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August 24 th, 2021

My activites today it starts with morning prayer and daily mass who lead by Fr. Seto, OP.
I feel anxious when Ko Niklas forget to bring the mass intention to the Ambo. Fortunately Br.
Andre, OP take the intention and to read it. After that, I take the breakfast and prepared to class
with Ko Wira. This is the second class with Ko Wira. On class today is so exciting because Ko
Wira gave us some games. And after class, I was join in the the class With Ko Niklas and Mas
Andre. This class about translate the Psalm of evening prayer today. On this evening, we clean
the square of Redemptor Mundi Parish. And the interesting moment today is take a lunch with
Fr. Bayu, OP. After the evening prayer, we change our clothes and Mas Benny said that Fr.
Bayu, OP has waited us in our refter. During the dinner we tell our experience during in

August 25th , 2021

Like previously activities, today is started with morning prayer and daily mass which are
lead by Fr. Adrian Tobing. Today is my first day to become a commentator in daily mass.
Become a commentator is my first experience, especially in Redemptor Mundi Parish. But I
think I read is so fast (maybe…hehehehehe). After class with Ko Wira, I follow Mas Andre’s
Class. This day is a first class for Fr. Adrian, but Fr. Adrian just follow this class until 12.30,
because he must to lead mass for Br. Veri and Br. Alex. Today’s lunch return with Fr. Bayu.
Then, we play basketball with Fr. Seto, Fr. Bayu, Br. Andre, and scholarship student. At night, I
with Marco, Pieter, Ari, and Vincent take some music instrument in Aspirant House to prepare
the Fr. Adrian’s birthday.

August 26th , 2021

This morning, I with Marco boiled noodle to eat after mass. After that, I go to church for
arrange the mass things. I follow the morning prayer and daily mass which are lead by Fr. Seto.
After mass, I clear up liturgy things with Kak Reynald. Kak Reynald is my senior when I was in
seminary. As usual, after breakfast I attended a class with Ko Wira and after that with Mas
Benny. In the evening, I clean the yard of Redemptor Mundi Parish. After take a bath, I join
Rosary Prayer, Meditation, and Evening Prayer. In dinner this time, we are back to eat together
with Fr. Bayu. Pieter said that Fr. Bayu is wait us in refter. In the beginning, I did not believe
Pieter because he always joking, but when I going up to refter, it turns out Fr. Bayu already
exists (I’m sorry Pieter…). There is not any interesting moment today.

August 30th , 2021

This morning I become to liturgical officer in daily mass. After morning prayer I feel
stomachace and want to defecate. It is still 10 minutes before the mass, so I go to toilet. The
interesting moment today even forever is I read the wrong reading. When I was in ambo I read
the liturgical reading on saturday. In the middle of reading I realized that today is monday. Br.
Veri also came forward and asked me to read back today's reading. After mass, we had breakfast
and then started the class with Ko Wira. Today's class with Ko Wira was quite funny, because
Ko Wira held a class in his car with all the fuss with various problems. At lunch, it turned out
that Fr. Bayu was waiting for us at the refectory. After everyone finished eating, Fr. Bayu gave
messages so that this morning's incident would not be repeated. But there is another shocking
news. Ko Niklas apparently decided to resign from the Dominican aspirant.
August 31th, 2021
This morning nothing special. Everything goes as usual. It starts with morning prayer
then morning mass, after that breakfast, class and so on. This afternoon we lunch together with
the priests and brothers in the pastoran. The hampers for Father Adrian still arrives for Father
Adrian's birthday. This lunch was also the last lunch of Ko Niklas together with the Saint
Thomas Aquinas Community House. After lunch, Ari, Marco, and I shared stories with Fr. Veri
in our refter. Today is the gardening schedule. I helped Ms. Lia tidied up the bird and rabbit
cages. This was my first time managing an aviary like this, and I got a gift from the birds of their
droppings in my hands. After cleaning the bird cage, I cleaned the Maria Grotto area with Ari
and Bang Piter. In between gardening, we took Ko Niklas away to the car. 

September 5th, 2021

This morning I woke Ari on 05.00. I just realized that morning prayer start in 6.15, and
we still can continue our sleep. But, it is okay. After office reading of brothers and friars, we
enter into the church for morning prayer. There is nothing who follow the morning mass because
we join the midday mass. Why we not join morning and evening mass? Redemptor Mundi Parish
have started mass by face to face, so that we can not join the mass with parishioners. After
breakfast we relax while waiting for midday mass with Father Adrian Tobing. This midday mass
followed by aspirants, coristas brothers, some sisters, and scholarship student. The church is hot
because many windows which opened. But fortunately the homily of Father Tobing is exciting
and funny so that refresh the atmosphere of church. This night we join completorium with Father
Bayu. This completorium is different with the others completorium, because in ending of
completorium Father Bayu prays the exorcism pray and bespatter the rooms with special holy

September 6 th, 2021

This morning I wake up at 04.30. I get Mas Andre and Ari are cooking in our refectory.
After taking a bath, Mas Andre with and I go to the church. Mas Andre will be my assistant as a
liturgist for this week. At midday, we have lunch with Fr. Bayu in our refectory. Today we play
futsal with Fr. Bayu, Fr. Adrian Tobing, Br. Alex, and some Scholarship Students. After playing
the futsal, I heat start/turn on the motorcycle in Parish. At night, we celebrate Piter’s birthday in
pastoran/convent with all friars, and coristas brothers. As usual, I get the honour to say the
greetings at the birthday party as a minoribus aspirant. I am flattered impressed when Bang Piter
sing “how great Thou art”.

