Awerley - Fiverr - Usa - POINTERS v2

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Awerley - fiverr - usa- POINTERS

We have gone through your provided wireframe design along with our discussion over your
project requirements. As per our understanding, you want to develop a service marketplace
app for rental property owners to get property maintenance services from nearby service
providers. User can act as a property owner and service provider. As per our understanding,
users will access following features as per their user roles:

1. User Signup/Login
a. Name
b. Email
c. Phone no.
d. Password
e. OTP generation while signup
i. On register mobile no.
ii. On register email id
2. User Login
a) With email/phone no.
b) Authenticate automatically (after first login)

3. GPS Integration
 Enable (message pop-up)
 Disable
As a property owner
4. Find Local Help
a. ZIP code info
b. Distance info
c. Service detail (with service category)
d. Search option (with filter and sorting option)
5. Search Result Page
a. ZIP code info
b. Service details
c. Distance details
d. Search options
e. Filter and sorting options for services
f. Image of person
g. Service description
h. Price (hourly/monthly charges)
i. Checkout page (Add payment method to make payment)
Awerley - fiverr - usa- POINTERS
6. User Control Panel Page
a) My properties (User will see their list of properties)
i) Property 1
 Settings
 My Sidekicks
 Sidekick/Service provider details
 My Sidekick Needed Ads
 Search for Sidekick
 Statistics
- Monthly Cost
- Upcoming Sidekick services
- Recent Services

ii) Add new property

b) Sidekick Services Offered
c) Account
i) Account Info
ii) Payment Info
iii) Password
iv) Logout
As a service provider:
7. User Control Panel Page
a) My properties
b) Sidekick Services Offered
i) List of services offered by user
 Service Detail
 Pending Service Detail
1. Next Visit date
2. Service type
3. Property description
4. Rate
 Service Schedule Detail
1. Service name
2. Service type
3. Property Description
4. Rate
5. Next visit date
6. Upload images
7. DATE/TIME of completion
8. Mark Complete option
Awerley - fiverr - usa- POINTERS

 Service Supported Detail

1. Service Area, Description & rate
2. Experience Description
3. Provides own tools Y/N
4. Committed Onsite Leadtime Y/N
5. Flexible Scheduling Y/N
6. Accepting new hires Y/N

ii) Add new service

c) Account
i) Account Info
ii) Payment Info
iii) Password
iv) Logout

Few Queries:

How we can monetize from this app? Please share your ideas.

Are we going to provide subscription plans to the user? Please confirm

What type of marketing strategy you are looking for this app?

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