Haemophilia: For Carrier and Diagnosis : Strategies Detection Prenatal

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Haemophilia: strategies for carrier detection and

prenatal diagnosis*
I.R. Peake,1 D.P. Lillicrap,2 V. Boulyjenkov,3 E. Briet,4 V. Chan,5 E.K. Ginter,6
E.M. Kraus,7 R. Ljung,8 P.M. Mannucci,9 K. Nicolaides,10 & E.G.D. Tuddenham1l

In 1977 WHO published in the Bulletin a Memorandum on Methods for the Detection of Haemophilia
Carriers. This was produced following a WHO/WFH (World Federation of Haemophilia) Meeting of
Investigators in Geneva in November 1976, and has served as a valuable reference article on the gene-
tics of haemophilia. The analyses discussed were based on phenotypic assessment, which, at that time,
was the only procedure available.
The molecular biology revolution in genetics during the 1980s made enormous contributions to our
understanding of the molecular basis of the haemophilias and now permits precise carrier detection and
prenatal diagnosis. WHO and WFH held a joint meeting on this subject in February 1992 in Geneva.
This article is the result of these discussions.

Assessment of the problem gene from the other parent the clotting factor level is
around 50% of normal, which is generally sufficient
The carrier state in haemophilia for normal haemostasis.
Clinical and genetic considerations. Carriers of Symptoms of bleeding do occur, however, in
haemophilia usually inherit their abnormal factor carriers if their clotting factor level is in the range of
VIII or factor IX gene from one of their parents. mild haemophilia, below 40%. This may be due to
Since they have a second normal X-chromosomal homozygosity, Turner's syndrome, other chromo-
somal abnormalities, extreme lionization, or the
co-inheritance of a variant von Willebrand factor
* Based on the report of a WHO/WFH meeting in Geneva, allele (i.e., von Willebrand's disease Normandy).
10-12 February 1992 (unpublished document No. WHO/HDP/ With the increasing success of patient associations,
WFH/92.4). the chances of carriers marrying patients might be
1 Department of Medicine and Pharmacology, Royal Hallamshire expected to rise, but until now, homozygosity has
Hospital, Sheffield, England. been distinctly rare, just as the unlikely coincidence
2 Department of Pathology, Richardson Laboratory, Queen's
of Turner's syndrome and carriership. Occasional
University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. true heterozygous carriers with low clotting factor
3 Hereditary Diseases Programme, World Health Organization.
1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Requests for reprints should be levels due to extreme lionization, however, are
sent to this address. known in all major haemophilia centres. Within the
4 Haemostasis and Thrombosis Centre, University Hospital, perspective of this article, this is relevant for invas-
Leiden, Netherlands. ive procedures for prenatal diagnosis and for the
5 University of Hong Kong, Department of Medicine, Queen management of delivery.
Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. Anxiety about the risk of haemophilia affecting
6 Institute of Clinical Genetics, National Research Centre of
their offspring is the reason why possible carriers
Medical Genetics, Moscow, Russian Federation. seek advice. The first step in this genetic counselling
7 New England Haemophilia Centre, The Medical Centre of
Central Massachusetts Memorial, Worcester, MA, USA. procedure is to find out why the consultand thinks
8 Department of Paediatrics, Malmo General Hospital, Malmo, that she might carry the gene. This may lead to any
Sweden. of three conclusions: she is not a carrier, she is an
9 A Bianchi Bonomi Haemophilia & Thrombosis Centre, Milan, obligatory carrier, she is a possible carrier.
Italy. Carriership is excluded if haemophilia occurs in
10 Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine, King's the paternal family without her father himself being
College Hospital School of Medicine & Dentistry, London, affected. Carriership is obligatory if her father has
England. haemophilia or if she has maternal relatives with
" Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, Middlesex, England. haemophilia as well as an affected child. In these
Reprint No. 5402 situations each newborn son has a 50% chance of

Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 71 (3/4): 429-458 (1993) © World Health Organization 1993 429
I.R. Peake et al.

being affected. If the consultand has more than one may have different perceptions regarding carrier
son with haemophilia without other affected rela- testing. In the case of mild clinical disease in the
tives, she may be either a true heterozygote, or a family, women may see no need for carrier testing
mosaic (1-4). In the case of somatic or germline because of perceptions that haemophilia will not have
mosaicism the recurrence risk of the disease in sub- a large personal impact. Those with more distantly
sequent newborn sons depends on the proportion of related haemophilic relatives may be eager to pursue
ova carrying the abnormal gene, which is difficult to testing because of a perceived low risk, but may be
establish. Carriership is possible if the consultand unprepared if positive results are obtained.
has affected relatives on the maternal side and no It is important that formal counselling be done
affected children, or if she has one affected son and before laboratory tests are even considered, in order
no other affected relatives. In the last case, there are to resolve conflicts that may exist between a
four possibilities: the consultand may have inherited woman's desire to learn of her carrier status and the
the gene through the silent maternal line, which implications of possible results. It should be empha-
makes her a true heterozygote; she may be a mosaic; sized that the results of carrier testing may also be
the affected son may have received the abnormal that the woman is not a carrier of haemophilia. The
gene from a mutation in the single ovum that he anxieties a woman might have regarding genetic test-
originated from; or, the affected son may himself be ing may also be complicated by the type of testing
a somatic mosaic with a large proportion of factor available and the requirements of such, as well as the
VIII- or IX-producing cells carrying the mutation reliability of the tests involved. The possibility of
(5). inconclusive test results, or results that are not highly
After this first step, the genetic counsellor pro- accurate may deter some women from choosing to be
ceeds with rigorous pedigree analysis, clotting factor tested.
assays, and DNA studies in order to minimize uncer- Many women who choose to undergo carrier
tainty and set the stage for decision-making about testing may perceive themselves as either carriers or
prenatal diagnosis. These phases are described non-carriers prior to actual laboratory testing. This
below. perception may influence how an individual assimi-
lates the results of her laboratory testing; it is there-
Psychological considerations. Every woman who fore an important issue to discuss during counselling.
considers carrier testing for haemophilia, has a mul- Those who assume that they are non-carriers will be
titude of sociological and psychological influences supported by negative results, but may feel shock
which might affect her perceptions of the personal and surprise if given positive results. Those who
implications of possible carrier status. Some assume that they are carriers may be relieved when
influences may be created by the ethnic and/or reli- given negative results, but they may also feel guilty
gious background of the individual. A particular for "escaping" their family's genetic burden, and
society's perception of a woman who carries the they may have difficulty coping with their new status
gene for haemophilia may certainly influence if life decisions have been made based on their
whether or not a woman at risk chooses to be assumptions of carrier status. Women who receive
tested. Decisions to undergo carrier testing may positive results will need a great deal of support, as
also be dependent upon the degree of anxiety about they then must deal with the reality of their carrier
haemophilia and its complications, as well as the status within the context of their family and their
availability and safety of treatment. Women who society.
live in countries where treatment for haemophilia is
inadequate, may be very interested in carrier detec- Prenatal diagnosis
tion and prenatal diagnosis, and therefore a more
agressive approach to testing may be successful. Clinical and genetic considerations. In families at
Preconceived notions about the clinical aspects risk of having a child with haemophilia, assessment
of the disease will be formed as a result of the degree of carrier status and counselling regarding prenatal
of, and content of contact with male haemophilic diagnosis should ideally be carried out before
relatives. Women who have male relatives with more conception. Pregnant carriers requesting prenatal
clinically severe disease, with inhibitors, or AIDS, diagnosis should be counselled as to the avail-
may be more inclined to seek out carrier testing. This able options, including the techniques for fetal
is especially true if individuals have been able to tissue sampling, their limitations, and potential
closely observe the effects of the disease on them- complications. If the fetus is affected, the options
selves and their family over time. Women who are of (i) continuing with the pregnancy and either keep-
related to those with milder clinical disease, or who ing or adopting their child, and (ii) terminating the
have more distantly related haemophilic relatives, pregnancy, are reviewed.

430 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

Diagnostic centres. Prenatal diagnosis should be Genetic diagnosis

undertaken in centres with full genetic, haemotologi-
cal and obstetric expertise. Assessment of carrier status
Diagnostic tests. In the early days of prenatal diagno- Family data: risk assessment. A pedigree of the
sis of the haemophilias (until the mid 1980s) the family has to be carefully drawn with accurate infor-
policy was to perform amniocentesis at 16 weeks mation on the males being affected with haemophilia
followed by fetal blood sampling at 20 weeks for or not. If more than one haemophiliac exists or has
phenotypic diagnosis in male fetuses. Subsequently, existed in the family, the case is familial. If the hae-
with the application of recombinant DNA techniques mophiliac is the only known case in the family it is
to the analysis of placental biopsy material, parents considered as isolated. These two types of families
were offered the advantage of first trimester diagno- have to be discussed separately.
sis, with the additional benefit that, in the presence Famiiial cases. Haemophilia A and B are X-linked,
of a male fetus, only one invasive test was required. recessive disorders. The segregation probabilities are
However, fetal blood sampling for phenotypic thus 50% for a carrier female to transmit the X-linked
diagnosis is still the preferred method in patients gene to each child, male or female, while the haemo-
presenting in the second trimester of pregnancy, and philic male will have only normal sons and carrier
it is necessary for those patients who are not daughters.
informative for any of the available DNA probes, Study of the pedigree alone will identify some
those requiring confirmation where normality is based females as obligate carriers. An obligate carrier is
on a linked probe, and those who have sporadic
haemophilia or lack key relatives. Second trimester defined as a woman who:
diagnosis may also be the preferred option for has a father who is a haemophiliac (with the rare
those patients wishing to avoid invasive testing for exception of him being a somatic mosaic);
female fetuses because fetal sexing can now be per- has more than one haemophilic son (identical
formed by ultrasonography at 16-20 weeks. twins excluded) or one haemophilic son and a
Termination of pregnancy. Traditionally, termination daughter who has given birth to a haemophilic
of pregnancy in the first trimester was performed son;
under general anaesthesia by dilatation of the cervix has a haemophilic son and a well documented
and evacuation of the uterine contents. In the second haemophiliac on the maternal side of the family.
trimester, termination involved induction of labour Obligate carriers have a probability of 1.0 for
and delivery of the fetus. Recently with the more carriership and need no further investigation.
widespread uptake of second trimester dilatation and Females in the pedigree who are not obligate
evacuation, one of the potential advantages of first carriers are to be considered as possible carriers. If a
trimester diagnosis (less traumatic termination) may consultand is a possible carrier her probability of
not be valid. carriership calculated from pedigree data should be
Psychological consideration. Prenatal diagnosis of done in two steps. In the first step only information
the haemophilias holds a multitude of psychological from the pedigree anterior to her is used. One goes
considerations for the women and her partner as well back in the pedigree from the consultand to the
as the wider family and the community as a whole. nearest maternal relative who is a haemophiliac or
Parental anxieties arise from: (i) the risks of having an obligate female carrier. For each step vertical
an affected child with lifelong morbidity, (ii) attend- or horizontal in the pedigree from this person, take
ing a hospital and having a potentially painful invasi- 0.5 and multiply these factors together to arrive at
ve test, (iii) miscarrying as a result of invasive test- the probability of the consultand being a carrier.
ing, (iv) receiving an abnormal result, (v) making a This is illustrated in the pedigree in Fig. 1.
decision on whether to continue or terminate an 1:2 is an obligate carrier since she has given birth to
affected pregnancy, and (vi) undergoing a termina- a son with haemophilia and a daughter who has a son
tion, with its potential short-term and long-term with haemophilia. II:4 is one step horizontal to the
complications. The parents are also subjected to haemophiliac (or one step vertical to the obligate
further, either real or perceived, pressures. The wider carrier) and thus has a probability of 0.5 for carrier-
family, especially affected members, close friends, ship. III:2 is one step horizontal and one step vertical
and even their doctors may hold strong views to the haemophiliac (or two steps vertical to the obli-
concerning quality of life and attitudes to termina- gate carrier) and thus has a probability for carriership
tion. Prevailing, cultural, religious and moral values of 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25.
within a society may impose additional stresses on If the consultand has male descendants her
the parents. probability for carriership has to be modified by

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 431

I.R. Peake et al.

