Blockchain Cryptocurrency Ethereum: The Hidden Costs of Nfts

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Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) are a way to create and sell unique digital images using
new blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies (most commonly the Ethereum
platform). Photographers and other artists can “mint” digital images and collections,
stored on cloud platforms, and sell them through cryptocurrency marketplaces - it’s a
new opportunity and channel for photographers to generate income for their livelihoods.
Sounds great, right? 
Not so fast. There’s a problem… This new technology (especially Ethereum) currently
requires A LOT of computers expending A LOT of computational power to verify and
record the uniqueness of the NFT - far more than regular use of the internet. And all that
computational power equates to a large carbon footprint, leading to negative
environmental impact - not good. Figuring out the actual carbon footprint of NFTs is
complex, but it’s pretty clear that it’s real and significant, at least the way it’s being done
with today’s technology (written in August, 2021). There are cleaner alternatives, but
today these have smaller communities with less valuable currencies. You can read
more here about The Hidden Costs of NFTs.

So what’s a responsible nature photographer to do? Is it ethical for nature

photographers to create and sell NFTs for income? The guidance from Nature First is
very much related to our thoughts on nature photography and climate change (see our
FAQ). All nature photographers should take responsibility for learning about the
environmental impact of their actions, and carefully consider how they can limit and
reduce their own individual impact. So, educate yourself.

 Get involved with discussions about NFTs and their environmental impact, like
this F-Stop Collaborate and Listen podcast (available August 25, 2021) by our co-
founder Matt Payne. 
 Take a look at the greenhouse gas equivalencies or carbon calculator for some
of your common activities (driving, flying, general consumption and way of life) to
learn more about your carbon footprint.
 Before entering the NFT space, consider waiting until Ethereum migrates to a
proof-of-stake model (which may be happening in 2022), which utilizes
significantly less energy than the current proof-of-work model. Find more on what
differentiates these models here. 
 Consider minting your NFTs using a non-Etherum blockchain which have a
carbon footprint estimated to be 1.5 million times smaller.
 For those of you who create and sell NTFs, have a look at to calculate
your carbon impact. 
 Consider offsetting your NFT-derived carbon impacts by reducing your carbon
footprint in other areas of your life.
 Consider donating a portion of proceeds from the sale of NFTs to climate or
environmental non-profits.
 Bring attention to the carbon impact of your actions and openly discuss how you
are significantly reducing your carbon footprint in other ways.

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