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Senior High School

Quarter 1- Module 8:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Logarithms
Lesson 2: Logarithmic Functions, Equations and Inequalities
Lesson 3: Basic Properties and Laws of Logarithm
Lesson 4: Solving Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities
Core Subject SHS- General Math (Grade 11)
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 8: Representing real-life situations using logarithmic
function, distinguishing logarithmic function, logarithmic equation and logarithmic
inequality, and solving logarithmic equations and inequalities
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
Development Team of the Module
Writer: Cherry Ann S. Dueñas
Reviewer: Dr. Clavel D. Salinas
Illustrator: Cherry Ann S. Duenas
Layout Artist: Cherry Ann S. Duenas
Evaluator: Henry D. Espina Jr.
Moderator: Dr. Arlene D. Buot
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Senior High School

Quarter 1- Module 8:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Logarithms
Lesson 2: Logarithmic Functions, Equations and Inequalities
Lesson 3: Basic Properties and Laws of Logarithm
Lesson 4: Solving Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities

Introductory Message
For Educators:

Learning is a constant process. Amidst inevitable circumstances, Department of

Education extends their resources and looks for varied ways to cater your needs and to adapt
to the new system of Education as a fortress of Learning Continuity Plan. One of the probable
solutions is the use of Teacher-made Educational Modules in teaching.

You are reading the General Mathematics- Grade 11: First Quarter Alternative
Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on representing real-life situations using logarithmic function
(M11GM-Ih-1), distinguishing logarithmic function, logarithmic equation and logarithmic
inequality (M11GM-Ih-2), and solving logarithmic equations and inequalities (M11GM-Ih-i-
1), as written and found in the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies.

The creation of this module is a combined effort of competent educators from

different levels and various schools of Department of Education-Cebu Province. In addition,
this module is meticulously planned, organized, checked and verified by knowledgeable
educators to assist you in imparting the lessons to the learners while considering the physical,
social and economical restraints in teaching process.

The use of Teacher-made Educational Module aims to surpass the challenges of

teaching in a new normal education set-up. Through this module, the students are given
independent learning activities, which embodies in the Most Essential Learning
Competencies based from the K-12 Curriculum Competencies, to work on in accordance to
their capability, efficiency and time. Thus, helping the learners acquire the prerequisite 21 st
Century skills needed with emphasis on utmost effort in considering the whole well being of
the learners.

As the main source of learning, it is your top priority to explain clearly on how to use
this module to the learners. While using this module, learner’s progress and development
should be recorded verbatim to assess their strengths and weaknesses while doing the
activities presented independently in safety of their homes. Moreover, you are anticipated to
persuade learners to comply and to finish the modules on or before the scheduled time.

For the Learners:

As a significant stakeholder of learning, Department of Education researched and
explored on innovative ways to address your needs with high consideration on social,
economic, physical and emotional aspects of your well being. To continue the learning

process, DepEd comes up with an Alternative Delivery mode of teaching using Teacher-
Made Educational Modules.

You are reading the General Mathematics- Grade 11: First Quarter Alternative
Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on representing real-life situations using logarithmic function
(M11GM-Ih-1), distinguishing logarithmic function, logarithmic equation and logarithmic
inequality (M11GM-Ih-2), and solving logarithmic equations and inequalities (M11GM-Ih-i-
1), as written and found in the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies.

This module is especially crafted for you to grasp the opportunity to continue learning
even at home. Using guided and independent learning activities, rest assured that you will be
able to take pleasure as well as to deeply understand the contents of the lesson presented;
recognizing your own capacity and capability in acquiring knowledge.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

The first part of the module will keep you on track

WHAT I NEED TO KNOW on the Competencies, Objectives and Skills
expected for you to be developed and mastered.

This part aims to check your prior knowledge on

WHAT I KNOW the lesson to take.

WHAT’S IN This part helps you link the previous lesson to the
current one through a short exercise/drill.

The lesson to be partaken is introduced in this part

of the module creatively. It may be through a story,
WHAT’S NEW a song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity, a
situation or the like.

A brief discussion of the lesson can be read in this

WHAT IS IT part. It guides and helps you unlock the lesson

A comprehensive activitiy/es for independent
WHAT’S MORE practice is in this part to solidify your knowledge
and skills of the given topic.

This part of the module is used to process your

learning and understanding on the given topic.

A transfer of newly acquired knowledge and skills

WHAT I CAN DO to a real-life situation is present in this part of the

This activity assesses your level of mastery

ASSESSMENT towards the topic.

In this section, enhancement activities will be

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES given for you to further grasp the lessons.

This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References Printed in this part is a list of all reliable and valid

resources used in crafting and designing this

In using this module, keep note of the fundamental reminders below.
1. The module is government owned. Handle it with care. Unnecessary
marks are prohibited. Use a separate sheet of paper or notebook in
answering all the given exercises.

