English 7 Q3 Week 4

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Learning Area English Grade Level 7

W4 Quarter Third Quarter Date

I. LESSON TITLE Exploring Culture and History through Poetry

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING MELC 17: Explain how a selection may be influence by culture, history,
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) environment, or other factors
Enabling Competencies:
 Identify the distinguishing features of revolutionary songs, poem, short
stories, drama and novels
 Discover literature as tool to assert one’s unique identify and to better
understand other people.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT I Am Proud to be A Filipino by Toribia A. Mano
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 30 mins
To honor and to love our country are noble acts that should be instilled
in young minds like you. Ez Mil, a Philippine-born rapper, takes pride on the
lyrics of “Panalo” which shows his love of country.

The poem in this lesson talks

about the pride of our country and
of being a Filipino. It will help you
realize the beauty and grandeur of
our country. As you read it, take
notice of our uniqueness as a nation.

You will also learn how writers

use figurative language and
imagery to add beauty and
creativity in poems.
Figurative language gives clearness, force, and beauty to ideas and adds
effectiveness to one’s speech and writing. Figurative language uses figures of
speech. A figure of speech is any use of words in a sense different from their
literal definition. Let us review the most common figures of speech:

Simile Metaphor Personification

Description  direct  implied simile  objects and
comparison  does not say animals are
between two that an object given human
objects of is like the other qualities
different kinds or act as the
which are other, but
however similar compare the
in one respect two objects as
 introduced by if they are one
such words as and the same
like and as
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Simile Metaphor Personification
Example Like a tall woman Morning is a new The waves
walking across the sheet of paper for dance as the sun
rice field, the rain you to write on. smiles at them.
came slowly,
dressed in crystal
and the sun.

Imagery is an element of the poem that uses words to appeal to senses. It

uses simile, metaphor and personification and other figures of speech.
Imagery in literary works uses sensory experiences such as sight (visual), sound
(auditory), touch (tactile), smell (olfactory), or taste (gustatory) to describe
the impressions of the writers and to create vivid pictures (mental images) that
can explain to the readers the meaning of a poem or prose

There are six sensory images in literature namely:

1) sight, which appeals to the sense of seeing;
2) sound, which appeals to the sense of hearing;
3) touch, which appeals to the sense of feeling;
4) taste, which appeals to the sense of taste;
5) smell, which appeals to the sense of smelling;
6) motion, which appeals to the sense of seeing
with another dimension, that is, movement.

Look at the chart and read the sensory experiences these images suggest:
Expressions Sensory Experience
Wind blew its hardest touch
Bent its head gracefully sight
New fragrance smell
Sun comes up sight

B. Development 2 hours Read the poem below, find out the reasons why the author is proud to be a
Filipino. Are you both proud for the same reasons?
I Am Proud to be A Filipino
Toribia A. Mano
I am a Filipino. I came from islands rippled with sun
Where days are green fires and nights are warm
With moon and stars. Girdling my loins is blood rich as milk
For I was born of sultans, rajahs, kings,
Soldiers, heroes who fought to sing
The poetry of freedom. My house is my land
Virgin, brown, wombed out of loam, volcanic rock and shells,
Carpeted with rice, corn, coconut, cane, trees
That rise as temples to grapple winds
Rains, mighty rivers furrowing the earth.
Where I walk, my shadow is a marriage of flags
Malay, Chinese, Spanish, American, Japanese
While in my bones sleep quietly as a bride
Vanquished desires of conquerors who dreamt of empires,
Gold, trade and spice. Though a paly breed
I stand with the ancients for my love and loyalty
Are as fish to the sea. I am proud of my brownness,
My duty and destiny are thirty-million brown men
Planting rice, husking coconut, throwing nets far into the Pacific
Hacking mountains of iron, coal, chrome, manganese and timber
To live. We are one and the same. A moving, restless caravan
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities

Of dark brown skins building a holy heritage of democracy

Piece by piece with our dreams, sweat and death
As a bird builds patiently twig by twig
The warm, brown circle of its nest.
I am a Filipino. I believe in the goodness and the bounty of God,
I believe in the grandeur of charity and peace as a cure for the ills of man
For I am a Christian who looks upon all men
As brothers whose task it is to love.
I believe in my country and in the deathlessness of my flag
For its every color is a history of courage, sacrifice, death
Against injustice, tyranny, oppression and hate.

