Biblical Musicology

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Musicolo y
Life & Music Principles from the Creator's Book
Musicolo y

Life & Music Principles from the Creator's Book

The influence of music in our world today is often underrated. Everyday, 24/7, we are being saturated with sounds that are, most likely, not even of our own
choosing. Social media has created an appetite for audio content that leave the gullible children and untrained youth deceived and unable to wisely discern
the offerings of the world.

God's cry, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," (Hosea 4:6) rings loud and true today, as children and youth become absorbed by the fancies and
fashions of the world, musical or otherwise; and as adults become morally paralyzed, born out of indifference or ignorance.

This workbook is a feeble attempt to temper that lack of knowledge. Biblical Musicology, as coined, is the study of music in relation to the Bible. This music
activity book was made to facilitate a Biblically analytical approach to the nuances and use of music as it pertains to real, practical life in view of the life

The accomplishment of each worksheet makes imperative the willing participation and guidance of a parent or guardian. Worksheets/Lessons are to be read by
both parent and student. After the task has been independently accomplished by the student, it is advised that the former go over the student's answers before
submission to the teacher. This will allow the parent to personally gauge the child's level of comprehension of the lesson and will give him/her the
opportunity to reinforce the practical life lessons that are being drawn out.

It is my fervent hope and prayer that this simple workbook may influence the young musician to seek for the music that vibrates from the heart of God, that
rings from the heavens above, that blesses the Creator's name, and that reflects God's holiness and sovereignty to those that hear him/her play.

To the Creator God be glorious music both now and forever!

Musicolo y
Life & Music Principles from the Creator's Book

This Workbook Belongs To:

Date Started:
Date Accomplished:
Musicolo y
Life & Music Principles from the Creator's Book

Lesson 1 The Creator of Sound

Lesson 2 The Maestro's Music
Lesson 3 Music's Purpose
Lesson 4 Music from Nature
Lesson 5 Music for Occasions
Lesson 6 Musical Instruments
Lesson 7 Musical Instruments in Heaven
Lesson 8 Music: A Responsibility
Lesson 9 Heavenly Music in our Hearts Starting Now
Lesson 10 Musical Distractions and Instructions
Lesson 11 Musical Cookery
Lesson 12 Music and Moral Direction
Lesson 13 Music and Deception
Lesson 14 Can We See Music?
Lesson 15 Trust and Obedience
Lesson 16 Decoding Symbols
Lesson 17 Time
Lesson 18 Relationships
Lesson 19 The Gift of Sevens
Lesson 20 Faithful Keys
Lesson 21 Triplets, Triads, and the Triune God
Lesson 22 Graces
Lesson 23 Chords and Families
Lesson 24 Unity and Harmony
Lesson 25 Scripture Songs
Lesson 1
The Creator of Sound
Music is a collection of sounds and sound is produced by vibration. Like everything else in this world that came
from something, music must have a beginning as well. Who created music? Read and write down Colossians
1:16 below and give your answer.

Sound is "mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by pressure waves in a material medium (such as air)
and is the objective cause of hearing." [Merriam-Webster Dictionary]. What sound is first recorded in the
Bible? Read Genesis 1:1,3 and write your answer below.

If God's spoken words are powerful enough to create our world and everything in it, then that means His
written Word is just as powerful! Can we see this in the Bible? Read and write down Hebrews 4:12 to know the
Lesson 2
The Maestro's Music
Because God created music, that means He must like music as well! Is there anything in the Bible that says
He personally makes use of music? Read and write down Zephaniah 3:17 so you will know the answer.
Highlight how God uses music.

How does it make you feel to know that in happiness over us, God makes His pleasure known through
music? Explain your answer.
Lesson 3
Music's Purpose
God created music for a purpose. Read and write down the following passages and underline some of the
reasons for what music is made for.

Deuteronomy 31:19

2 Chronicles 5:13

Ephesians 5:19

Colossians 3:16

Because God's character does not change, His principles remain constant. The purpose for music above still
applies to our use of music today.
Lesson 4
Music from Nature
The Creator God made music for His creatures. Because nature is God's creation, does that mean nature
makes music too? Read and write down the following passages to know the answer. Draw the creations of
God that produce vibra�on < sound < music.