2. This module is organized according to the level of understanding.

Skipping one part of this module may lead you to confusion and

3. The instructions are carefully laden for you to understand the given
lessons. Read each item cautiously.

4. This is a Home-Based class, your reliability and honour in doing the

tasks and checking your answers are a must.

5. This module helps you attain and learn lessons at home. Make sure to
clearly comprehend the first activity before proceeding to the next one.

6. This module should be returned in good condition to your

teacher/facilitator once you completed it.

7. Answers should be written on a separate sheet of paper or notebook

especially prepared for General Mathematics subject.

If you wish to talk to your teacher/educator, do not hesitate to keep in

touch with him/her for further discussion. Know that even if this is a home-
based class, your teacher is only a call away. Good communication between
the teacher and the student is our priority to flourish your understanding on
the given lessons.

We do hope that in using this material, you will gain ample knowledge
and skills for you to be fully equipped and ready to answer the demands of
the globally competitive world. We are confident in you! Keep soaring high!


Good day dear learner!

This module is solely prepared for you to access and to acquire lessons
befitted in your grade level. The exercises, drills and assessments are
carefully made to suit your level of understanding. Indeed, this learning
resource is for you to fully comprehend the steps on representing real-life
situations using logarithmic function (M11GM-Ih-1), distinguishing
logarithmic function, logarithmic equation and logarithmic inequality
(M11GM-Ih-2), and solving logarithmic equations and inequalities (M11GM-
Ih-i-1) as written and found in the K-12 Most Essential Learning
Competencies. Independently, you are going to go through this module
following its proper sequence. Although you are going to do it alone, this is a
guided lesson and instructions/directions on how to do every activity is plotted
for your convenience.

In this module, the learner is able to apply the concepts of logarithmic functions, and
to formulate and solve real-life problems with precision and accuracy.


The learner must be able to represent real-life situations using logarithmic function
(M11GM-Ih-1), to distinguish logarithmic function, logarithmic equation and logarithmic
inequality (M11GM-Ih-2), and to solve logarithmic equations and inequalities (M11GM-Ih-


The learner:
Introduction to Logarithms • describes the key concept of logarithm;
• rewrites exponential equations to logarithmic form
and vice-versa; and,
• evaluates critically the value of logarithmic
expressions using the concept of logarithm.

Logarithmic Functions, • recalls the key concept of logarithms;
Equations and Inequalities
• distinguishes logarithmic functions, logarithmic
equations and logarithmic inequalities; and,
• observes keenly the difference between
logarithmic functions, logarithmic equations and
logarithmic inequalities.
Basic Properties and Laws of • states the different properties and laws of
Logarithms logarithms;
• expresses logarithmic expression as a single
logarithm using laws of logarithms; and,
• applies accurately the basic properties and laws of
logarithms to find the value of logarithmic
Solving Logarithmic Equations • describes the key concepts of logarithmic
and Inequalities equations and inequalities;
• solves logarithmic equations and inequalities; and,
• observes patience in solving logarithmic equations
and inequalities.

Lesson 1 Introduction to Logarithms


The learner must be able to represent real-life situations using logarithmic function

Learning Outcome(s):
After going through this module, you are expected to:
• describe the key concepts of logarithm;
• rewrite exponential equations to logarithmic form and vice-versa; and,
• evaluate critically the value of logarithmic expressions using the concept of logarithm.

In the previous modules, we tackled exponential equations, inequalities and functions.
In this module, you will learn about logarithms and its relationship with exponents. But
before starting, let us unfold first your prior knowledge by answering the given questions


Directions: Find out how much you already know about the basic concepts of logarithm.
Write the letter that corresponds to your answer in your notebook. Take note of the items that
you were not able to answer correctly and find the right answer as you go through this

1. How do you rewrite 53 =125 into its logarithmic form?

a. log53=125 b. log35=125 c. log5125=3 d. log3125=5
2. How do you rewrite into its logarithmic form?
a. log3(-2)= b. log(-2)5=125 c. log 3=-2 d. log3 =-2
3. How do you rewrite into its logarithmic form?
a. log749 = x b. logx7= 49 c. log7x =49 d. log x79=7
4. In the logarithmic equation log 100=2, what is the value of its base?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 10 d. 100
5. Rewrite the logarithmic equation log381 =4 in exponential form.
a. 43=81 b. 34 =81 c. 481=3 d. 381=4
6. Rewrite the logarithmic equation in exponential form.

a. b. c. d.
7. Change to an equivalent exponential form.
a. (1/2)3 = 9 b. c. 3 = 91/2 d. 3 = (1/2)9
8. Change 6 = to an equivalent logarithmic form.
a. b. c. d.
9. Find x: .
a. 1/2 b. 1/3 c. 1/4 d. 1/8
10. Find b: .
a. 2 b. 5 c. 10 d. 100
11. Find y: .
a. 16 b. 8 c. 4 d. 2
12. Evaluate
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

