MSS SP-6-2012 (Scan)

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MSS SP-6-2012 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings Standard Practice Developed and Approved by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. 127 Park Street, NE & Vienna, Virginia 22180-4602 Phone: (703) 281-6613 Fax: (703) 281-6671 E-mail: MSS STANDARD FRACTICE SP-6, ‘This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Commitee 102, 110, 201 and the MSS Coordinating Commilice. The content of this Standard Practice is the resulting efforts of competent and experienced volunteers (0 provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive standard tat will benefit the industry as arwhole, This MSS Standard Practice deseribes minimal requirements and is intended ns a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice docs nol in itsel preclude the manufacture, sale, oF use of products aot conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance ta this Standard Practice i established ony by reference in other documents such as @ eode specilication, sales eoninict, or public In, as applicable. MSS has no power, nor docs it undertake, ta enforce or certiy compliagce with this document. Any cenification or other statement of compliance with the requirements Of this Standard Practice shall not be atributable ta MSS and is solely the responsibilty of the eentffer or maicer of the statement, Wiles indicated obkerwise within dhis MSS Standard Practice. other stauttards documents refereuced to Jerein are identified by the date of issue thal was applicable to this Siandard Pructice ai the date of Gppravel of this MSS Standard Pructice (see Annex Aj. This Standard Practice shail remain siteat an the vubidity of those other standterds of prior ar subseq went dates of issue even though applicable provisions may not kave changed By publication of this Standard Practice, no position is taken with respect to the walidity of any potential etain(s) for of ny patent rights in connection therewith, MSS shall not be held respansible for identifying any patent rights Users are expressly advised that determination of patent rights and the risk of inftingement of such rights are entirely their responsibility In this Standard Practice, all text, notes, annexes, tables, figures, and references are construed to be essential to the Understanding of the message of the standard, ancl are eonsideres! noemstive unless indicated as “supplemental” All appendices, iT included. that appear in this document are construed as “supplemental”. Note thal supplemental information does not include mandatory requirements Substantive changes inthis 2012 edition ane “lagged by poral bars as shown on te margins of this paragraph. The specific detail of the change may be determined by esmparing the ‘material flagged with that in the previous edition U.S. customary units inthis Standard Practice are the standard: (S1) metric units are for reference only. Non-toleranced dimensions in this Standard Practice are nominal, and, unless otherwise specified, shall be considered “Tor reference only Excerpis of this Standard Practice may by quoted with permission, Credit lines shauid read “Exoracted from MSS SP-6-2012 with permission of the publisher, Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitings dudusiry’, Reproduction and/or electronic srunsmission or dissemination is peahibites ander copyright conveutlon ualess writien permission is granted by the Manufucturers Standardization Saviety af the Vaive und Futings Industry Inc, All rights reserved Originally Approved: December 1929 Originally Published: January 1930 (Current Edition Approved: October 2011 (Current Edition Published: Mareh 2012 MSS ts a registered trademark of the Manufacturers Standardization Society ofthe Valve and Fitings Industry, Ine. Copyright©, 2012 by Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Ine Printed in U.S.A, MSS STANDARD PRACTICE 5P-6 TA! INT LIMITATIONS TABLE 1 Standard Finishes for Contact Foees of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings, i FIGURE 1 Types of Contact Paces for Flanges itr serieniasetapel ANNEX A. Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates . MSS STANDARD PRACTICE STANDARD FINISHES FOR CONTACT FACES OF PIPE FLANGES AND ‘CONNECTING-END FLANGES OF VALVES AND FITTINGS. 1, SCOPE 1.1 This Standard Practice pertains to the finish of gusket contuct faces of pipe flanges and end Manges of’ valves and fittings, 1.2. This Standard Proctice is intended for applications to products for which ASME B16 Standards do not contain complete fueing finish requirements or for which there are no such standards, 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 Romghmess Average The term “Ry” (Roughness average) is expressed in. micro» inches ()iin) oF miere-meters (jim) 22 Flunge Facing Finish ‘The surtice finish on the flunge contaes face (see Figure 1) that comes in contact with a gasket upon ‘lange sembly, TK TR FLAT FACE 1/N6" RARSED FACE TK. I 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Flange facing finish shall be judged by ‘visual comparison with “Ra” standurds (see ASME B46.1) and not by instruments having stylus tracers and electronic amplification, The finishes required are given in Tuble 1, Other finishes may be fumished by agreement bretoreen puiebser and manufacturer, 3.2 Dimensions shown in Table | shall not be cause for rejection by depth gnge mensurement or precision instrument rmasurements. 4. LIMITATIONS 4,1 Surfvce finishes fisted in Table are not necessarily opminal for all gasket material types 4.2. On flat fhees, serrations necd not extend beyond corresponding raised foce diameter Lane MALE AND FEMALE TONGUE AND GROVE He SMALL SMALL NG JOT 14 RAISED FACE MALE AND FEMALE TONGUE AND GROOVE FIGURE 4 ‘Types of Contact Faces for Flanges Sete nartene see ‘emer errno bas SP-6 MSS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-6 TABLE 1 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and ‘Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings Contuet Face Mater Types of Congart Facer Stoel Ductife tron Gray Iron Br me Flavor 1/16in. | Serrated" spiral or | Non-secrated!”: 250 | Non-serrated!"!: 250 | Non-sernated”: 125 (1.6 mm) Raised | concentric, 45 10 $5 | pin (6.3 um) Ra max., [qin (63 wm) Ramax., |quin (3:2 gm) Ra man. Face and 1/4 in. | per in. (18 40 21 per (6-4 mm) Raised | em) recommended ia * * and Large Male Serrated! spieal or | Serrated": spiral, 11 | Serrated! spiral or & Female ‘The resultant surface | concentric, 11t0 50 per | ta SH peris.(51a19 | concentric, 30 to 80 finish shall havea | An. 454019 perem) | peremporconcenttic, | per in. (1240 31 emp 125 to 250 pin (3.2 to Sor more per in. (40 63 pm) Ra more per-em) Depeh: approx. 4.003 | Depth: approx. 0.008 | Depth: approx. 0.008 15.0,0201n, (0.075 10 | 190.020 n,(0.075t0. | to0.020in, (BOTS 19 051 ea) i) ee) Smalt Mate & | Serrated (as above) Female, Large or Same as above & Small Tongue Ion serrated: 125 pin & Groove 3.2 wm) Ra max ing Joint ~ cee Kae aeons | ; Groove " um) NOTES: ‘© Unles otherwise specified, the manulacturer may supply either spifal or comcentiic goes ter sections. The spiral machining operation is commonly xccomplished wih the culiag tol having 440,00 in, (1.6 mm or larger tip rns, “ Unless otherwise specified, the manulacturer may supply either the serrated (cammanty accomplished vith te cutie took ving a 0016 30,11 Sue) or larger tp rade), or w