Factors Associated With Anaemia Among Pregnant Women in Indonesia: A Systematic Review

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Restuning Widiasih, Ardhini Dwi Utari, Tri Nur Jayanti, Anis Ardiyanti,
Rinda Intan Sari, Geuis Anggi Siska

Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Pregnant women are vulnerable with anaemia. Quantitative studies related anaemia in pregnancy have
been done in Indonesia including assessing factors associated with anaemia in pregnancy. However,
none of studies provide a comprehensive view of factors that associated with anaemia in pregnancy.
The aim of this review was to identify factors associated with maternal anaemia in Indonesia. The
systematic scoping review method was used in this review. The databases were Indonesian electronic
databases including; Google scholar, Kandaga, and Sinta. The keywords were bilinguals: Indonesia and
English. The inclusion criteria of studies were focused on factors related to anaemia in pregnancy,
research design included correlation and quasi-experimental, published from 2013 to 2018, full text, and
Indonesian’s studies. A total of 1986 papers were retrieved, but only 14 articles met the inclusion criteria
and were included in the analysis. Factors associated with maternal anaemia in Indonesia including
health professionals’roles, iron tablets consumption, antenatal care, education, nutrition, health
knowledge, and awareness. Multi-factors are associated with maternal anaemia in Indonesia. There is a
need for comprehensive approaches from health professionals and health services in dealing with
anaemia in pregnancy.

Keywords: anaemia, factors, Indonesia, nursing, pregnancy, vulnerable

Anemia adalah salah satu masalah kesehatan pada perempuan hamil. Berbagai riset kuantitatif tentang
anemia banyak dilakukan di Indonesia, tetapi penelitian yang mengkaji faktor-faktor penyebab anemia
pada kehamilan secara komprehensif masih terbatas. Tujuan dari studi literatur ini untuk
mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan anemia kehamilan secara komprehensif di
Indonesia. Studi literatur ini menggunakan pendekatan metode Scoping review. Sumber data
menggunakan Google scholar, Kandaga, dan Sinta. Pencarian artikel menggunakan kata kunci 2
bahasa, Indonesia dan Inggris. Kriteria inklusi dari artikel yang dianalisis: riset dengan topik faktor yang
berhubungan dengan anemia kehamilan, design risetnya hubungan dan quasi-experiment,
dipublikasikan pada tahun 2013-2018, artikel full text, dan riset berasal dari Indonesia. Hasil pencarian
artikel mendapatkan 1986 artikel, akan tetapi hanya teridentifikasi 14 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria
inklusi. Hasil analisa menunjukan faktor yang berhubungan dengan anemia pada ibu hamil di Indonesia
adalah peran aktif petugas kesehatan, kepatuhan mengkonsumsi tablet Fe, kontrol kehamilan,
pendidikan formal, status nutrisi, pendidikan kesehatan, dan kesadaran ibu hamil. Faktor yang
berhubungan dengan penyebab anemia pada ibu hamil multi-faktor. Hasil studi literatur ini
menginformasikan kebutuhan akan pendekatan yang komprehensif dari layanan dan petugas
kesehatan dalam mengatasi anemia ibu hamil di Indonesia.

Kata kunci: Anemia, faktor-faktor, Indonesia, kehamilan, perawat

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806 Jurnal
Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

