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Assignment # 2

Nowadays, a significant proportion of the world’s population has faced the repercussions of living
with unhealthy habits. Some choices we do known as unhealthy habits are addiction to cigarettes
and alcohols, eating unhealthy foods, poor sleeping habits, among others. The increasing
mortality rate is the major effect of addiction in which according to the World Health Organization
(WHO) almost 6 million people die from smoking and 2.5 million dies from harmful use of liquor
annually. On the other hand, malnutrition and obesity are the major effects of unhealthy eating
habits in which The State of the World’s Children: Children, Food and Nutrition revealed that one
in three Filipino children under five years old are stunted, which means they are too short for their
age, while roughly seven percent of children are too thin for their height, and moreover, the latest
National Nutrition Survey reported that three out of ten adult Filipinos are at present overweight
and obese. Lastly, mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are the major effects of sleep
deprivation in which the Philippines ranked the 4th spot along with other countries experiencing it
which was based on a recent study conducted by Sleep Cycle. Therefore, in hopes of preventing
the further occurrence of these cases, it would be effective for us to inform other people on the
benefits of leading healthy lifestyles through health awareness.
Many of us try to live a healthy lifestyle. We do various things to become fit and to achieve our
desired physique — oftentimes without first knowing and understanding the consequences. Our
health becomes at risk and prone to different risks that can affect our capacity to do daily
physical activity. We need to realize that there are some common health practices — particularly
when dealing with stress— that need to be corrected right away, especially among the young
ones. Some stress coping measures affect or show in a person’s eating or sleeping habits.
Eating Habits, Sleep, and Stress Management.
Eating Habits, we can always eat the food that we want. There is nothing wrong with eating. It
only goes wrong if we consume less or more than what our body needs; also, when we eat
unhealthy food. This can lead to being underweight, overweight, or even obese. It is alarming to
see that many are suffering from malnutrition, overweight, and obesity. Underweight people are
often found to suffer from malnutrition due to lack of adequate nutrients in the body. Many of
them do not get the right number of calories to fuel their bodies thus, they tend to lack the
energy to do regular tasks at home, school, and work. Their immune system also gets weak and
compromised, making them prone to health risk issues such as anemia and osteoporosis.
Overeating is also found to be one of the leading causes of overweight and obesity. Eating too
much, especially processed food and sugary drinks, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle
contribute significantly to weight gain. The calories consumed,
particularly from fats and sugars, must be burned off through physical activity or exercise.
Sleep is essential to everyone’s health. Normally, we need about 6 to 8 hours of night sleep every
day to allow the body to rest and regenerate. When we wake up in the morning after a good
night’s sleep, we feel fresh and
energetic. We become effective and productive in our daily
activities. However, a lot of people, teens, practice bad sleeping habits such as the staying
up all night to finish something like a book, a series, a project and some other work at the last
minute. Another one is the cause of internet addiction; many people would spend a lot of their
time browsing social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube. They are awake all night to
converse and play with their friends and forgo sleeping on time. And lastly, eating before
sleeping. Eating could be one of the things we do that give us comfort—but should be
discouraged just before bedtime. Eating before sleeping can cause discomfort preventing us
from falling asleep easily. This can cause acid reflux which makes a person lose sleep. It is best
to eat 4 hours before falling asleep, so we can be sure that our digestive system has done its job.

We need to deal with the fact that stress is part of our lives. Stress happens for many reasons –
environmental factors, fatigue, too much work, illness, and loneliness. It is inevitable; hence,
needs to be handled properly. Some may be able to deal with stress, others may not and resort
to ineffective or worst, unhealthy means of dealing with stress. Examples of such means that
can be detrimental to health are smoking, excessive alcohol intake and procrastinating.

Knowing this, making the decision to be aware of our health and to change to a healthier
lifestyle. We can do this by having a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and enough sleep,
would be to our advantage. Our human life is a mixture of joy and sorrow. It is impossible to
know when, in life, we will face great difficulties and emotional problems. At any moment in our
lives, we all must go through a bad process that leads to tension in our lives. We as society
living here on Earth need to have at least some basic knowledge to prevent these types of
problems. Particularly like health that relies primarily on our actions and behavior. Healthy living
will guide us to appreciate life to the fullest without stress and pain.

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