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The association of cytokine genes
polymorphisms and susceptibility to aplastic
anemia in Egyptian patients
Rania A. Zayed1, Samah M. Abdel-Hamid 1, Hend El-Lithy 2
Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department, Kasralainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt, 2Internal
Medicine Department, Kasralainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt

Background and objective: Aplastic anemia (AA) remains a rare disease, with very interesting
pathophysiology that is being investigated for years now. The present study aimed to determine the
association between cytokine gene polymorphisms (TGF-β1 −509 C/T, TNF-α −308 G/A, IFN-γ +874 A/
T) and susceptibility to AA in Egyptian patients.
Methods: The study included 80 participants subjected to determination of gene polymorphisms on genomic
DNA using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay.
Results: It was found that IFN-γ +874 A/T gene polymorphism is associated with three-fold increased risk of
development of AA (odds ratio (OR) 3.116, P = 0.019), while TNF-α −308 G/A gene polymorphism is
associated with decreased risk (OR 0.318, P = 0.026). TGF-β1 −509 C/T gene polymorphism showed
comparable risk between patients and controls (P = 0.263).
Conclusion: IFN-γ +874 A/T gene polymorphism is associated with the etiology of AA in Egyptian patients.
Keywords: Aplastic anemia, Cytokine gene polymorphism, TGF-β1 −509 C/T, TNF-α −308 G/A, IFN-γ +874 A/T

Introduction Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) rely on cytokines

Aplastic anemia (AA) or bone marrow (BM) failure is for survival, proliferation, and differentiation. A
a rare disease in which patients have essentially empty variety of cytokines are involved in the pathogenesis
BM accompanied by severe anemia, neutropenia, and of acquired AA. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)
thrombocytopenia.1 AA has an annual incidence of and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) have
2–6 per million in the USA and Europe. The incidence been identified as essential mediators of hematopoietic
of the disease is higher in India and Japan, resulting suppression and immunosuppressive therapy may
from differences in population immunogenetics and induce hematological remission by suppressing IFN-
environmental factors.2 No accurate prospective data gamma and TNF-alpha. Also, transforming growth
are available regarding the incidence of AA in factor (TGF) may play an important role during the
Egypt. Some acquired AA cases are secondary to the development of acquired AA.6
exposure to toxic chemicals, drugs, radiation, or infec- Polymorphisms located within regulatory regions of
tious agents.3 However, the majority of cases remain cytokine genes have been identified to affect gene tran-
idiopathic. The immune system has been recognized scription, causing inter-individual variations of cyto-
to mediate organ-specific destruction of BM cells.4 kine production in vivo.7,8
The first evidence for immune system involvement We studied the association between cytokine gene
came from the work of Mathe et al.5 which was sup- polymorphisms (TGF-β1 −509 C/T, TNF-α −308
ported by the fact that about 50–80% of patients G/A, and IFN-γ +874 A/T) and susceptibility to
respond to immunosuppressive therapy to ameliorate AA in Egyptian patients.
pancytopenia and restore hematopoiesis.
Genetic factors also contribute to the pathogenesis Subjects and methods
of AA and it is believed that a predisposing genetics This study included 80 participants, 40 patients were
factor with certain environmental factors lead to diagnosed as acquired AA at Cairo University
lymphocyte activation and immune reaction. Hospitals. All patients were under immune-suppres-
sive therapy. They received, initially, immunosuppres-
Correspondence to: Samah M. Abdel-Hamid, Clinical and Chemical sive regimen in the form of: cyclosporine 6 mg/kg/d
Pathology Department, Kasralainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University,
Cairo, Egypt. Email: samah_cpath@yahoo.com PO and glucocorticoids 0.25 g/kg/d PO. Out of the

© W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2015

DOI 10.1179/1607845415Y.0000000038 Hematology 2015 VOL. 0 NO. 0 1
Zayed et al. Susceptibility to aplastic anemia in Egyptian patients

Table 1 Summary of PCR-PFLP assay

Polymorphism Primer sequence (5′ –3′ ) Length (bp) enzyme Fragments size (bp) Reference