September 7th , 2021

Nothing special for today. Everything is going as usual. In the morning, we go to the
morning prayer and mass, and after that, we take our breakfast. When I wash our dishes, Ari
finds Mas Andre is defecating with the door is open. After class with Ko Wira, Fr. Adrian
Adiredjo enter our class and tell us to eat the bread from Italy. Then we practice choir with Br.
Veri. At 3:30 pm, we are gardening around RM parish. Br. Veri and I plant the seeds of Fig Tree
and Olive Tree. The land which we use to plant is rotten. The rot increases by Buffalo’s fertilize.

September 8th , 2021

Happy birthday to you…Happy birthday to you…Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy
birthday to you. Today is Mother Mary’s birthday. My day was started by morning prayer and
mass led by Fr. Mingdry. After that, we take our breakfast and join to Ko Wira class. Oh yeah, I
forgot. I woke at 04.00 am because Ari woke me up. I immediately woke up and took a bath.
After taking a bath, I went up to the third floor and got Mas Andre and Ari are cooking. When
we are praying morning prayer, I am so very sleepy until not focus. That’s why, I drunk coffee
after I breakfast, and I didn’t sleep when Ko Wira’s class.

September 9th , 2021

Today is my seminary birthday. When I was in seminary, this day was the day that I wait,
because many peoples would come to my seminary. We would to mass who led by Makassar’s
Archbishop, and after that, we celebrate the party. Back to the laptop. Today was started by
morning prayer and mass led by Fr. Seto. When the morning prayer, I played the organ to
accompanied the hymn and psalms. After class with Ko Wira, we join the choir practice with Br.
Veri. In the evening, we were gardened. I cleaned the Maria Grotto with Mrs Lia. When we are
gardening, Fr. Bayu gaves us a rich cake which the taste is delicious. But he gaves us just one.
After gardening, we rest in our refectory. Vincent and Ari forced me to bought the shoes of Br.

September 11th, 2021

Welcome to the weekend. Today I started with morning prayer and celebrated the mass.
It was offered by Fr. Bayu. After had breakfast, we had general cleaning time. Vincent and I
cleaned the recreation room and bathroom. After that, we checked our healthy with swab
antigen. There was an interesting moment evidence, the result of Fr. Adrian’s swab was positive.
However, after re-check again, it was just antibody. Fr. Adrian did not positive covid. When
evening prayer, I felt sleepy. In my friends opinion, I was delirious. At dinner, Fr. Adrian joined
with us. His friend brought Malang‘s meetball and Klepon. After dinner, I finished retreat
proposal with Mas Benny.

September 13th, 2021

This is my first day to became a versicularian in morning prayer. Versicularian is one of
job in morning prayer. It would to led the invitatory and responsory. Ari and I would to became
versicularian, I was versicularian major and Ari was versicularian minor. After morning prayer, I
attended the mass which led by Fr. Bayu. It was rained in midday. I worked my retreat proposal
because Fr. Bayu have asked me to submitted. When exercise time, I played tennis with Mas
Andre, Vincent, and Marco. After play tennis, I played badminton in parish’s field with Mas
Andre. When evening prayer, I led rosary prayer in English. There are some mistakes in my
pronouncation, example which Fr. Hary told me that I said Hail to be Hel not Heil. When night
study, Fr. Bayu came to our class and told us that wifi must be unconnected. I given Fr. Bayu my
proposal and he accepted it.
September 14 th, 2021
Today is the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. We celebrate this feast when St.
Helena found the real cross of Jesus Christ. She found the Holy Cross in Jerusalem and got three
crosses in a well. For decided which the real cross, she brought the crosses to sick man and one
of the crosses could heal the sick man. That was the cross which was believed as the real cross.
What the meaning of this feast for us? Based on the Gospel today about the conversation
between Nicodemus with Jesus about salvation, human could save if reborn again. The death of
Jesus was the death of sin. Through the death of Jesus on the Cross, we reborn again in the world
without sin. That was the cross which brought us to glory. As example, I was difficult to learn
English, but it was required for going to Philippines. The cross for me was to learn English.
When I will go to Philippines is my glory. This is the example about the cross.

September 15th, 2021

Today is the memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. There are seven sorrows of Mother
Mary: the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, losing Jesus in the Temple, the Crucifixion
standing at the foot on the Cross, the Pieta receiving His body, and placing her Divine Son in the
tomb. Virgin Mary kept her sorrows in her heart. When she accepted the Good News brought by
Gabriel, she realized her job to be the mother of God. When Jesus was lost in Jerusalem, and His
parents found him in Temple, Virgin Mary treasured everything in her heart. From the seven
sorrows of the Virgin Mary, we could see the obedience of Mary to God. She was an exemplary
servant of God. When Mother Mary got a problem, she treasured all problems in her heart then
contemplated quietly. I chose Virgin Mary as my model when I got a problem. I had a time with
God to tell Him about all my problems. I felt relieved after I told Him.

