107 Philosophical Questions That Will Make You Think

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107 Philosophical Questions That Will Make You Think &

Elicit Debate

Philosophy is associated with the study of fundamental and general problems related to
matters of knowledge, values, mind, language, reason, and existence. The term
philosophy is believed to be coined by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras and translates
to "love of wisdom." In simplistic terms, philosophy is associated with activities people
engage in to have a deeper understanding of a better life through wisdom.

Here are 107 philosophical questions that are guaranteed to elicit deep and meaningful
discussions. Feel free with your views and opinions in the comments section.

Philosophical Questions About Happiness

 What is the meaning of a good life?
 Is it more important to be respected or liked?
 Have we become less happy in this age of technology?
 Are humans obligated to better themselves and will that make them happier?
 Is having a big ego a negative trait of positive trait?
 Is the most important purpose in life to find happiness?
 Does life require a purpose and a goal?
 What is happiness?
 Is it easier to love or to be loved?
 Do acts of kindness have a motive?
 Is love simply physical desire or something more?
 Does evil come from within, and if so why?
 Are people in this current generation less or more sensitive than people from
past generations?
 What is true friendship?
 Can achieving nothing make a person happy?
 Have gadgets and apps taken away emotions?
 If everyone spoke their mind would this world be a better place?
 Is there a perfect life?
 Why do we strive for perfection if it is not attainable?

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