Corresponding Author : Restuning Widiasih ISSN : 1907-6637

Email : restuning.widiasih@unpad.ac.id e-ISSN : 2579-9320

BACKGROUND However, several studies conducted in

Anaemia is a condition when several areas in Indonesia such as Bali,
hemoglobin in the blood is less than 10 Sumatera Utara, and OKU district found
mg/dl, so the number of red blood cells or that the prevalence of anaemia is still high
oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood is (Astriana, 2017; Lestari et al., 2018;
insufficient to meet body’s needs (World Suega, Dharmayuda, Sutarga, & Bakta,
Health Organization, 2018). Pregnant 2002). Those studies found that more than
women are at risk of anaemia because 40% of pregnant women were anaemic.
during pregnancy, they produce more Studies that investigated the main
blood for the growth of their babies. cause of anaemia have been done in
Anaemia during pregnancy is known as several countries with a massive number of
anaemia in pregnancy. Anaemia in respondents. A study from Mekelle town,
pregnancy is a high risk condition as less Ethiopia that involved
iron in the blood means less oxygen 68093 reproductive women, and 11011 of
carried. This would affect ability of the them were pregnant found that the main
uterus to contract, and increase the risk of causes of anaemia in pregnancy were the
maternal hemorrhage (Herawati & Selanty, meal frequency per day, a variety of diet,
2017). Maternal hemorrhage is the most and parity (Abriha et al., 2014). Another
common causes of maternal mortality in study was conducted in Banke, Nepal that
Indonesia besides pre-eclampsia, infection, involved 1675 pregnant women (Ghosh et
long-labor, and abortion (Kementerian al., 2017). This study found that water
Kesehatan R1, 2015). Prevalence of sources, iron supplements, education,
anaemia during pregnancy is high variety diet were associated with Anaemia.
especially in some developing countries. In Several types of research in Indonesia also
Indonesia, more than 50%, and 42% of assessed factor associated with anaemia
pregnant women experienced anaemia during pregnancy. Ariyani & Sarbini (2016)
(World Bank Group, 2017). assessed anaemia influencing factors of 45
Indonesian government pregnant women from Mojolaban,
established programs to decrease Sukoharjo, Central Java. The study found
that iron consumption was a factor that
prevalence of anaemia during pregnancy
associated with maternal anaemia. Another
through government regulation which is
study was conducted in Air Dingin, Kota
Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan (the Ministry
Tengah, Padang, West Sumatra by Azra &
of Health regulation) No.88 year 2014. The
Rosha (2015). Their study found that iron
program was providing 90 iron tablets for
consumption and variety diet were
each pregnant woman during pregnancy
contributed to anaemia in pregnancy.
(Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2013). The
Studies related to factors associated with
coverage of this program reached 83.3% in anaemia in Indonesia were not a new
2011, and then increased up to 85% in phenomenon. However, most of the
2012 (Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2013). studies were in the small scope and a

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806 Jurnal
Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

minimal number of samples. As a result because most Indonesian research in

they only found one or two factors that Bahasa Indonesia published in those
influenced the occurrence of anaemia in databases. In addition, the Indonesian
pregnancy. The factors that associated Ministry of Research and Technology
with anaemia in pregnant women are not provides the SINTA database for articles
comprehensively known. This literature that were published in the various journal
review aimed to identify factors that in Indonesia. The keywords used were
associated with anaemia incidence among bilinguals: Indonesia and English, including
pregnant women from various researches anaemia-anaemia, pregnancy-hamil,
in Indonesia. faktor-faktor, and Indonesia. The inclusion
criteria were Indonesian studies, research
METHODS design included correlation and
This literature review is carried out quasiexperimental, the last five year of
using Systemic Scoping Review approach publication, full text, and the researchers’
(Arksey and O’Malley, 2005). This education level minimally were a bachelor
approach is considered suitable to achieve or mini thesis with supervision reports.
the aims of this study that needs the A total of 1986 papers were
various type of datasets and sources which retrieved. However, only 580 met the year
then integrated into the finding in a final criteria, and 92 articles were full text.
report. There are 5 steps in this method Finally, 14 articles met the inclusion criteria
which are determining the literature topic, and included in the analysis. Diagram 1
finding and searching sources, choosing describes the article selection process.
the most relevant sources, organizing and After selecting the articles, the next step
analysing, and lastly summarizing. This was analyzing the content which includes
literature review focuses on information purpose, method, sample and setting,
related to factors contributed to anaemia in inclusion criteria and results. The result is
pregnant women in Indonesia. Articles presented in a table. Next was identifying
were searched from the following and grouping the similar findings. Last step
databases: google scholar, Kandaga and was making a summary.
Sinta. These three databases were chosen