Fig. 1. Example of a pedigree for calculating anterior These calculations are illustrated in Table 1 with
probabilities of carriership. the general formula applying to a consultand having
n sons. With one normal son (n=1), the final proba-
1 2 bility is reduced from 0.25 to 0.14; with two normal
sons (n=2), it is reduced to 0.08, etc.
Isolated cases. An isolated case of haemophilia may
result from transmission of the haemophilia gene
through asymptomatic females in whom the gene has
1 12 3 14 5 remained undetected; from a new mutation in the
mother, resulting in her being a carrier, or a new
mutation in the haemophiliac (= true de novo
mutation). The existence of somatic mosaicism and
germline mosaicism has also to be taken into con-
sideration (2, 3).
2 3 The true proportion of de novo mutations will
depend upon the mutation rate in males versus
females (v/u). If it is higher in males, a high propor-
tion of mothers of isolated cases will be carriers. If it
is higher in females, many isolated haemophiliacs
will be the result of true de novo mutations. The sex
1 2 ratio of mutation frequencies in haemophilia has not
Iv D been definitively established. Most studies show a
higher mutation frequency in the male than in the
female. In haemophilia A, v/u has been estimated as
5.0 (6), 9.6 (7) and 3.1 (8), respectively, in three
taking these into consideration. If the consultand has recent studies. In haemophilia B it has been estima-
healthy male descendants her probability of being a ted as 11 (9). Even if these figures are cautiously
carrier is diminished. interpreted, most mothers of isolated haemophiliacs
The probability for 111:2 being a carrier accord- are carriers. For practical purposes one can approxi-
ing to the anterior family history is 0.25. She has mate the genetic probability to be 0.85 for carriership
given birth to two healthy sons. The next step is to in mothers of an isolated case.
calculate the likelihood that I11:2 would have two
normal sons, separately for the two possible cases Phenotypic assessment. Haemophilia A and B are
that she is or is not a carrier. If she is a carrier the assessed by phenotype on the basis of the following.
likelihood that her 2 sons would be healthy is
(0.5)2 = 0.25, since each son has a probability of 0.5 (1) Glossary of terms
of not receiving the abnormal gene. If she is not a * Factor VIII:C (factor VIII coagulant activity)
carrier the likelihood that her two sons would be -the coagulant activity of factor VIII as assessed
normal is 12 = 1. These two likelihoods expressed as from the normalizing effect on the activated partial
odds for carriership gives (0.5)2:12, i.e., 0.25:1. thromboplastin time (APTT) of plasma containing
In order to modify the probability of 0.25 less than the 1% of the normal factor VIII:C concen-
obtained from the anterior pedigree by taking into tration.
consideration the odds obtained from the pedigree
of the descendants, the former probability must be
expressed as odds; 0.25:0.75 = 1:3. The odds in the
anterior and descendant pedigree is multiplied to Table 1: Calculating the probabilities for carriership
arrive at the final odds for carriership obtained from Probability or odds
pedigree data; 0.25 x 1:1 x 3 = 0.25:3. The odds for Information Carrier- Noncarrier- Carrier:non-
carriership can then be transformed again into a ship ship carrier
probability according to the formula; odds a:b Anterior to 111:2 0.25 0.75 1:3
corresponds to the probability according to the Descendants (0.5)n:1
formula; P = a/(a+b); 0.25/(0.25 + 3) = 0.08. of 111:2
Expressed in words, the fact that 111:2 has given birth Anterior and (0.5)nl/(0.5)n+3 3/(0.5)n+3 (0.5)n:3
to two healthy sons reduces her probability of carrier- descendants
ship from 0.25 to 0.08.

432 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

* Factor VIII:Ag (factor VIII antigen) - the factor present, 5th British Standard for Blood Coagulation
VIII protein as assessed by immunoassays. Factors, plasma human 91/516).
o VWF:Ag (von Willebrand factor antigen) - the Factor IX:C. The local working standard should
von Willebrand factor protein as assessed by immu- be prepared according to the guidelines above and
noassays. calibrated against the "International Standard for
o Factor IX:C (factor IX coagulant activity) - the Blood Coagulation Factor IX Human Plasma" (at
coagulant activity of factor IX as assessed from the present, the 5th British Standard for Blood Coagula-
normalizing effect on the APTT of plasma contain- tion Factors, plasma human 91/516). This standard
ing less than 1% of the normal factor IX:C concen- may also be used for Factor IX:Ag measurements.
* Factor IX:Ag (factor IX antigen) - the factor IX (3) Sampling of blood
protein as assessed by immunoassays. Both carriers and controls should be in good health
at the time of sampling since inflammatory states,
o Substrate plasma is plasma devoid of either factor liver and other diseases, and certain drugs may
VIII:C or IX:C and used in the coagulation assay. influence the concentrations of the coagulation fac-
* Test plasma is the plasma sample taken from an tors.
individual to be tested. The syringes and tubes used should be of plastic
o Local working standard plasma is a pool of plas- or siliconized glass. Vacuum tubes may be used. The
ma used as a "control" plasma; it should be calibra- anticoagulant should be 0.11 or 0.13 mol sodium
ted in international units (IU). citrate, 1 volume to 9 volumes of blood. The tubes
should be turned upside down immediately 2-3
(2) Laboratory standards times after sampling and centrifugation for at least
Factor VIII:C. All factor VIII:C estimations must be 20 minutes (at 2000 g) should be performed as soon
assayed by comparison with an international stan- as possible. The plasma should not be haemolysed.
dard and expressed as international units (IU) of If plasma is not analysed immediately it should be
factor VIII coagulant activity. One IU of VIII:C frozen at -70 °C and not stored for more than a
is by definition the factor VIII coagulant activity in few months.
one millilitre dof "fresh normal human plasma". The The results of VIII:C and VWF determinations
IU is defined by the "International Standard for will not be confounded if carriers are pregnant until
Blood Coagulation Factor VIII Plasma Human" (at the 22nd week of gestation or are taking oral contra-
present, 90/550), which is available from the National ceptives at the time of blood sampling (10-12). The
Institute for Biological Standards and Control, age (haemophilia A and B) and blood group (haemo-
London, England. philia A) have to be considered in both carriers and
In the local laboratory, pooled citrated plasma controls (13, 14). The data on the effect of age on
from at least 20 healthy donors, having an age and IX:C concentrations are ambiguous; no effect was
blood group distribution comparable to those of the found by Graham et al. (15), whereas Orstavik et al.
local population from which test subjects are drawn, (16) in a population of twins found a significantly
may be used as the working standard. Every new higher value in the senior twins. Oestrogen-
batch of this local standard plasma has to be calibra- containing drugs, like oral contraceptives, result in
ted against the international standard plasma or an higher concentrations of both IX:C and IX:Ag (17).
"intermediate" standard which has been calibrated (4) Coagulant assays
against the international standard. In calibration, the
standard plasma should be tested three times in VIII:C should be measured by a one-stage clotting
triplicate and a conversion factor should be calcu- assay or chromogenic substrate method.
lated for local U VIII:C/ml to IU VIII:C/ml. A new The one-stage method is based on the test
working standard should be prepared every 2-3 sample's ability to correct the APPT in plasma
months to minimize inaccuracy due to deterioration which has a <1% VIII:C (18). The chromogenic sub-
in storage. The standard must be stored at -70 'C. strate assay for measuring VIII:C has been shown to
have a correlation of 0.92-0.98 to one-stage clotting
Factor VIII.:Ag. The local working standard assays (19). In a comparison between different
calibrated against the international standard, as VIII:C assays, the chromogenic substrate assay was
described above, is to be used as standard. found to have the highest precision (20).
VWF:Ag. The local working standard should be VIII:Ag can be measured by various immunora-
prepared according to the guidelines above and cali- diometric (IRMA) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent
brated against the international standard for VWF (at (ELISA) assays (21). The local experience with the

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 433

I.R. Peake et al.

different methods may favour one over the other, but to establish carrier status on these laboratory data in
there is no universal advantage of using VIII:Ag an unambiguous way. Therefore, the laboratory data
instead of VIII:C or vice versa. are used to calculate an odds ratio favouring carrier-
VWF:Ag can be measured quantitatively with ship: an odds ratio "X" means that the laboratory
two different methods: electroimmunoassay (EIA) findings in the consultand are X-times more likely to
(22) and IRMA or ELISA (23). EIAs are performed be found in a carrier than in a non-carrier. The sub-
by the "rocket technique" (24); they are as satisfactory sequent use of Bayes' rule allows one to combine
a method as IRMA or ELISA in the detection of this odds ratio with the probability of carriership
carriers of haemophilia A and the experience at derived from the pedigree analysis and to obtain a
the local laboratory should decide (25). "final" probability of carriership. In the 1977 WHO
IX:C can be measured by one-stage or two-stage Memorandum (33) four ways were described to cal-
assays based on the same principles as VIII:C assays. culate odds from laboratory data. Currently, how-
The same precautions concerning sampling, working ever, the preferred method for haemophilia A is
standard plasma, international standard plasma, and bivariate linear discriminant analysis based on factor
test plasma are applicable to IX:C assays. A chromo- VIII:C and von Willebrand factor antigen measure-
genic substrate method, which uses a factor Xa sub- ments accommodating the effects of age and ABO
strate, has been described based on the conversion of blood group (25). For haemophilia B, univariate
factor IX in plasma to IXa by addition of a semipure linear discriminant analysis is advocated using factor
factor XIa in the presence of Calcium (26). IX:C measurements and applying a correction for the
IX:Ag can be measured by various immunologi- use of oral contraceptives (17, 34). Although the
cal assays, the most reliable being IRMA and ELISA estimation of factor IX antigen levels may be advan-
(27, 28). When these techniques were introduced it tageous in some cases (30), the routine application of
was found that haemophilia B could be classified this assay does not seem to be justified (31, 32, 34).
into many subgroups according to the amount of Both in haemophilia A and B, laboratory data
IX:Ag present. CRM+ (cross-reacting material posi- are obtained in reference groups of carriers and non-
tive) had normal IX:Ag, CRMR had reduced carriers using exactly the same methods, reagents
amounts, and CRM- undetectable IX:Ag. and standards as used for prospective consultands.
The average concentrations of IX:C or IX:Ag Also the subjects used for reference purposes should
are lower in haemophilia B- carriers than in non- be as similar as possible in all respects to the consul-
carrier women. Both concentrations are influenced tands. This used to require the recruitment of about
by the random inactivation of one of the X-chromo- 30 obligatory carriers and an equal number of non-
somes (Lyon-phenomenon) (29). Haemophilia B+ related but very similar women. Since DNA techno-
carriers also have lower concentrations of IX:C, logy now allows one to definitely prove or disprove
though their IX:Ag may vary widely as a result of carriership one may use the laboratory data on pre-
the Lyon-phenomenon (30). No consensus exists on viously diagnosed consultands for reference pur-
the most effective way of classifying carriers of dif- poses. At all times, however, one should be aware
ferent types of haemophilia B. Measurement of that age, blood type, severity of haemophilia, preg-
IX:Ag offers only limited predictive improvement, nancy, use of oral contraceptives, and probably
mainly in haemophilia B+ families according to other factors may exert an influence on the outcome
Kasper et al. (31) and Pechet et al. (32). Orstavik et of the laboratory tests. Consequently it is important to
al. (30), on the other hand, found that IX:Ag was of note whether the reference subjects and prospec-
discriminant value in both haemophilia B- and B+ tive consultands are similar in these respects. Further-
families. In another study the most efficient way of more, the laboratory data usually need to be trans-
classifying haemophilia B- carriers was univariate formed, such that the distributions of the data for
discrimination based on IX:Ag. For haemophilia B+ the reference groups are normal or at least non-
carriers bivariate linear discriminant analysis using skewed.
both IX:C and IX:Ag gave the best results (15). In In Tables 2 and 3 we have provided one approach
this paper univariate linear discriminant analysis is for haemophilia A using the universal discriminant
advocated for haemophilia B, using IX:C measure- (25), which obviates the need to study a reference
ments (see below). group of carriers, and one approach for haemophilia
B, applicable to both CRM-positive and CRM-nega-
(5) Odds ratios based on laboratory data tive forms (17). Considering the primary position of
On average, carriers of haemophilia A or B have DNA analysis in carrier diagnosis we feel that these
about 50% of the normal levels of factor VIII or IX. straightforward approaches should be sufficient in
Due to considerable overlap between the levels in most cases. The calculations can be easily carried out
carriers and normal women it is usually not possible in a spreadsheet type computer program.

