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1984 Part 2 Task

Directions: After reading part 2 of 1984, answer the following questions with a short paragraph response for
each one.

1. Choose what you think is the most important symbol in the novel and explain what it symbolizes & how
it functions in the novel. (Examples: clock, paper weight, song, etc.)

The paperweight symbolizes Winston’s yearning towards an ideal world to live in. The comparison is
the counter-factual towards the oppressive world that he lives in currently.

2. Choose what you think is the most important theme in the novel and explain the theme & how it's used
in the novel. (Examples: censorship, nationalism, abuse of power, isolation, etc.)

The most important theme is the abuse of power of totalitarian regimes. The author portrays a
government that is in total control of the citizens’ lives, even going so far as to controlling thought and
language. Any physical crimes or even thinking about committing a crime would lead to forced labor
and even death.

3. How does George Orwell’s vision of technology and its uses in 1984 compare with today’s reality? How
have concerns about privacy and freedom expressed in the novel been manifested in the contemporary

In the present world, security cameras exist in almost every corner of the world. Instead of governments,
internet/social media companies have access to most of our private information such as our location,
conversations, and other sensible information.

4. Provide a list of examples of how the governing body punishes or eliminates those who post a threat to
its authority. How does the main character(s) avoid detection or capture?

Execution, forced labor, deleted from society. The main character avoids capture by hiding from
telescreens and renting a safe space above a shop he trusted.

5. Why is it necessary for Oceania to be engaged in perpetual war? Why does it have to be perpetual war
with a constantly shifting enemy?

Oceania must be engaged in a perpetual war because the government needs a foreign enemy for the
people to project hate towards to. Instead of blaming the undesirable living conditions on the
government, the people would project its hate towards a foreign enemy. Additionally, being in war
creates a mindset where living standards are not high in the first place, and the government is the best
actor to control resources in times of war.
6. Why is it necessary for the Party to control the past, present, & future? How is this manipulation made

The party is able to create an image that the party is never wrong. This creates a positive reputation for
the party and builds trust, even if that trust is fabricated.

7. How are Julia and Winston caught? Why is this significant?

Julian and Winston did not realize that their presumed safe room had a telescreen that constantly
watches over them. Additionally, the shop owner that initially rented them the room was secret police.
This is significant because it signifies a change in the plot and symbolizes any hopes of Winston and
Julia’s dreams of a better future and hopes for resistance shattered.

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