IFN-γ +874 A/T F:gattttattcttacaacacaaaatcaagac 331 HinfI AA: 176 Zambon et al.10
R: gcaaagccaccccactataa AT: 176, 148, 28
TT: 148, 28
TNF-α –308 G/A F: aggcaataggttttgagggccat 107 NcoI GG: 87, 20 Schaaf et al.11
R: tcctccctgctccgattccg GA: 107, 87, 20
AA: 107
TGF-β1 –509 C/T F: ggatggcacagtggtcaag 441 Eco81I CC: 252, 189 Caserta et al.12
R: gtcaccagagaaagaggac CT: 441, 252, 189
TT: 441

40 patients, 7 patients (17.5%) show complete response 1 μl primer; each sense and antisense, and 5.5 μl dis-
to immunosuppressive regimen with total correction tilled water).
of blood counts, 20 patients (50%) show partial The PCR reaction was carried out in the DNA
response in the form of decrease the frequency of thermal cycler (PTC programmable thermal control-
packed red cells and platelets transfusion with ler, MJ Research, Watertown, MA, USA). The com-
improvement of blood counts. However, 13 patients puterized thermal cycler was programed for the
(32.5%) did not show any response to immunosuppres- following conditions:
sive regimen. Patients who fail to show any response IFN-γ +874 A/T gene polymorphism: initial dena-
and those with partial response were transferred to turation at 95 °C for 5 minutes, then 45 cycles at
BM transplantation center. They were 20 males and 95 °C for 30 seconds, 53 °C for 1 minute, 72 °C for
20 females with age range from 2 to 50 years. Forty 1.5 minutes, and finally 72 °C for 7 minutes. TNF-α
age- and sex-matched normal healthy persons not suf- –308 G/A gene polymorphism: 38 cycles of 1 minute
fering from any clinical diseases were included in the at 94 °C, 1 minute at 60 °C, and 1.5 minutes at
study as a control group. The study was performed 72 °C. TGF-β1 −509 C/T gene polymorphism: 35
in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, and the cycles at 95 °C for 45 seconds, 58 °C for 30 seconds,
protocols were approved by the ethics committee of and 72 °C for 30 seconds.
Cairo University. All participants and/or their guar- Primer sequence used for each polymorphism analy-
dians provided informed consent before enrollment sis are shown in Table 1.
into the study.
The diagnosis of AA was based on BM biopsy and Digestion of the amplified product by specific
peripheral blood cell counts according to the criteria restriction enzyme for each polymorphism
of the International Aplastic Anemia Ten microliters of the amplified product were mixed
Agranulocytosis Study Group.9 Severe AA was with 1 μl restriction enzyme (Fermentas, St. Leon-
defined as a BM cellularity of less than 30% and Rot, Germany) and the mixture was incubated at
severe pancytopenia with at least two of the following 37 °C for 1 hour. The product was analyzed by gel
peripheral blood count criteria: (1) absolute neutrophil electrophoresis using 3% agarose gel (Promega,
count <0.5 × 109/l; (2) absolute reticulocyte count Madison, WI, USA). The separated fragments were
<20 × 109/l; and (3) platelet count <20 × 109/l. stained with ethidium bromide and visualized along
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) clone with 50 bp ladder (MBI Fermentas, Vilnius,
was assessed in all patients by immunophenotypical Lithuania, Germany) as a size marker using transillu-
analysis of CD55 and CD59 to evaluate concurrent minator (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Restriction
or ongoing PNH. enzyme used and the resulting bp length are shown
in Table 1.

DNA extraction and analysis

Statistical analysis
Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood
Data were statistically described in terms of range,
samples by AXY Prep Blood Genomic DNA
mean, standard deviation (SD), frequencies, percen-
Miniprep Kit (Axygen, Biosciences, CA, USA).
tages, and odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence inter-
Isolated DNA was stored at −20 °C until used for
val (CI) when appropriate. Comparison of
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification.
quantitative variables between the study groups was
done using Student’s t-test for independent samples
PCR amplification in comparing two groups normally distributed and
PCR amplification was performed in a final volume of Mann–Whitney U test for independent samples when
25 μl (5 μl DNA, 12.5 μl Taq PCR Green Master Mix, not normally distributed. For comparing categorical