Directions: Solve the value of x of the given exponential equation. Write your answer in your
1. 7x = 49 6. 6x = 1/36
2. 3x = 243 7. (1/2)x = 8
3. 2x = 16 8. (1/3)x = (1/27)
4. 5x = 125 9. 8x = 16
5. 7x =1 10. (1/9)x = (1/243)


Logarithm (log, in symbol) is just the exponent of a certain base to get the desired answer.
1. log264 means the exponent of the base 2 that will give 64 as the answer. Thus, log264
is the same as 2x = 64. In this case, log264 = 6 since 26 = 64.
2. log39 means the exponent of the base 3 that will give 9 as the answer. Thus, log39 is
the same as 3x = 9. In this case, log39= 2 since 32 = 9

Directions: Answer the following. Number 1 and 2 is done for your convenience. Write your
answer in your notebook.
GIVEN is the same and is equal to
1 log264 2x = 64 6
2 log39 3x = 9 2
3 log5625
4 log464
6 log2(1/4)
7 log31


Lesson 1: Introduction to Logarithms

Logarithms are commonly credited to a Scottish mathematician named John Napier

who constructed a table of values that allowed multiplications to be performed through
addition of the values from the table.

Base on the previous activity, you learned that there is a strong link between numbers
written in exponential and logarithmic forms, so before starting logarithms, it is essential
that you review concepts of exponents (or indices).

Recall that the expression an can be written in expanded form as: an = a ∙ a ∙ a ∙ a ∙

a…∙ a (for n factors). The expression an consists of a base a (the number being repeated) and
an exponent n (the number of times the base is to be multiplied to itself).

35= 3 ∙ 3 ∙ 3 ∙ 3 ∙ 3 = 243 where the base is 3 and the exponent/index is 5.

To change exponential form to logarithmic form, you must remember this format:

log[base]answer = exponent
Change 35 = 243 into logarithmic form

base is 3; answer is 243; exponent is 5;

Answer: log[base]answer = exponent
log3243 = 5

Thus, the equation 35 = 243 can be written as log3243 = 5 (read as the logarithm of 243 to the
base 3 is equal to 5).

To change logarithmic form to exponential form, you must remember this format:

baseexponent = answer
Change log3243 = 5 into exponential form
base is 3; exponent is 5; answer is 243;
Answer: baseexponent = answer
35 = 243

Generalizing the examples above,

Definition: Let a, b and c be positive real numbers such that b ≠ 1. The logarithm of a with base b is
denoted by logba, and is defined as
logba = c if and only if bc = a
1. In both the logarithmic and exponential forms, b is the base. In the exponential form, c is an exponent;
this implies that the logarithm is actually an exponent. Hence, logarithmic and exponential functions
are inverses.
2. In the logarithmic form logbx, x cannot be negative.
3. The value of logbx can be negative.

Definition: Common logarithms are logarithms w5

ith base 10; log x is a short notation for log10x.

Definition: Natural logarithms are logarithms to the base e (approximately 2.7128) and are denoted by
“ln”. In other words, ln x is another way of writing logex.

Example 1: Rewrite the following exponential equations in logarithmic form, whenever

a. 53 = 125 b. 7-2 = 1/49 c. 102 = 100 d. (2/3)2 = 4/9
e. (0.1)-4 = 1,000 f. 40 = 1 g. 7b = 21 h. e2 = x
a. log5125 = 3 b. log7(1/49) = -2 c. log10100 = 2 d. log2/3(4/9) = 2
e. log0.11,000 = -4 f. log41 = 0 g. log721 = b h. lnx=2

Example 2: Rewrite the following logarithmic equations in exponential form.

a. log m = n b. log381 = 4 c. d. = -2
e. log42 = ½ f. log100.001 = -3 g. ln8 = a
a. 10n = m b. 34 = 81 c. d. (3/4)-2 = 64/27
e. 41/2 = 2 f. 10-3 = 0.001 g. ea = 8

Example 3: Evaluate the following logarithmic expressions.

a. log232 b. log9729 c. log 0.001 d. log1/216
e. log71 f. log55
a. 5 b. 3 c. -3 d. -4 e. 0 f. 1


Independent Activity 1
Test I. Directions: Rewrite the following exponential equations to logarithmic form. Write
your answer in your notebook.
1. 24 = 16 4. 125 = 53
2. 811/2 = 9 5. e2 = x
3. 60 = x

Test II. Directions: Rewrite the following logarithmic equations to exponential form. Write
your answer in your notebook.
6. log232 = 5 9. log5(1/625) = -4
7. log749 = 2 10. log 100 = 2
8. log21024 = x

Independent Activity 2
Test III. Directions: Evaluate the given logarithmic expression. Write your answer in your
11. log381 14. log3(1/27)
12. log416 15. log 1000
13. log51


Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. How will you rewrite exponential equation to logarithmic form and vice versa?
To change exponential equation to logarithmic form, I need to

To change logarithmic equation to exponential form, I need to


Finding Log Values

Your scientific calculator can find the values of logs. Most scientific calculators have
two logarithmic functions; Ordinary Logarithms (base of 10) and Natural Logarithms (base of
e). Note that when you are calculating the log of a number, you can assume it is with a base
of ten unless it is indicated otherwise.
In finding log 25 (meaning log1025), on your calculator, the sequence of keys is:

In finding the value of ln25 (which is equivalent to loge25), on your calculator, the sequence
of keys is: .

