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Unit ref.: MFBS Date: January 2018 Pg.: 1 / 40

7 PRACTICAL EXERCISES MANUAL ..................................................................................... 2
7.1 DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................. 2
7.1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 2
7.1.2 Description of the unit ................................................................................................................................ 3
7.1.3 Description of the process .......................................................................................................................... 5
7.1.4 Practical possibilities .................................................................................................................................. 6
7.1.5 Specifications ............................................................................................................................................. 6
7.1.6 Dimensions and weight .............................................................................................................................. 8
7.1.7 Required services........................................................................................................................................ 8
7.2 THEORY ........................................................................................................................................ 9
7.2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 9
7.2.2 Method of joints ....................................................................................................................................... 10
7.2.3 Cremona diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 14
7.3 OPERATION ............................................................................................................................... 19
7.3.1 Calculation of the force acting on the bar ................................................................................................. 19
7.3.2 Mounting procedure ................................................................................................................................. 20
7.3.3 Mounting of the 60°/60°/60° arrangement ............................................................................................... 22
7.3.4 Mounting of the 45°/90°/45° arrangement ............................................................................................... 24
7.3.5 Mounting of the 30°/120°/30° arrangement ............................................................................................. 25
7.3.6 Mounting of the 120°/30°/30° arrangement ............................................................................................. 26
7.4 MAIN INSTRUCTIONS, WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ............................................. 28
7.5 LABORATORY PRACTICAL EXERCISES ........................................................................... 29
7.5.1 Practical exercise 1: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar structure with a 60º/60º/60º
arrangement ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
7.5.2 Practical exercise 2: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar structure with a 45º/90º/45º
arrangement ............................................................................................................................................................ 32
7.5.3 Practical exercise 3: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar structure with a 30º/120º/30º
arrangement ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
7.5.4 Practical exercise 4: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar structure with a 120º/30º/30º
arrangement ............................................................................................................................................................ 38

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7.1.1 Introduction

One of the most common structures in civil engineering is trusses, since

they provide a practical and economical solution for the design and construction of
bridges and buildings.

The main advantage of a truss when compared to other solutions is that,

with a suitable design, a solid, resistant and light element is obtained. Choosing this
type of structure is determined by the economic aspect, due to the fact that the
savings related to material compensate for the higher building costs in the
construction of openings that generally exceed a width of 15 m.

A truss consists of straight bars located at a determined position in the

space and joined at their ends by joints or nodes to form a rigid frame. Each truss is
designed to support loads acting on its plane and, as a consequence, they can be
considered a two-dimension structure. Loads supporting this type of structures must
be applied in the joints, for that reason a truss is an element subjected to direct axial
forces, that is to say, subjected to tension and compression.

In general, the basic unit of a truss is the triangle. The MFBS unit allows
the study of this type of simple structures by analyzing the forces that act on the bars
of a truss with different triangular arrangements.

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7.1.2 Description of the unit

Picture 1: Description of the elements of the MFBS unit


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1. Rc: dial gauges to measure the forces suffered by the bars.

2. B: bars that make up the truss.

3. L: flexible sheets to measure tension or compression forces suffered by

the bars.

4. D: node discs to support the bars.

5. P-1: set of masses:

o 1 mass of 500 g (5 N).

o 1 mass of 1 kg (10 N).

o 2 masses of 2 kg (20 N).

o Hook to hang the masses.

6. T: nut to adjust the length of the bar.

7. Tm: knurled nut to fix the node discs to the bars.

8. Trc: knurled nut to fix the dial gauge to the assembly L.

9. Sp: assembly of support and stop element for the dial gauge.

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7.1.3 Description of the process

The MFBS unit designed by Edibon allows the study of forces acting on a
simple truss when subjected to a point load in one of the nodes that make up the

The MFBS unit consists of a group of 5 bars, three of them have the same
length, 385 mm (B-1, B-2, B-3), and the other two are 575 mm (B-4) and 720 mm
(B-5) long.

Each bar has two sheets (L) connected to one another by two supports and
a dial gauge (Rc) coupled to the bar by a support (Sp). These sheets can bend in
function of the force applied to the bars, either tension or compression, thus being
able to calculate that force by measuring the deformation generated in the sheet with
the dial gauge (Rc).

The bars are joined by three node discs (D). Two of them, located at the
bottom, are used as support for the structure and the third one is used to hang a
certain load with the set of masses (P-1).

