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Cover Story

Rules of the game

In the first of five articles by FW experts on the scope of the anticipated
upheaval in regulation of the financial system, Nicolas Véron explains
how the EU missed the
boat in seizing leader-
ship of the policy debate
at a time when the US
was poorly placed to set
the pace

inancial regulation as we knew it

But for all their perceived importance,
has been a casualty of the financial neither of these was traumatic enough to
crisis. Though much of the blame force a fundamental reassessment.
has been placed on the private sector since By contrast, it is the continuation of the
dramatic events started to unfold in regulatory status quo that now appears
August 2007, an embarrassing string of least likely and this puts a premium on
17 Full steam ahead? regulatory and supervisory failures has also leadership in financial reform. Whichever
A US consensus is emerging over a revamped been revealed. Thus, the case for reform jurisdiction is first seen as adequately
regulatory system, says Barbara Matthews has become overwhelming, not only from addressing the flaws will frame develop-
a political standpoint but also as a matter of ments, not only domestically but in other
20 Talking their way out substance. Quite simply, the financial jurisdictions as well.
US banks’ lobbying has helped reduce the stability framework has not prevented In financial matters, the US has often
clamour for curbs, writes Christopher Swann major disruption in the system. It needs an enjoyed global leadership, at least since
overhaul, not just a few fixes at the edges. the 1930s when innovations such as
24 In poll position That there were deep flaws in the deposit insurance, securities regulation
Attention is being paid to the Conservatives’ framework is not entirely news. BCCI, in and accounting standards were introduced
regulatory ideas, reports William Hall 1991, had demonstrated its inability to by the Roosevelt administration and later
address cross-border bank insolvencies, emulated in developed countries. How-
26 Global regs – a guide and LTCM, in 1998, made it clear that the ever, when the recent crisis started, the
Richard Northedge sets out the regulatory failure of a financial firm could have sys- potential for US leadership was at a
proposals of the leading players temic impact even if it was outside the historic low. The Bush administration was
scope of banking and insurance regulation. impaired by policy failures and a drubbing

14 September 2009

Cover Story
in the mid-term elections of late-2006. It notably global institutional investors; the tougher standards; it also chose to focus its
was seen as hopelessly captured by private City drives a lot of its business from whole- regulatory work on issues of supposedly
interests. And, not coincidentally, the sale operations of continental financial significant political resonance but limited
financial crisis had originated in the US. firms. But in matters of politics and policy, practical impact, such as public registra-
It seemed a perfect moment for they follow largely diverging paths, Lon- tion and monitoring of credit rating agen-
Europe to lead in shaping the global reg- don being naturally friendlier to open cies. But no shared regulatory vision could
ulatory response, if only by default. trade, finance and the conspicuous accu- be built quickly between the continent,
Arguably, this happened, when the mulation of wealth than the generally where the crisis was generally blamed on
demonstration of unity on 12 October more corporatist-minded polities across Anglo-Saxon foreigners in spite of glaring
2008 by governments in the euro area and the Channel. domestic failures of risk management and
by the UK topped the downward spiral of In the decade preceding the crisis, this public supervision, and the UK. It was
a marketplace that had been traumatised tension was resolved by the shared objec- there that its effects were most violently
by the nationalisation of Fannie Mae and tive of financial market integration, an aim felt (among larger EU countries at least)
Freddie Mac, the failure of Lehman that combined a compelling economic but where the imperative to retain com-
Brothers, the rushed bail-out of AIG, the rationale and a sponsor in the form of the petitiveness in a worldwide competition
initial rejection of TARP legislation by the European Commission. for wholesale financial activity has so far
US Congress and the rapid destabilisation The Commission itself relied on at least largely prevented a dramatic regulatory
of the European banking sector. two powerful policy levers: competition shift, as was recently illustrated by the
However, this one-time European suc- policy, through which it forbade member FSA’s U-turn on compensation.
cess did not translate into the regulatory states from using prudential arguments to While developments in the UK remain
discussion. One indication is the repeated block cross-border mergers (pace Italy’s uncertain, this division was enough to pre-
failure of European attempts to impose a central bank governor Antonio Fazio in vent elaboration of a framework at a time
regulatory agenda on international part- 2005); and internal market policy, which when Europe could have made itself
ners. The G20 summit of November 2008 heard. By the time a compromise ap-
in Washington established a new format proach started to emerge, with the delivery
for high-level global discussion, but little The fact that Europe of the Larosière Report in late-February,
else. Likewise, the London summit in Barack Obama had been inaugurated as
April 2009 was preceded by sabre-rattling did not have a US president and the opportunity for the
– for different reasons on the part of model to propose EU to frame the discussion was ending.
France, Germany and the UK – about the Where do we stand now in the debate
need for the US to accept tighter disci- springs from its political on how to regulate financial firms? On
pline for its financial industry. But its most and financial divisions 17 June, the Obama administration pub-
prominent decisions were on largely unre- lished a plan now being discussed in Con-
lated matters such as the strengthening of gress. The central proposal is to define a
the IMF and the fight against tax evasion took the form of an activist programme to category of systemically important finan-
in unco-operative tax havens. dismantle regulatory barriers to cross- cial firms, irrespective of their legal or
The key reason for Europe’s failure to border integration, namely the Financial regulatory status – in the plan’s jargon,
assert leadership in the regulatory discus- Services Action Plan (FSAP) outlined by “Tier 1 Financial Holding Companies”.
sion is, quite simply, that it did not have a Mario Monti in 1999 and mostly rolled out The criteria for such designation would be
model to propose to the rest of the world by his successor, Frits Bolkestein, up to elaborated by a Treasury-chaired commit-
– a fact that is itself a direct consequence 2004. In more recent years, the objectives tee but the actual regulation would be ex-
of Europe’s political and financial divisions. of “better regulation” and “focus on im- ercised by the Federal Reserve.
In financial matters, the EU can be plementation”, both often interpreted as Correspondingly, the separation be-
imagined as being composed of a busy “no new regulation” by Charlie McCreevy, tween financial firms and other economic
port, namely the City of London, serving a internal market commissioner, resulted in actors would be made tighter, so that the
vast and rich hinterland, the euro area, the near-absence of EU regulatory initia- Fed’s supervisory scope would not unduly
which itself serves a less developed but tives beyond completing the remaining extend to non-financial companies. In
more rapidly growing territory. The latter bits of the FSAP, namely the Capital Re- spite of the Larosière Report’s recom-
is central and eastern Europe – in this quirements Directive for banks and its in- mendation to “extend appropriate regula-
oversimplified view, Scandinavia could be surance equivalent, Solvency 2. tion, in a proportionate manner, to all firms
considered as having a financial life of its But when the crisis put regulatory or entities conducting financial activities of
own and Switzerland is a distinct case effectiveness back at the centre of the dis- a potentially systemic nature, even if they
which lies outside the EU. cussion, this political equilibrium was ren- have no direct dealings with the public at
The port (the City) and the hinterland dered unsustainable. The Commission, large”, the EU has no specific comparable
(the euro area) are mutually interdepen- itself facing upcoming renewal, quickly proposal, as it retains the logic of having
dent: the euro area needs the City for shifted rhetorical gears and started refer- separate regulatory frameworks for sepa-
access to the international foreland, ring at every occasion to the need for rate categories of financial firms such as September 2009 15

