Ethics and Values - Meaning and Significance Outline

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1. Introduction
2. Meaning of Morals
3. Meaning of Values
4. Meaning of Ethics
5. Meaning of Human Values
6. Key Ethical Principles
7. Significance of Ethics
8. Conclusion

1. Introduction: The meaning of the concepts – Morals, Values, Ethics and Human Ethics
are explained with the key ethical principles and significance of ethics in this chapter.
2. Meaning of Morals
Morals are the standards, norms, or principles of right and wrong. They are basically
principles which help to guide our behaviour and accept behaviour of others.
3. Meaning of Values
‘Value’ which means to be of worth, to be strong. Values are a set of principles or
standards of behaviour that are regarded as desirable, important and held in high esteem
by society.
4. Meaning of Ethics
Ethics refers to the philosophical science that deals with the rightness and wrongness of
human action. Ethics refers to the most important values and beliefs of an individual or a
5. Meaning of Human Values
Morals and Values are the foundation of the Human Values. Human values can also be
defined as values of life.
Human Values = Morals + Ethics + Values
6. Key Ethical Principles

⮚ Integrity: Integrity is quality of being honest and morally upright.

⮚ Work Ethics: Work ethics are laid down by the organisation to bring uniformity in
the behaviour of workers, managers and all other employees.
⮚ Service: Service is the work involving the use of the head, the heart and the hand, for
the welfare of others, irrespective of their status, caste or creed.
⮚ Learning: When you perform some action then you learn in the process.
⮚ Civic Virtue: This is a social value. Human being is a social animal, he lives in a
society and he must confirm to natural law as well as rules laid down by the society.
⮚ Respect for Others: All the human beings are same and deserve the same respect
irrespective of economic, political and social position.
⮚ Living Peacefully: You should live in peace and allow others also to live in the same
⮚ Caring: Human psychology is such that everyone wants attention and recognition.
This value helps to create the attitude of mother and not find fault with others and
develop a feeling of caring.
⮚ Sharing: Sharing is the ability to give others what we possess.
⮚ Honesty: Honesty is truthfulness. It is a personal core of human values.
⮚ Courage: Courage is required to set realistic expectations with the employees and
⮚ Valuing Time: We must understand the value of time. Just as money has value, time
also has value.
⮚ Cooperation: The value of togetherness is reflected in cooperation.
⮚ Commitment: Commitment results in devotion of time and money.
⮚ Self-Confidence: Self-confidence is the strength and value of an individual.
⮚ Character: character is the light which shines when the sun is down and all other
lights are out.
⮚ Spirituality: Spirituality is the realisation and understanding of who you are.
7. Significance of Ethics
⮚ Inhibits Knowledge: Ethical norms help in gaining knowledge, analysing the truth, and
avoiding any chances of errors while examining any given circumstance or situation.
⮚ Enhances Cooperation: Working in any organization or workplace demands great deal
of cooperation and coordination amongst people at different levels and different fields.
⮚ Assists in Dealings: The right sense of thinking can help us deal with people on a daily
basis in the right and positive manner. The absence of the right approach and wrong
sense can only induce negative feelings, thereby affecting our communication with
people as well.
⮚ Builds Public Support: By following proper ethical norms, they ensure building
positive and strong public support.
⮚ Promotes Moral & Social Values: Ethics are considered to be of utmost importance
simply because they assist in promoting other significant moral and social values like
social responsibility, human rights, animal welfare, compliance with the law, and health
and safety.

8. Conclusion: Inculcation of these human values makes an individual humane and be

successful in the career as well as in life.

● Jayshree suresh, and Ragavan, B.S., “Human values and professional ethics”, S.Chand

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