434 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

Table 2: Haemophilia A, bivariate universal discriminant Table 3: Haemophilia B, univariate linear discriminant
analysis. This method requires factor VlIl:C and von Wille- analysis. Factor IX:C levels are required for both the car-
brand factor antigen reference data on non-carriers only. rier and non-carrier reference groups assuming that the
Data are transformed using the natural logarithm and the reference subjects do not use oral contraceptives. The fac-
effects of age and ABO blood type are accommodated (25) tor IX levels of the consultand need to be corrected by a
Enter for consultand: factor of 0.75 if she does. In this example the data are
transformed by the square root to obtain symmetrical distri-
a = age in years. butions
p = ABO-bloodtype: 0 for 0, 1 for non-0. Enter for consultand:
y= VWF:Ag in lU/ml. a = Factor IX:C in lU/mi.
8 = VIIL:C in lU/ml. 0 = Oral contraceptive use: 0 for no, 1 for yes.
x = Genetic probability of carriership (fraction of 1). X = Genetic probability of carriership (fraction of 1).
Enter for normal reference group: Enter for the carrier and non-carrier reference groups:
Rx= mean of Ln transformed VWF:Ag levels in lU/ml. R,= mean of square-root-transformed factor IX:C levels of
the carriers in lU/mi.
gy= mean of Ln transformed VlIl:C levels in lU/ml.
Compute for consultand: sc= standard deviation of square-root-transformed factor
IX:C levels of the carriers in lU/mI.
x = ln(y) - gx
-, the
= mean of square-root-transformed factor IX:C levels of
non-carriers in lU/ml.
y= In(6) -ly
Compute the coefficients for the modified discriminants: an = standard deviation of square-root-transformed factor
IX:C levels of the non-carriers in lU/ml.
a = -0.0955 - 0.0156a + 0.000196a2 + 0.0298f
Compute transformed and corrected factor IX:C for
b = 0.649 - 0.00184a + 0.0000314a2 + 0.1173 consultand
Compute the predicted means of the discriminants for a = [(1 - 0.250)a]112
carriers and normals:
Compute the odds ratio:
c = -0.391 - 0.00571a + 0.0001a2 - 0.0648,B
b = 1/(2a 2)
d = -0.0347 - 0.00171 a + 0.0000473a2 + 0.0754,B
c = 1/(2ay 2)
and compute the odds ratio:
d- (a-p)2
e = ax + by
e- (a-n4)2
f= 4.28 (e - c)
f= bd- ce
g= 7.97 (e- d)
g= exp (f)a
h = 0.623 + 0.5 (f + g) (f- g)
LR = ,nl (goc), the odds ratio favouring carriership
LR = exp (-h), the odds ratio favouring carriershipa
Compute the final probability of carriership:
Compute the final probability of carriership:
Pc = tLRI(tLR + 1 - p).
Pc = nLR / (tLR + 1 - t). a Note: exp (f) denotes "e', the base of natural logarithms,
a Note: exp (-h) denotes 'e', the base of natural logarithms,
raised to the power of f.
raised to the power of -h.

(6) Combining pedigree and laboratory data The odds of being a carrier from the laboratory
The pedigree probability of carriership (P) has to be data, as calculated above, is multiplied with the pedi-
transformed to the corresponding odds (a:b) accor- gree odds to arrive at a combined odds. This is then
ding to the formula a:b = P:(l-P). The probability
P = aI(a + b). In familial haemophilia the anterior
pedigree itself supplies a probability of the con- Table 4: Combining pedigree and laboratory data
sultand being a carrier. If descendants exist, one can Odds from pedigree 1: 3
modify the anterior probability with the odds of being Odds from the laboratory data 10: 1
a carrier derived from the descendant pedigree. In 1 x10 :3x1 = 10:3
this method, the anterior probability is first trans-
formed to odds before combining the two (Table 4). Final probability 10/(10 + 3) = 0.77

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 435

I.R. Peake et al.

again transformed into a probability by the formula Fig. 2. The use of two polymorphisms in segregation
P = a/(a + b). The example in Table 4 illustrates the analysis of a haemophilia A family. The two markers
calculations. shown are the multi-allelic intron 13 CA repeat and the
extragenic DXS15 polymorphism which is located approxi-
Genotypic assessment. Haemophilia A and B can mately 5 recombination units distant from the factor VIII
be assessed by genetic linkage using intragenic poly- gene. The haemophilia A mutation is segregating with the
intron 13 "6" allele in this family. With this information in
morphism analysis. mind, the potential carrier female 111.3 is identified as a non-
(1) Genes encoding factor VIII and factor IX carrier. The coincident analysis of the DXS15 marker
shows that a recombination event has occurred between
The factor VIII gene is situated at the telomeric end this locus and the factor Vil gene in the unaffected male
of the long arm of the X chromosome at band Xq28. 111.2. In this individual, analysis with this extragenic marker
The gene encompasses 186 kbp of genomic DNA alone would have incorrectly predicted that he had inherited
(approximately 0.1% of the DNA sequence on the X the haemophilia A mutation.
chromosome) and comprises 26 exons ranging in
size from 69 bp to 3.1 kbp (35). The factor IX gene 1 2
is situated at band Xq27, approximately 40 mega-
bases centromeric of the factor VIII locus on the X
chromosome. The gene is approximately 33.5 kbp
long, comprises 8 exons and encodes an mRNA of 5 6-2 F.VIII CA rpt
1.4 kbp (36). 1 2 -1 DXS1 5
(2) Genetic linkage
The mutations that result in haemophilia A and B
are heterogeneous and in most instances involve 2 3 4
changes of single nucleotides (37, 38). These two 1I
factors in two large genes have made the direct I
detection of haemophilic mutations a difficult chal-
lenge. As a result, many laboratories continue to 2 6 6-5 5
assess the genetic status of potential carriers of 1 2 2-1 2
haemophilic mutations through the use of indirect
genetic markers of the factor VIII and factor IX
genes. These genetic polymorphisms represent
natural variations of the genome sequence which
occur in the general population and which can be 1 2 3
used as convenient landmarks to track mutant genes
through families (Fig. 2 and 3). Ill
When the polymorphisms occur within the gene 6 5 5-5
of interest (intragenic polymorphisms), the like-
lihood of the polymorphic marker becoming un- 2 2 1 - 2
linked from the mutation through genetic recombina-
tion is related to the size of the gene. To date, there tive. In addition, as alluded to above, the polymor-
are no reports of intragenic recombination events in phic sequence should either be within the gene
either haemophilia A or B and thus one can assume which the disease is segragating or close enough to
that genetic diagnoses based on the analysis of an ensure that the possibility for genetic recombination
intragenic polymorphism in these conditions is between the polymorphism and the disease mutation
extremely accurate. is minimal. The final point to re-emphasize is that
although some polymorphisms may be in allelic
(3) Types of sequence variation within the factor association (linkage disequilibrium) with particular
VIII and factor IX genes mutations, the polymorphisms themselves represent
In order to be able to track individual copies of the phenotypically neutral sequence variation that is
factor VIII and factor IX genes, it is essential to have found in the general population.
available polymorphic sequences which will differ- Two types of polymorphic sequence exist within
entiate between the two gene copies present in the haemophilia genes (Tables 5 and 6). The most
females. The presence of heterozygosity or informa- frequent and simple examples are the bi-allelic
tiveness for a polymorphism is a prerequisite which polymorphisms resulting from single nucleotide sub-
must be satisfied if genotypic studies are to be effec- stitutions which either create or abolish restric-

436 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

Fig. 3. Line diagrams of the factor Vlill and factor IX genes with the sites of common polymorphic sequences


0 50 100 150 200 kbp
7 22 2 M
11 I I
I iii 3'
Taql Intron 7 Intron 1 3 B cil Xbal Intron 22 Bgll Mspl
G:A CA rpt Hindlil
fPA rpL
t, Pr%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 kbp

1 23 4 7 8

5,- t~3 I

11 1
Msel BamHI Ddel XmnI Taql Mnil Hhal

tion endonuclease sites (restriction fragment length DNA is most often obtained from blood leukocytes
polymorphisms, RFLPs). The limitation of these bi- by treatment with proteinase K followed by
allelic systems is that the maximum level of hetero- phenol:chloroform extraction. The preferred anti-
zygosity or informativeness is 50%. One bi-allelic coagulant for blood collection is either EDTA or
insertion/deletion polymorphism also exists in intron sodium citrate. In light of its interference with sub-
1 of the factor IX gene. sequent test procedures heparin is not recommended
Two multi-allelic intragenic polymorphisms as an anticoagulant for these studies. The transport
have been identified to date in the factor VIII gene. of samples from one centre to another can be accom-
These CA dinucleotide repeat sequences occur plished in a number of ways. Ideally, DNA should be
within introns 13 and 22 and the intron 13 repeat extracted at source and then sent through the regular
with eight alleles reported has a heterozygosity postal system, either in aqueous solution (10 mmol
rating of approximately 80% (39). Tris/l mmol EDTA), precipitated in ethanol or fol-
lowing lyophilization. If DNA extraction at source
(4) Practical issues is not feasible, the anticoagulated whole blood
(a) Extraction of DNA. High molecular weight should be decanted into polypropylene tubes, indi-

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 437

I.R. Peake et al.

0) ~~~~~)0.

A2 m co r- .0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
.0) CM Ir-
0coCa .0

cc It + + .CV
< N~~~~~~~+ CZ)0) +<
~~~~II 0< 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*0)~~C (0(0
Ic (0(

CM 00 CD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'0) 0)CD

m .0 C0(lU)-
aa) be b C-e_l )m

0 C I I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
oi'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~c6 i CMj~jCMC 1


0) 00 C\ cj0


0 C 0 C D
CC < <CD

C 0 0

0 < < <0<

< <
0) 00 0
< 0 0
0 0 1:1: 00 ( co~00
0)c 00
<E < < < o' HO H
0 0
*P0- . < <0 co

ma. ~~~~~~~~~~~''-'~~~~~~.
~~~'(iI-0 a)PC *
(D" co

'-0 o(
' o _
a)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( ) ( )<I
CL ca)0C 0a