September 16th , 2021

Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Cornelius and Saint Cyprian. I like the Gospel
today when Jesus offended Pharisees. Today, the Gospel talked about a sinful woman who came
to Jesus, wiped Him with her hair, kissed them, and anointed Him with ointment. I admired the
friendship of St. Cornel and St. Cyprian. When St. Cornel was exiled, St. Cornel and St. Cyprian
sent a letter to each other. The sinful woman on the Gospel today became exemplary for me, that
even the sinner could serve Lord compared with Pharisees. Jesus compared the actions of the
sinful woman with the householder. The sinful woman welcomed Jesus by wiped Jesus' foot with
her hair. But the householder did not welcome Jesus just like the woman did. In the evening, I
met with Fr. Bayu for IC (individual consultation). After IC, I was gardening with all my

September 18th, 2021

Today we started our monthly recollection for the first time. The theme of our
recollection was “Listening to God in prayer and through Scripture”. The speakers of this event
were Br. Veri Dearbantolo and Fr. Mingdry Tjipto. For Saturday, Br. Veri presented about
growing in relationship with God through prayer. The recollection was held in St. Thomas
Aquino Room. Br. Veri gave us the letter of St. Chaterine from Siena to her bestfriend Allessa. I

was motivated by her when she described the prayer with a crock. St. Catherina described that
the human soul was like a crock, God was the water source, and the water was grace. Our soul
was refreshed if we always draw water from God, the water source. St Chaterine said: “If you
did not drink routinely, then your crock will remain empty”. We also saw the treatise on the
Manner of Praying attributed to St. Albert the great. St. Albert taught us how to prepare
ourselves for prayer. He shared the preparation into two parts, Remote and Immediate. We must
prepare ourselves, starting from our heart, soul, mind, relationship with others by reconciliation,
and of course our external preparation, such as place, gesture, and appearance.

September 20th , 2021

Today, our morning prayer held in Balai Paroki, because RM parish opened it church for
parishioners. We started on 06.00, after that brother coristas continued with office of readings
but we did not follow them. I continued my activity with prepared the meals that we would eat in
breakfast with Mas Andre and Bang Piter. On evening, we combined our mass with evening
prayer. This was my first experience. We attended this mass in English and Fr. Seto led this
mass. In his homily, he said that we must sent the light not kept it, because if we kept the light
which gave from God, God would be took it from ourselves. One of the example from sent the
light, based on Fr. Seto was if we ate in KFC or McD we did not need to felt shame if we would
to did the Sign of Cross. He supposed the light such as talent. If we did not develop our talent,
the talent would be disappeared and was lost. One of the goals of formation was developed the
formandi’s talent. In this formation we must found our talent and developed it.

September 21st , 2021

Today is the feast of Saint Matthew. St. Matthew is one of apostles and evangelists. He is
the patron of accountants and tax collectors. The Gospel talked about Matthew who answered the
Jesus’ call, “Follow me”. He rushed to follow Jesus immediately without hesitation. Over and
over, the Pharisees searched for Jesus’ fault, that Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners, but
Jesus said, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do”. In his sermon, Fr. Seto
described the St. Matthew’s story with Les Miserables. One night, Jan Valjean came to the
Bishop Myriel’s house. The bishop accepted and served him with pleasure, but Valjean stole the
jewelry of Bishop Myriel. Police caught Valjean and brought him to the bishop. Unexpectedly,
Bishop Myriel said that he gave him to Valjean as a gift. There were similarities between
Matthew and Valjean. They were got bad stigma in public as sinners, but Jesus and Bishop
Myriel accepted them as a best friend though they were considered bad by the public.

September 22nd , 2021

I want tell about some stories of today. The first accident was flood in our kitchen. While
we were eating, Br. Veri came to our refectory and told that our kitchen had been inundated. This
accident happened because while we were eating, Br. Benny forgot that he was filling the gallon.
The second accident was the Piter’s finger was cut by knife. There was much blood of Piter
spilled on floor. Ari searched banana leaves immediately to medicated Piter. The third incident
was there was Fr. Bayu in our zoom meeting. I thought Fr. Bayu did not see us, it turned out he
listened our class. The fourth incident was that Piter, again, released his braces. He looked
different from before. There was something missing from him. That is some of our stories for
September 23th , 2021
Today is the memorial of St. Pio of Pietrelcina. St. Pio was my idol saint because he
made many miracles, and he had many gifts. I had watched Padre Pio’s film before I came to
Dominican. One of the scenes that made me impressed was when little Pio came to his church
and pray in front of Cross, the Jesus put his hand and blessed little Pio. After he was ordained,
Padre Pio returned to his home because he was sick. Even he served the parishioners in his
village, Pietrelcina, South Italia. On the film, Padre Pio blessed a villager’s farm. The next day,
the villager’s farm was arid, and the trees died. He had the gift of reading souls, ability to
bilocate, stigmata, healing, apparitions. It was a piece of Padre Pio’s story.

September 26th , 2021

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy
birthday to you. 18 years ago, there was human born from one woman. He was Marco Damiano
Alberto Untu. He was born in Manado, twin brothers of Makassar because they were in one
mainland, Sulawesi. There was funny story in the morning. In the morning prayer, my job was
minor suscentor. When I read intercession, I prayed for Marconah, of course. After Marco, I said
that Fr. Lasinas celebrated his birthday too. Turned out oh it turned out, Fr. Lasinas has passed
away twenty-one years ago. I was surprised when I realized about that fact. In the evening, we
celebrated Marco’s birthday with all Santo Tomas Aquinas Community members. I became
master of ceremony/MC. Even though my English was lacked, I believed myself, and I
should/had to improve my English skill especially practiced it.

September 27th , 2021

What is your version of future priest?
Before I answer this question, I have to see why I want to become a priest. When I was
child, I impressed the priest when he celebrated the mass. When the priest celebrated the mass,
they were like the Christ, especially when they spread his hands and lifted the Body of Christ. If
I saw them, I immediately thought I will such as them. After celebrated the mass, my parish
priest always stood in the front of church’s door to greeted and shake hand the parishioners. I
thought, he was a real shepherd that knew his flocks, and the flocks knew his shepherd of course.
That is how it is my example of my version of future priest. I am going to become a priest
that knows his flocks. If I am just acceptable in my flock is never enough. I have to/must
accepted by everyone without exception, men or women, young or child, rich our poor, etc. We
can see an example of my version in Father Adrian Adiredjo. He is priest that is acceptable for
everyone. He is near with his parishioners and gets to know more of them.
I think so, I will become the tribunal priest, the priest who relate with law. I like to learn
all about law, especially about canon law. I will handle about divorce/annulation, laicalization of
the clergy, land dispute, or all about the law.