smooth finish 2 "Smee emebgprettor arse serene MSS STANDARD PRACTICE. SP-6 ANNEX A Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates This annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed afier the main text for eonvenience Standard Name ASME; ANSUASME, B46.1-2009 ‘Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness, nnd Lay) ‘The follovring organizations appecr in the shove lis: ANSI Americun National Standards Institwie 25 West 43 Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10036-7406 ASME Ametican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME Intemational) ‘Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 Stotto se sti eer) psi seats sist a Sram, Seseanio seme sensu seal seorssowe sles sh slit SP sete Signin seni Sls ses Se she sedis rides Listing of MSS Standard Practices Sami nich com Fao ge Pn Come i np Vb age Ser Baomgle coms Sel Panes Satur Nate Stn Va FRR, Pais as ‘vay Reus uh pet ick it Men Wel (Ce, 0 A) ‘Wong sed Tec Wen Tap Ln Brecon Ree pes sk Ss Ea ho Se Bsn ange as 31ers She (Ss hye eno as Sek Cai Ress Foe Pg Fi {Re ay Stk er Slay lg es Tilia ar gM Bale fromm sie {Rug Sada eh yn Hing i geal Figs a pi Compas ms Nad ‘Gator Sand fo St nag Vale, Fu Pan, ad Oa yg Cpa Wad Mc x dato ‘Sie bop (ARSHapgodAenaNainl Sida Felipe nl Sgr: Aig, Menta, Semon, pial i (ANSLaporocd Arian Nal Sd ‘Src Fie ot toe Tare as a agra Vuk Pecans Tengo Vanes jn ral etry Pages ind Tac de be wit ade ‘bey Saber [gh co Harty Ve wom ona Pi Fp Engst Sgr Sstan Area (ASC approed mean Nada) (se Gat a Toe ohn Song Cha Vane fg a re a Al veri onl ei ig Eve Gr Sit Soe rg Ts, Wa lng Fass Gis Pn a goa TE ‘isos Cate Clit Ane al Cink Vaca Stance, oe to geo eV Chau shal i Sak Wy Tei Sty we Gee nee, Pan nd Tal Ea (Gears ec Dt Sa ao Fas Figs i ua Et mie Fy Mh Poe Ma he is ae sis A tm Gauls Stina rotons Neetu Waroule (Qty See Set Cans angina a, i Py Campos ed et Pemtiooe Mtl ‘Say Sn Fis Mart Sst Cas Nas iu, at mr ru et Vis Sag eyo nl Bags Case Tram a Vie a is Ines Reno rd nes Fin St ting. Tove, sting eeuirt Connyeanae neamret aves iam ne Fangs ‘eine ane ‘Gute: Reinet Ee ig es or Hise Sica Vie (Rin tain ve se Ate" Pony an vino Ta Misi {Rat ede Ton Gabe eae Atte" Hing tl Ung Career bance Ch ‘vu Corp olf Post ag aC ges lage ane Ci 8 ai ee Some athe Ene Pr she {We a Tae cape Stir es Fi SR ee Pint ce ng Seva Fa Ee 30 Fas {Ra Gyo nl nln Fan Sees Lite. Cempeter nah soeomeny fae Ge sonted Aalicod Conganee naltiownrsy (Rl) Comasng it ten Tats acca Toy Vas ‘Gia Rech Peas Ted St Wiig Cl 5 0S pte Ari Nal anh SevceincVdve al ing ving We Space Iie Sul fe Gh a ae ores Cp St! he Chak Vuk Fa Fang. wai Wan Frame Weeh el ad Pe Ptgs ts SaketPin FRCGEL aie Pking Sl rey Sen abo “i Reims {putea Toug sea Se Png ot ny Seer Frat lnetca Bal Vares {Wt on Fru alan Seldcrdc Unes Us waar Wak Pe Fuad Taig cs (ie kD Li Spy Lt Cine Ca Vn Sic im Suepenime Cone el Chak Vie Inara Sam Wa yun Stn nn (siya Sei Wag Pts al Lis Meret iirc ave Me Monn ae Ge inti Vie pt king te bum se Flom Vas ow Ps el Gn ans ‘Ahr Cj Sie Rar Boy ad Ea lohiecacnte eae Isl ew Soi ck Sls ‘bt Sud Resa Sari taf Ml Was, ns ad ar oi ss Sty sumac cnyas Cheng avert Fain ape Aly Cate lt age ond Ch as Pai Lo Tei Poi Aria ‘Go Sad Retr Pepanion Nab onl Fime or Sine Foe Sar ‘ems vos ose Fae Fl Vues as ere NS Sty 2 Use tundeh Ss (Chacala Ritey Ser (RE YEAR| hsteates your ested @ Price Let value Upan Request # HSSic an ANS/-scretied Amarcan Naor Standart deveoer SORE etetanont ie Manutscturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings industry, Inc. 4127 Park Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180.62 + (703) 281-8643 + Fax # (703) 281.6871 icurnererebtrpemsteter tore ei Sete

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