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Write your philosophy in life. Express your ideas as completely and

clearly as you can. Think deeply and beyond superficiality and
refuse to be satisfied with the first idea that you have.
My philosophy in life is that I need to give worth in my life since this is the reason of all the
experience I am encountering. Life is God's gift to everyone that is why I need to serve God
until my last breath, He will never forsake me and all the things that is happening to me is
part of His plan,everything is a learning experience (experience that gives our life meaning).
All the wisdom and strength are come from the Almighty God. Life is short so live simply,
dream big, be grateful, give love, and laugh lots.


1. What do you most value in life? Why?

A happy family, a happy home and a happy work environment add up to a happy life. I value
making a difference in life and living with integrity. Honesty and integrity are extremely
important to me both personally and professionally, and I take pride in always trying to do the
right thing even if it's not easy.

2. What gives your life meaning?

I find meaning in growth, in learning, in increasing understanding. I think about it less in
terms of "improvement" and more in terms of "expansion" or "deepening."

3. What is the purpose of your life?

The true purpose according to me in life is to live and cherish the life however it takes.
Learning something everytime and grow. Accept and face whatever the situations that I
encounter in a positive way and overcoming the tougher days.And to be a useful and an
honorable person in society.

4. What do you hope to achieve in your life?

Everything that can deliver peace and happiness helpful in recognizing life better.
5. How would you characterize yourself?
I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have
something to strive towards. I’m not comfortable with settling, and I’m always looking for an
opportunity to do better and achieve greatness.

6. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes yourself special?
Apologize whenever you are wrong or whenever you hurt someone, it makes us to stand out
from rest. A person's perspective is unique in their own way makes special.

7. How have you transformed yourself?

I started avoiding conversation with toxic people. I just can't stand by them anymore. I
started smiling, Eventually, it made me feel good about myself.

8. How is yourself connected to your body?

You are, of course, connected to your body through mind , heart, spirit, emotions, and other
connecting ligaments. In order to function well, these body components are related to each
other. Every feeling you have inside is translated and mirrored in your actions.

9. How is yourself related to the other self?

In relating ourselves with other-selves, we tend to make a connection and that connection
would be victorious if both sides are open. If the other would not be open, he/she would try
to resist the effect of others' on his/her system that may cause chaos.

10. What will happen to you after you die?

When we die our heartbeat stops the blood flows stop in our body. Our body start to
decompose. There is no feeling no response it’s like a non- living things. Our soul get
separated. Then we have rebirth somewhere or we were meet god they interview us and
decide that we should go to the hell or heaven.


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