September 28th , 2021


Today is the feast of Saint Lorenzo Ruiz and his companions. He was the saint from
Philippines. In his homily, Fr. Seto said that Saint Lorenzo Ruiz was half Chinese and half
Filipino. His father was a Chinese and his mother was a Philippines. St. Lorenzo Ruiz was a
Dominican Laity, and he was protomartyr. He was be killed in Japan by Tokugawa Shogunate
with the companions. St. Lorenzo Ruiz was the first saint from Philippines, and he was the first
saint whose beatification was the first beatification outside the Vatican. I was surprised when I
read the story of St. Lorenzo Ruiz and his companions. They were subjected to an unspeakable
kind of torture. St. Lorenzo Ruiz was killed by being hanged upside down in pits. He wanted to
apostatize, but when he thought about it his faith grew strong. When I read this story, I
immediate asked myself, “Can I be like them?” I honestly could not be like them. If I were in
their position, maybe I would leave my faith, hahahaha, I apologize because I am not ready if I
am tortured like St. Lorenzo.

September 29th , 2021

Today is a feast of the archangels, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. St. Michael
was a prince of heavenly hosts, St. Gabriel was a bearer of good news, and St. Raphael was a
healer. We could get the story of this Archangels in Holy Bible. Revelation, the book of
doomsday, talked about the role of St. Michael in the doomsday. It was said that St. Michael
would separate which one was good and which one was bad. St. Gabriel was famous because he
brought good news to Virgin Mary that she could conceive the Son of God. The book of Tobit
talked about St. Raphael cured Tobit from his blindness. According to Fr. Adrian’s homily, he
invited us to lived roles of the archangels. In daily life, we could be like them such as reminded
our friend that he did something wrong. When our friend was sick, we could become a healer for
him. When someone felt sad, we could become bearer of good news for him, so we could
comfort him.
1 October, 2021
Welcome October…. This is the first day in oktober, the last three months of this year.
Today, our country celebrates Pancasila Sanctity Day. We remember the G30S tragedy that kills
the seventh army officers. I think, in this time we do not only talk about the 30 S tragedy. We
had to remember, there were many people especially in Nusa Tenggara (based on Narasi TV)
that would become victims post-65. They were victims from cruelty of Soeharto, and until now
they still get bad stigma from public.
Today, we open the Rosary Month. Marco, Ari, Mas Andre, and me bring the statue of
Our Lady Rosary from Manaoag in the evening mass. We join the rosary prayer in church with
the parishioners. When we entered the church, the statue was tilt to the right that made Fr. Bayu
was panic (hahahahaha). After rosary and procession, all the brothers and us went to the Balai
Paroki for the mass with Fr. Adrian Tobing and Fr. Bayu.
4 October, 2021
Today is the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. He is the founder of Ordo Fratrum
Minorum/OFM. My ex-spiritual father had said that St. Francis was a boyfriend of St. Clara.
They loved each other in prayer on they convents. Beside the founder of OFM, he is the
bestfriend of St. Dominic, our founder. Because of that, St. Francis is also called our holy father.
They met each other in Basilica of Saint Peter when they visited Pope for the confirmation of
their Order. One night, Pope Innocent III had dreamed about St. Dominic and St. Francis
defending the church’s pillars which nearly collapsed. They defended the church’s pillars
because the pillars were the spiritual people who were afflicted by Albigensian. Because of that,
there is friendship between Dominican Order and Franciscan Order. If Dominican celebrates the
feast of Saint Dominic, one of Franciscan will give the homily. When Franciscan celebrates the
feast of Saint Francis, one of Dominican will give the homily. I do not know is the Franciscan
work in Surabaya Diocese, because when we celebrate the solemnity of Saint Dominic, not the
Franciscan lead it. In Pontianak Diocese, I see the Franciscan priest who lead the mass when we
celebrate the solemnity of Saint Dominic.
5thOctober, 2021
Today the gospel talks about Jesus comes to the house of Maria and Martha, sister of
Lazarus. In the last sentence of this Gospel, Jesus said that Mary has chosen the better part. Mary
has chosen her priority and even Martha has chosen her priority. If Mary chose that listening was
her priority, then Martha chose that serving was her priority. According to Fr. Seto’s homily, he
said that the Gospel today would talk about where our main priority was Fr. Seto said, “What is
aspirant’s priority?” The aspirant’s priority was learning English for the next formation in
Phillipines. Buying drugs is not our priority. When we have taken our priority, we have to
undergo because that is our better part and it will not be taken from us.
6 October, 2021
Today we back to learn about conditionals in English. I understood the yesterday’s
lesson, but I don’t understand the material for today. I don’t know about unless and I wish. After
we learnt English, Fr. Bayu and we continued our activity with Correctio Fraterna. Our fraternal
correction was held in study room. The brothers who would be corrected for this time are
Vincent and Ari, so when we corrected Vincent, Vincent was not at in this room, he had to wait
in outside of the room. After we corrected Vincent, Ari left from this room, and Vincent joined
with us. Then, we continued our activity with midday prayer and lunch. Fr. Bayu did not take a
lunch with us because he had to lead a blessing, so that we called Fr. Tobing to eat with us. This
was the first time Fr. Tobing joined with us in our refectory. After we had a lunch, some brothers
went to the immigration office for made their passport. Mas Andre with me made the proposal of
our recollection on this weekend. When we had a dinner, we called Br. Harry to eat with us, but
he didn’t come. In the mid of our dinner, he came to our refectory, but he did not eat. He just