Diagram 1 : Article selection processes

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806 Jurnal
Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

From the 14 chosen articles, all of

them were quantitative studies with cross
sectional approach (n=9),
quasiexperimental (n=2), and a
retrospective study (n=1). Researches
originated from 6 different provinces in
Indonesia. Most of them were on Java
Island which is Centre of Java, West Java,
and East Java, while other from Sumatra
island and Sulawesi island; Lampung,
West Sumatra, and North Sulawesi.
Studies were conducted in a sub-district or
a PHC (Public Health Centre). Sample on
the researches were 30-154 pregnant
women. Studies were carried out in 2013-
2017. Most of the researches utilized cross
sectional approach, probably due to its
purpose that wanted to review anaemia in
pregnancy and its related factors. Studies
were mostly carried out in Java Island
because Java is the central of Indonesian
development. It is supposed that
researches are done in other area. All
researches sample was pregnant women,
and there had not been a research that
reviewed possible factors that influenced
anaemia in pregnant women from different
perspectives, such as family, health
workers, or community (community leader
or health cadre). Details of articles are
presented in table 1.

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

Table 1. The summary of articles on the use of smart phone applications as KIE media for adolescent reproductive health in 2013-2018 (n=20)

Respon Sampling Inclusion

No. Authors Title Year Province Design Method Findings
dent Technique Criteria
1 Ariyani, R., & Factors associated 2016 Central Quantitative Cross 45 Random Third trimester of 60% of anaemic women did not
Dwi Sarbini, with anaemia among Java sectional people sampling pregnancy consume iron tablet that
S. S. T. pregnant women in provided by health
the third trimester in professionals, regularly.
Mojobolang PHC,
Sukoharjo district

2 Purwaningty Factors associated 2017 Central Quantitative Cross 74 Simple Anaemic pregnant There was a significant
as M. L. & with Anaemia in Java sectional people random women correlation between nutrition
Prameswari, pregnancy sampling status (p value 0,000) and
G. N anaemia.
3 Erwin, R. R.,Correlation among 2018 West Quantitative Cross 52 Total Third trimester of Lack of knowledge and
Machmud, R., knowledge, Sumatera sectional people sampling pregnancy awareness were an influence to
& Utama, attitude, and Iron the compliance of iron tablet
B. I. tablet consumption consumption and increased
in PHC Seberang, anaemia in pregnancy (79%)
4 Rejeki, S. & Women’s 2014 Central Quantitative Cross 30 Total Third trimester of Pregnant women who
Huda, A. characteristic in Java sectional people sampling pregnancy who consumed iron tablets were not
consuming Iron visited health anaemic even though there
tablets and services for were different number of tablets
Anaemia in pregnancy check, 20 tablets (n=3), 60 tablets
pregnancy in and consumed (n=13), and 90 tablets (n=3)
Kaliwungu PHC, iron tablet given
Kendal district.
5 Susanti, A., Food culture taboo, 2013 Central Quantitative Cross 45 Quota Third trimester of The majority of pregnant women
Rusnoto., & economic status, Java sectional people sampling pregnancy third who anaemic were attended
Asiyah, N. and knowledge of trimester of Senior High School.
third trimester pf pregnancy, Respondents who have a good