Finding the value of a logarithm to a base other than 10 or e can also be performed on
your calculator. However, this requires the use of Change of Base Law. The Change of Base

Law can be stated as: . This law allows a logarithm with a given base to be changed
to a new base, the new base being one that is available on your calculator, that is, base 10 or
base e.

In finding log440, using the change of base law,

On your calculator, the sequence of keys in finding log440 using base 10,

On your calculator, the sequence of keys in finding log440 using base e,

Notice that whether you use base 10 or base e, they will arrive with the same answer.

Directions: Use your calculator and evaluate the given logarithms (up to 4th decimal place).
Write your answer in your notebook.
1. log 25 6. log71
2. ln 48 7. log550
3. log5625 8. log3128
4. log21024 9. log4(0.125)
5. log4(1/64) 10. log321


Test I. Directions: Rewrite the following exponential form to logarithmic form and vice
versa. Write your answer in your notebook.


1 32 = 9
2 45 = x
3 2 = 1/16
4 6251/4 = 5
5 (1/27)x = 9
6 log264 = 6
log2 = -1
8 log164 = ½
9 log31/27= -3
10 log 5 = x

Test II. Directions: Evaluate the following logarithmic expressions. Write your answer in
your notebook.
11. log2256 14. log51

12. 15. log 0.001

13. log3243

Lesson 2 Logarithmic Functions,

8 Equations and Inequalities


The learners must be able to distinguish logarithmic function, logarithmic equation
and logarithmic inequality (M11GM-Ih-2).

Learning Outcome(s):
After going through this module, you are expected to:
• recall the key concept of logarithms;
• distinguish logarithmic functions, logarithmic equations and logarithmic inequality;
• observe keenly the difference between logarithmic functions, logarithmic equations
and logarithmic inequality.

In the previous lesson, we tackled the relationship between logarithms and exponents. But
before having the next lesson, unfold first your prior knowledge by answering the given
questions below.


Directions: Find out how much you already know about Logarithmic Functions, Equations
and Inequalities. Write LE if the given is a logarithmic equation; LI if it’s a logarithmic
inequality and LF if it’s a logarithmic function. Take note of the items that you were not able
to answer correctly and find the right answer as you go through this module.
1. log23x = 4
2. 2 + log3(x+1) > log34
3. y = log4(2x+5)




Directions: Solve for the value of x in the given exponential equations and inequality. Write
your complete solution and answer in your notebook.

2x+3 = 4 x = -1

52x+6 = 125x 34x > 9x-1

E 73x-2 = 1/343 U

D 85x+1 = 162x-3 N 32x-2 < 81


x = 13/6 x = 5/3 x = -1 x<3 x > 1/4 x > -1 x=6 x = -15/7

x = 5/3 x≤2 x = 13/6 x = 5/3 x=6


Directions: Guess which of the following is an example of logarithmic equations, inequalities

and functions. Copy and answer the table in your notebook.
log2(x+3) = 5 y = ln (5x+1) f(x) = 1 - log3(x-2) log (2x/3) < 5

2log4x > log(2x+1) ln (2x) – ln 5 = 3 y = log2(4x-3) y = 3log2(1-5x)

log3(5x) + log32 = 4 3 – log52x ≤ log54 log 3x = y log53 + log5(5x-1) = 2




Lesson 2: Logarithmic Functions, Equations and Inequalities

The definitions of logarithmic equations, inequalities and functions are shown below:
Logarithmic Equation Logarithmic Logarithmic
Inequality Function
Definition An equation involving An inequality involving Function of the form
logarithms. logarithms. f(x) = logbx
(b > 0, b≠1)
Example logx2 = 4 logx2 > 4 f(x) = logx2

A logarithmic equation or inequality can be solved for all x values that satisfy the
equation or inequality. A logarithmic function expresses a relationship between two
variables (such as x and y) and can be represented by a table of values or a graph.
Solved Examples:
Determine whether the given is a logarithmic function, logarithmic equation, a logarithmic
inequality or neither.
1. g(x) = log5 x (Answer: Logarithmic Function)
2. y = 2log4x (Answer: Logarithmic Function)
3. log (4x) = -log (3x+5) (Answer: Logarithmic Equation)
4. xlog2(x)-1 > 0 (Answer: Logarithmic Inequality)
5. logx(x-3) = log4 (Answer: Logarithmic Equation)


Directions: Determine whether the given is a logarithmic function, a logarithmic equation, a

logarithmic inequality or neither. Write your answer in your notebook.
1. log x2 = 2 4. log3(5x) – log3(3x-1) = -2
2. log2(-4) ≥ log2(x+1) 5. log5(3x+2) < log5(x+2)
3. f(x) = log3(2x-3)


Directions: Write and answer the question below in your notebook.