7th October, 2021

I like two people in Indonesia. They are Prof. Salim Said and Prof. Anhar Gonggong.
Prof. Salim Said is an academic and Prof. Anhar Gonggong is a historian. They are from South
Sulawesi. Prof. Salim Said is from Afdeling Pare-Pare, the hometown of Habibie. Afdeling it
means the section area from Pare-Pare, but now the place is called Sidrap District. He was sent to
school by Habibie in Ohio University, USA. He was full of stories about G 30 S tragedy or the
tragedies in Orde Baru. The best statement of him was, “Why Indonesia does not become a
developed country?” He said that Indonesia does not become a developed country because the
government does not fear God. The government which did corruption was the people who had
sworn in the Bible or Al-quran.
I don’t know where Prof. Anhar Gonggong is from. Based on Wikipedia, his father was a
king of the little kingdom in South Sulawesi, Attila (I don’t know what this is). His father was
killed with his brothers by Netherland. The incindent was named “Westerling’s Massacre” or

“Korban 40.000 Jiwa”. The exact victims of this incident still debatable because Netherland said
that the victims just 3.000, but Indonesia said the victims were 40.000. One of the streets in
Makassar was named “Monumen Korban 40.000 jiwa’s street.” In the street, there was a
monument which was built to honor the victims.

10 October, 2021
For the last two days, we attended the aspirant’s recollection. The speakers of our
recollection were Fr. Adrian Adiredjo and the first cooperate brother from Indonesia, Br.
Andreas Priyanto. Our recollection was started on Saturday morning with Fr. Adrian. The
opening question from him was, “What does Mary do which relate about the formation?” I chose
the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Fr. Adrian talked about the history of human salvation from
Eve until Mary. She helped the God’s providence especially the God’s fulfillment when the
Word was made flesh.
Today, our speaker is Br. Andreas Priyanto. He says, “Eve was made immediately by
God, and Mother Mary became the God’s bearer.” After we finish our session with Br. Andre,
Mas Benny gets a bad information about his mom. His mom is in critical health condition. He
must go to Jakarta immediately. Therefore, after having lunch, he goes to the airport.
11 October, 2021
After having dinner, Piter, Ari and I talk about death. Piter says that in Kisaran, there
was a grandmother who prayed that her husband passed away. God granted her prayer. Her
husband passed away, and 1 month later she followed him. I ask Piter, “Does he always gets
sick?”, Piter answers, “No, he does not. He is healthy.” I ask him because sometimes people will
pray to God to take their beloved person so that they do not feel sick. Usually, a mother, who has
the autistic child, will pray to God to take her child first.
I have a story from my aunty. She had neighbors, a brother and sister. Her brother had a
stroke. They did not marry. The people always saw her sister when she took the newspaper in
front of her house. One time, people had not been seeing her for 5 days. When the people tried to
enter their house, they saw the sister had died beside her brother. The brother looked as if he had
not been eating for 5 days. Finally, their nephew came to the house and took his uncle. The
brother was sent into in nursing home.

12thOctober 2021
Today is a great day for us because we are going to interview with Fr. Hilario Sicat, who
is our formator in postulancy. Before we talk with Fr. Hila, we ask all the coristas brothers about
him. They said that Fr. Hila was a strict and fierce person. When I met him, my first impression
about him was a kind and friendly person. He was patient especially because he knew that this
was the first time we spoke with Filipino and full English. He told me to introduce myself and
the second question was told about where I heard about Dominican. After that, he asked me,
“What have you been getting from Dominican since you live with them for 2 months?” He asked
me too if I heard about Philippine, and I answered him, “Yes, I hear from coristas brother.”
Then, he said, “What is your expectations about the postulancy in here?” I answered him, “I do
not have many expectations because I think my life in here is same with the postulancy.”
13 October 2021
I can talk about my special activities for today. After class, I met Fr. Bayu for 2 nd
individual consultation. My individual consultation for this time was telling about the result of
our fraternal correction a few days ago. I waited him in presbytery, but he did not come until
11.15 am. I came to his room, but when I knocked the door, I did not hear anything inside his
room. At 11.20 am he went out from his room, and we went to one of meeting rooms in ground
floor. There were not many questions he asked for me, but he just asked me about my response
about all the corrections that was given by all the brothers. He asked me too about my first
impression about Fr. Hilarion Sicat. He told me that Fr. Sicat waited for us in Philippine. After
IC, I joined the aspirants brother who are practicing choir. They practiced Batak’s song, Sik Sik
Sibatumanikam. You must hear us when we sing this song. When we had dinner, Br. Harry came
to our refectory and joined with us. He said that he forgot cooking rice for coristas. He ate with
us too.
14 October 2021
I want to talk about my ex-parish priest. My ex-parish priest’ name is Father Marselinus
Lolotandung. He is diocesan priest from Makassar and had served my parish for 17 years. In the
end of 1999, he went to Cairo for studying Islamology. He studied in Rome after finished his
study in Cairo. He graduated from PISAI, Rome. In the end of 2003, he returned to Indonesia
and was appointed as a vice-secretary of Makassar Archdiocese. While he as a vice-secretary, he
was appointed as a fixed-vicar priest in my parish. He did not live in my parish, but he lived in
Archdiocese house. He was appointed as a vicar priest in my parish in 2006 and since this year
he lived in my parish. In 2013 he switched his duty with my parish priest because his health
decreased. In the mid of 2021, he was moved from my parish to the parish Santo Paulus,
Ge’tengan, Toraja.