With the node discs (D), the arrangement of the bars can be changed to
form different trusses, combining the junction angles between discs and bars. This
way, angles of 60°/60°/60°, 45°/90°/45°, 30°/120°/30° and 120°/30°/30° between
bars can be obtained.

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7.1.4 Practical possibilities

1. Measurement of forces on the bars of a simple bar structure.

2. Measurement of forces on the bars, in different configurations of a

simple bar structure.

3. Theoretical calculation of forces in the bars, in different configurations

of a simple bar structure, using the method of joints.

4. Theoretical calculation of forces in the bars, in different configurations

of a simple bar structure, using the graphical method.

5. Comparison of the experimental method with the theoretical methods:

method of joints and graphical method.

7.1.5 Specifications

The MFBS unit consists of:

- Bars made of stainless steel:

 B-1: three bars of 385 mm long and 8 mm of diameter.

 B-2: one bar of 575 mm long and 8 mm of diameter.

 B-3: one bar of 720 mm long and 8 mm of diameter.

Each bar has a force meter attached to it that consists of:

o Set of flat bars made of aluminum of dimensions:

 Long = 90mm.

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 Width = 25mm.

 Thick = 1mm.

o Four nuts to adjust the length of the bars.

o Two knurled nuts to fix the bars to the different node discs.

o One dial gauge. Measuring range: 0-10 mm. Graduations: 0.01


- Three node discs of 95 mm of diameter, with different positions to vary

the angle between bars.

o D-1: left side node disc. It supports the bars of the structure and is
used to support it to the base of the unit (fixed support).

o D-2: right side node disc. It supports the bars of the structure and
is used to support it to the base of the unit (movable support).

o D-3: upper node disc. It supports the bars of the structure and is
used to hang different masses.

- Set of masses consisting of:

 1 mass of 500 g (5 N).

 1 mass of 1 kg (10 N).

 2 masses of 2 kg (20 N).

 Hook to hang the masses.


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7.1.6 Dimensions and weight

 Dimensions:

- Height: 400 mm

- Width: 950 mm

- Length: 200 mm

 Weight: 15 kg.

7.1.7 Required services

No services are required for the performance of the practical exercises.


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7.2.1 Introduction

Structures built nowadays are designed in such a way that they can support
the forces, loads and actions to which they will be subjected. In general, these
structures are designed from smaller substructures called trusses.

Basically, a truss is a triangulate system consisting of interconnected

straight structural elements. Individual elements are interconnected at the nodes.
External forces applied to the system and reactions in the supports are generally
applied on the nodes. In the case we are studying, all forces applied are found in the
same plane, so we have a planar truss, where the main force on every element is
either traction or compression. Taking as an example the following picture, when
applying a force F in the indicated direction, the bars that made up the truss suffer the
following forces:

Picture 2: Diagram of forces on a simple truss


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Theoretically, two methods can be used to calculate the forces supported

by the bars: the method of joints and the Cremona diagram.

7.2.2 Method of joints

Based on the approach of the equations that describe the equilibrium of the
system to obtain the forces in the bars:

1. Draw the free body of the structure and indicate all the external
forces. Take into account the type of support when drawing the
reactions. In other words, take into account whether they hinder
movement in one or two directions.

2. Analyze the truss as a rigid body in equilibrium and determine the


As every force and every torque are separated into their rectangular
components in a plane, enough required conditions are obtained for the
equilibrium of a rigid body. They may be expressed with the following

These equations express the fact that the components of the external
forces in the directions x and y, as well as the moments of the external
forces are in equilibrium.

3. The analysis of the joints must start by selecting a joint with a

maximum of two unknown forces.

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If all the joints have more than two unknown forces, no joint can be
analyzed till the reactions in the supports (R) are determined.

To find the reactions in the supports, consider the equilibrium of forces

in the entire structure and the equilibrium of the moment in one joint.

4. Perform a free body diagram of the selected node and apply the
equilibrium equations.

The force direction can be arbitrarily supposed and the sign of the result
will indicate whether the assumption is correct or not. If the result is
positive, the assumption is correct. Nevertheless, if the result is negative,
the direction of the force must be reversed.

5. Repeat the procedure with the rest of nodes.

Then, there is an example of the procedure:

Consider an isostatic truss, as the one from the picture, to which a force in
the direction of the axis and at joint C is applied.