a) CD cCD

CcisC 0N(JC%
a) C c C CCU)
CIS 'a~) 0 0
2 2 0 0
20 0 0
F- CDir) C Cc C C

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

Ul) 0 0 0LL)
a) 0 ccC
C C- C
oCo -cn
+C r-.cm~a~
~~~ n; ~~~~~~~~ + I~~.
a. co
N O)P-
cn m
~ ~ ~
~ ~ \JNCM)~

c)n - co N ~ ( -) LOL() cm 00c r- '-0
C (C c 0) N-Nc Wc N r -( )0
cm (0



C Ct)~~L ~
(0l l
U RCi(q


(0 CON Ct) (0~~~~~~~C)

(Do :~~~~< ~ ~ <
<~~~~~~~~~~CD 0~~~~~~~~~~<0 <C'CD
E CD CD 0<
L)~~~C< D

CD o DD 0H
~H E
0.0 < 0<
H«H 0Ca)
D< <<<- 0
EL CD C CD <0 HO 0 <0 <
O <H C CDC(D C< ~ 0
E CDD > < < <0 C< D


~~.U)Ca) E ~~~~~~~~CL -L 0 .-

0 (

co C No C

C C -v
0 (D


WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 439

I.R. Peake et al.

vidually packaged in plastic or polystyrene contain- ted set of equipment (including positive displace-
ers, and sent on dry ice via courier service to the test- ment pipettes) and supplies to minimize the risk of
ing laboratory. Whole blood samples can either be DNA carry-over. In addition, the inclusion of a "no
stored at -70 °C without additional manipulations or DNA template" blank tube in each experiment pro-
leukocyte pellets can be prepared prior to storage. vides a further safeguard against this problem. Final-
In most instances using standard extraction proto- ly, although the endonuclease digestion of most PCR
cols, between 200 and 500 ,ug of DNA will be ob- products will proceed to completion uneventfully,
tained from a 10 ml blood sample. Abbreviated DNA the inclusion of previously genotyped PCR amplified
extraction protocols have been proposed in the prep- samples in each test run ensures that all components
aration of material for the polymerase chain reaction of the endonuclease reaction have been added and
and these methods will result in material of adequate are functional. In addition, the inclusion of an inva-
quality in most instances. riant endonuclease site within the amplified fragment
further assists in evaluating the digestion process.
(b) Analysis of polymorphic sequences. The two
molecular genetic techniques used to identify DNA (5) Testing strategy
polymorphisms are those of Southern blotting (40) (a) Haemophilia A. The strategy for polymorphism
and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (41). The analysis in any particular family must take into
former method has been in use for more than a decade account factors including the site of the polymor-
and involves a relatively labour-intensive schedule phism, the heterozygosity rating of the marker, and
comprising the capillary transfer of endonuclease- the ethnic origin of the family (see below).
digested DNA fragments from an agarose gel to a The recently described intron 13 CA repeat
membrane support and the subsequent probing of the polymorphism appears to be informative in approxi-
membrane with a radiolabelled DNA fragment repre- mately 80% of females and thus represents the logi-
senting the sequence of interest. Studies utilizing cal starting point for analysis of factor VIII polymor-
Southern analysis require a minimum of 5 gg of high phisms. This sequence can be amplified in a
molecular weight DNA for testing and take at least "multiplex" PCR with the other, Intron 22, CA
five to seven days to produce results. The polymer- repeat and the two sequences analysed simultaneous-
ase chain reaction has now replaced Southern blot- ly. The fact that these sequences require the use of
ting in many instances. This technique utilizes syn- radiolabelled amplification primer and electrophore-
thetic oligonucleotide primers to select for speci- tic separation of the products on a DNA sequencing
fic sequences of interest which are then amplified in gel may, however, result in some laboratories reser-
vitro to produce a targeted product which is present ving the analysis of this marker for those cases in
in more than a millionfold its original concentration. which the two other frequent BclI and XbaI poly-
The power of this method has resulted in several morphisms are uninformative. Fortunately, these four
advantages including the ability to work with very markers are not in allelic association (linkage dis-
small starting quantities of DNA (less than 1 jg), equilibrium) and more than 95% of females will be
increased simplicity and biosafety (non-radioisotopic informative for one or more of these polymorphisms.
methods), and the completion of tests within 48 The remaining families should be tested with the
hours. BglI marker and with the intron 7 polymorphism
Most of the polymorphisms in the factor VIII which will be informative in approximately 10% of
and factor IX genes can now be studied through the females who are homozygous for the absence of the
analysis of DNA which has been amplified in vitro BclI polymorphic site.
by PCR (42, 43). Assessment of the XbaI polymor- (b) Haemophilia B. The combined use of the TaqI,
phic genotype by PCR is complicated by the co- XmnI, DdeI, HhaI, MnlI and MseI polymorphisms
amplification of homologous sequences adjacent to, will provide informative results in approximately
but outside of, the factor VIII gene. This complexity 90% of females in haemophilia B genotype testing.
can be resolved by Southern analysis (44). Therefore, there will still be about 10% of families
Following DNA extraction, the PCR amplifica- with haemophilia B in whom intragenic polymor-
tion of these various sequences takes approximately phism analysis is uninformative and where either
three hours, after which the amplified products are linked extragenic markers will have to be investiga-
digested with the appropriate restriction enzyme and ted or direct mutation detection will be necessary.
analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. As
with all PCR studies, the complication of sample (6) Advantages of genotype assignment with poly-
contamination with extraneous DNA must be guar- morphism testing
ded against. Most laboratories perform their PCR Where a prior family history of haemophilia exists,
studies in a designated clean area and use a dedica- and an intragenic polymorphism is informative,

440 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

diagnostic results with an error rate of less than 1% to yield useful information, one must be able to dif-
are attainable. The methods are straightforward, ferentiate between the two X chromosomes in key
rapid and inexpensive to perform. Thus, in many females through the presence of polymorphic hetero-
families requesting genetic diagnosis of haemophilia, zygosity. In the study of haemophilia A with intra-
the use of intragenic polymorphism analysis repre- genic markers, this requirement is now achieved in
sents the diagnostic strategy of choice. more than 95% of families due in large part to the
intron 13 CA repeat polymorphism. In the analysis
(7) Limitations to the use of polymorphism testing in of the factor IX gene where a similarly multi-allelic
haemophilia sequence does not exist, some 10% of families will
Although in many instances, the use of an informa- still require diagnostic studies with linked extragenic
tive intragenic polymorphism will provide highly markers to achieve informative results. In these latter
accurate genetic diagnosis of haemophilia, there are, studies, the possibility of genetic recombination be-
nonetheless, some limitations to this diagnostic stra- tween the polymorphic site and the haemophilic
tegy (45). All of these drawbacks relate to the fact mutation adds an additional uncertainty to the preci-
that the haemophilic mutation itself is not identified sion of genetic diagnosis.
by these methods.
(8) Requirement for family sampling Ethnic variation in frequency of polymorphisms,
linked polymorphisms and linkage disequilibrium.
Polymorphism linkage analysis requires the partici- Factor IX polymorphisms. In Caucasians, the use of
pation of a minimum number of key individuals from six intragenic RFLP sites allows linkage of the gene
a haemophilic family. At least one affected male in approximately 80% of families (46). These sites
should be available for testing to identify the poly- are Taq I, Xmn I, Dde I, Msp I, BamH I as well as
morphic allele which is associated with the mutation the residue 148 (Thr/Ala) base change (Mnl I).
in the family requesting diagnosis. With the recent However, there is marked ethnic variation in the
catastrophe of HIV infection in the haemophilia incidence of heterozygosity for these sites. In Blacks,
population, this initial requirement may be compro- both the 5' BamH I and the intron 3 BamH I sites are
mised by early deaths of haemophilic males. How- useful, with heterozygosity rates of 0.46 and 0.22
ever, even in the instances where all affected males respectively (47). In comparison, informativity at
in the family are deceased, the recovery of DNA these sites is rare in the Caucasian populations (47,
from stored pathological samples for analysis by PCR 48). The incidence of heterozygosity for RFLP sites
still makes polymorphism testing feasible. of different ethnic groups are given in Table 7.
In addition to getting all appropriate family Orientals, such as Chinese (49), Japanese (50), Phili-
mem-bers to agree to participate in genetic testing, it pinos (51) as well as Malays (52), were found to
is also vital that all stated family relationships (parti- have a low incidence or absence of the RFLPs listed
cularly paternity) are correct. above. The only RFLPs informative within these
populations are those detected by HhaI and the
(9) Families with an isolated affected haemophiliac recently described MseI RFLP (104), which has been
Sporadic cases of haemophilia comprise 30-50% of shown to be informative in Thai populations.
the total haemophilic population. In these families,
because polymorphism analysis does not identify the Linked intergenic polymorphisms. An Sst I RFLP at
haemophilic mutation directly, it is not possible to locus DXS99 can be detected by probe pX58dIHc
ascertain at which level of the pedigree the mutation (54). This polymorphism gives rise to two alleles of
arose. In fact, past studies have indicated that 5.9 kb and 8.8 kb respectively, with a frequency of
approximately 85% of mothers of isolated haemo- 0.43 for the former. The polymorphic locus DXS99
philiacs are carriers but in individual diagnostic is mapped to Xq26-q27 and tightly linked to the fac-
cases, unless the coagulation studies of the mother tor IX gene. The precise genetic distance between
are strongly suggestive of her being a carrier, it is this locus and the factor IX gene has yet to be deter-
probably unwise to attempt the diagnosis of a hae- mined, but thus far, no recombination has been
mophilic allele by polymorphism testing. Therefore, detected in 39 informative meiosis, giving a lod
in these families, one is often left with the option of score of 9.79 at E = 0.0, with 95% confidence limit
using polymorphism studies to exclude transmission of e = 0-0.06. Since this marker and the FIX loci do
of the haemophilic mutation. not appear to be in linkage disequilibrium (54), the
analysis of this Sst I RFLP at DXS99 in conjunction
(10) Requirement for heterozygosity and possibility with the intragenic sites in the factor IX gene should
of genetic recombination increase the diagnostic efficiency to more than 90%
As detailed above, for polymorphism linkage studies of females at risk.

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 441

I.R. Peake et al.

0 CM

= 0

C) 0
0 0) 6 6
o 6
co 0 C')
0D- 0f)a) Co0- o00)O~
0 Co

c._ N N C'
o o )0
0 to
<: co 6 6 0
., 0.c
0a)>j (D't
66 CC) lt co I 0O
Co o
0 0) )0
co 0D

.c6 CD)0)
CD lq-
0 0
0D N 0D aN
r- _ rN-cm a0)
CD CD 6o
_ z
') CO C) D C0O - 0C

C0 c;( 0o
7 cr
0 00 0 C 0 0
m >4
I N 0)
0 CD.o? CM C') 'r- CD
0) 0 0 0
00 0 6 0 0)
0o 0
E0 N
2 =a)
0 0o 0
0) C 'tJ CD
._ (D
co / o o o 0
co cm ol
0.c 0)
0D0 0)
0 0)
o ~~~
0M 166no6a
0 -0 0 0

0 0>
6 Z a
0 0 0 C
0 0 0 0 0 0
I a) 0

6 0
o 6 0 0
EL Cu 0. 0
0 0
0 6 0
co 0
0.. cD CD
0C0)0q L(CD CO

C\j CN N CN CO0. 0) O.
C') CD
0 o <"- 0 0 0 0 6 6; 0 0

0) 6 0
lCC Ci co C6

C') IC

CC) Co

Cu C')
0 C;
CM cm '-'-CoL CM 6D a- SD
7E I
0 ( NC
0. mEco I
co -c ) 'a E a) I .o
a. Cu E 'a a) co 0 UL
In) HX a 2 CO 'V) C)

442 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

Linkage disequilibrium offactor IX polymorphisms.

In Caucasians, the Taq I, Xmn I, Msp I and Mnl I o >, 0 6
RFLPs show marked linkage disequilibrium (allelic cD ~l()
association), thus the use of all four sites would only ii CD FN
increase the diagnostic efficiency to 55% as opposed O' LO

to 45% when using the Taq I site alone (52, 55, 56).
However, Dde I and 3' Hha I polymorphisms showed 0
much less disequilibrium and the combined use of o

these two sites and the Taq I site increases the hetero-
zygosity rate to almost 76% (53, 55).
co0)0 C; o o

In the American Blacks, the linkage disequili- 0.s. os *o

brium between Taq I and Msp I is less marked. eDr
While the intragenic BamH 1+ alleles and Msp I-
alleles showed disequilibrium, the 5' BamH I, Dde I d -<o 6 o
and Xmn I sites appeared to be in equilibrium. The o
combined use of these latter sites showed an obser- 0)
ved frequency of heterozygosity of 87% for Black 0
.< : 8 0 °. o3
females (versus c. 60% in Caucasians) (48, 57).
No linkage disequilibrium was observed be- .c).
tween the Hha I locus at the 3' end of the factor IX c 4 .co0 oo oo
mI ^ 0
gene and the other intragenic loci (53); thus it is like- '-) N 0
ly that this polymorphic marker will be extremely CD cm
useful for factor IX carrier testing. This has certainly Oo It
, c

.i r6
E : 66
a a

been the case for Orientals (49), who lack heterozy-

gosity for the common intragenic RFLP sites. The C
MseI polymorphism also shows minimal linkage 0 0)
disequilibrium with the other polymorphisms within 0
d 6
the factor IX gene. 0
< N= lw- 0) N- C')
Factor VIII polymorphisms. As with factor IX, the 0
0 0 0 0
incidence of factor VIII RFLPs differ significantly in
various racial groups (57, 58); thus before a prenatal
diagnosis programme can be instituted in a particular c 0).
c0 0
region, the RFLPs for that population should be E
studied, to decide the most suitable sites for use. 0

Table 8 summarizes the incidence of Bcl I, 0D)

N 6. 6
6 6 6 6 6
_ o 0
CD -

Xba I, Bgl I, Hind III and MspI polymorphisms in ._ st I N.

the factor VIII gene in various ethnic groups. The 0 a90
positive incidence of Bgl I polymorphism is higher E "1- o w LO)

in Chinese than in other races. Of particular interest .5 co 0s 0

6 6i
is that in American Blacks, the rates of the (+) site o o
for Bcl I and Hind III polymorphisms are the reverse C')
I'-l;ta U.a 0)-

a lcy)
of what is observed in other ethnic groups (57). U._
