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Senior High School Department

18th Ave., Cubao, Quezon City

Diagnostic Exam
Health Optimizing Physical Education (HOPE) 1 – Exercise for Fitness

Name: _________________________________________ Score: ________________

Grade Level/Strand: ______________________________ Date: _________________
I. Multiple choice. Read carefully each question and select the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer
before each number.

1. A type of physical activity performed during leisure that aims to improve fitness.
a. daily activities b. exercise c. sedentary activities d. cool down
2. The ability to move the joint throughout its entire range of motion without pain.
a. aerobic exercise b. muscular exercise c. flexibility d. balance
3. The stage of change when the individual is able to sustain the behavior for more than 6 months.
a. contemplation b. action c. maintenance d. exercise
4. The recommended number of minutes spent on structured physical activity every day for an adolescent.
a. 20 minutes b. 40 minutes c. 60 minutes d. 15 minutes
5. Physical inactivity increases the risk of the following diseases except _______________.
a. breast cancer b. pneumonia c. diabetes d. cancer
6. According to the Activity Pyramid for Filipinos, this type of exercise should be performed 3 to 5 times a
a. aerobic exercise b. resistance exercise c. strengthening exercise d. warm-up
7. Exercise that stimulates the body to increase muscular and bone strength.
a. aerobic exercise b. resistance exercise c. stretching exercise d. warm up
8. It measures the body composition.
a. BMI b. agility c. balance d. flexibility
9. The ability of the muscle to lift the heaviest load once.
a. aerobic exercise b. muscular strength c. flexibility d. cool down
10. It is the relative amount of fat in the body.
a. body composition b. flexibility c. muscular strength d. balance
11. The ability to the body maintain its proper equilibrium.
a. balance b. agility c. speed d. coordination
12. Exercise release these chemicals in the brain to improve mood and reduce anxiety.
a. endorphins b. cytokines c. myokines d. cytocines
13. The stage of change of an alcoholic who attends a group therapy session where they share personal
stories on how addiction has changed their life.
a. maintenance b. backslide c. barrier d. addiction
14. The greatest change in the cardiovascular system due to aerobic training occurs in this organ.
a. heart b. lungs c. blood vessels d. skin
15. The act of reverting to old unhealthy behaviours after passing through the contemplation phase.
a. maintenance b. backslide c. barrier d. addiction
16. The best solution to motivate a person to become emotionally invested in adopting a healthy behaviour.
a. Provide the resources needed to make it easy for him to change.
b. Show how the negative behaviour is affecting him and his family.
c. Implement a reward system that he is interested in.
d. Teach how to do exercises.
17. A condition when the blood pressure is chronically elevated even during test.
a. obesity b. diabetes c. hypertension d. dizziness
18. A condition when the body is not able to produce or effectively utilize insulin.
a. Obesity b. diabetes c. hypertension d. dizziness
19. A condition when the body has accumulated too much fat that it interferes with normal metabolic
a. Obesity b. diabetes c. hypertension d. dizziness
20. All of the following exercise can dramatically improve aerobic capacity except ____________.
a. swimming b. zumba dancing c. yoga d. running
21. It states that all training adaptations will be lost when the person stops training.
a. specificity b. overload c. reversibility d. standardized
22. It refers to the difficulty level of an exercise.
a. frequency b. intensity c. time d. speed
23. It states that the rate of progression for one individual is different from another even if they are doing the
same program.
a. overload b. individuality c. progression d. adaption
24. A proper cool-down routine provides the following benefits except __________________.
a. Preventing pooling of blood in the lower limbs
b. Increasing strength and tension in the muscles.
c. Slowly decreasing blood pressure to resting level.
d. Urgently release carbon dioxide.
25. A training principle that advises athletes to train at the intensity that they would compete.
a. specificity b. individuality c. progression d. overload
26. Stretching exercises that are best performed during the cool down phase.
a. ballistic b. dynamic c. static d. callistenics
27. All of the following are components of a pre-participation screening except _____________
a. health-related fitness testing b. movement screening c. exercise counselling d. coaching
28. Traits that are associated with an increased likelihood of developing the disease.
a. risk factors b. unhealthy behaviour c. hereditary traits d. adapted factors
29. It reflects the distance covered or the duration of an aerobic exercise.
a. frequency b. intensity c. time d. balance
30. The most important variable in improving aerobic capacity.
a. frequency b. intensity c. time d. balance
31. The following techniques are used to monitor exercise intensity when performing aerobic exercise except
a. RPE b. heart rate c. 1RM d. warm up
32. It is the disparity in strength between muscle pairs.
a. muscle strain b. muscle weakness c. muscle imbalance d. muscle bulge
33. An exercise that mimics the preparatory athletic stance when jumping.
a. squat b. lunge c. twist d. energy
34. All of the following are correct positions of the body segments when performing a lunge except _______.
a. Knees are aligned with hip and foot
b. Balance is maintained when lead thigh is parallel to the ground
c. Trunk leans forward when lead thigh is parallel to the ground
d. Body is in proper stance.
35. All of the following are correct positions of the body segments when performing the push-up except
a. Trunk remains flat and straight.
b. Knees touch the ground.
c. Elbows are wider than the shoulder.
d. Strength is tested in arms.
36. It is the ability of the body to sense the position of the limbs in space.
a. balance b. coordination c. proprioception d. speed
37. All of the following are characteristics of a good warm-up except ____________.
a. Decreasing core body temperature.
b. Having structured general movements followed by specific movements.
c. Being performed in less than 10 minutes.
d. It makes the body ready to do intense physical exercise.
38. The most important reason for including a cool down in the workout session.
a. It decreases core body temperature.
b. It relaxes the muscle.
c. It hastens the return of blood to the heart.
d. It makes the body at rest.
39. A type of stretching exercise where the joint is held at its end position for 30 seconds
a. Ballistic b. dynamic c. static d. dynamic
40. An activity that will stimulate the body to adapt and become stronger.
a. watching TV b. exercise c. cool down d. warm up
41. It is the ability of the body to perform daily tasks without undue fatigue.
a. Physical Fitness b. Physical Relationship c. Physical Aspects d. Physical Attributes
42. The term “cardiorespiratory” refers to ___________.
a. heart b. lungs c. blood d. vital organs
43. Physical Fitness components which shows the ability of the body to move fast at a given time.
a. balance b. speed c. coordination d. agility
44. The first phase of a workout exercise is _____________.
a. warm-up b. exercise load or core exercise c. cool down d. work load
45. It is a set of exercise which develops heart and lungs capacity.
a. aerobics b. workout exercise c. moving d. cool down
46. It is the important tool assess the relative amount if fat in abdominal region.
a. BMI b. push up c. waist girth d. push up
47. The activity that test the flexibility of the hip and hamstring area.
a. curl ups b. sit and reach c. jogging d. running
48. It increases the elasticity of muscle and tendons surrounding the joint in order to improve flexibility.
a. aerobic exercise b. resistance exercise c. stretching exercise d. work load
49. It is a recreational activity that develops body rhythm.
a. exercise b. game c. action d. dance
50. Which is not an objective of Physical Education?
a. Physical Development b. Memory Development c. Emotional Development d. Social Development

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