Song of Solomon 2:12

Psalm 98:7,8

Isaiah 55:12

Early before rising or in the quiet of your bed at night, listen to nature around you and observe whether you
can hear creatures or inanimate creation making their own special sounds. Write 2-4 kinds of sounds that
you hear and who/what made them (eg: howling of the wind).
Lesson 5
Music for Occasions
God made music not only for us to be able to hum an encouraging tune daily but He also made music to be
used for special occasions. What are examples of events in the Bible where music was used? Read and write
down the following Scripture verses and write the keywords underneath each verse that provide the

1 Chronicles 6:32

2 Chronicles 30:21

2 Chronicles 35:25

Nehemiah 4:20

Nehemiah 12:27
Lesson 6
Musical Instruments
God created the part of our body called the voice box or larynx as our own personal, natural musical
instrument. The voice box has vocal cords that allow us to produce sound and we use these vocal cords in
speech or song. But God also inspired His children and gave them knowledge to make different kinds of
musical instruments from materials of the earth like wood and brass. Write down the musical instruments
that are men�oned in the following verses.

2 Samuel 6:5

Psalm 150:3,4

1 Chronicles 15:28

Daniel 3:15

Draw one of the musical instruments listed above.

Lesson 7
Musical Instruments
in Heaven

We are waiting for Jesus' soon second coming to this earth. Because He will now come as the King of the
Universe and the Lord of lords, His arrival will no doubt be introduced with grandness, majesty, and royal
splendor. What instrument will the heavenly angels use to announce His arrival? Read Matthew 24:30,31.
Write and draw the answer below.

Why do you think it won't be a drum to give a drum roll?

Give a Bible verse where drums are used.

There are musical instruments in heaven! We're not sure whether a piano or violin will be there but we are
certain whatever instrument will be played will sound more beautiful and glorious than what we hear from
our inferior instruments here on planet earth! After reading the following verses, write down the musical
instrument we are sure to have in heaven.

Revela�on 14:2,3

Revela�on 15:2

Write the defini�on of a harp and then draw one.

Lesson 8
Music: A Responsibility

Read the passage in the succeeding page with your parent or guardian. Write a paragraph or two below
about what you read and understood.

"The instruments of music have taken time which should have been devoted to prayer." This quote is telling
us that far above making music, it is more important to spend time in prayer. If one practices music for 30
minutes a day, then more time should be set aside for prayer. Write below your daily schedule of activity,
from waking up to bedtime, that would include your own special prayer time with God. Use the back part of
this page or another sheet of paper if necessary
Lesson 8
Music: A Responsibility


The art of sacred melody was diligently cultivated in the schools of the prophets. No frivolous waltz was
heard, nor flippant song that should extol man and divert the attention from God; but sacred, solemn
psalms of praise to the Creator, exalting His name and recounting His wondrous works. Thus music was
made to serve a holy purpose, to lift the thoughts to that which was pure and noble and elevating, and to
awaken in the soul devotion and gratitude to God.

Music forms a part of God's worship in the courts above, and we should endeavor, in our songs of praise,
to approach as nearly as possible to the harmony of the heavenly choirs. The proper training of the voice
is an important feature in education and should not be neglected. Singing, as a part of religious service, is
as much an act of worship as is prayer. The heart must feel the spirit of the song to give it right

I have been shown the order, the perfect order, of heaven, and have been enraptured as I listened to the
perfect music there. After coming out of vision, the singing here has sounded very harsh and discordant.
I have seen companies of angels, who stood in a hollow square, everyone having a harp of gold. At the
end of the harp was an instrument to turn to set the harp or change the tunes. Their fingers did not
sweep over the strings carelessly, but they touched different strings to produce different sounds. There
is one angel who always leads, who first touches the harp and strikes the note, then all join in the rich,
perfect music of heaven. It cannot be described. It is melody, heavenly, divine, while from every
countenance beams the image of Jesus, shining with glory unspeakable.

I was shown that the youth must take a higher stand and make the word of God the man of their counsel
and their guide. Solemn responsibilities rest upon the young, which they lightly regard. The introduction
of music into their homes, instead of inciting to holiness and spirituality, has been the means of diverting
their minds from the truth. Frivolous songs and the popular sheet music of the day seem congenial to
their taste. The instruments of music have taken time which should have been devoted to prayer. Music,
when not abused, is a great blessing; but when put to a wrong use, it is a terrible curse. It excites, but
does not impart that strength and courage which the Christian can find only at the throne of grace while
humbly making known his wants and, with strong cries and tears pleading for heavenly strength to be
fortified against the powerful temptations of the evil one. Satan is leading the young captive. Oh, what
can I say to lead them to break his power of infatuation! He is a skillful charmer, luring them on to
perdition. CCh 172.1 - CCh 172.4
Lesson 9
Heavenly Music in our
Hearts Starting Now
Choose a radio station with the guidance of your father or mother or any responsible adult. List the title
and/or the subject/topic of 10 consecu�ve songs that will be played in the next 30-40 minutes.
Note to supervising adult: Should the music being played express inappropriate content, it is advised to
turn the volume off un�l it is es�mated that the par�cular music is done and a new one has started.