17th October 2021

I want to talk about my weekend. My weekend was started on Friday. I had a new
experience. Br. Andre came to me and told that his friends wanted to swab test, and I was wanted
to test them. Therefore, after taking a bath, I came to Caleruega,where they had been waiting
me. This was my first experience in testing the people outside our convent. On Saturday, we
cleaned our house. I cleaned our dormitory and class. I was so hungry, and how fortunate when I
came to refectory, I got Vincent was eating Nasi Goreng by Br. Veri. At night, we played card
with Br. Alex. Marco was very annoying because he kept his seven loves. Br. Alex and I had
many high love cards, but we did not put them out. On Sunday, Holy Spirit came to us. We
worked our assignment at 9.00 am. We asked the brother coristas (just three) to answer our
question. At night, all the brothers in this house drank juice to celebrate the ending of Coristas
18 October 2021
I have a new technique to reflect the reading mass. When I read the first reading, I am
going to find its connecting line with the Gospel. I am going to write the verse, that has
connection with the Gospel’s verse. Like the reading for today. There is connection from the last

sentence in the first reading with the Gospel. The last sentence in the first reading is, “But the
Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the proclamation might be
completed, and all the Gentiles might hear it.” This sentence has connection with the topic
of the Gospel, that is about Jesus appointed 72 disciples and sent them to give the peace. We
can get the essence from these 2 verses, there are mission and the strength from God. Jesus
gives us the rule of our mission, especially we as Dominicans, the order who is itinerant and
mendicant. In our mission, there are many problems we will get, but we know that God
always stands with us and gives us strength.

19 October 2021
Today there is new experience that we get in the mass. The mass was led by Fr. Robini,
OP. His homily was so long because he shared his experience in Pontianak especially in his
mission. He told us about when he was appointed by Pontianak’s bishop to opened one college in
Pontianak that will be die. When he thought the patron of the college, his team recommended St.
Albert the Great as a patron. Fr Robini thought it was not suitable because he thought holy
woman was more suitable to be a patron of college. Then, St. Catherine of Siena was elected as a
patron of this college. When he reported to RT and local lingkungan, he asked to the head of
lingkungan, “What is the patron of this lingkungan?”, and the head said, “St. Catherine of
Siena”. He thought immediately that St. Catherine had waited him in there. I confused because
yesterday was the memorial of St. Paul of the Cross, but the topic of Fr. Robini’s homily
discussed a lot of St. Catherine of Siena.
21 October 2021
I want to continue my answer in last meeting. One of my dreams is climbing the
mountain. When I was child, maybe in 4th grade in elementary school, my father invited me to
climb one of the higher mountains in south Sulawesi, that was Bawakaraeng Mountain. We
climbed the mountain with my cousins. All of us were child, and one of my uncles joined us. As
a child, we did not strong to climb until the mountain’s top, so we climbed just until the 4 th post.
The first love always be the most beautiful memories. My first experience of climbing always
remembered in my mind. I want to climb more mountains. When I graduated from seminary, I
had a long-time holiday. I used my holidays with went to Toraja. When I was in Toraja, my
friend invited me to climb Sesean Mountain, but it was an impromptu inviting. I did not ready,
especially for my equipments. Finally, it was not realized. As a change, we climbed -maybe not
climbed but just visited- To’ Deri Hill. I hope Vincent wants to invite me to climb one of
mountains in Java.

24 thOctober 2021
Today is our last day with Fr. Tobing. Tomorrow, he is going to airport and going to
Sibolga. This evening, we have a farewell party for Fr. Tobing. As a gift for him, we gave him a
picture, hopefully he always remembered us, especially our English class. Then, we sang 2 songs
for him, the first was “I Will Follow Him”, to accompany the journey of his vocation, and the
second was “Sik Sik Sibatumanikam”, to refresh his memory about his hometown. I was shocked
when Fr. Tobing shared his vocation story. It turned out, he had worked for 4 years in airport
before he entered Major Seminary. He had worked in Manado’s airport, Soetta’s airport, Bali’s
airport, and Batam’s airport. He told us a lot of his vocation struggles, especially the struggles to
choose to be diocesan priest or religious priest. Why does he choose Dominican? He dreamt that
his bishop told him to find the order, which is used black coat. He searched that order, such as
CP and SMM, but he did not get it. Finally, he got Fr. Adrian’s facebook, and he immediately
chatted him. After he live in here for some months, he must go back to his diocese because his
bishop have called him to back.

