Introduction To: Emerging Technologies GE102

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ROLL NO: 2110990175

BATCH 2021
SESSION 2021-22
S.NO. AI and ML Implementation in Indusstry PAGE NO.

1. Artificial Intelligence in Industries 1

2. Machine learning in industries 2
3. Methods used in industries 2
4. Technology 3
5. Platform 4
6. Some Screenshots 5
Technology on AI and
ML in Industries

Industry is becoming increasingly digitalized, the digital

enterprise is already a reality. Data is continuously generated,
processed, and analyzed. The volumes of data in production
environments are the basis on which digital representations of
entire plants and systems are generated. These digital twins
have been used for some time to structure the planning and
design of products and machinery – and production operations
themselves – and do so more flexibly and more efficiently while
manufacturing high-quality, customized products faster and at
an affordable price. But what would happen if the machines and
processes could gather insights from these high volumes of data
by themselves and optimize their processes during live
operation? The potential would be enormous. The good news is
that this can already be achieved, step-by-step, using artificial
intelligence (AI).
Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates
analytical model building. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based
on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and
make decisions with minimal human intervention.
Machine learning is used in internet search engines, email filters to
sort out spam, websites to make personalised recommendations,
banking software to detect unusual
transactions, and lots of apps on our phones such as voice
At six months old, a baby won’t bat an eye if a toy truck drives off a
platform and seems to hover in the air. But perform the same
experiment a mere two to three months later, and she will instantly
recognize that something is wrong. She has already learned the
concept of gravity.

“Nobody tells the baby that objects are supposed to fall,” said
Yann LeCun, the chief AI scientist at Facebook and a professor at
NYU, during a webinar on Thursday organized by the Association
for Computing Machinery, an industry body. And because babies
don’t have very sophisticated motor control, he hypothesizes, “a lot
of what they learn about the world is through observation.” That
theory could have important implications for researchers hoping to
advance the boundaries of artificial intelligence.

Automatic speech recognition
Natural language processing NLP
Visual Recognition Text
Recognition Big
data Expert

Use AI Platform to train your machine learning models at scale, to
host your trained model in the cloud, and to use your model to
make predictions about new data.
The AI Platform training service allows you
to train models using a wide range of
different customization options.

You can select many different machine types to power your

training jobs, enable distributed training, use hyperparameter
tuning, and accelerate with GPUs and TPUs.

You can also select different ways to customize your training

application. You can submit your input data for AI Platform to
train using a built-in algorithm (beta). If the built-in algorithms do
not fit your use case, you can submit your own training
application to run on AI Platform, or build a custom container with
your training application and its dependencies to run on AI

Screenshots of Webinar:

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