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

pregnancy and healthy, no history nutrition status, their energy

nutrition status of disease. were met with the body’s need

Respon Sampling Inclusion

No. Authors Title Year Province Design Method Findings
dent Technique Criteria
6 Setyawai, B., The different 2014 Central Quantitative Cross 46 people: Consecutiv Pregnant women (1) there was a different intake
Syauqy, A. consumption of Java Sectional 23 anaemic e sampling ages 20-35 years, of protein and vitamin B12
protein, Iron tablet, pregnan were minimal at between anaemic and
folic acid, and t 27 weeks of nonanaemic pregnant women;
vitamin B12 women, and pregnancy, had (2) there was not a significant
between anaemic 23 no influenza, different of iron tablets and folic
and non-anaemic nonanaemic acid consumption between
fever, or
pregnant women in anaemic and non-anaemic
the Tanggungharjo pregnant women.(3) the
PHC, Grobogan causes of anaemia were a
district deficiency of vitamin B12 in the
third trimester
of pregnancy (anaemia
7 Mariza, A Correlation 2016 Lampung Quantitative Cross 30 people Accidental Pregnant women 78.6% of anaemic women in this
between sectional sampling with anaemia study had a low level of formal
educationsocial education, while non-anaemic
economic factors women attended universities.
and anaemia in There was a correlation
pregnancy in BPS between education and anaemia
T Yohan Way
in pregnancy (p value 0,026).
Halim Bandar
8 Rizki, F., Correlation 2014 West Quantitative Cross 66 people Proportiona Pregnant women Women who consumed iron
Lipoeto, N.I., between Fe tablet Sumatera sectional l random who consumed tables > 90 had normal Hb (≥ 11
Ali, H. consumption and sampling Fe tablets, had a g/dL).
Hemoglobin level in Hb check, and
the third trimester nutrition status

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

of pregnancy at check)
Puskesmas Air
Dingin Kota

Respon Sampling Inclusion

No. Authors Title Year Province Design Method Findings
dent Technique Criteria
9 Lesilolo, T.N; Correlation 2016 North Quantitative Cross 71 people Purposive Women with The majority of women who
Engka, amongst Iron Sulawesi sectional sampling second and third consumed Iron tablet regularly
J.N.A; tablets, ANC Hb trimester of had Hb Level more than 11 gr%.
Wungouw, level in Bolaang pregnancy There was a relationship
H.I.S North Mongondouw between ANC and the Hb level
of pregnant women.
10 Antono, S. D. The correlation 2017 East Java Quantitative case 154 Disproporti Women with third Frequency of the antenatal care
between ANC visits control, people onate trimester of visits was influenced by anaemia
and anaemia in retrospectiv stratified pregnancy in pregnancy
pregnancy in e study random (nonanaemic and
Nganjuk hospital sampling anaemic)
11 Agustini, A., The influence of “an 2014 West Java Quantitative RCT 88 people Proportiona Anaemic pregnant There was a significance
Lestari, B.W., intervention l random women at first influence between the
Agoes, R. package” sampling trimester (11-12 interventions package with the
(Distributing weeks) of increasing level of hemoglobin
Anaemia Brochure, pregnancy
Group discussion,
monitoring card of
Iron consumption) to
increasing HB level
in anaemic pregnant
women in Sukahajii
12 Alvionita, I., The influence of 2017 Central Java Quantitative Quasi 34 people Purposive Anaemic pregnant Poster and texting were an

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

& Sulastri, S. Poster and Texting experiment sampling women influence on iron consumption
K. Reminder to and level of Hb
pregnant women’s
compliment of Iron
consumption and
the level of HB in
the PHC of
Respon Sampling Inclusion
No. Authors Title Year Province Design Method Findings
dent Technique Criteria
13 Vernissa, V., The effectiveness 2017 West Java Quantitative Quasi 79 Consecutiv All women who Providing leaflet and counselling
Andrajati, R., of providing leaflet experiment people e sampling visited the PHC, had influenced to increasing Iron
& Supardi, S. and counselling of diagnosed as tablets consumption. The
anaemia in anaemic , and anaemic pregnant women who
pregnancy to the had Iron tablet had a good compliment of iron
compliment of therapy consumption increased their Hb
Iron consumption
level 3.34 times higher than
and the level of
anaemic pregnant women who
Hb at
the PHCs in Bogor did not compliment
14 Adawiyani, The influence of 2013 East Java Quantitative RCT 100 Random The second and Providing booklet increased
R. providing Anaemia people: sampling third trimester of women’s knowledge, Hb levels,
Booklet to pregnant 50 pregnancy (14-32 and Iron compliment in the
women’s intervent weeks with ANC intervention group than control
knowledge of Iron ion check) group.
compliment and the group
HB level
and 50