Table 8 also shows the female heterozygosity rate. oF >1
The Bcl I dimorphism is more informative in Medi- 0:=
0) 0,
07) LO
a) 0 co
6 c6 6 6
terraneans, Indians and Japanese (42-47%) com- 0D
CD c
CIO 4-.
0) .
pared to, Caucasian, American Blacks, Chinese and CA
0 o
Malays (31-39%). The Hind III and Xba I RFLPs U)ct:3 N C') c t U) U) 0 N

showed similar heterozygosity -in the various groups 08 0.

NM N ur _ 0 0 atI
tested, whilst the Bgl I RFLP is most useful in Ame- (1) a
rican Blacks (38%), but useless in Chinese (0%). 0* 0,
N 0 N a
- _ _

+ C
NiL U)N + C 04 C0,
00) 0 (
Linked intergenic polymorphisms. The physical map- C.)
IL a:
ping of the q28 region of the X chromosome has _ Co N
revealed that the loci DXS52 and DXS15 are 1-2 0) O a)
Mb centromeric to the factor VIII gene. The highly aB >Co -

D 0) U

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 443

I.R. Peake et al.

polymorphic St 14 probe detects a polymorphism Direct mutation detection in the haemophilias.

within the cluster MN12, cpX67, and DX13 (59). Linkage analysis for carrier detection and prenatal
The two extragenic RFLPs, Bgl II/DX13 (60) and diagnosis of haemophilia has widely appreciated
Taq VISt 14 (61), are both closely linked to the hae- benefits including rapidity, relative technical simpli-
mophilia A locus. The Bgl II RFLP detected by the city, wide availability and definitive diagnostic
DX13 probe shows two alleles, 5.8 kb (allele 1) and results in a high proportion of cases. However, it has
2.8 kb (allele 2) respectively. The heterozygosity certain inherent drawbacks and limitations which
rating for this polymorphism varies between ethnic have been previously described.
groups from 0.30 (Japanese) to 0.5 (Caucasians), and In principle, all these defects of linkage analysis
the frequency of recombination with factor VIII is may be circumvented by identifying the specific
approximately 4.5%. mutation in a given kindred. It is then sufficient
The Taq I RFLP detectable with the St 14.1 merely to check the putative carrier or fetus at risk
probe gives two independent systems of alleles (61). for the relevant defect. In addition, identification of
System I has eight alleles (1 to 8) ranging from 6.6 mutations provides scientifically interesting informa-
to 3.4 kb in length, and system II has two alleles, tion that may give clues on structure and function of
"A" (5.5 kb) and "B" (4.1 and 1.4 kb, respectively). factor VIII and IX, on mechanisms of mutation, or
Caution should be exercised when using inter- on phenotype/genotype aspects such as the risk of
genic linked probes for diagnosis because of the pos- inhibitor formation.
sibility of meiotic recombination (62, 63). With the The obvious drawbacks of mutation analysis in
St 14.1 probe, reports from world literature sugges- haemophilia A and B are that the two genes involved
ted a genetic disease of 3 cM, and this should be are large and complex and the mutations therein
taken into account during genetic counselling. The extremely heterogenous, as expected for X-linked
use of the DX 13 probe would be even more prone to sublethal disorders. However, methods for rapid
error, as the cross-over rate with the factor VIII gene screening of large regions of DNA for small lesions
is thought to be about 4.5% (64). have been developed in the past 5 years which now
make this approach feasible in expert laboratories.
Linkage disequilibrium of factor VIII polymor- These methods were first applied to the smaller gene,
phisms. There is a strong linkage disequilibrium be- factor IX, with impressive results in several centres.
tween the intron 18 Bcl I, intron 19 Hind III and For example, a project to identify all the mutations
intron 25 Bgl I sites (57, 63). Thus little additional causing haemophilia B in the United Kingdom popu-
information will be gained in using more than one of lation is now well advanced with successful identifi-
these three sites. In contrast, the Xba I site in intron cation of a causative gene lesion in 160 out of 161
22 is often informative in females who are homo- patient DNAs analysed so far (Giannelli, personal
zygous for the Bcl I site (65). Even though the communication). The methods used for haemophilia
B analysis comprise Southern blotting with a full
Bcl I and Xba I sites are not in complete linkage length cDNA probe which detects deletions down to
equilibrium, with a disequilibrium coefficient of about 1.5 kb. This yields diagnostic information in
0.0722-0.1627 in various ethnic groups reported, the about 1% of cases. For more detailed analysis, enzy-
combined use of these two sites would significantly matic amplification of each exon is performed using
increase the informativeness of 79% in Japanese, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by
64-69% in Caucasians, and 52% in Chinese females chemical cleavage mismatch detection (CCD) (55).
respectively (58, 65, 66). In certain populations, mul- A positive signal from CCD is confirmed by direct
tiple Xba I polymorphisms have been described, e.g., sequencing.
Chinese (44) and Canadian (67). Although these Mutation analysis in haemophilia A has to cope
other polymorphisms may well be non-factor VIII with the fact that the 26 exons of the factor VIII gene
sequences which are detected by the factor VIII are distributed over 186 kbp of genomic DNA and
intron 22 probe (p482.6), they are closely linked to exon 14 is over 3 kbp in length. Southem blotting
the factor VIII gene and the combined use of all the after digestion of genomic DNA with the enzyme
Xba I and Bcl I RFLPs would increase the detection TaqI yields diagnostic information in c. 5% of
rate to 67% in Chinese. cases due to the somewhat higher incidence of
Due to the highly polymorphic nature of the four large deletions in haemophilia A and the occurrence
intragenic (two CA repeat polymorphisms, Bcl I and of mutation hotspots in 5 TaqI sites. Currently three
Xba I) and one extragenic (Taq I/St 14.1) polymor- screening methods are being used to screen enzy-
phisms, carrier detection or prenatal diagnosis should matically amplified exons and flanking regions of the
be possible in 96-100% of females at risk (58, 66, factor VIII gene. Higuchi and colleagues (69, 70)
68). have applied denaturing gradient gel electrophor-

444 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

esis (DGGE) and reported on their results in 29 mild found in American, German and Japanese patients.
or moderate cases and 30 severe cases. Forty-five This intemational database will be updated
oligonucleotide primer sets were required to amplify annually and published in Nucleic acids research.
99% of the coding region and 41 of 50 splice junc- New cases for inclusion should be submitted to Dr S.
tions. The disease-producing mutation was found in Antonarakis, The Johns Hopkins University, Balti-
25 out of 29 mild or moderate cases (85%) but in only more, USA or Dr E. Tuddenham, MRC, Harrow,
16 of 30 severe cases (53%). Even allowing for incom- England. The haemophilia A database has been sub-
plete coverage of splice junctions there is a clear mitted to the Genome Database (Welch Medical
implication that a high proportion of mutations Library, 1830 East Monument Street, Baltimore, MD
causing severe haemophilia A lie with the previously 21205, USA) and will be accessible from there by
accepted essential regions of the factor VIII gene. electronic means. In future as the number of patients
This highly interesting finding has been confirmed successfully analysed increases, the only practical
using an alternative approach (see "Developments in means of updating and retrieval will be via com-
direct defect detection", below). Consequently until puterized databases, organized nationally and inter-
these unidentified mutations are located there is nationally. Appropriate security of information
going to be a limitation on the effectiveness of even access will be built into these systems.
direct defect detection, underlining the continuing
importance of polymorphism-based genotype assays Data-haemophilia B. A compilation of point muta-
and phenotype assays in carrier and fetal diagnosis. tions, short deletions and insertions in the factor IX
Another powerful and technically simpler gene has been produced by Giannelli et al. (3rd edi-
approach to mutation screening (compared to CCD tion, 1992) published in Nucleic acids research (38).
and DGGE) is based on the property of single stran- The data tabulated includes levels of factor IX
ded DNA to form self-associated loop structures that clotting activity and antigen, inhibitor status but not
are highly sequence dependent. The conformation clinical severity; 574 mutants are listed, representing
adopted strongly influences the rate of migration of 278 different molecular alterations. These are distri-
single-stranded DNA in non-denaturing polyacryla- buted across the entire coding region from the signal
mide gel electrophoresis, enabling detection of peptide to codon 412, only four residues before the
sequence polymorphism (or mutation). The screen- Stop codon. Eleven examples of mutations in the
ing method exploiting these phenomena is called promoter region giving rise to the Leyden phenotype
Single Stranded Conformational Polymorphism are recorded. Thirty examples of mutations affecting
(SSCP) analysis. A comparison of SSCP with CCD RNA processing have been observed. This informa-
for mutation detection in factor VIII exons 1 to 14 tion has now been incorporated into the EMBL data-
has yielded essentially identical sensitivity (Tudden- base, providing on-line access to updates.
ham, unpublished observations), so this method may
become more widely utilized. Finally, direct sequen- Application of polymorphism analysis and direct
cing of amplified DNA is used to identify any specific defect detection in developed and developing
mutation. countries. Developed countries. Developments in
molecular genetics mean that it is now possible to
Data - haemophilia A. A compilation of mutations identify practically all the functional mutations in the
in the factor VIII gene updated to August 1991 has factor IX gene in patients with haemophilia B and a
been published in Nucleic acids research (37); 81 significant number within the factor VIII gene in
different point mutations, 6 insertions, 7 small dele- patients with haemophilia A (see above). The tech-
tions, and 60 large deletions are catalogued. Informa- niques used are specialized and require staff with
tion where available is also provided for F.VIII coag- molecular biology experience, and several groups
ulant and antigen level, clinical severity and inhibitor within Europe and North America have established
status. A unique number has been assigned to each laboratories where these analyses are performed
patient for future identification. Thirty-eight percent upon request. They also provide a follow-up service
of point mutations are located in CpG dinucleotides. for subsequent carrier status assessment and prenatal
This frequency is biased by screening with TaqI diagnosis.
which identifies five such sites, but an unbiased In these countries the identification of the speci-
estimate from Higuchi's data (69) is similar at 32%. fic defect will increasingly replace family studies
Recurrent mutation in CpG dinucleotides has based on gene tracking of polymorphisms (see
occurred in at least 16 sites, where identity by above). Although polymorphism analysis, particular-
descent can be excluded on RFLP haplotype or ex- ly when based on PCR technology is extremely
treme geographical separation. Recurrence at non- simple to perform, the problems related to non-infor-
CpG sites also occurs, for example at Arg 2307Leu, mative family members, non-paternity and sporadic

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 445

I.R. Peake et al.

disease mean that where the technology is available, under heavy sedation. The technique was confined to
defect detection techniques are preferable. The very few centres and in the best hands the procedure-
recently reported cases of germline mosaicism in related risk of fetal death was 2-5%. More recently,
haemophilia present problems for family studies improvements in imaging by ultrasonography have
based on either approach. It is also expected that made fetoscopic guidance unnecessary and fetal
increased technological advances will make defect blood can be obtained by ultrasound-guided puncture
detection easier and more applicable to the routine of an umbilical cord vessel (cordocentesis) or the
laboratory. However, without these advances it is fetal heart (cardiocentesis). The preferred method is
probable that polymorphism-based gene tracking will cordocentesis, which involves the ultrasound-guided
still remain important in those laboratories where insertion of a 20 or 22 gauge needle through the
molecular biology experience for defect detection is matemal abdomen and into an umbilical cord vessel
not available. (72, 73). The procedure is carried out on an out-
patient basis and no matemal sedation or anaesthesia
Developing countries. It is unlikely that direct defect is required. Several centres throughout the world
detection will be available in the foreseeable future have now developed considerable expertise in this
in many countries where the identification and treat- technique. Matemal complications are negligible.
ment of the disease itself is only in its infancy. The risk of fetal death following cordocentesis is
However, it should be pointed out that genetic analy- approximately 1-2%. The risks are higher when the
sis of families with patients with haemophilia, even mother is obese, the placenta is posterior, and the
though the treatment of the haemophiliac may not be gestation at the time of sampling 16-19 weeks rather
optimal, can still be of assistance to the family by than 20-21 weeks.
identifying carriers and preventing the birth of affec-
ted individuals. Where resources are scarce it is pro- Chorion villus sampling (CVS). Placenta tissue can
bable that the least expensive techniques of gene be successfully obtained from as early as six weeks'
tracking which will involve, at the moment, poly- gestation by the transabdominal or transcervical
morphism analysis will be the only ones applicable. entry of aspiration cannulas, biopsy forceps, or
It is, therefore, important that such techniques should needles of variable sizes (74, 75). More than
be made as simple as possible and their application 200 000 procedures have now been performed
in developing countries is something that may well throughout the world and the technique is carried
advance quite rapidly in the next decade under the out in many centres. However, the recent report on
