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Rubric for Brochure

Task Description: Create either a poster, flyer, or a brochure on a product (cosmetics, household materials, perfumes etc )
indicating its uses, properties, mode of action and precautions that will educates and persuades consumers. Don’t think that you
need a lot of words to make it good— pictures, colors and basic information will be enough. Choose two to three key points
about the product to describe. If there are other important elements, consider listing them in a simple bullet list or chart
somewhere in your brochure. Have fun!

Criteria Exemplary 4 Accomplished 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1

 Demonstrates in  Demonstrates  Demonstrates little  Lacks understanding

depth understanding of understanding of the understanding of topic of topic
topic topic  Employs research  Reports only the most
Content  Accurately  Employs research information with a fair basic parts of the
utilizes researched information with an degree of accuracy information
information in the adequate degree of
brochure accuracy
 Well organized  Content is organized  Content lacks  Unorganized content
content  Format is adequate organization  Hard to follow
 Attractive and well  Message is sufficiently  Format is difficult to  Message difficult to
designed format understood follow and poorly understand; tendency
 Clear and easily  Computer generated organized to wander or ramble
understood message with acceptable eye  Message not clearly  Handwritten or
 Computer generated appeal understood computer generated
with strong visual  Computer generated with little organization
appeal but poorly designed or skill
 Five sources used  Three sources used  Two sources used  Less than two sources
 Use of reliable sources  Sources have some  Questionable used
Research  Accurate analysis of reliability reliability of sources  Little reliability of
Quality research  Adequate analysis of  Basic information sources
research with questionable  Inaccurate
accuracy information
Visual Appeal  Imaginative; original  Creativity is  Little creativity used  No originality
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.
 Use of graphics make acceptable  Poor selection of  Graphics do not tie in
the message “come  Use of graphics graphics with the message
alive” adequate to present

Final Score ________________

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

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