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Kyla Gabriella T.

Reyes BSN 1-B

The societies we live in affect us in more ways than we know. It influences our growth and

development, our religious and political beliefs, and our beliefs of what is wrong and right. However,

the society is very broad and encompasses our households, schools, cultures, traditions, and religions,

among many others. I believe that almost 75% of who I am is a product of my society while the rest is

a product of what I know of the world from TV shows, movies, books, and the internet. The one factor

that has had the greatest influence on me until now is my family and I would be a totally different

person if I had been born into a different one. They are the ones who continue to guide me in making

the right choices that will have the most positive effect on my well-being, they are the ones who

baptized me into the religion that I continue to follow until now, and they are the ones who have

affected my personality the most. My humor, my likes and dislikes, and my beliefs are a combination

of all of theirs. I find it fascinating that all of this happened without me even realizing it. Truly, parents

have a huge responsibility of ensuring that their child is in a constant state of well-being -- being

happy and healthy. Besides from my family, another factor that has affected me are the schools that

I’ve attended. For 10 years I went to a Catholic school and this is where most of my knowledge and

observance of certain religious rules come from. If I didn’t go to that school, I would probably have

very different views on my religion. Then, when I enrolled in WVSU for Senior High, I feel like I

became a better version of myself. I gave much more importance to my studies, and it was only here

that I got to improve my skills and my talents by striving and working hard for the demands of my

subjects. Even though this journey has never been easy, I know that it’s all for my benefit. I know that

the hard work I am putting into schooling now is going to make me a more successful future in the

person, and I will owe it all to the training that I’ve had from all my teachers here. Another thing that

WVSU has given me that affected my personality are my closest friends who I wouldn’t have bonded

with if I didn’t enroll here for Senior High. They are very supportive and reliable when I go to them

with my issues and I am very thankful for the part that they continue to play in making me a better


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