1. How will you differentiate logarithmic equation, inequality and function?


Directions: Fill in the table below with your own definition and example of Logarithmic
Equation, Inequality and Function. Copy and answer the table below in your notebook.

Own Definition Own Example

Logarithmic Equation
Logarithmic Inequality
Logarithmic Function


Directions: Distinguish if the given is a logarithmic function, logarithmic equation or

logarithmic inequality. Write your answer in your notebook.
1. log2(5x-1) = 6
2. log (3x+2) – log (2x) < 8
3. log5(2x) – 3log5(4x-1) = log5(10)
4. f(x)= log2(2x-1)
5. ln (2x) ≥ ln (3x-4)

Lesson 3 Basic Properties and Laws of Logarithm


The learner must be able to represent real-life situations using logarithmic function

Learning Outcome(s):
After going through this module, you are expected to:
• state the different properties and laws of logarithms;
• express logarithmic expression as a single logarithm using laws of logarithms; and,
• apply accurately the basic properties and laws of logarithms to find the value of
logarithmic expressions

Lesson Outline:
1. Properties of Logarithms
2. Laws of Logarithms

In the previous topic, you learned how to distinguish a logarithmic equation,

inequality and function. Before you start with the next lesson, answer first the pre-assessment


Directions: Find out how much you already know about this module. Write the letter that
corresponds to your answer in your notebook. Take note of the items that you were not able
to answer correctly and find the right answer as you go through this module.
1. All of the statements below are true EXCEPT:

a. log2(2x)= log22 + log2x c. log35 =

b. 2(log 5) = log 25 d. log 12= log 24 - log 2
2. Expand log(ab) using the laws of logarithm
a. (log a)(log b) b. c. log a+ log b d. log a - log b
3. Which of the following is not equal to log3 ?
a. 3 log3(2x) c. log32x + log32x + log32x
b. 3 log32 +3 log3x d. log32x + log33

For numbers 4-5, use the given values below to find the values of x:
log 2=0.3010; log 3= 0.4771; log 5= 0.6990; log 7=0.8451
4. log 14 = x
a. 0.7781 b. 1 c. 1.1761 d. 1.1461
5. log 24 = x
a. 1.2041 b. 1.3801 c. 1.602 d. 2.0491

6. If log23 = a and log25= b, then log2 is equal to

a. a + b - 2 b. a + b - 1 c. d.

7. Which of the following is equal to 2log(3x) - log(x+1) -3log x?

a. c.

b. d.

8. Express log2x + 3log2(x+1) – 2log23 as a single logarithm.

a. log2[6x(x+1)3] b. log2[9x(x+1)3] c. d.

9. Write log w + log x – log y – log z as a single logarithm.

a. log b. log c. log d. log

10. Write the log(wx)3/5 as sum or difference of logarithm of w and x. Assume all
variables represent positive real numbers.

a. b. c. (log w + log x)3/5 d.

11. If log 2 = a, log 3 = b, and log 5 = c. Express log 60 in terms of a, b, and c only.
a. 2a + b + c b. a + b + c c. a + 2b + c d. a + b + 2c
12. Suppose ln 2 = a and ln 5 = b, what is ln 10?
a. a - b b. ab c. ln a + ln b d. a + b

For numbers 13-14, use the properties of logarithms to evaluate the following expressions.
13. log995
a. 1 b. 5 c. 9 d. 45
14. log214 – log27
a. 1 b. 2 c. 7 d. 14
15. Express (logax - logay) + 3logaz as a single logarithm.

a. b. c. d.

Directions: Evaluate the following expressions. Write your answer in your notebook.
1. log232 = 6. log 100 =
2. log264 = 7. log (1/10) =
3. log327 = 8. log2256 =
4. log3243 = 9. log3(1/81) =
5. log2(1/16) = 10. log1/2(8) =

Throughout your study of algebra, you have come across different properties and
laws that helps you simplify expressions or solve equations. The same is also true to

Directions: Derive the different laws of logarithms by doing the activity below. Copy and
answer the activity in your notebook.
I. Evaluate each of the following:

What pattern seems to hold?

Can you write a rule for logb(xy) in terms of logb (x) and logb (y)?

II. Evaluate each of the following:

What pattern seems to hold?

Can you write a rule for logb(x/y) in terms of logb (x) and logb (y)?

III. Evaluate each of the following:

What pattern seems to hold?

Can you write a rule for logb(x)y in terms of logb (x)?


