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A. The Research Design

The aim of research is to know the influence of facebook to
improve students writing achievement in descriptive text of the eight
grade students of SMP IT Yasin. This research design encompassed the
method which was defined as the way to achieve the purpose of the
research. The appropriate one to be used is pre-experimental design on
one group pretest- posttest design. According to Sugiyono (2016: 78) in
this design there is a pretest before it is given. thus the treatment results
can be known to be more accurate, because they can compare with the
conditions before being treated.
This design, basically involves one group which is
experimental group. The experimental group was given a treatment by
implementing facebook group to improve students writing ability in
descriptive text.
Table 3.1
Reseaech Design

X1 T X2
(pre-test) (Treatment by using facebook group) (post-

B. Place and Time of The Research

1. Place
this research will be held at SMP IT YASIN im eighth A grade in
the academic year 2019-2020. It is located on Bojong Kopo Km. 7 Desa
Loji,Kecamatan Simpenan. The school has 9 classes. Each class consist


of 25-30 students. There have three classes for each classesfor each
grade. There are from some different social background. Based on the
researcher’s observation on march 25th 2020, the researcher find some
of problem exatly in english learning. The big problem of the student is
lack of understanding in text excatly in descriptie text. But in this
research,the researcher only will conduct to one of eight grade students.
The number of class can be described below :
Table 3.2
The number of classes at SMP IT YASIN
No Grade Classes
1. Seventh Grade VII B
2. Eight Grade VIII B
3. Ninth Grade IX B

2. Time
This research will be start at 16 March 2020- 3April 2020
Table 3.3
Research Time
No Activities Time
February March April Mei June July
1 Observation
2 Pre-Test
3 Treatment
4 Treatment

5 Pot-test

C. Population and Sample

1. Population .
The populations of the study are students at SMP-IT Yasin
there are Three class at eighth grade A,B and C and the total of
student in eigh grade are 75 student, and the researcher choose eight
A grade for the researh .they are for eight A grade are 25 students.
2. Sample
The writer uses purposive took one classes of Eight grade in
Eigh “A” grade contain 25 students.
Table 3.4
Sample Distribution
A X (total of students)
Male 14
Female 11

D. Instrument of The Research

1. Test
According Allen Philips (1979: 1-2) A test is commonly difined
as a tool or instrument of measurement that is used to obtain data
about a specific trait or characteristic of an individual or group. Test
is usually interpreted as a tool or instrument of measurement used to
obtain data about a specific characteristic or characteristic of an
individual or group.
The researcher give ask student to make soe text about
descriptive text to student in pre-test and post-test to measure the
initial ability student’s writing ability in descriptive text.

a. Pre test

In the Pre-Test the researcher asked the student to

make a descriptive text and the theme is place. Each
students were given time 15 minutes to make the text.
There were 25 students for the sample of study the test was
intended to measure the students writing ability before
student given the treatment.
b. Treatment
Treatment given by the researcher to student about
the knowladge of descriptive text. Here the researcher share
the material using facebook group.
c. Post – test
The test was same with the pre- test is make a
descriptive text of each student was given 15 minutes to
make a post- test . This test is intended to know the
students’ writing achievement after the students got the
The example of instrument of the test it can be seen

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars
in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and
one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the
tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world;
millions of people ascend it every year.
Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was
built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair.The tower stands 324
metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building.
Upon its completion, it surpassed the Washington Monument to assume
the title of tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41
years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930;

however, due to the addition in 1957 of the antenna, the tower is now
taller than the Chrysler Building. Not including broadcast antennas, it is
the second-tallest structure in France after the 2004 Millau Viaduct.
The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to
ascend, by stairs or lift, to the first and second levels. The walk to the
first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second
level. The third and highest level is accessible only by elevator. Both the
first and second levels feature restaurants.
The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris
and France, often in the establishing shot of films set in the city.
2. Criteria of Scoring writing
A teacher needs some criteria to scoring the writing. According
to brown (2007) there are five components in writing assignments
Table 3.5
The Writing Assignment Rubric

