Countries With Higher IQs Have Higher Average Wealth Measured in Per Capita Gross Domestic Product

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1. The relationship between IQ and income is somewhat correlated.

My primary argument is
that people with higher IQs, are more likely to attain higher education level and thus have a
higher pay job with more prosperous income, thus benefiting countries GDP.A well-
established outcome is that countries with higher levels of IQ tend to be countries that
experience faster rates of economic growth. Several studies have reported that average IQs
differ in different geographical regions of a country, and that these different IQs are
positively related to per capita incomes. In fact, studies has showed that a higher IQ of one
individual will help him/her to earn higher income. Therefore, I believe that people with
higher IQ will make a country richer.

2.There have been several studies that have shown correlations between attending
religious services and living a long time. One of the most detailed, published in JAMA
Internal Medicine in 2016, found that women who take part in any religious service
more than once a week had a 33 per cent lower mortality rate during the 16-year
study-follow-up period than their secular peers. Personally, I believe that health is
consist of spiritual health and physical health. People who attend church has lower
mortality may own to the their belief in which the spiritual support assist them to
overcome hardship and relieve stress. Thereby, people who believe in god may have more
spiritual reliance, and thus can relieve stress easier than the one who did not believe in god,
and thus it imply that believing in god make people live longer.

3. Parents care about their children. Parents would always ask their child to eat even though
the child is not hungry at all. As mentioned by the magazine, parents who exert too much
control over what their children eat may not be doing their adolescents any favours when it
comes to controlling the weight of youngsters. From my opinions, children may not get
thinner if their parents stop to control their portions. In fact, losing weight can affected by
various factors. When the energy output is greater than the energy intake, weight loss. As
children is immature, they may choose their favorites food without the supervision of parents.
If the child like fast food, he will keep eating which will cause overweight. Therefore, I think
that there is no causal connection between food policing behavior on the part of the parent
and weight loss of the child.

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