.3 MMM SCF - 5.68 MMM SCF = 1.62 MMM SCF

1.5 Calculate the gas volume formation factor at 1500 psia at standard condition of
14.7 psia and 60 deg F.
zT 0.95(140 + 460)
Bg = 0.02829 × r = 0.02829 × = 0.01075 ft 3 / SCF
pr 1500
1.6 Calculate the reservoir volume of the free gas at 1500 psia
Vg = 1.62 MMM SCF * Bg = 17.4 MM CF

1.7 Calculate the single phase oil formation volume factor at 1500 psia
Vo at 1500 psia = total initial reservoir volume – free gas volume = 75 MM CF – 17.4
MM CF = 57.6 MM CF = 10.26 MM bbl
Under this condition, the equivalent volume under standard condition in SCF is:
N – Np = 10.02 – 1.00 MM STB = 9.02 MM STB
Bo = Vo / (N-Np) = 1.137 bbl/STB

1.8 Calculate the total, or two phase, oil volume formation factor at 1500 psia.
Bt = Bo + (Rsoi-Rso)Bg = 1.137 bbl/STB + (1008-630) SCF/STB * 0.01075 ft3/SCF /
(5.615 ft3/bbl)
= 1.85 bbl/STB

Problem 2:
The R sand is a volumetric oil reservoir whose PVT properties are shown below.
Reservoir temperature is 150 deg F. When the reservoir pressure dropped from an initial
pressure of 2500 psia to an average pressure of 1600 psia, a total of 26.0 MM STB of oil
had been produced. The cumulative gas-oil ratio at 1600 psia was 954 SCF/STB. No
Appreciate amount of water was produced, and standard condition were 14.7 psia and 60
deg F.

2.1 Calculate the initial oil in place

Np Bt − Bti
RF = =
N Bt + ( R p − Rsoi ) Bg
From the figure, Bti = Boi = 1.29 bbl/STB
Bt at 1600 psia = Bo + ( Rsoi − Rso ) Bg
0.02829 zTr 0.02829(0.82)(150 + 460)
Bg at 1600 psia = × = = 0.001575 bbl/SCF
5.615 pr 1600
Rsoi − Rso = 575 − 385 = 190 SCF/STB
Bt = 1.215 + 190 SCF/STB × 0.001575 bbl/SCF
= 1.514 bbl/STB
N p ( Bt + ( R p − Rsoi ) Bg ) 26.0(1.514 + (954 − 575)(0.001575)
N= = = 245.02 MM STB
Bt − Bti 1.514 − 1.29

2.2 Calculate the SCF of free gas remaining in the reservoir at 1600 psia.

Initial volume of oil under initial reservoir condition = N × Boi = 316.08 MM bbl
Initially there is no gas in the reservoir, initial pore volume
at 1600 psia, the Voil = ( N − N p ) Bo = (245.02 − 26.00)(1.215) = 266.11 MM bbl
VfreeGas = Voil, initial − Voil = 316.8 − 266.1 = 50.7 MM bbl
G freeGas = 50.7 × 106 / Bg = 3.219 ×1010 SCF

Alternatively, G freeGas = G − G p − Gdissolved = N × Rsoi − N p R p − ( N − N p ) × Rso

= 245.02 ×106 × 5.615 × 575 − 26 ×106 × 5.615 × 954 − (245.02-26) ×106 × 5.615 × 385

2.3 Calculate the average gas saturation in the reservoir at 1600 psia.
N × Boi 316.08 MM bbl
Vpore = = = 385.46 MM bbl
(1 − S wi ) (1-0.18)
V freeGas 50.7
Sg = = = 0.1315
V pore 385.46

2.4 Calculate the barrels of oil that would have been recovered at 1600 psia if all the
produced gas had been returned to the reservoir.