Aspect Score Performance Description

Content ( C ) The topic is complete and clear and the
Topic details are relating to topic
Details The topic is complete and clear but the
details are almost relating to the topic.
The topic is complete and clear but the
details are not relating to the topic.
The topic is not clear but the details are not
relating to the topic.
Organization(O) Identification is complete and descriptions
Identification. are arranged with proper connectives.
Description Identification is almost complete and
3 descriptions are arranged with almost
proper connectives.
Identification is not complete and
2 descriptions are arranged with few misuse
Identification is not complete and
1 descriptions are arranged with misuse

Aspect Score Performance Description

Grammar (G) Very few grammatical or arrangement
Use present inaccuracies.
tense. Few grammatical or arrangement
Agreement inaccuracies but not affect on meaning.
Numerous grammatical or arrangement
Frequent grammatical or arrangement
Vocabulary (V) 4 Effective choice of words and word form.
15% Few misuse of vocabularies, word form, but
not change the meaning.
Limited range confusing words and word
Very poor knowledge of words, word form,
and not understandable.

E. Data Collection
Data of this study was collected by administering test. Test is
draft of question or drill used for to know the skill, intelligence
and ability of individual or group. There were several steps in
collecting data that was done by the writer in order to get the data
needed, they were pre-test, treatment and post- test.
1. Test
a. Pre-Test
This is the first step in this step,here the researcher want to
know about student’s background of their knowladge of decriptive
text, in this step the researcher will be know about student’s writing
ability in that class. The researcher ask student to make a text of
descriptive text and the theme is place and student should
understood about the text.

b. Treatment
This is the second step for this research, here the researcher
will give the treatment using facebook media for increasing

student’s writing ability and we should make plane in teaching

learning and this is the step for teahing learning procees using
facebook media
a. The explanation about the inovation of teaching learning
b. Make a group Facebook and this close group
c. Sharing about the material of descriptive text in the group such
as (Definition about Descriptive teks, Social purpose of
descriptive text and the Generic Structure of Descriptive teks).
d. Feedbak about the material
c. Post test
This the last step here the writer give some test to student
after treatment and here we will know there is increasing score
between test before treatment and post tes after treatment.

F. Data Analysis
1. The Result of Instruments Analysis
Before the researcher takes any data from the place of
observation, the researcher utilized an instrument trial to know and to
find the instruments quality. The researcher used SPSS application
25.0 variance as the instrument tools. The several criteria who want
to analysis are below:
a. Validity Test
Based on the result of validity instrument test with 10
number multiple choices questions, there are 5 questions who have
invalid questions. Validity test is used to measure whether the
question is feasible to be tested to students that the R table value is
greater than 0.361. It can be seen from the table below:

Table 3.6
Validity Result of Pre-Test

No Validity Value Validity

1 530 Valid
2 327 Not Valid
3 366 Not Valid
4 127 Not Valid
5 433 Valid
6 405 Valid
7 058 Not Valid
8 339 Not Valid
9 423 Valid
10 462 Valid

According to the table above, it can be concluded as

validity test which R count >R table with R table = 0,396. The questions
who have criteria as instrument validity are: 1,5,6,9,10 and 10, the
questions who have instrument invalid are: 2,3,4,7,8. The complete
result for validity pre-test could be seen in appendixes.

Table 3.7
Validity Result of Post-test

No Validity Value Validity

1 530 Valid
2 359 Not Valid
3 402 Valid
4 086 Not Valid

5 422 Valid
6 444 Valid
7 009 Not Valid
8 320 Not Valid
9 412 Valid
10 192 Not Valid

According to the table above, it can be concluded as

validity test which R count > R table with R table = 0,396. The
questions who have criteria as instrument validity are:
1,3,5,6,and 9, the questions who have instrument invalid are:
2,4,7,8, and 10 . The complete result for validity post-test
could be seen in appendixes.
b. Reliability
Reliability index calculation utilized toward 10 questions
and the result indicated that the questions have reliability index
I count in the mount of 0,412, than I table 0,361. It can be
concluded that the questions are reliable.