25th October 2021

I want to share about our holiday on Saturday ago. I went to Wisata Bahari Lamongan on
09.00 am with all the brothers’ aspirants. After buying the ticket, we went to Maharani Zoo. We
saw a lot of animals, like donkeys, camels, elephants, various kinds of birds, fishes, and creeping
animals. We had an opportunity to feed for camels and elephants. We wanted to feed for lions,
but we still loved our soul. We took the picture together with birds. After that we had a lunch in
the food court in there. I ate Soto Lamongan and Tahu Campur. After taking lunch, we went to
WBL. We played the rides there. There are 2 rides that make me dizzy even almost gag. We
entered too in Rumah Hantu, but Mas Andre and Marco did not join us because they were afraid.
We were so tired when we went back to RM, even we slept on the car. While we were hanging
out, brother coristas hanged out too. They brought Fr. Tobing to walk around Surabaya City.
26 October 2021
I do not have idea for this journal. Therefore, I want to tell the story of my seminary. My
seminary’s name is Minor Seminary of St. Peter Claver. It is in the Archdiocese of Makassar. In
the beginning, this seminary was in Toraja, but in 1953 there was a rebellion between Franz
Karangan-Andi Sose in Toraja. This accident made my seminary had to move from Toraja to
Makassar. In Makassar, Makassar Archdiocese had bought a plot of land. In this land was built
this seminary, and it was blessed and dedicated on 9 September 1953 during the memorial of St.
Peter Claver, the patron of Negro’s slaves. This seminary was founded by Mgr. Nicholas
Schneiders, CICM, Archbishop of Makassar, and Fr. Albert Raskin, CICM, as the first rector of
this seminary. This seminary located at Gagak Street, No 19, in behind of St. Jacob Parish. There
are many alumni from this seminary. They are 2 bishops, priests, or people who do not continue
their vocation. There are some popular graduates of this seminary, such as Amir Syamsuddin, ex
Minister of Law and Human Rights, Pance Pondaag, a music composer, Gories Mere,
Presidential Special Staff for Intelligence and Security, O. C. Kaligis, a lawyer who was
stumbled by bribery case.

27th October 2021

If yesterday I talked about my seminary, today I want to talk about my parish. My
parish’s name is Christ the King, Parish. My parish is located in Andalas Street; therefore, my
parish usually is called Andalas Parish. I was baptized in this parish, on April 14 th, 2004. I was
given the initiation sacraments in this parish. This parish was built in 1953. I forgot when the
exact date was, but I think it was during Easter. This was the second older parish in Makassar
city, after Cathedral Parish, and the third older parish in my archdiocese. A long time ago, my
parish destined for the Chinese community in Makassar. The first parish priest was a priest from

Belgium, who had become missionary in China. By that time, the Catholic’s population in
Makassar had grown up. Finally, this parish was opened to all parishioners. Mandarin’s mass
was deleted too, because the parish priest, who was a duty in my parish did not know Mandarin.
My parish became the last parish in Makassar city that was hold by CICM friars. In 2014, the
Mandarin’s mass was reactivated by some Chinese parishioners. My vicar-priest was sent to
study in Taiwan.

27th October 2021

The Gospel of today talked about Jesus who went up to the mountain to pray, and when
the day came, He chose from the disciples, 12 people who were later named apostles. They were
Peter, Andrew, James the older, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the younger,
Thomas, Simon the Zelot, Judas Iscariot. On the mass this evening, Br. Marco gave us a sermon
for changed the duty instead Fr. Bayu. In his sermon, he said that Jesus chose us to be
companion in His mission on earth. The word of “Companion” came from com and panis which
mean one who broke bread with one another. Jesus has chosen us and taken us to be sanctified
and broken, as the disciples who were sent by Him. There was one beauty word from his sermon.
It was cup of suffering. The two Apostles, St. Simon, and St. Jude, who is celebrated today, are
martyred together in Syria. These apostles did not only follow Jesus as far as the breaking of
bread, but also following Jesus in drinking the cup of suffering. He invited us to dare to be like
St. Simon and St. Jude who bring peace and take part not only Jesus’ bread but also Jesus’ cup of
31 October 2021
Oh my God…. This is the end of October. I am surprised since we have been living in
Surabaya for more 2 months. There are many experiences that I get since I live in here. I have
left my family since I entered seminary, but of course there is a difference between entering
seminary, and entering Dominican. Now, I have left not only my family but also my town.
Surabaya is not a foreign city for me. Maybe Surabaya is the second city of my family because
there are many relatives, both my father’s and my mother’s families in here. I have many aunties
here, but I am not familiar with some of them. Only my parents know them. My Toapek’s (The
older brother of my father) grave is in Surabaya too, but I do not know where it is. Since I was
child, I had visited Surabaya when my cousin was married or there was family gathering. I often
visited Surabaya just when I was child. The last time I went to Surabaya was when my family
wanted to go to Bali. We wanted to feel how to travel by ship. So, we went to Surabaya with ship
and from Surabaya to Bali with ferry. This was my new experience when I rode ship and ferry.

1st November 2021

Today is the first day of November, the month that I have waited. As a Catholic, we open
this month with celebrating the Solemnity of All the Saints. We honor all the holy men and holy
women, who are now happy in the heaven. They are the people who have seen God with their
eyes. I have some favorite saints because they have the unique story about their life. I told the
story of St. Maximilian Kolbe and St. Lawrence. They are my favorite saints as their story are
interesting and valuable. My other favorite saint is St. Gianna Beretta Molla. She was a doctor
who specialized in pediatrics. In 1961, during the second month of her fourth pregnancy, St.
Gianna developed a fibroma on her uterus. The doctors gave her three choices after following an
examination: an abortion, a complete hysterectomy, or the removal of the fibroma alone. St.
Gianna opted for the removal of the fibroma since she wanted to preserve her child’s life. She
told the doctors that her child’s life was more important than her own. In her biography that was
written by her husband, her husband often told Gianna Emanuela (the youngest child of St.
Gianna) that her mother’s choice was one of conscience as both a loving mother and a doctor.
She became a blessed on 24 April 1994 by Pope John Paul II, and became a saint on 16 May
2004 by the same pope.