guidance of the World Federation of Haemophilia. the possible association between CVS at less than
10 weeks and fetal limb abnormalities is likely to
Current situation confine its application to pregnancies beyond this
gestation (76). Furthermore, the European MRC trial
Prenatal diagnosis has demonstrated a significantly higher risk of fetal
Obstetric techniques. Ultrasonography. All preg- death after CVS than after second trimester amnio-
nant women should be offered a detailed ultrasound centesis (77). Despite these limitations, CVS has the
examination for (i) confirmation of fetal viability and advantage of providing prenatal diagnosis in the
gestational age, (ii) the diagnosis of multiple first trimester rather than at 18-20 weeks as with
pregnancies, and (iii) exclusion of both major mal- traditional amniocentesis.
formations but also smaller defects, which may lead
to the diagnosis of an underlying chromosomal Amniocentesis. In the context of prenatal diagnosis
abnormality or genetic haemophilia. Ultrasonogra- of haemophilia, amniocentesis is used for fetal
phy at 16-20 weeks will reliably diagnose the fetal sexing and DNA analysis. When amniocentesis was
sex. In the presence of a female fetus, invasive fetal first performed, it was limited to 16 weeks onwards,
testing can be avoided. because at earlier gestations there was a high failure
rate in obtaining amniotic fluid. However, during the
Fetal blood sampling. In the 1970s and early 1980s last five years several studies have established the
the method of fetal blood sampling was fetoscopy, feasibility of early amniocentesis at 10-14 weeks
which involved the introduction into the amniotic (78). Furthermore, the original apprehension about
cavity of an endoscope (3 mm in diameter). Blood the smaller cellular content of amniotic fluid has not
vessels in the chorionic plate or umbilical cord were been substantiated; although the number of amniotic
visualized and punctured to provide pure fetal blood fluid cells at 10 weeks is smaller than at 16 weeks,
(71). The patients were usually hospitalized and the the number of viable cells is the same. At amniocen-
procedure was carried out under heavy sedation. The tesis, a 20 or 22 gauge needle is guided by ultra-
technique was confined to very few centres and sound into the amniotic cavity and 10 ml of fluid is

446 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

aspirated. Cell culture and cytogenetic analysis are factor V is measured as an indicator of possible
successful in 98% of the cases and results can be consumption or activation of VIII (79). When the
available within 2-3 weeks (78). For diagnosis of fetus is at risk of haemophilia B, factor X is also
haemophilia, DNA can be extracted from the cells measured.
either directly after separation or after culture.
Prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia A and B by DNA
Collection, preparation and storage of prenatal analysis. The effective use of DNA analysis for pre-
samples. Fetal blood. Meticulous care, consistency natal diagnosis of haemophilia involves prior plan-
and speed are critical in collecting the diagnostic ning and coordination between the testing laboratory
blood samples. All the necessary tubes are prepared and an obstetrician specialist in fetal medicine.
before cordocentesis. Three successive fetal blood The use of PCR-based genetic testing has great-
samples are aspirated into l-ml plastic syringes. The ly simplified the prenatal diagnostic strategies used
first sample is collected into a heparin tube for (i) in screening for haemophilia (42). The ability to per-
immediate cell size analysis and (ii) subsequent form PCR studies on less than 1 ,ug of DNA makes
Kleihauer-Betke testing, to confirm its fetal origin. this technique especially useful in prenatal analysis
The subsequent two samples are delivered into where the yield of fetal tissue for testing may be
six polystyrene precipitin tubes, exactly to the 500 gl limited. There has now been considerable experi-
mark without airlocks or bubbling. The polystyrene ence with the use of PCR-based prenatal testing
tubes contain accurate volumes of buffered-citrate for both polymorphism linkage analysis and
anticoagulant; in two tubes the citrate to fetal blood more recently for direct mutation detection in the
ratio is 1:1 and in three it is 1:9. The tubes are held haemophilias.
sideways between the forefinger and thumb and Analysis of chorionic villus (CV) tissue. The extrac-
jerked vigorously 2-3 times to mix. The rest of tion of DNA from both CV material and amniocytes
each sample is collected into heparin tubes for (i) cell is best carried out by alternative, "gentler" methods
size analysis and determination of haematocrit, which to those used for blood extractions. All routine pre-
are compared with the result of the first sample, to cautions to avoid sample contamination with extra-
ensure that all samples are fetal and not contamin- neous DNA must be strictly adhered to and the pos-
ated by amniotic fluid, and (ii) immunoradiometric sibility of maternal contamination of the CV tissue
assay of VIII:Ag or IX:Ag in the supernatant plasma. must also be kept in mind. Most laboratories will
All tubes containing fetal samples are capped, perform two sets of tests on the CV DNA. The first
placed in ice, and taken to the laboratory for assay, involves sexing of the fetus through the use of
where they are left undisturbed for one hour. amplification primers corresponding to the regions
Amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid (1O ml) is collected ZFX and ZFY on the X and Y chromosome respec-
into a sterile container, and kept at 4 °C until further tively. The DNA is then amplified for haemophilia
analysis. The sample is divided into two halves, one genotyping using either one of the previously
to be used for direct DNA analysis and the second detailed intragenic polymorphisms or one of the
for cell culture to confirm the initial result. The methods used for direct mutation analysis. Diagnostic
amniocytes are separated by centrifugation in Eppen- studies are achievable within 48 hours of receipt of
dorf tubes and PCR is performed on the DNA, which the CV tissue.
is extracted using proteinase K and phenol, followed Amniocyte DNA analysis. Two options are available
by ethanol precipitation. in testing cells obtained at amniocentesis. Direct ana-
Chorionic villi. Samples are aspirated into culture lysis of DNA extracted from amniocytes spun down
medium and examined under a dissecting microsco- from 10 ml of amniotic fluid is now feasible and
pe for any contamination with decidua, in which case avoids the two-week hiatus before sufficient quanti-
the tissue must be separated immediately after col- ties of cultured amniocytes are available for analysis.
lection. The chorionic villi are noted for a central Once again, in light of the small quantities of fetal
vascular core and budding cytotrophoblast, unlike cells available for amplification, PCR contamination
decidua which are more sheet-like and less vascular. must be guarded against using techniques previously
The chorionic villi are weighed in a pre-weighed alluded to in this document. The strategy for DNA
Eppendorf tube; the minimum required is 6 mg, testing is identical to that outlined for CVS-based
although 60-80 mg of wet tissue is usually obtained. diagnoses.
Measurements on fetal blood. Both factors VIII and Genetic counselling services for haemophilia
IX are measured in all cases to provide an added The individual or individuals involved in genetic
check on the validity of the samples. In addition, counselling for haemophilia should hat'e proficiency

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 447

I.R. Peake et al.

in the following areas: haemophilia and haemophilia med that the most accurate type of testing available
care, human genetics, prenatal diagnosis, molecular at this time is genotypic testing, and that direct
genetics, and interpersonal communication and coun- defect detection is preferred if it is available. If geno-
selling. Proficiency may be gained through specific typic testing is to be done, family counselling should
medical/clinical genetics or genetic counselling be considered so that all family members may be
training programmes, coursework or laboratory informed of the nature of the test, and the possible
experience. If all of the aforementioned aspects can- knowledge that will be gained upon completion of
not be covered in the training of one individual, then testing. All females with negative carrier test results
a team approach to counselling is recommended so should carefully be advised of the accuracy of the
that expertise may be available in all areas. When a diagnosis, especially in the case of phenotypic test-
team approach is utilized, one individual should ing, or when using linked polymorphic probes.
coordinate activities of the team, and act as an inter- Women who have positive carrier test results
face between the patient and team members. Liaison should be advised of all of their reproductive
and communication between professional colleagues options, including adoption and in vitro fertilization
is highly recommended, especially between those where applicable. They should also be aware of the
who perform and interpret laboratory tests and those current treatment options and prognosis for an
who provide clinical information to the patients and individual with haemophilia in their area. If they
their families. consider having a child of their own, all prenatal
The aims of genetic counselling services should testing options should be discussed, as well as the
be (1) to provide patients with sufficient information appropriate methodology for termination of an
to make informed choices regarding carrier testing affected pregnancy. Risks for each testing procedure
and prenatal diagnosis, and (2) to provide psychoso- should be given as accurately as possible, taking into
cial support to the patient throughout the process of consideration the testing facilities which would be
testing. Information should be given in a non-directive available to the patient. Counselling and psychologi-
manner prior to the time of actual testing, so that cal support should be available to the patient during
patients and their families can make choices regard- all aspects of prenatal testing.
ing their medical care.
All potential carriers should be tested early in Present situation in developed and
life to determine factor VIII or IX activity levels. developing countries
This should be done for safety reasons alone, to de-
tect individuals who may have bleeding problems in Only recently have methods for prenatal diagnosis of
certain situations. Then, at the age of informed con- haemophilia moved from the research laboratory to
sent, carrier testing should be offered to all female the clinical setting. Because of this, they are at
relatives of haemophilic males. The individual present only available in developed countries, usual-
undergoing testing, should be aware of the purposes ly in academic settings.
of the test and its implications. It is preferable that
carrier testing be completed before a potential carrier Developed countries. There is very little information
becomes pregnant. Contact can be made with internationally on the availability, organization and
females at risk directly, or through their male rela- proficiency of centres that provide these diagnostic
tives. An accurate family history should be obtained, services. The information available stems from
and the specific clinical diagnosis of haemophilic publications or communications at meetings. As
males within the family should be ascertained. examples, the situation in Italy and the USA, two
Knowledge of the severity of disease is extremely countries where the provision of prenatal diagnosis
important when counselling family members regar- of haemophilia appears to be arranged with different
ding reproductive risks. If a potential carrier is not strategies will be described.
familiar with the clinical presentation of haemophi- Italy, a country with a population of 56 million,
lia, then various methods of introduction to the has registered 2036 patients with severe and moderate
disease should be considered, such as audiovisual haemophilia A and B, i.e., those that are most likely
materials, selected reading, and/or personal inter- to be concerned with prenatal diagnosis. The distri-
views with affected individuals and their families. bution of the diagnostic services is regional, with
Technical aspects of both phenotypic and geno- units established in Milan and Genoa (Northern
typic carrier testing should be discussed with each Italy), Rome (Central Italy), Naples (Southern Italy)
potential carrier, as well as the accuracy and limita- and Cagliari (located on Sardinia). With the excep-
tions of the tests. Individuals at risk should be infor- tion of the latter, these diagnostic units are establish-

448 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

ed within comprehensive haemophilia centres and recognized in developing countries. The burden of
enlist the integrated cooperation of a coagulation handicapping genetic diseases such as haemophilia is
laboratory that provides phenotypic diagnosis, an heavier in developing countries, because the infra-
obstetric service that performs techniques such as structure and services needed to assist the handicap-
ultrasound, amniocentesis and chorionic villus sam- ped are usually primitive or non-existent. Because of
pling, and a laboratory of molecular biology that the lack or deficiency of the social support system,
performs DNA analysis. Delivery to the patient of the heavy burden of chronic disease for the indivi-
diagnostic information and genetic counselling are dual and the family further emphasizes the desirabili-
provided by genetic counsellors belonging to the ty of prevention. This is particularly evident for
staff of the haemophilia centres. This situation is par- conditions such as haemophilia, which requires
ticularly advantageous for the families that are regu- expensive therapeutic measures. Hence, there is a
larly followed at such centres, because the stressful considerable demand for prenatal diagnosis of hae-
situation of prenatal diagnosis is dealt with by the mophilia and allied disorders in developing coun-
same staff who attend to haemophiliacs in their day- tries. As a result of this demand, there are many
to-day care. This regional organization has devel- families at risk that seek genetic diagnostic testing in
