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The 5 Best Ways to Rehydrate Quickly

Written by Gavin Van De Walle, MS, RD on December 19, 2019 — Medically
reviewed by Kathy W. Warwick, R.D., CDE

It’s important to rehydrate after any activity that causes heavy sweating,
such as an intense workout, sauna session, or hot yoga class.

Rehydrating is also crucial for preventing the damaging effects of

dehydration if you have the stomach flu or are recovering from a night of

This article discusses the signs and symptoms of dehydration and the
best ways to rehydrate quickly at home.

Signs and symptoms of dehydration
Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body requires water to function.

Water helps regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, transport

nutrients, remove waste, and circulate blood. That means your body can’t
properly perform these functions if you’re dehydrated, which happens
when you lose more fluids than you take in (1  ).

For example, you can become dehydrated from sweating, vomiting,

experiencing diarrhea, or taking diuretic medications that increase fluid

Certain populations are more prone to dehydration than others, including

children, older adults, and people with certain medical conditions like
diabetes and kidney disease (1  ).

The signs and symptoms of dehydration include (1  , 2):

increased thirst
dry mouth

infrequent urination

dry skin



Urine color is also a common indicator of hydration status. Generally, the

paler the color, the better hydrated you are. That said, the color can
change for reasons other than your hydration status, including diet, the
use of certain medications, and some medical conditions (3  , 4  , 5  ).
Studies have shown that urine color is a valid indicator of hydration in
children and young adults but not in older adults (5  , 6  , 7  ).

If you’re worried about your or someone else’s hydration status, here are
the 5 best ways to rehydrate quickly.

1. Water
While it likely comes as no surprise, drinking water is most often the best
and cheapest way to stay hydrated and rehydrate.

Unlike many other beverages, water contains no added sugars or

calories, making it ideal to drink throughout the day or specifically when
you need to rehydrate, such as after a workout.

It’s worth noting that a variety of factors, including genetics, cause some
people lose more sodium via their sweat than others. You might be a
“salty sweater” if you get frequent muscle cramps with exercise or if your
sweat stings your eyes (8  ).

If either of these apply to you, make sure to replace not just the fluid you
lose through sweat but also the sodium, particularly after intense or long
bouts of exercise in hot environments.

That said, unless you’re participating in a long, intense activity like an

ultra-endurance event in a hot environment, the sodium you lose through
sweat can easily be replaced through a balanced diet (9  ).


For most people, drinking water is sufficient to rehydrate. If

you’re a salty sweater, be sure to replace both the sodium and
fluid you lose through sweat, preferably through a balanced diet.

2. Coffee and tea
Coffee and tea contain the stimulant caffeine, which can be transiently
dehydrating in excess amounts, as it acts like a diuretic (10  ).

However, drinking coffee and tea in moderate amounts can be as

hydrating as drinking water and serve as an energizing alternative.

Caffeine becomes dehydrating only in doses around 250–300 mg, the

equivalent of two to three 8-ounce (240-ml) cups of coffee, or five to eight
8-ounce (240-ml) cups of tea (11  ).

In a study, 50 regular coffee drinkers drank 4 cups (800 ml) of coffee

containing 1.8 mg of caffeine per pound (4 mg per kg) of body weight
daily. It observed no significant differences between coffee and water in
regards to hydrating ability (12  ).

If you don’t like these beverages plain, try adding unsweetened almond
milk to your coffee, or herbs and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or
lemongrass to your tea.


Drinking moderate amounts of coffee and tea have similar

hydrating properties as water. Plus, their caffeine content may
give you an energy boost.

3. Skim and low fat milk

In addition to supplying a host of nutrients, milk has excellent hydrating

Milk naturally contains high concentrations of electrolytes, which help

balance the amount of water in your body (13  ).

Research has shown that skim and low fat milk rehydrate you as well as
popular sports drinks after intense exercise, all while providing protein
and other important nutrients (14  , 15  ).

The high quality protein in milk also makes it an ideal post-exercise

beverage for kick-starting muscle repair and the rebuilding process (16  ,
17  ).

Just keep in mind that consuming milk after exercise may cause stomach
discomfort like bloating. Plus, it’s not an appropriate option for people
who are intolerant to lactose or certain milk proteins (14  , 18  ).

Milk — namely full fat milk — might also not be a good option if you’re
experiencing diarrhea or vomiting, as it could worsen these conditions
(19  ).

Skim and low fat milk can be used as an effective post-workout
or general rehydration beverage if you don’t have lactose
intolerance or a milk protein allergy.


4. Fruits and vegetables

Comprising 80–99% water, fruits and vegetables make for a perfect
hydrating snack (20  ).

For comparison, highly processed foods like cookies, crackers, cereals,

and chips contain only 1–9% water (20  ).

Fruits and vegetables with the highest water content include:







Stock up on a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and keep cubed
watermelon in your fridge for easy and convenient access.

Frozen fruits and vegetables are just as nutritious as their fresh

counterparts, and in some cases, they’re more nutritious.

It often takes days or even weeks before fresh fruits and vegetables
make it to your plate. During that time, oxidation can cause nutrient loss.
On the other hand, frozen fruits and vegetables are frozen shortly after
harvesting, which retains most of their nutrients.

For example, one study showed that frozen green beans and blueberries
contained more vitamin C than their fresh counterparts (21  ).

Try making a hydrating, nutrient-packed smoothie by combining your

favorite fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables in a blender along with milk
or Greek yogurt.


Due to their high water content, both fresh and frozen fruits and
vegetables make a perfect hydrating snack.

5. Oral hydration solutions

Oral hydration solutions are specialized formulas used to prevent and
treat dehydration caused by diarrhea or vomiting.

They have also been promoted to bolster exercise recovery and prevent
or treat hangovers.

These solutions are water-based and commonly contain electrolytes like

sodium, chloride, and potassium, as well as sugar, typically in the form of
dextrose. Some commercial solutions also contain other ingredients like
prebiotics and zinc.
While these rehydration drinks help replace lost fluids and electrolytes,
they can be expensive (22  , 23  ).

Fortunately, you can make your own using these common kitchen
ingredients (24):

34 ounces (1 liter) of water

6 teaspoons of sugar

1/2 teaspoon of salt

Combine them in a large bowl or pot and stir until the sugar and salt
dissolve. You can use flavor enhancers to improve the taste if desired —
just keep in mind that they may contain artificial or natural sweeteners and


Oral hydration solutions contain water, electrolytes, and sugar.

You can make your own simple rehydration solution at home
using water, salt, and sugar.


The bottom line

Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluids than it takes in.
For most people, drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated and

Other options include coffee, tea, milk, fruits, vegetables, and oral
hydration solutions.

Don’t hesitate to speak with your healthcare provider if you’re concerned

about your or someone else’s hydration status.

Last medically reviewed on December 19, 2019

 v   FEEDBACK: 


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