Lesson 3: Basic Properties and Laws of Logarithm


Definition: Let b and x be real numbers such that b > 0 and b≠1, the basic properties of logarithms are as
1. logb1 = 0 since any number raise to the power of 0 is equal to 1
2. logbbx = x Identity
3. If x > 0, then blogbx = x

Examples: Use the basic properties of logarithms to find the value of the following
logarithmic expressions:
a. log223 b. lne3 c. log464 d. log5(1/125) e. 5log52 f. log 1
a. log223 = 3 (Property 2)
3 3
b. lne = logee = 3 (Property 2)
c. log464 = log443 =3 (Property 2)
d. log5(1/125) = log5 (5) = -3 (Property 2)
e. 5log52 = 2 (Property 3)
f. log 1 = 0 (Property 1)

The log laws help simplify log expressions to make it into a single logarithm.

The first law: (Product Rule) Proof:

Let logbA = x then A = bx
Let logbB = y then B = by
logbA + logbA = logbAB Then AB = bx • by substitution
AB = bx+y using Product of Powers
Thus, logb AB = x+y in logarithmic form
logb AB = logb A + logb B substitution
Note: all three bases must be the same.

1. Simplify log25 + log24
Solution: log25 + log24
= log2(5 • 4)
= log220

2. Simplify log 5 + log 8 + log 3 (with no base mentioned, it is implied that the base is 10)
Solution: log 5 + log 8 + log 3
= log (5 • 8 • 3)
= log 120

3. Simplify log 2x + log 3y

Solution: log 2x + log 3y
= log (2x • 3y)
= log(6xy)

4. Simplify ln x + ln y + ln 10
Solution: ln x + ln y + ln 10
= ln (x • y • 10)
= ln(10xy)

The first law can be used in reverse as:

5. Given log 2 = 0.3010, log 3 = 0.4771 and log 5 = 0.6990, evaluate log 30
Since 30 can be expressed as 2 • 3 • 5 then,
log 30 = log (2 • 3 • 5)
= log 2 + log 3 + log 5
= 0.3010 + 0.4771 + 0.6990
= 1.4771

The second law: (Quotient Proof:

Let logbA = x then A = bx
Let logbB = y then B = by
logbA - logbA = logb
Then substitution
A/B = bx-y using Quotient of Powers
Thus, logb = x-y in logarithmic form
logb = logbA - logbB substitution

1. Simplify log220 – log24
Solution: log220 – log24

= log2
= log25

2. Simplify log 50 – log 5 – log 2

Solution: log 50 – log 5 – log 2
= log 50- (log 5 + log 2)
= log 50 – log 10

= log
= log 5

3. Or in reverse
Given that log 2 = 0.3010, evaluate log 50
Since 50 can be expressed as the quotient of 100 and 2 and log 100 is 2 then,
log50 = log
= log 100 – log 2
= 2 – log 2 (log10100 = 2 because 100 = 102)
= 2 – 0.3010
= 1.699

The third law: (Power Rule) Proof:

Let loga x = m
Then x = am
logaxn = n logax xn = (am)n raised both sides to the
power of n
xn = amn using Power of Power
loga xn = mn
loga xn = n log ax substitution

1. Simplify or evaluate log3
Solution: log3
= log3(3)-1
= -1log33
= -1

2. Simplify log x4
Solution: log x4
= 4logx

3. Simplify log101000
Solution: log101000
= log10103
= 3 log1010
= 3(1) = 3

4. Simplify

= log (10)1/2

= 1/2

The fourth law: (Change of Proof:

Base Law)
Let m = loga N
N = am
logb N = logb am take log (base b) of both
logb N = m logba using power law

dividing both sides by


Note: This law is useful to change a logarithm in any base to a logarithm with a base such as
10 or e so that a calculator may be used.

1. Evaluate log37
Solution: log37 = Using calculator to 4 decimal places
≈ 1.7712

2. Evaluate log25 + log37 log25 + log37 =

≈ 4.0932 Using calculator to 4 decimal

Mixed Examples:





Independent Activity 1
Directions: Evaluate the following logarithmic expressions using properties and laws of
logarithms. Choose the answer from the box below. Write your answer in your notebook.
-2 -1 -1/2 0 2 3

1. log23 + log224 – log29 4.

2. log78 – log76 – log74 + log73 5.
3. 2log23 – log236

Independent Activity 2
Directions: Write the following as a single logarithm using properties and laws of logarithm.
Write your answer in your notebook.
6. log4x – log4y 9. log5x + log5(x2 – 3)
7. log53 + log54 – log57
8. 3log2x + 5log2y 10. log3(x+1) + 2log3y – 3log3x

Independent Activity 3
Directions: Express the following as logarithms in terms of x and y. Write your answer in
your notebook.


12. 14.

13. 15.


Directions: Complete the properties and laws of logarithms in the table below. Make your
own example afterwards. Copy and answer the table in your notebook.
PROPERTIES 1. logb1 = 0
OF 2. logbbx = x
LOGARITHMS 3. 2log 23 = 3

Product Rule
LAWS OF Quotient Rule
Change of Base


Directions: Give possible numbers or variables for the blanks in the equations below. Write
your answer in your notebook.