Do the topics/subjects of the music from the radio follow the purposes of why God created music? What
does this tell you about most of the music you hear from the radio, television, movies, and the internet?

Read and write down Revelation 15:3 to know what the subject/topic of the songs we will sing in heaven
will be. Highlight the keywords in orange.

Compare the music you just heard with what the Bible says we will be singing in heaven. How can you best
make the right choices now so that music can serve what it was meant for (its purpose) in your life?
Lesson 10
Musical Distractions and
Watch "The Distraction Dilemma: A Music Overview" by Shepherd's Call Media/Christian Berdahl with a
parent (dad or mom) or guardian.

Also watch "Distraction Dilemma Disc 5/Seminar 9 - "Serenade: Music in Worship" with a parent (dad or mom)
or guardian. Write down 10 important things you learned from these 2 presenta�ons.
Lesson 11
Musical Cookery

Before children take lessons on the organ or the piano they should be given lessons in cooking. The work
of learning to cook need not exclude music, but to learn music is of less importance than to learn how to
prepare food that is wholesome and appetizing. - Manuscript 95, 1901394.

Your daughters may love music, and this may be all right; it may add to the happiness of the family; but
the knowledge of music without the knowledge of cookery, is not worth much. CD 263.5

Cooking may be regarded as less desirable than some other lines of work, but in reality it is a science in
value above all other sciences. Thus God regards the preparation of healthful food. He places a high
estimate on those who do faithful service in preparing wholesome, palatable food. The one who
understands the art of properly preparing food, and who uses this knowledge, is worthy of higher
commendation than those engaged in any other line of work. This talent should be regarded as equal in
value to ten talents; for its right use has much to do with keeping the human organism in health. Because
so inseparably connected with life and health, it is the most valuable of all gifts. TSDF 97.9

Applying the principles above, find 10 healthful recipes that you can do with the supervision of your
mother or an older person at home. Write down the name of the dish and the ingredients and describe
how the dish was prepared/cooked/baked. Serve at least 2 dishes every month. Write a few lines about
your cooking exeperience.

Tip: Hum a happy tune while working in the kitchen. :)

Lesson 11
Musical Cookery






Lesson 11
Musical Cookery






Lesson 11
Musical Cookery






Lesson 11
Musical Cookery






Lesson 11
Musical Cookery

DISH 9: DISH 10:





Lesson 12
Music and Moral
David, a musician, became one of the great kings of Israel. While herding his father's sheep as a young boy, he
had already learned music principles that helped shape his character and prepare him for serving God.

Read the story of King Saul and David in 1 Samuel 16:14-23. Write down verse 23 below. What does this
story, particularly the last verse, tell you about the influence of music on a person's mood and behaviour and
physical health?

Pick a music performed by Fountainview Academy. What is the title of the song you listened to and how did
listening to the music and seeing how the musicians perform make you feel?
Lesson 13
Music and Deception

Daniel was a great prophet and statesman who served 4 kings in his lifetime. But even as a Hebrew youth
captured by Babylon, he and his three friends faithfully followed the principles of health taught by their
parents and practiced at home. These allowed them to have strong minds. Having a strong mind means one
is able to make wise decisions, correctly identifying and choosing what is right (the right thing to

In Daniel's time, the strength of mind of Daniel's three friends was tested publicly and music was used in
part to influence and deceive people and to tempt them to disobey God's commands. Read the story in
Daniel chapter 3. Write down verses 17 and 18 below.

Even though we don't physically bow down to images now, how can listening to wrong music or watching a
musical performance be like worshipping other gods?

Give examples of TV shows, movies, and real-life events that look similar to the situation of the music and
worship event in Daniel's �me.

How can choosing the right kind of music give you a strong mind?
Lesson 14
Can We See Music?

Write down Psalm 40:3.

In an earlier lesson, we learned that music affects mood, attitude, and behaviour (King Saul in Lesson 12).
Because we interact with people, they see our mood, our attitude, and how we behave and these affect
them as well. What we hear or listen to impacts what we do. If we let the good and right kind of music (the
music that comes from God) influence us, we will be able to influence others for good too!

From the verse above, what would the response of people be when they "see" the new song from God?