I believe in my people as noble keepers of the faith:

That all men are equal; that all men are free.
I believe with verdant and sprawling mountains, hills, valleys, plains,
Lakes, waterfalls, rivers, sunsets, beaches
And a generous sea. Alive, sovereign, wondrously happy in work and
Abundant with hope for my people.
I am proud to be a Filipino.

Learning Task 1:
After reading the poem, answer the following questions. Write your answer in
your paper.
1. How are “islands” described in the poem?
2. What are the Filipinos doing for a living according to the poem? Do
you agree? Support your answer.
3. What is the cure for the ills of man according to the poem? Do you
agree? Support your answer.
4. Do you think it is our duty to be proud of being Filipino? Support your
5. Which Filipino trait or values described in the poem still hold true
today? Which ones have changed? Explain your answer.

Learning Task 2:
Read the following expressions from the poem “I am Proud to be a Filipino”
and indicate whether it is a simile, metaphor, or personification. Write your
answers on your paper.
1. Girdling my loins is blood rich as a milk.
2. Mighty rivers are furrowing the earth.
3. My house is my land.
4. Trees rise as temples.
5. Trees grapple with winds.
6. Life is a dream.
7. The white mares of the moon rush along the sky.
8. The wind tapped like a tired man.
9. His speech is like a whisper of a thousand bees.
10. He is a lion in a fight. Source: Alcober, E. M., Cortez, C. A., Reyes, L.,
& Ribo, L. M. (2000). English Arts I. JTW Corporation.
Learning Task 3:
Copy and complete the following chart by giving the appropriate sensory
experience for the images given. The first one is done for you as your guide.
Expressions Sensory Experience
1. Days are green fires and nights are warm Sight / Touch
2. Blood rich as milk Taste
3. Heroes who fought to sing the poetry of Sound
4. Rains, mighty rivers, furrowing the earth Sight
5. Birds builds patiently twig by twig Sight
6. The warm, brown circle of its nest Touch
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
7. Verdant and sprawling mountains, hills, Sight
valleys, plains
8. Lakes, waterfalls, rivers, sunsets, beaches Sight
and a generous sea
9. Planting rice, husking coconuts, throwing Motion
nets far into the Pacific.
10. My bones sleep quietly as a bride Sound

C. Engagement 30 mins Learning Task 4:

For your final task, choose one (1) from the following activities:
 Draw a symbol of being a Filipino in your paper. Then, explain
in at least five (5) sentences why you chose that symbol.
Example: Sun
 In a sheet of paper, list at least three (5) ways on how to show
your pride for your country.
Example: Buy good local products
Your output will be graded according to the following criteria - content, effort,
and mechanics.

D. Assimilation 15 mins Poetry is very personal. A poem may mean

something special to you because you have
encountered the feelings it expresses. You may
have seen the picture it portrays or agreed with
the idea it promotes. When you read a poem,
involve yourself in the whole process and
appreciate the new and unique way that it
makes you feel. You will see how it reflects
culture, history, environment, or other factors.
Lastly, appreciate how figurative language and
imagery add beauty and creativity to a literary
V. ASSESSMENT 30 mins Instructions: Choose the letter of the phrase that completes the sentence.
Write your answer in your paper.
1. The phrase “Girdling my loins is blood rich as milk” (line 3) is a figurative
language that best understood as ___________.
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification
2. According to the writer the Filipino is ____________.
A. unhappy in work
B. believe in the goodness and the bounty of God
C. resourceful and hard working
3. The phrase “Where I walk, my shadow is a marriage of flags.”
The figure of speech used is _______________.
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification
4. The nature of the Filipino is ___________.
A. talkative by nature
B. industrious and hardworking
C. optimistic in any circumstances
5. Which of the following phrases was not mentioned in the poem?
A. my house is my land
B. my shadow is a marriage of flags
C. My blood is thicker than water
VI. REFLECTION 15 mins Write your reflection by answering the questions that follow:
1. What activities in the lesson did you enjoy?
2. How can you impart these skills and concepts that you learned to others?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Angelita D. DIvinagracia – SDO Tayabas City Tesalonica C. Abesamis – Tayabas City

Merlinda T. Salgado – SDO Tayabas City Maria Madel C. Rubia – Head Teacher III

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