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NSTP (NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING and volunteers whom could be called upon by

PROGRAM) the nation in cases their services are needed.

 It invoked the constitutional provision A component of NSTP that focuses on training
regarding the “duty of the state to serve students to become teachers of reading-
and protect its citizens,” specifically writing literacy and numeracy to children, out-
Article II (Declaration of Principles and of-school youth, and other segments of
State Policies), Section 2, which states society, playing a significant role in making
that “The prime duty of the government our nation a better place for our generation.
is to serve and protect the people. The Education students are primary target of this
government may call upon the people to component, but other students from other
defend the state, and in fulfillment colleges are equally encouraged to choose it.
thereof, all citizens may be required
under conditions provided by law, to
render personal military or civil FIVE SUBJECT COMPONENTS OF NSTP
1. Crucian Values and Virtues
 Government mandated program that  Making you analyze yourself and
promotes the role of the youth in your beliefs and teaching you
nation-building. As such, it aims to morally good things that will rule
encourage the youth to become civic you throughout your journey and
and/or military leaders and volunteers in motivating others
whom could be called upon by the 2. Social mobilization
nation in cases their services are  Making you learn how to work
needed and develops physical, moral, with others in transforming a
spiritual, intellectual, and social well- better community. Making allies,
being. This program has three harnessing social principles to
components under R.A 9163: prompt other-benefiting
behaviors can be.
3. Personality and Leadership
CORPS)  Boosting and improving your
A program component designed to provide personality as a human, shaping
military training to tertiary level students in you in being a better version of
order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize yourself
them for national defense preparedness. This 4. Disaster Risk Reduction Management
course is intended to prepare and equip the in the Philippines
students with knowledge, skills, and attitude  Teaches you how to be disaster-
in carrying out national service in the event of ready and what are the do’s and
national emergencies and to assist the socio- don’ts during life-risking
economic development of the country. circumstances
5. Entrepreneurship
CWTS (CIVIC WELFARE TRAINING  Deals with setting up a business
SERVICE) that is not only beneficial to you,
but also for the sake of others by
A program designed to enhance the civic
providing them work that will
consciousness of students by developing the
sustain their everyday living.
value of service and commitment for the
welfare and betterment of life of all members But then, PANDEMIC happened….
of the community
The lives of the people turned upside down,
promote the role of the youth in nation- others loss their job and others risked their
building. As such, it aims to encourage the lives for the sake of others.
youth to become civic and/or military leaders
So as good citizens, people came up with a lot
of ideas on how to help others amidst
pandemic. There comes:
Community Pantry
With the help of everyone in the community, A
community-initiated food bank, established to
serve the hungry amid the pandemic and its
economic fallout. People contributes food and
other necessities to be taken by anyone who
needs them. 
Social Amelioration Program
grants a P5,000 to P8,000 monthly cash
subsidy to low-income families for two
months, providing the marginalized sectors of
society the means to afford basic needs during
the pandemic.
Feeding Programs
The barangays in every municipality set up a
feeding program to sustain meals especially
for those malnourished children

Serving and protecting people anytime,
anywhere, amidst of what’s happening. That’s
HUMANITY and that’s what NSTP wants us to

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