Would you like for God to put this "new song" in your heart?
Lesson 15
Trust and Obedience

Do you realize that playing music requires trust? As

a performer of music, when you play a specific piece
in the specified key signature and the specified time
signature, such as the piece to the right, you are
trusting that the composer made the right decisions
and that the music will turn out beautifully. In
following any music sheet, you are trusting that A#
is really A# and not G#; that the C in measure 24
should really be middle C and not 3 octaves higher;
that the notes you are playing on your right hand on
the 2nd page should really be in the F clef rather
than the G clef. Playing the piece exactly as how the
composer wrote it is showing trust in the composer
and his work. Trust is seen through obedience -
following the piece as it is wri�en.
Reading the guidebook of life - the Bible - is similar to reading music. You have to trust that what was
written by the Author (God through His servants) is really right and good, and that to have the intended
outcome, you should resolve to follow what you have read. Trust in God is seen through obedience -
following the Book as it is wri�en.

Give a verse from the Creator's Book that requires trust and obedience and write it on the space directly
below. Then write the words of the hymn, "Trust and Obey." Think about how trusting and obeying God, our
Creator, can bring happiness and peace to your life. Also think about how trusting and obeying your parents
and elders at home give them happiness, increase your character strength, and make your home more
pleasant for everyone to be in.
Lesson 16
Decoding Symbols

Music uses symbols. For those who are seeing a music sheet for the first time, they would not understand
what they are looking at. But for someone who has studied music, music symbols and their interpretation
(what they mean) come easy.

Draw the following music symbols below and write down what they mean: 1) Flat sign 2) Natural sign 3) G
clef 4) Sharp sign 5) Crescendo.

Do you know that our Creator also uses different symbols in His Book? They may sound weird or confusing
at times, but just like the student of music, the student of His Book will find the meaning and interpretation
easy. Look up the following verses. Draw or write down the symbols from the following verses and what
they mean.

1) John 1:36

2) John 2:21, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 2:21-22

3) Revela�on 1:20

4) Ephesians 6:17

5) Luke 8:11
Lesson 17

Read and write down Ecclesiastes 3:1,7.

This wise adage tells us that everything happens in or submits to time. Music happens in time and the
musical staff houses symbols of notes and rests that adhere to time. Without strict compliance to time,
music would just become disappoin�ng or irrita�ng to the ears.


In the Bible we can find verses that predict events in time. These are called prophecies. Prophecies point to
the occurence of an event in time and it is what gives validity to the truthfulness of the Bible. A popular time
prophecy is the one King Nebuchadnezzar dreamt and Daniel, through God, interpreted. Learn about this
prophecy by reading Daniel 2. Write the kingdoms and their rulership in time (read from history books or
encyclopedias) in the boxes provided, then mark an estimation of the years 2019/2020 in the arrow of time.
Draw in the upper right hand space what comes next in this metal man prophecy.
Lesson 18
The vertical position and horizontal position of a note or musical symbol in relation to the staff is important.
It tells us where and when that particular symbol is to be played. For example, if a whole note is drawn in the
first line below and on the left part of the staff, then that means it is an E near the middle C and so is midtone
rather than very high or very low, and it is to be played earlier in the piece rather than later.


Children of God have vertical and horizontal relationships that are important too. This is encapsulated in
Matthew 22:36-39. Write down verses 37 and 39 in the appropriate parts of the cross below that illustrate
these rela�onships.
Lesson 19
The Gift of Sevens

We know that the Sabbath falls on the seventh day of every week. This is God's weekly special gift of His time
to us. Do you also know that He has other gifts of sevens? One gift of seven is in music - the diatonic scale
composed of 5 whole tones and 2 half-tones or semitones. Draw whole notes and make a diatonic scale below.

There is also another gift of 7 that we see every now and then which reminds us of God's special care for us.
Read about this gift of promise in Genesis 9:11,13. Write the verses below then color the whole notes you
have just drawn above with the colors of the sign of His promise.

Will we see this beautiful natural phenomenon when we get to heaven? Read Rev 4:3 to find out and
complete the picture below.
Lesson 20
Faithful Keys

"I play the notes as they are written but it is God who makes the music." This was said by the famous
composer Johann Sebas�an Bach. In his life�me, Bach had 1,128 composi�ons. That's a lot of notes!

Have you ever wondered about this: Why do the piano's white keys have names but the black ones don't?

The black keys only acquire a name ( __ sharp or flat) in relation to a white key. Do you think it's fair? Does it
really ma�er that they don't have names?