Table 3.8
Reliability of Pre-test

Alpha N of Items
.412 10

Table 3.9
Item Total Statistics

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted
Q1 43,33 171,014 ,174 ,303a
Q2 40,42 186,775 ,181 ,251a
Q3 44,58 165,036 ,230 ,358a
Q4 44,17 242,754 -,306 ,119
Q5 45,00 182,609 ,098 ,221a
Q6 45,00 182,609 ,098 ,221a
Q7 45,00 252,174 -,360 ,150
Q8 43,33 205,797 -,079 ,061a
Q9 43,75 189,674 ,031 ,161a
Q10 44,17 225,362 -,204 ,042

Table 3.10
Reliability of Post-test

Alpha N of Items
.614 10

Table 3.11
Item Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted
Q1 78,33 66,667 ,093 ,605a
Q2 77,50 63,043 ,097 ,821a
Q3 77,08 82,428 ,303 ,415a
Q4 79,17 68,841 ,178 ,468a
Q5 78,33 84,058 ,332 ,247a

Q6 78,33 75,362 ,219 ,406a

Q7 78,33 75,362 ,219 ,406a
Q8 77,92 60,688 ,062 ,833a
Q9 77,50 71,739 ,091 ,585a
Q10 77,50 71,739 -091 ,585a

It of reliability pre-test and post-test could be seen in appendixes.

c. Difficulty Index
According to (Arikunto: 1999) that the classification of
difficulty index such as the following table.
Table 3.12
Difficulty Index Classification

P-P Classification
0,00-0,29 Difficult Question
0,30-0,69 Medium Question
0,70-1,00 Easy Question

Based on the table above and the results of the difficulty

index test of multiple choice questions out of 10 multiple
choice questions that the researchers have test, it can be seen in
the table below:

Table 3.13
Difficulty Index of Pre-test
No Evidence Number of Questions
1. Easy 2
2. Medium 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

3. Difficult

Based on the table above, we can conclude that the

number of multiple choice item who have difficulty index start
from easy until difficult. The number question of easy is zero,
the number question of medium are 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10, the
number question of difficulty are number 2 . All of those, the
difficulty index question is measured by using a SPSS
application 25.0 variance. The complete result of difficulty
index of pre-test could be seen in appendixes.
Table 3.14
Difficulty Index of Post-test
No Evidence Number of Questions
1. Easy 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10
2. Medium 4
3. Difficult -

Based on the table above, we can conclude that the

number of multiple choice item who have difficulty index start
from easy until difficult. The number question of easy are
1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,and 10 the number question of medium is 4 the
number question of difficulty is zero. All of those, the
difficulty index question is measured by using a SPSS
application 25.0 variance. The complete result of difficulty
index of post-test could be seen in appendixes.

d. Discriminating Power
In the following table, there are the criteria of
discriminating power and level of difficulty index to distinguish
between the students with high score and the students with low
score. For further criteria will be shown on the table 4.3 below

Table 3.15
Category of Difficulty Power
Discriminating Power Category
0.71 < D < 1.00 Excellent

0.41 < D < 0.70 Good

0.21 < D < 0.40 Satisfactory

0.00 < D < 0.20 Poor

D<0 Very Poor

Table 3.16
Level of difficulty index
Level Criteria
0.00 < P < 0.30 Difficult question
0.31 < P < 0.70 Medium question
0.71 < P < 1.00 Easy question

According to the criteria above, it can be concluded that the

result of discriminating power such as below.
Table 3.17
The Result of Discriminating Power of Pre-Test

Number of Question Category Criteria

1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,and10 Good

2 Satisfactory Easy question

- Poor

Table 3.18
The Result of Discriminating Power of Post-Test

Number of Question Category Criteria

- Excellent
2 Good

1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,and10 Satisfactory Easy question

Data analysis is the way data analyzed by the researcher. In

managing and analyzing the data collected, the researcher will use
quantitative data analysis so the researcher will analyze the data by
using statistical technique. The analysis is used to find the significant
difference of the students‟ writing descriptive text ability before and
after the use of facebook group as a media. In this study, the
researcher used paired sample T-Test through SPSS 20.0 to analyze
the data.
2. Normality Test
Normality test is a test that performed to determined whether
the sample data comes from the population that are normally
distributed or are not normal. If comes frm the data has a significance
value (sig) < 0.05,then the distribution is not normal. But if the
significance value (sig) > 0.05 is normally distributed
3. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test aims to determine whether the data
obtained is homogeneous or not. If the significance value (sig) < 0.05,
the data comes from population that have non-homogenous variance. If
the significance value (sig) > 0.05, the data comes from population that
have homogenous variance.
4. One Sample T Test
One sample T-test is a test that used to compare the difference
between the two means of one sample with the assumption that the

data is normally distributed. One sample come from the same

subject,each variable is taken during different situations and

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