If all the gas has been returned to the reservoir,

Np Bt − Bti 1.514 − 1.29
R p = 0, then RF = = = = 0.368
N Bt + (0 − Rsoi ) Bg 1.514 − 575 × 0.001575
so N p = N × RF = 245.02 × 0.368 = 90.21 MM STB,
compared to 26.0 MM STB that has been produced without injecting the gas back to reservoir.

2.5 Assuming no free gas flow, calculate the recovery expected by depletion drive
performance down to 2000 psia.

Np Bt − Bti
RF = =
N Bt + ( R p − Rsoi ) Bg
Bti = 1.29 bbl/STB
Bt = Bo + ( Rsoi − Rso ) Bg
0.02829 zTr 0.02829 0.82(150 + 460)
at 2000 psia, Bg = = = 0.00126 bbl/STB
5.615 pr 5.615 2000
From the PVT figure, Bo = 1.27 bbl/STB, R soi = 575 SCF/STB, R so = 510 SCF/STB
Bt = 1.27 bbl/STB + (575-510)SCF/STB × 0.00126 bbl/STB=1.434 bbl/STB
1.434 − 1.29
so N p,2000 = 245.02 × (1)
1.434 + ( R p ,2000 − 575)(0.00126)
N pb × Rsoi + ( N p ,2000 − N pb ) Ravg (2200,2000)
R p ,2000 = (2)
N p ,2000
Here R avg between 2200 and 2000 psia is = 542.5 SCF/STB
Bt ,bp − Bti Bo ,bp − Boi 1.30 − 1.25
N pb = N × RF = N × = N× = 245.02 × = 9.424 MM STB
Bt ,bp Bo ,bp 1.30
insert back into the Equation (2),
9.424 × 575 + ( N p ,2000 − 9.424)(542.5)
we have R p,2000 = ,
N p ,2000
1.434 − 1.29
solve together with N p,2000 = 245.02 ×
1.434 + ( R p ,2000 − 575)(0.00126)
we have N p,2000 = 25.05 MM STB, R p = 554.73 SCF/STB

Problem 3:
The following table provides fluid property data for an initially undersaturated oil
reservoir. The initial connate water saturation was 25%. Initial reservoir T and p were 97
deg F and 2110 psia, respectively. The bubble-pint pressure was 1700 psia. Average
compressibility factors between the initial and bubble-point pressures were 4.0(10)-6 psia-
and 3.1(10)-6 psia-1 for the formation and water, respectively. The critical gas saturation
at which gas flow starts to form is estimated to be 10%. Determine the recovery factor at
the bubble point pressure. Assume it is a volumetric reservoir.

Pressure (psia) Oil formation Solution gas-oil Gas formation

volume factor ratio (SCF/STB) volume factor
(bbl/STB) (ft3/SCF)
2110 1.256 540
1700 1.265 540 0.007412
1500 1.241 490 0.008423
1300 1.214 440 0.009826
1100 1.191 387 0.011792
900 1.161 334 0.014711
700 1.147 278 0.019316
500 1.117 220 0.027794


We need to use the following equation for recovery factor calculation.

⎡c S + c S + cf ⎤
NBti ⎢ o o w wi ⎥ Δ p e = N p Bt
⎣ 1 − S wi ⎦
Above the bubble point, Bt = Bo
Bti = Boi = 1.256 bbl/STB
Bt = Bo = 1.265 bbl/STB,
Δ p e = 2110 − 1700 = 410 psia
Bo − Boi 1.265 − 1.256
co = = = 1.748 × 10−5 bbl/STB
Boi Δ p e 1.256 × 410
co So + cw S wi + c f 1.748 ×10−5 × 0.75 + 3.1×10−6 × 0.25 + 4.0 ×10−6
ce = = = 2.385 × 10−5 psia -1
1 − S wi 0.75
⎡c S + c S + cf ⎤
Bti ⎢ o o w wi
1 − S wi ⎥ Δ pe N
⎣ ⎦ 1.256 × 2.385 × 10−5 × 410
= p = = 0.00970
Bt N 1.265

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