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Webs App for Instagram Scrapping

We have gone through your project description as well as reference website link. As per our
understanding, you want to build a web app where user can scrape Instagram profile with their
username details such as their username, name, bio, followers & following details, email, phone
no. etc.
1. Signup/login by the user

 Username
 Email ID
 Create Password
 Agree terms & policy


 Login with username/email id

 Forget Password
2. User Dashboard Page
a) Scrape Followers option
 Enter username
 Enter Amount Credit
b) Scrape Following option
 Enter username
 Enter Amount Credit
c) Scrape Likes option
 Enter username
 Enter Amount Credit
d) Scrape Comments option
 Enter username
 Enter Amount Credit
e) Scrape Hashtags option
 Enter username
 Enter Amount Credit
f) Results Option
 List of usernames Searched
 View Option
 Export option
o User can download the file in .xlsx format
g) FAQ
 View Questions/Answers for the users
h) Subscription Option
 Choose plan
 Payment info
 Payment options
 Download payment receipt
i) User Account
 User Profile
 Settings
 Logout

1. How will this scrapping work if username of Instagram account is set to
2. So, user will get the credits only after they take subscription plan? Or we can
also add some features such as to watch video for 15 or 30 sec to get free

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