Picture 3: Diagram of a simple truss and the reactions at the supports


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First of all, the reactions of the supports may be determined from the
equilibrium conditions:

Thus, solving the system of equations, the reactions , and are


Now the analysis of the joints can start with any joint with a maximum of
two unknown forces. For this example, we start by joint B.

Three forces converge at joint B:

- The reaction RBy.

- The action of the bar CB against the joint (compression).

- The action of the bar AB against the joint (tension).


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Picture 4: Forces that converge at joint B

The equilibrium of forces acting on the joint provides these expressions:

Thus, knowing the reaction RB, FAB and FCB are obtained.

Note that, due to the symmetry of the structure, the same forces converge in joint A.

Three forces converge at joint C:

- The action of the bar CB against the joint.

- The action of the bar CA against the joint.

- The action of the load F applied to the structure.

Picture 5: Forces that converge at joint C


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The equilibrium of forces acting on the joint C provides these expressions:

Thus, FCA is obtained.

In case the structure has more than three nodes, equilibrium of forces must
be applied to the different nodes to obtain the corresponding forces that act on the
bars of the truss.

7.2.3 Cremona diagram

Cremona method is the graphical representation of the method of joints.

This graphical method is based on the fact that each joint is considered on
its own, that is to say, separated from the structure and analyzing that the external
forces (loads and reaction on the supports) and the internal forces suffered by the bars
converge in a point.

Initially, proceed as with the method of joints, drawing the free body
diagram and calculating the reactions in the supports. Afterwards, start with the
Cremona diagram:

- Notation (numbering the spaces of the truss).

- Draw the external forces polygon. Then, graphically solve the bars that
converge in each joint (starting from the joints with only two bars).

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Then, follow these steps:

1. Draw the free body diagram and calculate the reactions. In order to start
with joints with only two unknown forces, the reactions in the supports
must be generally determined. This operation is done by considering the
equilibrium of the entire structure as a free solid.

Picture 2: Free body diagram. External forces and reactions

2. A number must be assigned to each area of the external perimeter located

between two forces (1-6 in the picture). Afterwards, the inner areas of the
structure are numbered, giving a number to each area of the internal
perimeter (7, 8 and 9 in the picture).

Picture 3: Numbering of the structure


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3. The next step is to construct the external forces polygon. It is made up of

the numbers in the external perimeter of the truss or structure. Follow the
steps described below to draw the polygon:
- Take no. 1 as reference point.
- Trace in no. 1 a line parallel to the force
between 1 and 2 (HA=2kN) and choose a scale
to indicate the distance that corresponds to the
value of that force (example: 1cm=1kN).
- Take no. 2 as reference point and repeat the
procedure (there is a force of 2kN from no. 2 to
no. 3) and so on. Continue till the last number.
Picture 4: External
forces polygon

4. When the polygon of external forces is constructed, calculate the stresses.

Draw on the diagram the numbers that correspond to the bars that converge
in a joint with only two unknown forces. To that end, the joint is covered
in clockwise direction.
Following the example, in joint A will be 1-2-7-6.
No. 7 is not still located in the diagram. In the diagram the bar AB
corresponds to a segment between 2 and 7. In the diagram the bar AC will
correspond to a segment between 7 and 6. Both lines (bars AB and AC) are
traced in the diagram. The intersection will be point 7 (refer to picture 9).

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Picture 5: Solution of joint A. Place no. 7

To represent the stress on bar AB, with origin in 2, trace a segment from 2
parallel to the bar. To represent the stress on bar AC, with end in 6, trace a
segment from 6 parallel to the bar. The point where both parallel lines
intersect is the common point of both bars, that is to say, it is point 7.

The stresses of bars AB and AC are the distances between 2 and 7 and 6
and 7 respectively. Those distances are measured in the diagram and the
corresponding scale is applied.

5. Finally, determine whether those stresses are tension or compression

forces. To that end, the stress of the bar AB is transferred to the joint A,
with origin in 2 and end in 7 (clockwise): the stress compresses the joint
and, therefore, the bar is subjected to compression. Regarding the bar AC,
the stress of the bar AC is transferred to the joint A, with origin in 7 and
end in 6: the stress stretches the joint and, therefore, the bar is subjected to

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Picture 6: Solution of joint A. Determination of the type of stress (tension or compression)

6. The procedure must be repeated for each joint, always taking into account
that you may choose the joints with a maximum of two unknown forces.