2 Hematology 2015 VOL. 0 NO. 0

Zayed et al. Susceptibility to aplastic anemia in Egyptian patients 1

data, the Chi square (χ2) test was performed, but 17/40 expressed heterozygous AT allele and 14/40
Fisher’s exact test was used instead when the expected expressed homozygous TT allele, while in the control
frequency is less than 5. A probability value (P-value) group, 19/40 expressed the wild allele, 12/40
less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. expressed heterozygous AT allele, and 9/40 expressed
All statistical calculations were done using computer homozygous TT allele.
programs Microsoft Excel 2003 (Microsoft Regarding TNF-α −308 G/A gene expression; 16
Corporation, New York, NY, USA) and SPSS out of 40 patients expressed the wild allele (homozy-
(Statistical Package for the Social Science; SPSS, gous GG), 2 out of 40 patients expressed heterozygous
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) version 15 for Microsoft GA allele, and 22 out of 40 patients expressed homo-
Windows. zygous AA allele. Meanwhile, in the control group; 7
out of 40 subjects expressed the wild allele, 6 out of
Results 40 subjects expressed heterozygous GA allele, and 27
The baseline characteristics of the patients and the out of 40 subjects expressed homozygous AA allele.
control groups are shown in Table 2. Mutant allele (GA, AA) expression in the patients
Study of the association between TGF-β1 −509 C/ was significantly lower than in the controls (P =
T, TNF-α −308 G/A, and IFN-γ +874 A/T gene 0.026).
polymorphisms and the risk of AA showed that Concerning TGF-β1 −509 C/T gene polymorph-
IFN-γ +874 A/T gene polymorphism is associated ism, 22 out of 40 patients expressed wild allele (homo-
with three-fold increased risk of development of AA zygous CC), 11 out of 40 patients expressed
(OR 3.116, P = 0.019), while TNF-α −308 G/A heterozygous CT allele, and 7 out of 40 patients
gene polymorphism is associated with decreased risk expressed homozygous TT allele. While in the
(OR 0.318, P = 0.026). TGF-β1 −509 C/T gene poly- control group, 17 out of 40 subjects expressed wild
morphism showed comparable expression in both allele (homozygous CC), 18 out of 40 subjects
patients and controls (P = 0.263). expressed heterozygous CT allele, and 5 out of 40 sub-
Study of IFN-γ +874 A/T gene polymorphism jects expressed homozygous TT allele, with no statisti-
showed higher expression of the mutant T-allele in cally significant difference between patients and
the patients compared to the control group (P = controls (P = 0.263).
0.019), 9/40 patients expressed the wild allele (homo-
zygous AA) and 31/40 expressed the A/T mutation; Discussion
Regulatory cytokines play a role in conditioning the
Table 2 Baseline characteristics of patients and controls
BM microenvironment and in stem cell growth.
Previous studies mentioned the role of T lymphocytes
Patients Controls P-value in the pathogenesis of AA,13 oligoclonally expanded
Age (years) self-reactive T cells can induce immune-mediated
Range 2–50 2–50 NS apoptosis of blood-forming stem progenitor cells
Median 11 12
Gender (number/%)
through either interaction via the Fas/Fas-ligand
Male 20 (50%) 21 (52.5%) NS (FasL) pathway or the production of proinflammatory
Female 20 (50%) 19 (47.5%) and growth inhibitory cytokines such as TNF-alpha
Severity (number/%)
Non-severe AA 17 (42.5%) and IFN-gamma, thus leading to depletion of the
Severe AA 23 (57.5%) HSC pool in the BM.14
Total leucocytic count (×109/l) IFN-gamma can significantly up-regulate IL-15
Range 0.6–7.8 4–15.7 <0.001
Mean ± SD 2.5 ± 1.4 8.1 ± 2.6 expression on the surface of BM fibroblast-like
Hemogblobin (g/dl) stromal cells in AA patients, IL-15 stimulates the pro-
Range 3.8–9.7 9.2–16.4 <0.001
liferation of T lymphocytes and participates in the
Mean ± SD 6.3 ± 1.3 13 ± 1.7
Platelet count (×109/l) T-cell-mediated destruction of hematopoietic progeni-
Range 3–68 150–412 <0.001 tors.15 TNF-alpha acts in synergy with IFN-gamma
Mean ± SD 19.8 ± 16 240 ± 72
Reticulocytic count (%)
on the suppression of hematopoiesis in patients with
Range 0.1–0.9 acquired AA.16 TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma suppress
Mean ± SD 0.5 ± 0.2 hematopoiesis through Fas/FasL, TRAIL, and
PNH markers (%)
CD55 p38MAPKsignaling pathway inducing apoptosis in
Range 94–99 early and late hematopoietic progenitors.17
Mean ± SD 93 ± 5.2 TGF-beta1 has been known to induce cell cycle
Range 92–98 retardation or arrest.18 Ball et al.19 described acceler-
Mean ± SD 95 ± 3.8 ated telomere loss in AA, probably at the stem cell
NS: non-significant. stage, indicating that active cell cycling is relevant to
P-value <0.05 is considered significant. the pathogenesis of AA, and so, suppression of