Test I. Directions: Express the following in expanded form. Write your answer in your

1. logaxz 4.
2. loga 5. log3x2(x-3)3
3. logb(2x3y)

Test II. Directions: Use the property and laws of logarithm to express in the given expression
as a single logarithm. Write your answer in your notebook.
6. log24 + log2x
7. 2log3x – log35
8. log 72 – log 2
9. 4log3x + 2log3(x+1)
10. log2(3x+1) – log2x


Directions: Read and analyze the following items. Write TRUE if the whole statement is
true. If it is False, change the underlined expression to make it correct. Write your answer in
your notebook.
11. log32 + log3 4 = log38

12. logbx3y = 3logbx – logby
13. log x3 = log x + log x + log x
14. log 22 = (log 2)2
15. log4(x-4) =

Lesson 4 Solving Logarithmic

21 Equations and Inequalities


The learner must be able to solve logarithmic equations and inequalities (M11GM-Ih-

Learning Outcome(s):
After going through this module, you are expected to:
• describe the key concepts of logarithmic equations and inequalities;
• solve logarithmic equations and inequalities; and,
• observe patience in solving logarithmic equations and inequalities.

Lesson Outline:
• Solving Logarithmic Equation
• Solving Logarithmic Inequality

In the previous lesson, you learned about the different properties and laws of
logarithm. You will be needing that skill in our next lesson. But before starting, answer first
the pre-assessment below:


Directions: Find out how much you already know about solving logarithmic equation and
inequalities. Write the letter of your choice in your notebook. Take note of the items that you
were not able to answer correctly and find the right answer as you go through this module.
1. Find x: .
a. 1/2 b. 1/3 c. 1/4 d. 1/8
2. Find b: .
a. 2 b. 5 c. 10 d. 100

3. Find y: .
a. 16 b. 8 c. 4 d. 2
4. Solve for x: .
a. 65 b. 80 c. 100 d. 117
5. Find the value of x: .
a. 8 only b. -8 only c. -8 & 2 d. 8 & -2
6. Solve for x: log(3x) = log2 + log (x-1)
a. { } b. {1/2} c. {2} d. {-2}
7. Solve for x: log4(x+4) + log4(x-2) = 2
a. {4} b. {4,-6} c. {5} d. {-6}
8. Solve for x: 2 = 20
a. 4.1239 b. 4.1329 c. 4. 2139 d. 4.3219
9. Solve the logarithmic inequalities: log2x + log28 ≥ log2(1-x).

a. ½ < x < 1 b. c. d.
10. log4(2x-3) < log4 (3x)
a. x > -3 b. x > 0 c. x > 3/2 d. -3 < x < 3/2

Directions: Use the properties and laws of logarithm to express in the given expression as a
single logarithm. Write your answer in your notebook.
1. log4x + log4y
2. log53 + log58 – log5x
3. log5x + log5(x2 – 3)
4. 3log2x + 5log2y
5. log3(x+1) + 2log3y – 3log3x


Directions: Solve for the value of the unknown of the following logarithmic equation by
following the clues beside each item.
1. log ( + 1) = 3
Solution: log ( + 1) = 3
Express the logarithm to its exponential form
Subtract 1 to both sides
Final Answer

2. log3( +2) + log36 = 3
Solution: log3( +2) + log36 = 3
Simplify using Product Rule of Logarithm
Express the logarithm to its exponential form
Subtract 12 to both sides
Divide both sides by 6
Final Answer

Lesson 4: Solving Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities

A. Solving Logarithmic Equation

Property of Logarithmic Equations

If b > 1, then the logarithmic function y = logbx is increasing for all x. If 0 < b < 1, then the
logarithmic function y = logbx is decreasing for all x. This means that logbu = logbv if and only if
u = v.

Techniques. Some strategies for solving logarithmic equations:

1. Rewriting to exponential form;

2. Using logarithmic properties;
3. Applying the one-to-one property of logarithmic functions;
4. The Zero Factor Property: If ab=0, then a = 0 or b = 0.

• In the logarithmic form logbx, x cannot be negative. However, the value of logbx can
be negative.
• When solving logarithmic equations, you should perform a check to see that the
answer(s) obtained were consistent with the definition of a log.

Examples: Find the value of x in the following equations.

a. log4(2x) = log410
Solution: log4(2x) = log410
2x = 10 since the two logarithms have
the same base

Check: 5 is a solution since log4(2·5) = log4(10) is defined.

b. log3(2x – 1) = 2
Solution: log3(2x – 1) = 2
32 = 2x-1
9 = 2x-1

Check: 5 is a solution since log3[2(5) – 1] = log39 is defined.