Picture 7: Solution of joint B


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7.3.1 Calculation of the force acting on the bar

As it has been mentioned, the forces suffered by the bars of a determinate

structure can be theoretically calculated with the method of joints. To calculate those
forces experimentally, direct or indirect measuring instruments that will provide the
result of that force must be employed.

For that purpose, two flat bars made of aluminum (L), separated a specific
distance and joined by two rigid joints are employed. Locating those flat bars along
the section of a bar, the force supported by the bar can be easily calculated.

This way, when a specific force is applied on one of the sheets, it suffers a
deflection that corresponds to the force applied, as a beam rigidly supported at both
ends would be deflected. It can be observed in the following picture:

Picture 8: Diagram of the deflection of a beam rigidly supported at both ends when a load is applied at
its central point

Measuring this deformation, that is to say, the deflection created when a

force is applied on the central point of the beam, the force F responsible of that
deformation can be calculated following the equation below:

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- Y: deflection generated when applying a force to the flat bar (mm)

- F: force applied to the flat bar (N)

- L: length between supports of the flat bar (mm)

- E: Young’s modulus of the flat bar (N/mm2)

- I: moment of inertia of the transverse section of the flat bar (mm4)

7.3.2 Mounting procedure

To perform the practical exercises, the MFBS unit must be mounted

following a specific arrangement in order to determine the forces supported by the

There are four possible arrangements for the MFBS unit, which will be
discussed below. To mount each arrangement you need the following elements:

- Three bars of specific length

- Three dial gauges

- Three node discs

- Set of masses

The coupling of the different arrangements is easily done just exchanging

the bars of the unit and following these steps:

1- Connection of the bars to the node discs, as it is shown in the mounting


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of each arrangement, making sure of fixing each bar to the disc with the
knurled nuts Tm.

2- If the bars do not fit in their suitable position due to their length, act on
the pair of nuts, T, that join the bar to the flexible sheets, L, to adjust the
length of the bar and be able to fit the knurled nut, Tm, that corresponds
to each bar.

3- Attach the dial gauge to each bar using the support, Sp, and make sure
of fixing the dial gauge with the knurled nut, Trc.

4- Once the truss is mounted, locate it in vertical position in the frame of

the MFBS unit.

5- To calculate the compression suffered by the bars both supports must be

anchored and displacements prevented, that is to say, both discs D-1
and D-2 must be anchored (fixed support). Thus, the entire load applied
to the frame is suffered by the bars subjected to compression

6- To calculate the traction suffered by the bars make sure that the supports
of the discs D-1 and D-2 are fixed to the frame but allowing
displacement (movable supports). Thus, the entire load applied to the
structure is suffered by the bar subjected to traction.

To vary the angles of the truss to be mounted, use the node discs, in which
depending on the desired angle the bar is inserted in a specific orifice of the disc.

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Picture 8: Description of the different positions of the node disc to couple the bars

7.3.3 Mounting of the 60°/60°/60° arrangement

To mount this arrangement, as it is shown in the picture below, you need

the following elements:

- Three bars: B-1, B-2 and B-3.

- Three dial gauges.

- Three node discs.


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Picture 9: Mounting of the structure with the 60º/60º/60 arrangement

The connections of the bars with the nodes are detailed below:

- D-1: bars B-1 and B-3 are connected in position 4 and 1

respectively. This disc must be fixed with its support to the frame of
the unit, preventing its displacement, simulating a fixed support.

- D-2: bars B-2 and B-3 are connected in position 6 and 9

respectively. This disc must be fixed with its support to the frame of
the unit, allowing its displacement, simulating a movable support.

- D-3: bars B-1 and B-2 are connected in position 12 and 13


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7.3.4 Mounting of the 45°/90°/45° arrangement

To mount this arrangement, as it is shown in the picture below, you need

the following elements:

- Three bars: B-1, B-2 and B-4.

- Three dial gauges.

- Three node discs.

Picture 10: Mounting of the structure with the 45º/90º/45 arrangement

The connections of the bars with the nodes are detailed below:

- D-1: bars B-1 and B-4 are connected in position 3 and 1

respectively. This disc must be fixed with its support to the frame of
the unit, preventing its displacement, simulating a fixed support.

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- D-2: bars B-2 and B-4 are connected in position 7 and 9

respectively. This disc must be fixed with its support to the frame of
the unit, allowing its displacement, simulating a movable support.

