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Strawberries Avoid
he first recorded use of

Soil Pests hydroponics is in one of the

seven wonders of the
ancient world: the Hanging Gardens
of Babylon where, historians say,
plants were grown in a steady stream
KEN HAMMOND (K8157-17) of water. Centuries later, U.S. troops
stationed on infertile Pacific Islands
during World War II ate fresh fruits
and vegetables produced by
Hydroponics—from the Greek
words hydro (water) and ponos (la-
bor)—is the science of growing
plants without soil. Nutrients that
plants usually get from soil are added
to water.
Scientists with USDA’s Agricul-
tural Research Service are success-
fully using this time-honored way of
producing crops at the Appalachian
Fruit Research Station in Kearneys-
ville, West Virginia.
There, they are using hydroponics
to grow strawberries without soil—
and even more, without pesticides.
But why hydroponics?
“Strawberry growers worldwide
fumigate the soil with methyl bro-
mide before planting to control soil-
borne insect pests, diseases, and
weeds,” says Fumiomi Takeda, an
ARS horticulturist at
Kearneysville. “This
fumigation is essential
to get high yields and
high-qualify fruit.
“But with the fast-
approaching ban on
use of this chemical, growers are
anxiously looking for alternatives. It
is estimated that banning methyl bro-
mide will cut in half the annual pro-
duction of field-grown strawberries
in California and Florida, our major
producing states.”
But growing strawberries hydro-
ponically eliminates the need for
methyl bromide on this crop.
Horticulturist Fumiomi Takeda inspects the size and quality of hydroponically grown As for foliage pests, Takeda says,
strawberries. “Two-spotted spider mites, thrips,

10 Agricultural Research/November 1998 ✩

and powdery developed roots. On October 1, plug Hydroponic systems reduce space
mildew were the plants and fresh-dug plants shipped requirements and growing time need-
major problems we encountered in from Canada were placed in the ed to produce a crop. Since there is
our greenhouse production of straw- hydroponic growing systems. no soil involved, no tillage is neces-
berries. We used beneficial predatory Takeda subjected plants in troughs sary—and there are no weeds to con-
mites to control the thrips and two- to a continuous flow of recirculating tend with. The amount of chemicals
spotted mites. The mildew problem nutrient solution. He fed the plants in needed is reduced, since biocontrol
can be resolved by moderating the pots intermittently with a nutrient so- measures work better in the con-
humidity level in the greenhouse and lution and also transplanted plug trolled environment of a greenhouse
by growing varieties that resist mil- plants to pots stacked to form towers. and there are fewer pests.
dew infection,” he says. “We harvested ripe fruit twice a Environmental factors aren’t a
In the Kearneysville greenhouse, week from December to May, the pe- problem in greenhouses since light-
Takeda grew strawberries in round riod when shipments of California ing, temperature, humidity, and irri-
pots, vertically stacked square pots, strawberries slow down. Fruit quality gation can be controlled. Nutrients
and horizontal troughs similar to rain and taste were excellent,” he says. used for plant growth are recyclable,
gutters. [See “Trading Wastewater Transplants or plug plants pro- to be used again and again.
for Crops,” Agricultural Research, duced more fruit than field-nursery Using hydroponics also reduces
February 1995, pp. 10-11.] plants. According to Takeda, the root the cost and increases the efficiency
He used both established plants system of both types of plants re- of labor. Field-harvesting straw-
and runner tips from greenhouse- mained healthy throughout the 7- to berries involves back-
grown Chandler and Camarosa, 8-month growing period, with no breaking labor, since
strawberry varieties developed in appearance of root diseases. laborers must stoop to pick
California; Sweet Charlie, developed However, in the stacked-pot the crop. Hydroponically
in Florida; and Tribute and Prime- towers, the top sections got grown berries can be
time, developed by ARS in Belts- more light and therefore bore harvested from a standing
ville, Maryland. He also included healthier plants and more fruit. position.
freshly dug Canadian nursery plants Light intensity greatly affects “Although initial set-up costs for
of Chandler, Camarosa, and Sweet strawberry growth and development. hydroponic farming are high, growers
Charlie. Since light levels reaching the plants may recoup that cost by producing a
“We controlled temperatures at at the lower section of the towers higher value product, increasing
68oF during the day and 57oF at were only 20 percent of levels mea- yields, and spending less money to
night, and we preconditioned trans- sured at the top, fruit production was control pests and diseases,” says
plants for 150 degree-hours of chill- reduced. Takeda. “Our research demonstrated
ing at or below 45oF. Combining this “Slightly taller pots spaced farther that two California strawberry varie-
with the natural photoperiod and sup- apart on the towers would reduce this ties can be grown by soilless means.
plemental lights during overcast days problem,” says Takeda. However, we need more research to
produced plants that yielded lots of Bruce Pape, an organic grower of measure the performance of other
good-sized fruit,” Takeda says. herbs and ornamentals on Maryland’s strawberry varieties and to investi-
Camarosa proved to be the most Eastern Shore, has been experiment- gate the influence of plant type—
productive variety. “We picked over ing with pot-grown strawberries as plug, fresh-dug, dormant, or single or
2 pounds of marketable strawberries ornamental plants. “We have some multiple crown—as well as planting
from each Camarosa plant,” Takeda specialty market outlets that would dates.”—By Doris Stanley, ARS.
reports. In soil fumigated with meth- probably be able to sell ornamental Fumiomi Takeda is at the USDA-
yl bromide, Camarosa and Chandler strawberry plants quite well,” he ARS Appalachian Fruit Research
will each yield over 2 pounds of says. “Consumers would not only get Station, 45 Wiltshire Rd., Kear-
high-quality fruit. a beautiful ornamental hanging bas- neysville, WV 25430-9425; phone
In late August, Takeda set runner ket, but a way to grow a few straw- (304) 725-3451, ext. 212, fax (304)
tips in bedding plant containers with berries in the winter months as well.” 728-2340,e-
peat mixture to produce “plug” Pape and his wife Carmen have ex- mail, ftakeda@
plants. He misted the plants perimented with several strawberry ◆
intermittently until they had well- varieties.

Agricultural Research/November 1998 11

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