oped spontaneously in Italy, around haemophilia developed countries, but obviously these services
centres which chose to develop DNA techniques for can only be afforded by the richest. Local diagnostic
research purposes. There is no state or regional facilities are practically non-existent, with the excep-
recognition of the diagnostic services, which are tion of a few academic centres where research inter-
funded with research money provided by the hospi- est in molecular biology of coagulation defects has
tals or universities where the haemophilia centres prompted the application of DNA techniques to car-
are established. rier detection and prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia.
The regional organization of Italy, based on The current availability of comprehensive haemophi-
conveniently sized and located units providing the lia centres in developing countries is too scanty to
coordinated services needed for prenatal diagnosis, envisage the rapid development of a network of
contrasts with the organization of other countries genetic services as feasible and reasonable. On the
such as the USA. In this country with a population of other hand, it must be realized that knowledge
250 million, and approximately 20 000 haemophi- spreads faster than technology, which is expensive.
liacs, very few haemophilia centres (for instance, in This will create significant problems in developing
San Francisco and Chapel Hill, NC) have established countries, because knowledge about haemophilia and
their own services of prenatal diagnosis, spanning the corresponding expectations are fast out-
from counselling and obstetric procedures to DNA distancing the ability to provide modem therapy.
diagnosis. Most centres enlist the help of obstetric
units (not necessarily located in the same hospital) to Role of the World Federation of Haemophilia
perform chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis (WFH)
and then send DNA samples to institutions (such as Despite the fact that the WFH is the only inter-
the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins University and the national organization that has the institutional goal
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) that of striving for the improvement of the well-being
have a large experience in molecular biology of of haemophilic patients, the Federation has as yet no
congenital coagulation disorders. This system has information on the availability and organization of
some appeal, because these large units acquire con- units for prenatal diagnosis in member countries
siderable proficiency by analysing a large number (National Member Organization, NMO). It is, there-
of DNA samples. On the other hand, it has the dis- fore, recommend that the medical advisory board or
advantage of being somewhat fragmented, in that the medical secretaries of the WFH, in collaboration
the consultands are referred from a comprehensive with WHO, take action to gather this important
haemophilia centre (not always the centre where reg- information, by questionnaires or other methods of
ular care is provided) to an obstetric unit for chori- survey. This input is essential to prepare a registry of
onic villus sampling or amniocentesis (not always in diagnostic units and plan further action. The ongoing
the same State), with the actual DNA diagnosis designation of a few Intemational Haemophilia
eventually carried out in a totally different institution. Training Centres of the WFH as WHO Collaborating
Centres on Haemophilia, should provide a network
Developing countries. Recent initiatives in primary where staff from developing countries that choose to
health care are reducing infant mortality, so that develop genetic services for prenatal diagnosis of
congenital disorders are inevitably beginning to be haemophilia can be trained.

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 449

I.R. Peake et al.

Future considerations level often relies on the familial segregation of

linked restriction fragment length polymorphisms
Genetic diagnosis and management of (RFLPs). With the development of in-vitro DNA
haemophilia amplification using the polymerase chain reaction
The post-HIV situation. Although the impact of (PCR) convenient, non-radioactive detection methods
HIV-I infection on the haemophilic population have become available. As alluded to above, this
differs widely from country, this threatening infection form of testing is now in widespread use for both
is an important cause of death among haemophiliacs. factor VIII and factor IX intragenic and extragenic
The death of a large number of haemophiliacs from RFLPs (42, 52, 53, 57). Another approach that would
AIDS has important implications on the feasibility obviate the need for restriction enzyme digestion is
of carrier detection or prenatal diagnosis in hae- PCR followed by differential hybridization with
mophilic families at risk. The currently available sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes. These
diagnostic methods based on recombinant DNA tech- probes can be linked to horse-radish peroxidase and
nology rely heavily on the availability of the DNA a colour detection system used instead of radio-
from at least one affected member of the haemo- isotopes (81).
philic families. This need materializes not only A more recent development is the use of immo-
when RFLPs are employed to track the abnormal bilized sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes for
allele, as occurs most often in the diagnosis of hae- genetic analysis of PCR-amplified DNA (82). Unlike
mophilia A, but also when the disease-causing DNA the former method of immobilized DNA, where each
defect is searched for directly, as occurs more and probe requires a separate hybridization, this method
more frequently in haemophilia B. would enable simultaneous screening of a sample for
Unfortunately, because of HIV infection, these a number of RFLPs at an amplified locus.
studies cannot be carried out in some families at risk
because the critically affected family members have Developments in direct defect detection. Analysis
died, so that their DNA is not available for examina- of large multiexonic genes on an exon-by-exon basis
tion. On the other hand, blood for DNA extraction, becomes increasingly laborious and time-consuming
and the DNA itself, is stable if stored under proper as the number of exons increases. Although the fac-
conditions and may be used for studies many years tor IX gene with 8 exons is tractable by present
later. To avoid the aforementioned pitfalls that make screening methods, the 26 exons of factor VIII stretch
carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis often impos- resources of time, personnel and laboratory equip-
sible, the World Federation of Haemophilia has ment to the limits so that only a few laboratories
recently recommended that samples of blood suitable have taken up the challenge of mutation analysis in
for DNA extraction be obtained from all persons haemophilia A. The recent discovery that small
with haemophilia A and B, particularly from those amounts of processed mRNA for many if not all
affected by HIV infection or other potentially lethal genes are present in tissues that do not normally
conditions. A technique suitable for processing and express those genes promises to greatly speed up the
storing DNA samples has also been recommended analysis of genes whose normal tissue of specific
(80). These samples, stored at the haemophilia expression is inaccessible.
centres locally or nationally, will provide valuable "Ectopically transcribed" mRNA can be isolated
material for future studies and represent a resource from peripheral blood lymphocytes, reverse tran-
that will be increasingly important as DNA analysis scribed to produce cDNA, and then enzymatically
provides a better understanding of the molecular amplified with specific primers. The PCR products
basis of haemophilia. representing regions of processed mRNA can then be
It is therefore recommended that WHO should screened with chemical cleavage mismatch detec-
also suggest the organization of the storage of DNA tion, and sequenced to identify mutations (83). Preli-
samples from patients with haemophilia and allied minary experience with this approach suggests that
congenital coagulation disorders to all member coun- mutations, including those affecting mRNA proces-
tries. sing, can be successfully identified in most cases of
moderate or mild haemophilia A and in up to 60% of
Developments of RFLP detection techniques. Genetic cases of severe haemophilia A (Giannelli, personal
diagnosis of haemophilia A and B can be performed communication).
most effectively by direct detection of the mutation The speed and power of this method are not in
itself. However, as mentioned above, there are techni- doubt but the degree to which the technology can be
cal and other reasons which limit the application of transferred from its originator (highly expert) labora-
this form of diagnosis. Thus, diagnosis at the DNA tory to other groups remains to be established. Also

450 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

the problem of unidentified mutations in severe cases for diagnosis of unique sequence DNA mutations.
of haemophilia A remains, although a preliminary Blastocyst biopsy. This technique involves slit-
report from this same group suggests that a defect in ting the zona and allowing 10-30 cells to extrude.
the processing of intron 22 from the factor VIII The herniated cells are cut off and can be used for
mRNA may be responsible for some of these addi- replicate assays. Although the frequency of hatching
tional mutations (84). is apparently not affected by the biopsy, no blastocysts
have yet been transferred back to the mother (89).
Advances in prenatal diagnostic techniques. (ii) Recovery offetal cells from maternal blood
Advances in molecular genetics, such as DNA
amplification of a single cell by PCR, have stimula- The possibility of recovering fetal cells from
ted research into the feasibility of genetic diagnosis maternal blood was first raised by Walknowska et al.
in the pre-implantation embryo and in fetal cells in (110) who found male metaphases in the blood of
the maternal circulation. pregnant women. More recently, the presence of
fetal cells in the maternal circulation has been con-
(i) Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis firmed by the combined use of (1) monoclonal anti-
The potential advantages of pre-implantation bodies against fetal specific antigens on syncytio-
diagnosis are (1) avoidance of repeated terminations trophoblasts or HLA-A2 antigen-positive lympho-
in couples at high risk for affected offspring, and cytes from HLA-A2 antigen-negative women or trans-
(2) correction of the disease by such measures as ferrin receptor and glycophorin-A on erythroblasts,
gene therapy. Possible approaches for pre-implanta- (2) flow cytometry, to isolate or enrich fetal cells,
tion diagnosis include biopsy from the polar body, and (3) PCR amplification of Y chromosome
the 6-8-cell embryo at day 3, or the blastocyst at specific sequences (90-93).
days 5-6.
Polar body biopsy. Demonstration of the Gene therapy-a reality? Haemophilias A and B are
affected allele in the sample implies that the primary considered suitable targets for development of gene
oocyte carries the normal allele. However, the possi- therapy on the following grounds:
bility of recombination should be considered, which * The relevant genes have been cloned.
is up to 50% for genes near the telomeres. Further- * Tight regulation of expression may not be essen-
more, PCR on single cells can fail to produce suffi- tial.
cient DNA for diagnosis in approximately 20% of * A modest increase in circulating levels of factor
cases. Of the 83 cases in which this method was VIII or IX would greatly improve the clinical bleed-
attempted (including 28 at risk of haemophilia), only ing tendency, e.g., 0% to 10% convert from severe to
one successful pregnancy was achieved, and in this mild bleeding.
case diagnosis by CVS demonstrated the fetus to be
affected (85, 86). * Haemophilia is a lifelong condition with severe
Early cell embryo biopsy. This procedure which effects on the sufferer.
involves either the aspiration or herniation of one * Treatment by replacement of deficient factor is
cell from the 6-8-cell embryo does not result in not entirely satisfactory, since it involves frequent
obvious abnormal development of fetuses in cattle injections of highly expensive replacement products
and mice, although, in mice, where like humans, the that are not free of all risks.
pre-implantation period is relatively short, the viabi- However haemophilia is not amongst the very
lity of the embryos is reduced. In one human study, first genetic disorders to be targeted for gene therapy
38 embryos underwent biopsy; 30 had two pronuclei as it is not invariably fatal and the best present treat-
(normal), and 8 had either 3 or no pronuclei. In 27 of ment is successful in controlling the major clinical
the 30 normal embryos, morphological development symptoms, and in achieving a relatively normal life
was assessed and 10 (37%) developed into blasto- for sufferers.
cysts; this percent is similar to that of unmanipulated The basic concept of gene therapy is straight-
embryos (87, 88). forward. It is proposed that a normally functioning
Therefore, it appears that removal of one cell gene be transferred into somatic cells of the recipi-
from an eight-cell embryo does not affect embryo ent, such that those cells make and continue to make
development or the success rate of establishing a sufficient gene product to correct the inherited defect.
viable pregnancy. However, as with polar body biop- In the case of haemophilia A or B, either factor VIII
sy, material from one cell is not always sufficient for or IX must find its way into the circulation from
successful PCR amplification. As an alternative to whichever cell type is chosen for gene transfer,. in
PCR, fluorescence in situ hybridization may be a correctly modified form, at a rate sufficient to
applied. However the latter technique is less suitable raise the circulating level of clotting factor. The prob-

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 451

I.R. Peake et al.

lem may therefore be conveniently considered under (iv) Gene transfer experiments involving factors VIII
several headings. or IX
Factor IX. Modified retrovirus containing human
(i) Somatic cell type targetedfor gene transfer factor IX coding sequence has been transferred into
In vivo factor VIII is synthesized by hepatocytes and hepatoma cell lines, and murine rat and human fibro-