Cover Story
banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, be broadly replicated in the EU. For ex- European Council on 18 and 19 June,
etc. Simultaneously, the US plan attempts ample, if the Fed (or another federal immediately after the announcement of
to address the challenge posed by “too- agency) is effectively granted supervisory the US regulatory reform plan, may be
big-to-fail” institutions by proposing that authority over any systemically important seen as of key significance – even though
“the prudential standards for Tier 1 FHCs financial firm, whatever its legal status, or too many details are still missing to make a
– including capital, liquidity and risk man- if US legislation effectively imposes more reliable assessment.
agement standards – should be stricter and stringent regulatory standards on large fi- Specifically, the agreement to trans-
more conservative than those applicable to nancial firms than on smaller ones, it is to form the three Lamfalussy Level 3 Com-
other financial firms to account for the be expected that the EU will eventually in- mittees, currently advisory bodies to the
greater risks that their potential failure troduce comparable measures. Whether Commission, into full-fledged supervisory
would impose on the financial system”. this will be positive or negative for the EU authorities (respectively on banking, in-
This is an endeavour also without equiva- will depend on the criteria envisaged for surance, and securities) with binding de-
lent in the European discussion. such an assessment, and may be too early cision-making powers and the ability to
The US plan drives the discussion a big to predict as it will depend on the details of supervise directly some market partici-
step forward by articulating not only what the corresponding rulemaking. pants (for example, credit rating agencies),
should be done but also who among the On one issue, however, the EU remains appears to overcome a bottleneck. This
many US financial authorities should do naturally the most exposed and also the had prevented creation of any EU-level fi-
what. By contrast, because of severe con- most likely jurisdiction to devise new solu- nancial authority separate from the Com-
straints of consensus-building, the regula- tions, namely how to meet the institutional mission and the ECB, even where the
tory section in the Larosière Report could challenges created by cross-border finan- need for such players had become over-
only make general recommendations with- cial integration. In this, the EU is once whelming (for example, consistent en-
out assigning them to specific players. This again placed at the cutting edge of supra- forcement of international Financial
creates a new set of controversies in the national institution-building, as it was with Reporting Standards).
US debate, most crucially perhaps about The safeguard provision added by the
whether the vastly expanded supervisory Council, that decisions made by such
powers of the Fed over an array of finan- The US plan drives the authorities should not impinge on mem-
cial firms would be compatible with its debate forward by ber states’ fiscal sovereignty, does not
core monetary policy mission. impair the significance of this step if it is
How such questions are to be ad- articulating not only confirmed by corresponding legislation,
dressed will be decided largely by the con- what should be done for which the Commission is expected to
gressional debate and may differ in release a draft early in the autumn. To be
significant ways from the administration’s but who does what sure, in the short term there is every rea-
initial blueprint. But overall, the US pol- son to doubt that these European super-
icy discussion now has a lead on the most visory authorities will have much impact,
difficult regulatory issues raised by the cri- the creation 10 years ago of the ECB, as their tasks are likely to be severely lim-
sis, and it appears likely that whatever key whose action during the crisis has been ited, their budget paltry, and their gover-
choices are made across the Atlantic will generally praised. As previously argued, nance too tilted towards compromise
the underlying consensus among member states, not to mention
driving EU policy during problematic overlaps of the three author-
the decade preceding the ities between themselves and with the
crisis was to prioritise Commission or ECB.
financial integration over But these shortcomings can be cor-
any other considerations, rected and there is a distinct possibility
including prudential ones, that the Council in June has created the
to eschew intractable policy initial basis for the empowered supervisory
differences, especially be- institutions the EU needs to sustain and
tween Britain and the con- deepen its financial integration over the
tinent. But as the crisis has long term. Needless to add, the stakes for
shattered this consensus, it the UK in this debate are high: making
also has opened a space for compromises on national supervisory sov-
introducing ways to man- ereignty is difficult, painful and perilous
age cross-border financial but the downside risk of EU financial frag-
integration with matching, mentation would be even worse for Lon-
i.e. supranational, policy don as the continent’s financial hub.
From this perspective, Nicolas Véron is a research fellow at
the decisions made by the Bruegel

16 September 2009

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