- D-3: bars B-1 and B-2 are connected in position 11 and 14


7.3.5 Mounting of the 30°/120°/30° arrangement

To mount this arrangement, as it is shown in the picture below, you need

the following elements:

- Three bars: B-1, B-2 and B-5.

- Three dial gauges.

- Three node discs.

Picture 11: Mounting of the structure with the 30º/120º/30º arrangement


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The connections of the bars with the nodes are detailed below:

- D-1: bars B-1 and B-5 are connected in position 2 and 1

respectively. This disc must be fixed with its support to the frame of
the unit, preventing its displacement, simulating a fixed support.

- D-2: bars B-2 and B-5 are connected in position 8 and 9

respectively. This disc must be fixed with its support to the frame of
the unit, allowing its displacement, simulating a movable support.

- D-3: bars B-1 and B-2 are connected in position 10 and 15


7.3.6 Mounting of the 120°/30°/30° arrangement

To mount this arrangement, as it is shown in the picture below, you need

the following elements:

- Three bars: B-1, B-2 and B-5.

- Three dial gauges.

- Three node discs.


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Picture 12: Mounting of the structure with the 120º/30º/30º arrangement

The connections of the bars with the nodes are detailed below:

- D-1: bars B-1 and B-2 are connected in position 6 and 1

respectively. This disc must be fixed with its support to the frame of
the unit, preventing its displacement, simulating a fixed support.

- D-2: bars B-2 and B-5 are connected in position 9 and 8

respectively. This disc must be fixed with its support to the frame of
the unit, allowing its displacement, simulating a movable support.

- D-3: bars B-1 and B-5 are connected in position 13 and 14


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Before starting the practical exercises with the MFBS unit the following
conditions must be fulfilled:

 Verify that the working place where the MFBS unit is located is clean
and dry. Besides, it must be located on a stable table.

 Before starting the practical exercises it is necessary to anchor the ends

of the bars to the node discs with their respective knurled nuts.

 Do not add more weight than the one indicated in each practical exercise
to prevent possible irreparable damages in the unit.

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7.5.1 Practical exercise 1: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar

structure with a 60º/60º/60º arrangement Objective

The objectives of this practical exercise is to determine the effort supported

by a simple bar structure when applying a load to one of its nodes and to compare the
result obtained experimentally with the theoretical analysis by applying the method
of joints and the graphical theoretical method. Required elements

- MFBS unit

- Set of masses:

- 1 mass of 500 g (5 N)

- 1 mass of 1 kg (10 N)

- 2 masses of 2 kg (20 N) Experimental procedure

1. Prepare the MFBS unit to perform the test with a 60º/60º/60º arrangement
as it is described in the operation section.

2. Add load to the node disc D-3 and record in the working sheet the
measurements obtained with the three dial gauges, which will correspond
to the deflections observed in the aluminum flat bars, taking into account
that compression suffered by the bars is first measured and traction is

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measured afterwards, as it is described in the mounting procedure.

3. With the following equation calculate the force obtained in the test bars
and record the result in the working sheet:


- F: force applied to the flat bar (N)

- Y: deflection generated when applying force to the flat bar (mm)

- L: length between supports of the flat bar, 75mm.

- E: Young’s modulus of the flat bar, 70000 N/mm2

- I: moment of inertia of the cross section of the flat bar, 2.08 mm4

4. Compare the result obtained with the theoretical value obtained by

analyzing the structure with the method of joints.

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Practical exercise 1: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar

structure with a 60º/60º/60º arrangement.

- Complete the following tables.

 For the B-1 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

 For the B-2 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

 For the B-3 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

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7.5.2 Practical exercise 2: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar

structure with a 45º/90º/45º arrangement Objective

The objectives of this practical exercise is to determine the effort supported

by a simple bar structure when applying a load to one of its nodes and to compare the
result obtained experimentally with the theoretical analysis by applying the method
of joints and the graphical theoretical method. Required elements

- MFBS unit

- Set of masses:

- 1 mass of 500 g (5 N)

- 1 mass of 1 kg (10 N)

- 2 masses of 2 kg (20 N) Experimental procedure

1. Prepare the MFBS unit to perform the test with a 45º/90º/45º arrangement
as it is described in the operation section.

2. Add load to the node disc D-3 and record in the working sheet the
measurements obtained with the three dial gauges, which will correspond
to the deflections observed in the aluminum flat bars, taking into account
that compression suffered by the bars is first measured and traction is
measured afterwards, as it is described in the mounting procedure.