by some as yet unidentified cell type in the lymphoid blasts. The majority of the factor IX protein expres-
system, particularly the spleen. However, ectopic sed by these cells was correctly gamma-carboxylated
production might be satisfactory, e.g., in haemato- and functional in vitro. Canine factor IX has been
poietic cells. Thus, target cells under consideration expressed in dog fibroblasts and bovine endothelial
include endothelial cells, hepatocytes, fibroblasts, cells. When fibroblasts secreting human factor IX
myoblasts, and bone marrow stem cells. were transplanted into syngeneic mice, human factor
IX could be detected in their circulation for two
(ii) Vector for DNA transfer weeks until an immunological response occurred.
Since a highly efficient transfer system is essential to However, the vector was inactivated by an epigenetic
deliver DNA to a large number of cells into which mechanism regardless of the immune response to
the DNA should be stably integrated, retroviruses foreign protein (96).
have attracted most attention. The retrovirus is modi- Factor VIII. Functional B-domainless human factor
fied so that essential coding sequences required for VIII has been secreted from human fibroblasts trans-
packaging and therefore infectivity are replaced by fected with a retroviral vector containing B-domain-
CDNA inserts representing a therapeutic gene. deleted factor VIII CDNA. When transferred to
Packaged virus is obtained using a cell line normal mice these cells could be recovered after
which contains defective viral DNA producing the two months and shown to still synthesize factor
deleted packaging proteins but no infectious viral VIII. However, no factor VIII was detected in the
RNA. Vector design is undergoing continuous devel- recipient mice, probably due to the short half-life
opment at the present time, but a limitation of retro- of human factor VIII in this animal (97).
virus is that only about 7 kb of inserted DNA can be (v) General conclusions
effectively packaged. Therefore a modified factor Although considerable progress has been made
VIII gene must be used, lacking the B domain, which
is dispensable for normal function. The retroviruses' towards developing gene therapy, at present (Sep-
life-cycle leads to stable integration of viral DNA tember 1992) no satisfactory experiments in animal
but only into actively replicating cells, which pre- models have been described. Clearly there is a need
cludes the use of hepatocytes as target host cells. to use conspecific factor in a relevant animal model
Therefore, alternative vectors have been developed before the success or otherwise of gene therapy can
including adenoviruses. The maximum size of foreign be judged.
gene insert in these viruses is 5 kb. Non-virus-based The nearest approach has been reached with dog
transfer methods are also being developed. factor IX in dog fibroblasts in vitro. Presumably
these will be tested in haemophilic dogs in the near
(iii) Animal models future. It is certain that extensive efforts to validate
gene therapy in haemophilia will be undertaken over
Relevant animal models for stable DNA transfer, the next 10 to 20 years with some considerable
integration and expression are needed. As regards chance of ultimate success. Should such pro-
haemophilia, dog models of haemophilia A and B cedures be shown to be safe, efficacious and reason-
are available (94, 95), and at least one colony of hae- ably cheap, then gene therapy might become the thera-
mophilic cats is being maintained. No mouse model py of choice-especially in developing countries
of haemophilia exists but it is now feasible to pro- where other means of support are too expensive to
duce mouse lines defective in any specified gene be widely available. Conversely, if the price of
sequence by targeted homologous recombination in recombinant factor VIII were to fall very consider-
embryonic stem cells. Subsequent recovery of fertile ably and especially if the oral route became feasi-
chimeric adults with the modified genotype present ble, then gene therapy would be less attractive.
among their gametes is obtained by injecting tar-
geted ES cells into morula-stage embryos. Further
breeding produces mice with the targeted gene dis- Conclusions and recommendations
rupted in all their cells, provided that the phenotype
is compatible with embryonic development. By this Recent advances in molecular genetic procedures
means many new strains of mice representing human have resulted in a realization that accurate DNA-
hereditary defects have been produced. based carrier and prenatal diagnosis in haemophilia

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

can be successfully achieved in many countries. The 4. Genotypic analysis offers the most accurate
provision of these accurate methods combined with method of carrier detection. In haemophilia, this will
the availability of professional counselling and most often involve the use of linked polymorphic
obstetric procedures performed by specialists in markers to follow the inheritance of a haemophilic
fetal medicine is seen as the ultimate goal for the gene within a pedigree. This assessement should ini-
effective genetic control of haemophilia. The role tially involve the study of the most informative intra-
of WHO and WFH in encouraging the provision of genic markers with reference to the ethnic origin of
such facilities was recognized. the family being tested. Where circumstances permit,
Techniques for specific mutation detection are the genetic diagnosis of haemophilia should be based
now available, particularly in relation to haemophilia on the direct identification of the disease-causing
B, and developments in this area should be actively mutation in the factor VIII or factor IX gene.
encouraged in order to make such procedures 5. DNA should be acquired and stored locally or
simpler and more applicable to routine analysis. It nationally from all haemophiliacs to facilitate future
was however accepted that at present in most cases genetic diagnoses. National Haemophilia Societies
diagnoses will be based on DNA polymorphism should be actively involved in this process.
Differences between the cultural, social and eco- 6. Family members undergoing counselling should
nomic situations in different countries will signifi- be made familiar with the limitations of laboratory
cantly affect the application of genetic procedures testing and thus be able to provide informed consent.
and the ethnic variation in frequency in many of the The counselling process should be coordinated by a
polymorphic markers will also result in varying single well-trained individual, who should be fami-
efficiency of such procedures. Services for carrier liar with the concepts of haemophilia care and
detection and prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia clinical/molecular genetics. The genetic counselling
should be established in the places where they will process must also include a critical evaluation
be used. This will take into account local ethnic of the type of haemophilia in male relatives of the
and other influences. consultand (haemophilia A or B, its severity, CRM
The participants agreed that the present situation status, etc.).
with regard to pre-implantation diagnosis of haemo- 7. All professionals involved in providing genetic
philia and gene therapy, while offering exciting pos- services to haemophiliacs should attain appropriate
sibilities, was unlikely to affect significantly the levels of training. In this regard an intemational
requirements for genetic analysis procedures in the registry of potential training centres should be
foreseeable future. established and maintained by WFH. Some of
Future research into the feasibility of non-inva- these centres may be considered, after due process,
sive fetal testing and gene therapy for haemophilia as WHO Collaborating Centres.
should be encouraged. 8. WHO/WFH should conduct an intemational sur-
vey to assess the facilities available for prenatal
Recommendations diagnosis of haemophilia, and subsequently an inter-
1. There should be a multidisciplinary approach to national registry of such facilities should be estab-
the prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia involving lished.
experts in the fields of fetal medicine, genetic coun- 9. WHO/WFH should support the existing inter-
selling, haemophilia care and molecular genetics. national data bases for specific haemophilia muta-
2. Potential carriers of haemophilia should be tested tions and encourage the development of new tech-
for clotting factor deficiencies early in childhood to nologies to identify such mutations. Where possible,
assess the potential for clinical bleeding problems. all genetic information should be added to National
These same potential haemophilia carriers should Haemophilia Registries.
subsequently be offered carrier diagnosis after the
age of consent and preferably prior to pregnancy.
3. Initial risk assessment for carriership should be Resume
based on pedigree analysis. Subsequent carrier tes-
ting by phenotypic analysis should include, where H6mophilie: strat6gies de d6pistage des
practical, the calibration of all reference material conductrices et de diagnostic pr6natal
used in assays against approved intemational stan-
dards, and the final probability of carriership should En 1977, I'OMS a publie dans le Bulletin un
be based on the combined likelihoods obtained from memorandum sur les methodes de d6pistage des
pedigree and laboratory analysis. conductrices de I'hemophilie. Ce m6morandum

WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993 453

I.R. Peake et al.

avait et6 pr6pare a l'occasion d'une r6union quant des experts en medecine faetale, conseil
OMS/FMH (F6deration mondiale de l'H6mophilie) genetique, soins aux h6mophiles et gen6tique
qui s'est tenue a Geneve en novembre 1976, et mol6culaire.
constitue une r6ference en matiere de g6netique
de I'hemophilie. Les analyses examinees 6taient 2. Les conductrices potentielles de lhemophilie
bas6es sur I'evaluation phenotypique qui, a devront faire l'objet d'un examen des facteurs de
1'6poque, 6tait la seule methode disponible. coagulation des l'enfance afin d'6valuer le risque
Grace aux r6cents progres de la genetique de problemes h6morragiques d'ordre clinique. Ces
mol6culaire, on sait maintenant qu'il est possible, memes femmes devront par la suite se voir pro-
dans de nombreux pays, d'obtenir avec precision, poser un diagnostic lorsqu'elles auront atteint
par analyse de I'ADN, un diagnostic de 1'etat de l'age du consentement et de preference avant
conductrice de la maladie et un diagnostic pr6na- d'entamer une grossesse.
tal de l'hemophilie. On estime que la possibilite de
disposer de ces methodes, associ6es a un conseil 3. L'6valuation initiale du risque d'etre conductrice
dispens6 par des professionnels qualifies et a des de la maladie devra etre basee sur I'analyse
m6thodes obstetricales appliqu6es par des sp6- g6n6alogique. Les tests ult6rieurs par analyse
cialistes en m6decine fcetale, est le but a ph6notypique devront comporter, lorsque ces tech-
atteindre si on d6sire un contr6le g6netique effica- niques sont disponibles, I'talonnage de toutes les
ce de l'h6mophilie. Le r6le d'encouragement de substances de r6ference utilis6es par rapport aux
l'OMS et de la FMH dans ce domaine a 6te etalons internationaux approuves, et la probabilit6
reconnu. finale d'etre conductrice devra etre fond6e sur les
II existe maintenant des techniques de d6pis- probabilit6s group6es obtenues par I'analyse
tage sp6cifique des mutations, notamment pour gen6alogique et par les examens de laboratoire.
lhemophilie B, et les progres dans ce domaine
doivent etre activement encourages de faqon a 4. L'analyse g6notypique constitue la m6thode la
simplifier ces m6thodes et les rendre davantage plus exacte de d6tection de l'tat de conductrice.
applicables en routine. 11 est toutefois reconnu Dans l'h6mophilie, cette technique fera souvent
que, actuellement, dans la plupart des cas les dia- appel a des marqueurs li6s du polymorphisme
gnostics seront encore bas6s sur I'analyse du afin de suivre la transmission d'un gene de
polymorphisme de I'ADN. l'h6mophilie au sein d'une g6n6alogie. Cette 6va-
Les diff6rences culturelles, sociales et 6cono- luation commencera par l'tude des marqueurs
miques d'un pays a l'autre modifient de facon intrag6niques les plus informatifs compte tenu de
sensible I'application des m6thodes g6n6tiques, et l'origine ethnique de la famille. Lorsque les cir-
les variations ethniques de la fr6quence des mar- constances le permettent, le diagnostic g6n6tique
queurs du polymorphisme entraineront 6galement de lhemophilie sera bas6 sur l'identification direc-
des diff6rences d'efficacit6 des m6thodes d'analy- te de la mutation provoquant la maladie dans le
se. Les services de depistage des conductrices et gene codant pour le facteur VIII ou le facteur IX.
de diagnostic prenatal de l'hemophilie devront etre
cre6s sur les lieux memes ou ils seront utilis6s. 5. On devra se procurer, et conserver a l'6chelon
On tiendra pour cela compte des facteurs eth- local ou national, de I'ADN de tous les h6mo-
niques locaux et d'autres facteurs pertinents. philes, afin de faciliter les diagnostics g6n6tiques
Les participants sont convenus que la situa- futurs. Les soci6t6s nationales de l'h6mophilie
tion actuelle en ce qui concerne le diagnostic de devront participer activement a ce processus.
lhemophilie avant implantation de l'ceuf et la the-
rapie genique, bien qu'offrant des perspectives 6. Les membres de la famille qui regoivent un
extremement int6ressantes, n'est pas assez avan- conseil g6n6tique devront etre inform6s des
c6e pour modifier sensiblement les besoins en limites des analyses de laboratoire et, par cons6-
analyses gen6tiques dans un avenir previsible. quent, etre en mesure de fournir un consentement
Les recherches sur la faisabilit6 d'un d6pista- 6claire. Le processus de conseil devra etre coor-
ge foetal non invasif et d'une therapie genique de donne par un professionnel dOment forme, qui
lhemophilie devront etre encouragees. devra etre familiarise avec les principes des soins
aux h6mophiles et avec la g6n6tique clinique et
Recommandations mol6culaire. Le processus de conseil g6n6tique
doit 6galement comprendre une 6valuation cri-
1. Le diagnostic pr6natal de l'hemophilie devrait tique du type d'h6mophilie chez les sujets de sexe
faire l'objet d'une approche multidisciplinaire impli- masculin appartenant a la famille du consultant

454 WHO Bulletin OMS. Vol 71 1993

Haemophilia: carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

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