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806 Jurnal
Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

Majority of studies only assess a anaemia (Agustini et al., 2014; Alvionita &
single factor and did not provide a Sulastri, 2017; Andawiyani, 2013; Vernissa
comprehensive view of factors that et al., 2017). These factors supported by
associated with anaemia in pregnancy. M’Cormack and Drolet’s research (2012).
Analysis found that 4 out of 14 studies They suggested that pregnant women’s
were identified that health professionals awareness about the cause, prevention,
and health interventions were the most and treatment of anaemia should be
influencing factors related to anaemia in developed by health workers. Another
pregnancy. Health interventions including study found health worker’s differences er
health education, leaflet distribution, and on performing or collaborating on
booklets were found to increase obedience hemoglobin check and educating about
on consuming iron tablet, so that anaemia danger sign of anaemia (Rani et al., 2008).
can be avoided (Agustini et al., 2014; In addition, Lesilolo, Engka and Wungouw
Alvionita & Sulastri, 2017; Andawiyani, (2016) explained that health worker plays a
2013; Vernissa et al., 2017). Other role in providing counselling related to the
influencing factors were the compliance to needs of iron on pregnant women during
consume iron tablet supplement (n=3) ANC visits. However, in fact the availability
(Ariyani & Sarbini, 2016; Rejeki & Huda, of health workers in public health centre
2014; Rizki et al., 2014) , ANC (n=2) (PHC) is limited, and the health education
(Antono, 2017; Lesilolo et al., about anaemia to patients was not optimal
2016), nutrient status (n=2) (Purwaningtyas yet.(Adawiyani, 2013)
& Prameswari, 2017; Setyawati & Syauqy, The majority studies identified the
2014), formal education levels (n=2) huge impact of health workers on health
(Mariza, 2016; Susanti et al., 2013), and behavior. However few studies recognised
health knowledge and awareness (n=1) lack roles of health workers. Health worker
(Erwin et al., 2018). should be supported, so they can perform
Those articles informed that multi their roles. The support may be included
factors associated with maternal anaemia providing health education facilities and
in Indonesia including health infrastructures giving an incentive for
professionals’ roles, pregnant women’s health workers for their roles as health
behaviour in consuming iron supplement, educator, and adding the number of health
nutrient status of pregnant women, formal worker if possible. The ratio of health
education levels, and women’s knowledge workers with the number of patient in
and awareness of anaemia in pregnancy Indonesia is not ideal yet particularly in
and importance of Iiron supplement to rural areas (Kementerian Kesehatan
prevent it. Republik Indonesia, 2017).

DISCUSSION The compliance of Iron tablets

This literature review found consumption
various factors associated with anaemia in Obedience to consume iron tablet
pregnancy in Indonesia including health is one of the factors associated with
pprofessionals’’ roles, pregnant women’s anaemia in pregnancy (Ariyani & Sarbini,
compliance in consuming iron tablets, 2016; Rejeki & Huda, 2014; Rizki et al.,
antenatal care, levels of formal education, 2014). Those studies found that pregnant
nutrient status, and health knowledge and women who consumed iron tablets
awareness. regularly, did not experience anaemia in
pregnancy. However, the prevalence
Health Professionals’ roles remained high in Indonesia, because a lot
The appropriate interventions and of pregnant women were disobedient to
health workers’ support were found to be consume iron tablet (Ariyani & Sarbini,
dominant factors affecting 2016; Erwin et al., 2018). High prevalence
pregnant women behaviour in preventing of anaemia in pregnant women Indonesia