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3. With the following equation calculate the force obtained in the test bars
and record the result in the working sheet:


- F: force applied to the flat bar (N)

- Y: deflection generated when applying force to the flat bar (mm)

- L: length between supports of the flat bar, 75mm.

- E: Young’s modulus of the flat bar, 70000 N/mm2

- I: moment of inertia of the cross section of the flat bar, 2.08 mm4

4. Compare the result obtained with the theoretical value obtained by

analyzing the structure with the method of joints.

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Practical exercise 2: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar

structure with a 45º/90º/45º arrangement.

- Complete the following tables:

 For the B-1 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

 For the B-2 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

 For the B-3 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

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7.5.3 Practical exercise 3: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar

structure with a 30º/120º/30º arrangement Objective

The objectives of this practical exercise is to determine the effort supported

by a simple bar structure when applying a load to one of its nodes and to compare the
result obtained experimentally with the theoretical analysis by applying the method
of joints and the graphical theoretical method. Required elements

- MFBS unit

- Set of masses:

- 1 mass of 500 g (5 N)

- 1 mass of 1 kg (10 N)

- 2 masses of 2 kg (20 N) Experimental procedure

1. Prepare the MFBS unit to perform the test with a 30º/120º/30º arrangement
as it is described in the operation section.

2. Add load to the node disc D-3 and record in the working sheet the
measurements obtained with the three dial gauges, which will correspond
to the deflections observed in the aluminum flat bars, taking into account
that compression suffered by the bars is first measured and traction is
measured afterwards, as it is described in the mounting procedure.

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3. With the following equation calculate the force obtained in the test bars
and record the result in the working sheet:


- F: force applied to the flat bar (N)

- Y: deflection generated when applying force to the flat bar (mm)

- L: length between supports of the flat bar, 75mm.

- E: Young’s modulus of the flat bar, 70000 N/mm2

- I: moment of inertia of the cross section of the flat bar, 2.08 mm4

4. Compare the result obtained with the theoretical value obtained by

analyzing the structure with the method of joints.

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Practical exercise 3: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar

structure with a 30º/120º/30º arrangement.

- Complete the following tables.

 For the B-1 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

 For the B-2 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

 For the B-3 bar:

Lad in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

Unit ref.: MFBS Date: January 2018 Pg.: 38 / 40

7.5.4 Practical exercise 4: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar

structure with a 120º/30º/30º arrangement Objective

The objectives of this practical exercise is to determine the effort supported

by a simple bar structure when applying a load to one of its nodes and to compare the
result obtained experimentally with the theoretical analysis by applying the method
of joints and the graphical theoretical method. Required elements

- MFBS unit

- Set of masses:

- 1 mass of 500 g (5 N)

- 1 mass of 1 kg (10 N)

- 2 masses of 2 kg (20 N) Experimental procedure

1. Prepare the MFBS unit to perform the test with a 120º/30º/30º arrangement
as it is described in the operation section.

2. Add load to the node disc D-3 and record in the working sheet the
measurements obtained with the three dial gauges, which will correspond
to the deflections observed in the aluminum flat bars, taking into account
that compression suffered by the bars is first measured and traction is
measured afterwards, as it is described in the mounting procedure.

Unit ref.: MFBS Date: January 2018 Pg.: 39 / 40

Note: do not add more weight to the structure than the one indicated for
this arrangement to prevent irreparable damages in the unit.

3. With the following equation calculate the force obtained in the test bars
and record the result in the working sheet:


- F: force applied to the flat bar (N)

- Y: deflection generated when applying force to the flat bar (mm)

- L: length between supports of the flat bar, 75mm.

- E: Young’s modulus of the flat bar, 70000 N/mm2

- I: moment of inertia of the cross section of the flat bar, 2.08 mm4

4. Compare the result obtained with the theoretical value obtained by

analyzing the structure with the method of joints.

Unit ref.: MFBS Date: January 2018 Pg.: 40 / 40 Worksheet

Practical exercise 4: Measurement of efforts in the bars of a simple bar

structure with a 120º/30º/30º arrangement.

- Complete the following tables.

 For the B-1 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

 For the B-2 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

 For the B-3 bar:

Load in D-3 Force observed Force calculated
(N) (N) (N)

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