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Opening Before:
Program Ladies and Gentleman, as we are about to begin, please be As we keep the momentum of this afternoon’s occasion, an
seated. employee of the Capiz Provincial Government prepared a
We are also heartfelt tribute to our retirees.
honored to Good afternoon Mr. Chair May we welcome on stage Mrs. Grace Borro as she renders
have in I would like to acknowledge the presence of the following a song.
attendance: members:
We have a total of ___members who came in attendance, and thus II. Opening One of great anticipation, let’s start the program. We / are
Thank you we have a quorum. Remarks pleased /to have the PRAISE chairperson deliver the opening
Gov. Nonoy remarks. Please join me in welcoming Mr. G. Atonio T.
for that Arbis.
To begin the evening, may we have______to lead the prayer
message. After: Thank you, Mr. Arbis for that warm welcome.
III. After: Thank you for Mrs. Borro for that special tribute to our retirees.
Good afternoon
Now, we Intermission
have come Number
Ladies and Gentlemen. It is gratifying to have all of you here
to the IV. Having founded with the belief that “An Institution who
as we celebrate long years of excellent public service.
highlight of Conferment gives value to their Employees Succeeds, the Capiz
Tonight, we are here to recognize and honor an outstanding
our program. of Plague of Provincial Government strongly upholds the inspiration of
individual who achieved extraordinary results for the Capiz
As a token of Appreciation recognizing the employees who, throughout their years of
Provincial Government.
our and Token service, performed and discharged their duties with the
While we are sad to see Engr. Agana leave government service, we
appreciation highest degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence,
may I invite know that he will be serving us in multiple years to come.
and skill.
Gov. Esteban Let’s start
Evan B. . However, this is not a farewell, But a return gift for serving the with the Now, we have come to the highlight of our program.
Contreras people of Capiz. Tonight is about celebrating his __years of Public retirees from
As a token of our appreciation to our beloved retirees for
Service. We are here to celebrate a beginning, a new _______.
to present their valuable contribution, may I invite Gov. Esteban Evan
chapter, in your life journey. May we
the plaque request for the B. Contreras, Director. Rufino G. Leonoras (CSC Capiz Field),
and token dept. head , and Mr. G. Antonio T. Abis to present the plaque and token
of In looking over the people present here tonight, I’m sure Engr. rep. to assist of appreciation to our retirees.
appreciatio Agana has had a personal connection with almost everyone that is in the giving…
n to our here. With that, may we have Gov. Esteban Evan Contreras for his Before we start, allow me to read the content of this
retirees. message and to present our token of appreciation. From the plaque.
One of great anticipation, let’s welcome in front the man of Starting with | Next in line | Tailing next | Up Next
May we call
the night himself, Engr. Agana, to share his thought. on____ | I now invit
The night is still young and I’m sure everyone here is excited to Thank you for
create more memories, share some laughs. And of course enjoy _years of
your dinner.
V. Message Prayer and National Anthem:
(Gov. To bless this momentous occasion, May I invite everyone to
Esteban invoke the Almighty. Ladies and gentleman, may I request
Evan B. all of you to stand as we start this program with a prayer to
Contreras) be followed by the National Anthem and the Capiz Hymn.
VII. At this point in time, I am pleased to Introduce the Chief
Impression: Administrative Officer, Mrs. Lina F. Desales for her
Lina F. impression.
Desales Thank you Mrs. Desales for your insights.
VIII. Closing The closing has finally arrived. Let us be emboldened with a
Remark: message from Director Rufino G. Leonoras, Civil Service
Director Commission Capiz Field Office
Rufino G. Let’s give a round of applause.
In closing, it has been an honor to recognize these
outstanding men and women whose uncommon
accomplishments add to the Capiz Provincial Government’s
rich legacy of serving this great province. As Salamat-
Mabuhay 2020 comes to a close, I again extend my sincere
appreciation to all of the retirees we recognized today. I
would like to close our program with these thoughts to our
retirees, “There is honor in recognized for years of public
service. But most of all, there is the satisfaction of being
remembered for making a difference.”

This concludes today’s ceremony.

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