The piano keys are made of wood though and don't have life so they don't have a say on the matter. In
reality, the black keys don't have to have a name for them to be faithfully utilized. Human beings however
would most likely cry out for recognition! They want to be credited for their effort, their skill, their
intelligence, their money, etc. But the Bible tells us there is only one thing that we should be proud about
and boast over. Read and write below Jeremiah 9:23,24 to know what it is. Highlight the correct answer.
Lesson 21
Triplets, Triads, and the
Triune God
A lot of things in nature come in threes: Living things have 3 dimensions - length, width, and height; Matter
has 3 states - solid, liquid, and gas; Garden flowers can be divided into 3 groups according to how long they
live - annual, biennial and perennial; The brain and the spinal cord are enclosed in 3 membranes - the dura,
arachnoid, and pia matter; There are 3 types of cones in the eye - blue, green, and red; There are 3 kinds of
cells in the blood - red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

We see these groups of 3s in music as well. Draw an eighth note triplet on the left area of the scale below and
an example of a triad on the right.

The eighth note triplet is played separately in one beat and the triad is played together at one �me.

Do you know that the Bible tells us of a Triune God (tri = 3) we call the Godhead? Read and write down 1
John 5:7 to know for yourself.

They are 3 equal persons - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - but at the same time they
are one. They have different functions but work toward one goal and that is the salvation of us all. This
3-persons-in-1-God may be hard to understand but that is the beautiful mystery of God. We may
understand this better in heaven but for now, while on earth, let us daily thank God that we are the objects
of His faithfulness and amazing love!
Lesson 22

On the staff below, draw a grace note to go with any quarter note.

A grace note is also called an appoggiatura. An appoggiatura is defined by Merriam-Webster as "an

embellishing note or tone preceding an essential note or tone and usually written as a note of smaller size."
Some describe it as ornamental or non-essen�al.

In real life however, GRACE is as important as God Himself because it is part of who He is - His character!
Read Ephesians 2:8 and write it down below to know what grace is and what it means for us. Highlight the
Lesson 23
Chords and Families

Music has clusters of notes we call chords. Different chords come together in sets we can call chord families.
Chord families are made from the major scales you play. They give distinction or uniqueness to the music you
play. Below is an example of different chords wri�en in thirds or triads.

Each individual note in a scale has a role to play in chords. Draw the C Major scale on the staff below and
identify/label which of the 7 notes in the scale play these different roles: Tonic, Super Tonic, Mediant,
Sub-dominant, Dominant, Sub-mediant, and Leading Tone.

Each note of these chord families work toward making beautiful music. It is the same way with families.
Individual members of each family have roles to play at home. Father stands as the priest and banding
force of the home, mother is the primary nurturer and teacher, and the children receive their parents'
love and care and obediently follow their wise instructions. Individually however they all make God the
center and utmost priority of their family so that home becomes like heaven on earth.

Draw a representa�on of your family below. :)

Lesson 24
Unity and Harmony

A pianist works with his/her eyes, ears, body, hands, and feet, coordinated by the brain to achieve the
expression of beautiful music. What if the left hand refused to play because it felt tired or the right foot wanted
to step on the soft pedal instead of the damper pedal, or the right hand wanted to play the notes that were
supposed to be the le� hand's? That would be chaos!

In a small full orchestra, there would be at least 40-50 instruments. Each of the musicians faithfully play their
part in a given musical score. A flautist cannot just play a violinist's part or choose to play his/her piece at a
different key signature just to make it easier for himself/herself. To achieve the best musical perfomance, each
s�cks to the assigned role and faithfully executes his/her part as expected by the conductor.

Give the different sec�ons of an orchestra. List at least 3 instruments under each sec�on.

As in an orchestra, so is the home > school > church > community. Individuals have different God-given roles
and abilities that allow for an orderly, cohesive, and united effort in achieving the goals of each group. Read 1
Corinthians 12:4-31. List the different gi�s and responsibili�es men�oned in these verses.

Think of the different responsibilities each person has in your home. Why do you think it is important for you to
work with and help each other?
Lesson 25
Scripture Music

In lesson 3, we learned that one of music's purpose is to teach and instruct one another through psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16). Go to and listen to some of the music you
can find there. Write down at least 5 Bible verses from among the songs that you listened to.

Prayerfully look for a Bible verse that teaches or instructs and ask God to help you make a simple tune to go
with it. Write the chosen Bible verse on the space below.

On the staff provided, draw the first 6 notes of the tune you made. Indicate the clef and time signature and
key signature if applicable. Complete the writing of the song (next page) in music class with the help of your
teacher. Be ready to sing the song in music class and to share it with your family during family worship.

Lastly but most importantly, remember to thank God for giving you the gi� of His music! :)
Lesson 25
Scripture Music

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