3. logx16 = 2
Solution: logx16 = 2
x2 = 16
Check: 4 is a solution since log4(16) is defined. However, –4 is not a solution
since log–4(16) is not defined (the base cannot be negative).
4. log2(x+1) + log2(x-1) = 3
Solution: log2(x+1) + log2(x-1) = 3
log2[(x+1)(x-1)] = 3
log2(x2-1) = 3
23 = x2-1
8 + 1 = x2
x2 = 9
x = ±3
Check: 3 is a solution since log2(3+1) + log2(3-1) are defined. However, -3 is not a
solution since log2(-3+1) + log2(-3-1) is not defined.

5. logx2 = 2
Solution: logx2 = 2
102 = x2
x2 = 100
x = ±10
Check: Both are solutions since log(10)2 and log(-10)2 are defined.

6. logx22 = 2.1
Solution: logx22 = 2.1
x2.1 = 22
x= ≈ 4.358 (3 decimal places)
7. log45 = x
Solution: log45 = x
4x = 5

x= or

x = 1.161 (3 decimal places)

8. log4(2x+4) − 2 = log43
Using strategy 1 Using strategy 2

log4(2x+4) − 2 = log4 3 log4 (2x+4) − 2 = log4 3

log4(2x+4) - log4 3 = 2 log4 (2x+4) – 2log44 = log4 3

log4 (2x+4) –log442 = log4 3

2x+4 = 48 2x + 4 =48
2x = 48 – 4 2x = 48 - 4
2x = 44 2x = 44
x = 22 x = 22

9. Solve for x: log9x = 0.5

Solution: log9x = 0.5
x= 90.5

B. Solving Logarithmic Inequalities

Property of Logarithmic Inequalities

If 0 < b < 1, then x1 < x2 if and only if logbx1 > logbx2
If b > 1, then x1 < x2 if and only if logbx1 < logbx2
Examples: Solve the following logarithmic inequalities.
1. log8(3x - 5) < 2
Ensuring that the logarithms are defined, this means 3x - 5 > 0 or x > 5/3.
log8(3x - 5) < 2
log8(3x - 5) < 2log88 since 2log88 is just equal to 2
log8(3x - 5) < log88
log8(3x - 5) < log864
3x – 5 < 64
3x < 64 + 5
3x < 69
x < 23

In this case, the solution of the inequality must satisfy x > 5/3 and x < 23. To visualize
this, the number line is given below.
5/3 < x < 23

x < 23
x > 5/3 from the first condition
-3 2 6 10 14 18 22 26
5/3 23

Therefore, the solution is (5/3 , 23) or 5/3 < x < 23.

2. log4(x+1) < log42x
Ensuring that the logarithms are defined, this means x + 1 > 0 and 2x > 0, which
implies that x > -1 and x > 0.
log4(x+1) < log42x
x + 1 < 2x
x – 2x < -1
-x < -1

x > -1

-1 0 1
In this case, to ensure that the logarithmic inequality is defined, we must consider that
the answer falls under the 3 conditions: x > -1, x > 0 and x > 1.

Therefore, the solution is (1, +∞) or x > 1.

3. log3(2x – 1) > log3(x + 2)

Step 1: Ensure of that the logarithms are defined.
Then 2x – 1 > 0 and x + 2 > 0 must be satisfied.
2x – 1 > 0 implies x > ½ and x + 2 > 0 implies x > -2
To make both logarithms defined, then x > ½ (If x > 1/2 , then x is surely greater
than -2)
Step 2: Ensure that the inequality is satisfied.
The base 3 is greater than 1.
Thus, since log3(2x – 1) > log3(x + 2), then:
2x – 1 > x + 2

x > 1/2
x > -2

-2 -1 0 1 2 3
In this case, to ensure that the logarithmic inequality is defined, we must consider that
the answer falls under the 3 conditions: x > 3, x > 1/2 and x > -2.

Hence, the solution is (3,+∞) or x > 3.

Directions: Solve the following logarithmic equations and inequalities. Write your answer in
your notebook.
1. log3(x+4) = log3(2x-4)
2. log2(3x+5) ≥ log2(x-9)
3. log2x – 4 = 0
4. log x + log (x-3) ≤ log 10
5. log(x+2) + log (x-1) = 4


Directions: Read and answer the question below. Write your answer in your notebook.
1. What are the techniques you learned in solving logarithmic equations and inequalities?


Directions: Make your own example of Solving Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities.
Write your answer in your notebook.


Directions: Solve the following logarithmic equations and inequalities. Write your answer in
your notebook.
1. log2(5x - 1) = 6 4. log4(x + 5) > log4x + log46
2. log2(2x + 4) – 3 = log23 5. log2(2x-1) ≤ log2(4x)
3. 3 log32 + log3(x-2) = log35 6. log x + log (x-3) = 1


Directions: Evaluate the following logarithmic expressions. Use any coloring material to
color your way through the maze. Show your solution in a separate sheet of paper.



Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS)

SHS General Mathematics LM pages 99-124
SHS General Mathematics TG pages 112-143

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Office Address: IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines

Telefax: (032) 255 - 6405

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