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806 Jurnal
Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

is similar with other countries India and ANC coverage was the low quality of ANC.
Nigeria (Mithra et al., 2014; Ugwu et al., A study in Australia found that the ANC
2014). These two studies found pregnant services influenced pregnant women’s
women were disobedient in consuming iron health including anaemia (Bar-Zeev et al.,
tablet because of the following reasons 2014). Furthermore, Ikeanyi and Ibrahim
including forgetfulness, gastrointestinal (2015) study’s suggested that a high
side effect (nausea, vomiting, gastritis, and quality of ANC is a significant action to
constipation), on traveling, non-affordability prevent anaemia. It is necessary to
of iron supplements, belief that they have increase the quality of health services and
an adequate diet and do not need any iron develop a strategy to increase ANC visit.
supplements. Other reasons were Health professionals can establish various
inadequate counseling from health methods to increase the ANC visits
professionals, problems related to including involving pregnant women’s peer
distribution of iron tablets, difficult access group, reminding ANC visit via electronic
and poor utilization of prenatal health care media, and empowering health cadres.
services, beliefs against consuming
medications during pregnancy, and in most Level of formal Education
countries, fears that taking too much iron Level of education is another risk
may cause too much blood or a big baby factor associated with anaemia in
which, making delivery more difficult. pregnancy. Mariza (2016) found level of
Increasing pregnant women’s compliance formal education had a significant influence
for consuming iron table needs a to anaemia in pregnancy. In that study, 16
comprehensive approach. Involving family out of 30 pregnant women were anaemic,
members who live together with pregnant with the majority of them (n=11) only
women would be effective to remind about attended primary education (9 years
iron tables consumption. In addition, education) and 5 of them attended
proactive approaches and interventions secondary and high education. This finding
from health professionals would be a in line with an Ethiopian study found that
potential in increasing pregnant women’s level of education was a significant
compliance. The approaches and independent predictor for anaemia in
interventions include doing house visit, pregnancy (Gebre & Mulugeta, 2015).
developing a digital or electronic reminder However, several studies in Indonesia also
tool, and educating family members about found that pregnant women’s who anaemic
anaemia and the prevention actions. were attended senior high school
(Purwaningtyas & Prameswari, 2017;
Antenatal Care (ANC) Susanti et al., 2013). A Nepali study also
The third factor that influenced found that there was no significant
anaemia in pregnancy was antenatal care relationship between educational level of
(Antono, 2017; Lesilolo et al., 2016). the women with incidence of anaemia in
Antenatal care service has a purpose for pregnancy (p > 0,05) (Prakash et al.,
early identification of any possible 2015). Those studies revealed that
abnormalities or complications during anaemia in pregnancy were problems for
pregnancy including anaemia. The both, low level of formal education, and
government stipulates that pregnant high level of formal education. Purwoastuti
women have to visit health services for & Walyani (2013) suggested that the
antenatal care minimally 4 times during higher someone’s level of formal
pregnancy. However, the number of ANC education, the easier for them to access
visit in Indonesia decreased from 87,48% and use information. Information literacy
in 2015 to 85,35% in 2016 (Kementerian would have an impact on decision making
Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2017). The process (Purwoastuti & Walyani, 2013).
Indonesian Ministry of Health (MoH) Nurses should encourage pregnant women
indicated that one cause of decreasing the to be active finding information from
Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806 Jurnal
Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