2nd November 2021

Today we celebrate the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. Usually, we go to
the grave of our family, but in my family, this tradition does not carry out because we have a
time to visit our family graves. I did not see my grandparents from my mom because they had
passed away before I was born. My grandfather from my father had passed away when my father
was child, and my grandmother had passed away when I was third class in junior high school. I
just saw my grandmother from my father. I only saw my grandparents from my mom when I
visited their grave. I am jealous when I see the people who are happy with their grandparents,
especially with their grandpa, but sometimes I am grateful because I have lived with my grandma
who I call ama. She always gave me money when she went to my house. On the weekend, after
going back from her church, she went to my house and usually we would go to some places or
foreign city. My grandma was famous in my big family/relatives. She kept a relationship with
her cousins, who are Muslim. It is something that her siblings never did. When my mom had a
party with her family, she always invited her mother-in-law, even the party in other city or
foreign country. I remember, every time I went to school, I stopped by in my beku’s (the younger
sister of my father) house, and my grandma would give me a meal. When my grandma passed
away, her nephews and nieces went to Makassar though they lived in other cities. Now, she is
happy there because she meets her husband. Previously, my grandpa was buried in Manado, but
in the mid 2019 my father brought my grandpa’s ash to Makassar and then buried him beside my
3 November 2021
Suddenly I remember when my father’s aunt taught me about the Hokkien numerals.
They are it, ji, sa, si, go, lak, cit, pek, kiu, cap. She taught me because my father was Hokkien.
My village in China was Eng Chun. When I search on google, I found that Eng Chun was in
Fujian Province. In Makassar, there is a gathering between all the Chinese who come from this
village that is done every year. Additionally, she taught me because in my family, there was one
strict rule. Everyone could not call the older people (which include in the family) with their
name. This was a strict rule, especially in my mother’s family. As a result, I call my father’s
siblings according to their order, like I call my father’s sister both the elder and the younger with
toaku and beku. It means the first aunt and the last aunt. Toa means the elder and Be means the
younger, afterward ku comes from kuku which is mean aunt from father. Likewise with my
uncles. I have 3 uncles (one of them has passed away). My father is a youngest brother, so I call
my uncle sequentially with their order such as Toapek, Dipek, Sapek. Pek comes from Ampek
which is mean uncle from father. On the contrary, I call my uncles from my mother with Angku
and my mother’s sister with Ai. I cannot talk about my mother’s siblings because she has 10
siblings. Moreover, there are a lot of common ways to call our family in Chinese language.

6 thNovember 2021

I want to talk about my favourite movie. I watched a movie when I went to my cousin’s
house. The movie’s title was “SINISTER”. This movie talked about a family who just moved
house because the father was a writer who wrote about criminal cases. The father’s name was
Ellison and the mother’s name was Tracy. They had 2 daughters and 1 son, and their names were
Tracy, Ashley, and Trevor. Ellison was writing about a murder case of a family in one house,
and he hoped that he could reveal the fate of the fifth member of the family, Stephanie, who
disappeared after her family members hanged dead. Ellison found a` cardboard that contained a
projector and some film rolls. Ellison watched the movies and turned out they were snuff movies
that showed the scenes of the family’s murder with some methods. These were the methods of
the murder: drowning, hanging, throat-slitting, hit and run with a lawnmower, and arson. It
turned out that the murderer of these cases was the child of these families. They were tranced by
Bughuul, who is devil. Ashley would become a murderer too at the end of this movie. She was
tranced by Bughuul, and she killed her family with axe. After that, she painted cat, dog, and
unicorn on the wall with her family’s blood. Then, Ashley watched her film when she killed her
family. The missing children (the murderer of each of their families) stared at her through the
film but fled when Bughuul appeared. He lifted Ashley into his armed and teleported into the
film. The box of films was seen sitting in the Oswalt family’s attic, now accompanied by
Ashley’s reel titled House Painting ’12.

9th November 2021

Today, Br. Harry shares his fried rice to us. Since he came to Surabaya, he has been so
kind to us. He is a food manager in Coristas brother. As a food manager, he always sends
Coristas’ food to us in our refectory. When we do not have food, we believe that Br. Harry will
send food to us. He tells a lot of his experiences in Calamba and Manaoag. If we have questions
about that, he will answer us. He joins us in our breakfast, but he does not eat with us because he
is not accustomed to have breakfast. He is a smart person because he wants to hack my laptop.
He says, “I can hack your laptop” with his evil laugh because we are connected with one Wi-Fi.
Now, he makes milk with yoghurt and caramel. In the morning, he eats fruits salad, but he does
not share it with us. Ari asks him, “What is the meaning of memperbaiki?”, and he answers
immediately, “Fix”. He is a fast respond person, unlike Br. Marco, who is slow to respond. I talk
about him since I do not have any idea.
10 November 2021
Today, our nation celebrates National Heroes Day. This day purposes to respect our
heroes, who have sacrificed their souls to get our independence. Soekarno said, “Great nation is a
nation that respects the services of the heroes.” There are a lot of Indonesia’s citizens who have
died to take this country from colonizer. Not only to take but also to keep our independence from
other nations. This is the point of the meaning of independence word, and it is important to us as
a young generation. Let us ask ourselves, “What can we have to do to keep our independence?”
In the past, our heroes fought against other nations, such as Portuguese, Netherlands, England,
and Japan. However, now they are not colonizing us again. Afterward, what is our colonizer
now? We can see, there are a lot of young generations have been contaminated with gadgets,
drugs, promiscuity, and many other problems. This is our duty to avoid the problems and change
our life to become better citizens. We have to use our gadget very well because gadgets are
another world. Let us make our country as a develop country, according to Jokowi’s motto in his
second period, “Indonesia Maju, Indonesia Hebat.”

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