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I/ Cung cấp dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc [ to inf, ving, …]

1 We suggested (sleep) __________ in hotels but the children were anxious (camp) __________ out.
2 Paul: Would you like (come) __________to a lecture on Wagner tonight?
3 They let us park motorcycles here but they won't allow us (park) __________ cars.
4 They don't allow (smoke) __________ in the auditorium; they don't want __________ (risk) (set)
__________ it on fire.

5 Mr Shaw is very busy (write) __________ his memoirs. He is far too busy (receive) __________ callers
(he is so busy that he can't receive callers), so you'd better just __________ (go) away.
6 What about (buy) __________ double quantities of everything today? That will save shopping again
later in the week.
7 The inspector asked (see) __________ my ticket and when I wasn't able (find) __________ it he made
me (buy) __________ another.
8 Would you like me (turn) __________ down the radio a bit? ~
No, it's all right. I'm used to (work) __________ with the radio on.
9 I want the boy (grow) __________up hating violence but his father keeps (buy) __________ him guns
and swords.
10 Would you children mind (keep) __________quiet for a moment? I'm trying (fill) __________ in a
It's no use (ask) __________ children (keep) __________ quiet. They can't help (make) __________ a
11 Let's go (fish) __________ today. There's a nice wind. Why not (come) __________ with us, Ann? -
No, thanks. I'm very willing (cut) __________ sandwiches for you but I've no intention of (waste)
__________ the afternoon (sit) __________ in a boat (watch) __________ you two (fish) __________ .
12 He resented (be) __________ asked (wait) __________. He expected the minister (see) __________
him at once.
13 I didn't mean (eat) __________anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn't resist (try)
__________ one.
14 Do you feel like (walk) __________there or shall we (take) a bus? ~
I'd rather (go) __________ by bus. Besides, it'll take ages (get) __________there on foot.
15 The old miser spent all his time (count) __________ his money and (think) __________ up new hiding-
16 He soon got (know) __________most of them and even managed (learn) the greetings. Then they
began (greet) __________him too on their way to work and sometimes would stop (talk) to him on
their way home.
17 He succeeded in (untie) __________ himself, (climb) out of the window and (crawl) along a
narrow ledge to the window of the next room.
18 Did you have any trouble (find) __________the house?
No, but I had a lot of difficulty (get) __________ in. Nobody seemed (know) __________ where the key
19 Bill couldn't bear (see) __________ anyone (sit) __________ round idly. Whenever he found me (relax)
__________ or (read) __________he would (produce) a job which, he said, had (be) done at once
20 It's no use (argue) with him. You might as well (argue) __________ with a stone wall. He is incapable
of (see) __________ anyone else's point of view.
21 I'm delighted (hear) that you can come on Saturday. We are all looking forward to (see) you. Remember
(bring) __________your rubber boots.
22 He has been charged with (receive) __________ and (sell) __________ stolen goods. He has admitted
(receive) __________ but denies (sell) __________ them. The fact is that he hasn't had time (sell) them yet.

23 What about (have) __________ a picnic in Piccadilly Circus?

What an extraordinary place (have) __________ a picnic! Fancy (sit) __________ there with the traffic
(swirl) __________ round you and the pigeons (take) __________ bites out of your sandwiches!
24 Would you mind (write) __________your address on the back of the cheque and (show) us some
proof of your identity?

25 I won’t never forget (travel) ___________ with my classmates last summer.


1. It is no use asking such an infant to keep quiet.

There is no point _________________________________.

2. It was not easy for Tuyet to get on with her roommates for the first several months.

Tuyet had trouble _______________________________________.

3. Let’s go out for dinner for a change.

How about ____________________________________?

4. Uncle Ben wishes he hadn’t shared the recipe with his neighbour.

Uncle Ben regrets having _______________________________.

5. My father thinks that eating herbs is good for our health.

My father advises ____________________________________.

6. It is a waste of time travelling without a map.

It is not worth ________________________

7. Local people don’t support the building of a new airport in their province.

Local people are opposed __________________________________.

8. My little sister is fond of playing with her puppy.

My little sister enjoys _____________________________.

9. The doctor managed to rescue the child because he was rushed into hospital in time.

The doctor succeeded ________________________________.

10. Pon said it was not he who broke the mirror.

Pon denied ______________________________________.

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