various sources such as from health providing nutritious foods are important to
professionals, peers, internet, and other improve pregnant women’ nutrition status.
media. Nurses’ should be actively
collaborating with the government and Health Knowledge and Awareness
other parties to provide health counselling Three studies in this literature
through various information media. review found that health knowledge and
awareness had influenced of
Nutrition Status the occurrence anaemia in
Several studies found pregnancy (Agustini et al., 2014; Erwin et
that pregnant women’s nutrition status was al., 2018; Vernissa et al., 2017).
a factor that assosiated with anaemia in Distributing a leaflet, developing a group
pregnancy. Setyawati and discussion, and monitoring iron
Syauqy consumption using a card monitoring, and
(2014)’s study found that there were counselling had increased health
different intake of Vitamin B12 and protein awareness and prevented anaemia in
between anaemic and non-anaemic pregnancy (Agustini, Lestari and Agoes,
pregnant women. The respondents were 2014; Vernissa, Andrajati and Supardi,
the third trimester of pregnant women, and 2017). In addition, health awareness is
the majority of them had deficiency of also influenced by education background.
vitamin B12 or anaemia megaloblastic. Women with low education background are
That finding in line with Purwaningtyas and at risk of anaemia in pregnancy due to low
Prameswari (2017), which found a awareness and knowledge of the
significant relationship between nutrition importance of consuming iron tablet (Erwin
status and anaemia in pregnancy (p value et al., 2018). Those Indonesian studies in
0,000). Susanti et al. (2013) also found line with an India study that found pregnant
women who unaware of their health
similar finding that pregnant women with a
especially hemoglobin level had more
good nutrition status and no history of lack
possibility of having anaemia in pregnancy
of chronic energy had not severe of
compared to women with good awareness
anaemia during their pregnancy. The
(p value: 0,027) (Gowri et al., 2017). Lack
Indonesian studies are in agreement with
of awareness also was found in a study
several studies from overseas. A study in
from Nigeria. This study found that the
Turkey found factors associated with
majority of women perceived that anaemia
anaemia in pregnancy were including lack was a normal phenomenon and they have
of iron 10%, vitamin B12 34,5% and lack of just awared after pregnancy complications
folic acid 71,7% having four or more living occurred (Onyeneho & Subramanian,
children, being at the third trimester, 2016). According to Indonesian studies,
having a low family income, and soil eating active health education using many types
tradition (Karaoglu et al., 2010). of media was influenced pregnant women’s
Furthermore, an Ethiopian study found that awareness of anaemia. Nurses as an
pregnant women who consumed good agent of change could use various media
nutrition for example milk, animal protein, and method to improve health and prevent
fruits, vegetables and plenty of vitamin A anaemia among pregnant women.
would decrease their risk of having
anaemia in pregnancy (Zerfu et al., 2016). Study limitations
Nutritious food is important for pregnant This literature review provides
women in preventing anaemia in comprehensive information
pregnancy. Fulfilling pregnant women related to various factors that have
nutrition should involve family especially associated with anaemia among
husbands. In Indonesia the majority of pregnant women. However, it only
bread winner are husbands. Improving looks at Indonesian studies. These findings
family support and involvement in may not applicable to pregnant women

Widiasih, Utari, Jayanti, Ardiyanti, Sari, Siska DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2019.14.1.806 Jurnal
Keperawatan Soedirman 14 (1) 2019 : 1 – 14

from other countries that have CALYPTRA, 2(2), 1-20.

different characteristic to Indonesia.
Antono, S. D. (2017). Hubungan Frekuensi
CONCLUSION Antenatal Care Dengan Kejadian
This literature review highlights Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III
multi-factors associated with anaemia in Di RSUD Nganjuk Tahun 2017.
pregnancy in Indonesia. These literature Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 6(1), 32-38.
review findings are valuable information for
nurses especially for maternity nurses. Ariyani, R., & Sarbini, D. (2016). Faktor-
Nurses should aware that anaemia in Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi
pregnancy related with multifactors. Nurses Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil
should have a comprehensive view to Trimester III Di Wilayah Ke. Doctoral,
develop anaemia prevention programs and Universitas Muhammadiyah
related interventions in health services in Surakarta, Surakarta.
Indonesia such as hospitals or public
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