Hematology 2015 VOL. 0 NO. 0 3

Zayed et al. Susceptibility to aplastic anemia in Egyptian patients

Table 3 Cytokine gene polymorphisms and risk of development of AA 3

Gene polymorphism Patients Controls OR CI P-value

IFN-γ +874 A/T

Wild (AA) 9 (22.5%) 19 (47.5%)
Mutant (AT/TT) 17/14 (42.5/35%) 12/9 (30/22.5%) 3.116 1.184–8.200 0.019
TNF-α −308 G/A
Wild (GG) 16 (40%) 7 (17.5%)
Mutant (GA/AA) 2/22 (5/55%) 6/27 (15/67.5%) 0.318 0.113–0.893 0.026
TGF-β1 −509 C/T
Wild (CC) 22 (55%) 17 (42.5%)
Mutant (CT/TT) 11/7 (27.5/17.5%) 18/5 (45/12.5%) 0.605 0.250–1.463 0.263

CI: confidence interval.

P-value <0.05 is considered significant.

TGF-beta1 is needed to permit stem cell cycling. Also, results of El Mahgoub et al.24 who found 3.467-fold
the abrogation of Fas-induced apoptosis of progenitor increased risk for AA in individuals with hypersecre-
cells by TGF-beta1 has been described.20 Therefore, tory IFN-γ +874A/T genotype comparing to those
the reduction of TGF-beta1 contribute to the patho- possessing the hyposecretory genotype.
physiology of AA by allowing accelerated stem cell IFN-γ +874 A/T gene polymorphism was found to
cycling and increased apoptosis, therefore exacer- be associated with the level of IFN-gamma pro-
bating the primary stem cell defect.21 duction.26 Most of the AA patients showed excessive
BM cells of the AA patients failed to produce production of IFN-gamma and IFN-gamma gene
detectable amounts of TGF-beta1.22 Thus, dysregula- expression is specifically prevalent in the BM of
tion of TGF-beta1 in combination with TNF-alpha patients with acquired AA, and disappears with
and IFN-gamma may contribute significantly to the response to immunosuppression, also circulating
pathophysiology of AA. IFN-gamma containing T cells responded to immuno-
We hypothesized that the genotypes associated with suppressive therapy and declined after immunosup-
disturbed production of inflammatory (IFN-gamma, pressive treatment.27,28
TNF-alpha) or inhibitory (TGF-beta1) cytokines, Regarding TNF-alpha gene −308 polymorphism,
may be overrepresented in our studied group of AA our study revealed that comparison between homozy-
patients. gous wild (GG) and A allele (GA and AA) genotypes
In our study, comparison between homozygous wild of in AA patients and control subjects revealed statisti-
(AA) and T allele (TA and TT) genotypes of IFN-γ cally significant difference between the patients and
+874 A/T polymorphism in AA patients and controls with more frequent wild GG genotype
control subjects revealed statistically significant differ- among AA patients than controls (P = 0.05).
ence between the two groups with more frequent T Furthermore, our study revealed that TNF-α −308
allele among AA patients than controls (P = 0.009). G/A polymorphism was not associated with increased
Come in parallel with our findings Chang et al. 23 risk of development of AA (OR 0.318, 95% CI
who reported that the frequencies of IFN-γ/+874 0.113–0.893, P = 0.026). Discordance with our find-
TT genotype in patients with AA were significantly ings, El Mahgoub et al.24 revealed statistically signifi-
higher than the corresponding frequencies in the cant difference between the patients and normal
healthy adults (42.6 versus 17.6%, χ2 = 13.780, P = controls as regards TNF-α/ −308 G/A, gene poly-
0.01). Also they stated that IFN-γ/+874 A/T gene morphisms, with hypersecretory genotype (A alleles)
polymorphism is correlated with the susceptibility of were higher in AA patients than controls. This differ-
AA, but not significantly correlated with the severity ent outcome of the studies might be attributed to the
of AA. Additionally, El Mahgoub et al.24 who ana- variations due to a non-homogenous population with
lyzed a different group of Egyptian AA patients AA of varying degree. The results of several previous
found statistically significant difference between the studies regarding the association of TNF-α −308 G/
patients and normal controls as regards IFN-γ +874 A polymorphism and the susceptibility to AA are
A/T hypersecretory (TT) genotype that was more fre- not consistent. Several studies reported that TNF-α
quent in AA patients than the controls. This also −308 G/A was significantly related to AA suscepti-
comes in match with Sloand et al.25 and Dufour bility,29,30 on the other hand, some groups reported
et al.26 who agreed increased IFN-γ/+874 T allele that TNF-α −308 G/A did not show any association
expression during the pathogenesis of AA. with AA susceptibility with no difference in allele fre-
Our work reported that IFN-γ +874 A/T gene quency between AA patients and controls.31 This
polymorphism is associated with 3.116-fold increased inconsistency in results may be related to different
risk of development of AA which reinforces the response to cytokines levels in different ethnic

4 Hematology 2015 VOL. 0 NO. 0

Zayed et al. Susceptibility to aplastic anemia in Egyptian patients 1

Figure 1 RFLP analysis of TGF-βl 509 C/T polymorphism PCR products; Lane-1: DNA molecular weight marker (Fermentas AM
Egypt), (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 bps). Lanes 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 : show wild variant CC (252 and 189bps). Lanes 4,
8, 11, 12: show heterozygous CT genotype (441, 252 and 189 bps). Lane- 10: shows homozygous variant TT (441 bps). 2

Figure 2 RFLP analysis of TNF-α 308 G/Λ polymorphism PCR products; Lane-1: DNA molecular weight marker (Fermentas AM
Egypt), (100. 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 bps). Lanes 2, 4,5, 6.7,8.9,10,11: show wild variant GG (87.20 bps). Lanes 3,
12: show heterozygous GA genotype (107,87,20bps).

populations. Also, Peng et al.32 stated that no suscep- control subjects revealed no statistically significant
tibility was demonstrated in milder forms of AA which difference between the two groups (P = 0.263).
may explain our data as about half of our patients had Additionally, no association was found between
a non-severe form of AA. It was shown that TNF-α TGF-β1 −509 C/T gene polymorphism and risk of
−308 G/A polymorphism was associated with elev- development of AA. In agreement to our study, Lee
ated TNF-alpha level. Several studies demonstrated et al.28 stated that TGF-β1 −509 C/T polymorphism
that BM lymphocytes produced significantly higher is not related to AA susceptibility, although, they are
amounts of TNF-alpha in patients with AA.33,34 associated with response to IST. Contrary to our find-
Concerning TGF-β1 −509 C/T gene polymorphism ings El Mahgoub et al.24 found that T alleles of TGF-
comparison between wild homozygous (CC) and T β1 −509C/T gene polymorphism were more frequent
allele (T/C and T/T) genotypes in AA patients and in patients than in control, no association was found

Figure 3 RFLP analysis of IFN-γ 874 A/T gene polymorphism PCR products; Lane-1: DNA molecular weight marker (Fermentas
AM Egpt). (100, 200, 300,. 400, 500. 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 bps). Lane- 8: show homozygous variant TT (148 and 28bps). Lanes
3,4,6,10,11: show heterozygous ΤA genotype (176, 148 and 20 bps). Lanes 2,5,7,9: shows wild variantAA ( 176 bps)

Hematology 2015 VOL. 0 NO. 0 5

Zayed et al. Susceptibility to aplastic anemia in Egyptian patients

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Hematology 2015 VOL. 0 NO. 0 7

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