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1.1 Background
Globalization is a worldwide trend of the world economy becoming
borderless and interconnected companies are no longer limited by the boundaries
of their countries and can conduct business anywhere in the world. Globalization
means that companies are more likely to compete everywhere. Many companies
today sell their products anywhere, source their raw materials or conduct research
and development (R&D), and manufacture anywhere.
Globalization is probably the main reason why we should study
international business. As has been rampant lately, many companies are starting to
explore their business in the international world, as has been done by PT.
Unilever. PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. is a multinational company that markets
consumer goods in various countries to meet the daily needs of nutrition, health
and personal care with products that make users feel good, look good and enjoy
life more.
In the face of competition between companies, PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk
has prepared strategies and tactics in the face of competition between companies.
Given the many competitors who take part in the international world, it is very
necessary to have a very precise strategy from a company that is able to raise its
name in the minds of consumers in various countries. In this case, we will analyze
several important points from PT. Unilever about the strategies used in winning
the competition.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. How is the history and expansion and development of PT. Unilever ?
2. What is the vision, mission and goals of PT. Unilever ?
3. What are the products and brands of PT. Unilever ?
4. Included in the type of company whether PT. Unilever this?
5. What and how is the competitive strategy used by PT. Unilever ?

1.3 Purpose of Writing
1. To know the history and expansion and development of PT. Unilever.
2. To understand and study the vision, mission and goals of PT. Unilever.
3. To find out the products and brands that are the mainstay of the output of PT.
4. To analyze the type of company from PT. Unilever in the competition between
international companies.
5. To find out the implementation of the competitive strategy used by PT.


2.1 History and Expansion of PT. Unilever

2.1.1 History of PT. Unilever Indonesia
PT Unilever is a multinational company that produces consumer goods
based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The company was founded in 1930. The
company employs 206,000 workers. Manufactures food, beverage, cleaners and
personal consumers. Some of Unilever's well-known brands are: Rinso, Sunsilk,
Dove, and Clear.
Unilever has several other companies in Indonesia:
• PT Anugrah Lever - established in 2000 and is engaged in the manufacture,
development, marketing and sales of soy sauce, chili sauce and other sauces under
the trademarks Bango, Parkiet and Sakura and other brands
• PT Technopia Lever - established in 2002 and is engaged in the distribution,
export and import of goods using the Domestos Nomos trademark
PT Knorr Indonesia - acquired on January 21, 2004
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (the company) was established on December 5, 1933
as Zeepfabrieken N.V. Lever with deed No. 33 created by Mr. A.H. van
Ophuijsen, notary in Batavia. This deed was approved by the Governor General
van Negerlandsch-Indie with letter No. 14 on December 16, 1933, registered at
the Raad van Justitie in Batavia with No. 302 on 22 December 1933 and
published in the Javasche Courant on 9 January 1934 Supplement No. 3.
With deed No. 171 made by a notary Mrs. Kartini Mulyadi dated July 22,
1980, the company name was changed to PT Unilever Indonesia. By deed no. 92
made by a notary Mr. Mudofir Hadi, S.H. dated June 30, 1997, the company name
was changed to PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. This deed was approved by the
Minister of Justice with Decree No. C2-1.049HT.01.04TH.98 dated 23 February
1998 and published in the State Gazette No. 2620 dated 15 May 1998 Supplement
No. 39.

The company registered 15% of its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange
and Surabaya Stock Exchange after obtaining approval from the Chairman of the
Capital Market Implementing Agency (Bapepam) No. SI-009/PM/E/1981 on
November 16, 1981.
At the company's Annual General Meeting on June 24, 2003, the
shareholders agreed to a share split, reducing the par value of the shares from Rp
100 per share to Rp 10 per share. This change was made before a notary with deed
No. 46 made by notary Singgih Susilo, S.H. dated July 10, 2003 and approved by
the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with the
decision no. C-17533 HT.01.04-TH.2003.
The Company is engaged in the production of soap, detergent, margarine,
vegetable oil and foods made from milk, ice cream, food and beverages from tea
and cosmetic products. As approved at the Company's Annual General Meeting on
June 13, 2000, as stated in notarial deed No. 82 made by notary Singgih Susilo,
S.H. dated June 14, 2000, the company also acts as a major distributor and
provides marketing research services. This deed was approved by the Minister of
Law and Legislation (formerly the Minister of Justice) of the Republic of
Indonesia with Decree No. C-18482HT.01.04-TH.2000.
2.1.2 Expansion of PT. Unilever Indonesia

On November 22, 2000, the company entered into an agreement with PT

Anugrah Indah Pelangi, to establish a new company, namely PT Anugrah Lever
(PT AL) which is engaged in the manufacture, development, marketing and sales
of soy sauce, chili sauce and other sauces under the trademark Bango, Parkiet and
Sakura and other brands on the basis of a company license to PT Al.

On July 3, 2002, the company entered into an agreement with Texchem

Resources Berhad, to establish a new company, namely PT Technopia Lever,
which is engaged in the distribution, export and import of goods using the
trademark Domestos Nomos. On November 7, 2003, Texchem Resources Berhad
entered into a share purchase agreement with Technopia Singapore Pte. Ltd., in
which Texchem Resources Berhad agreed to sell its shares in PT Technopia Lever
to Technopia Singapore Pte. Ltd.

At the company's Extraordinary General Meeting on December 8, 2003,
the company received approval from its minority shareholders to acquire shares of
PT Knorr Indonesia (PT KI) from Unilever Overseas Holdings Limited (a related
party). This acquisition took effect on the date of signing of the share purchase
agreement between the company and Unilever Overseas Holdings Limited on
January 21, 2004. On July 30, 2004, the company was merged with PT KI. The
merger is carried out using the same method as the pooling of interest method.
The company is a company that accepts the merger and after the merger PT KI is
no longer a separate legal entity. This merger is in accordance with the approval of
the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) in its letter No. 740/III/PMA/2004
dated 9 July 2004.

In 2007, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Unilever) has signed a conditional

agreement with PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk (Ultra)
regarding the takeover of the fruit juice beverage industry through the transfer of
the “Buavita” and “Gogo” brands from Ultra to Unilever. The agreement was
fulfilled and Unilever and Ultra completed the transaction in January 2008.

Development Chronology

1920-30 Import by van den Bergh, Jurgen and Brothers

1933 Soap factory – Zeepfabrieken NV Lever – Angke, Jakarta

1936 Production of margarine and oil by van den Bergh Factory NV - Angke,

1941 Cosmetics factory – Colibri NV, Surabaya

1942-46 Control by unilever discontinued (World War II)

1965-66 Under government control

1967 Control of business returns to Unilever under the Foreign Investment Law

1981 Go public and listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange

1982 Construction of the Ellida Gibbs factory in Rungkut, Surabaya

1988 Moving Bath Soap Factory from Colibri to Rungkut, Surabaya

1990 Enter the tea business

1992 Opened an ice cream factory

1995 Construction of a detergent and food factory in Cikarang, Bekasi

1996-98 Merged production installations – Cikarang, Rungkut

1999 Liquid Detergent NSD – Cikarang

2000 Goes into the soy sauce business

2001 Opened a tea factory – Cikarang

2002 Opened Jakarta's central distribution center

2003 Entered the mosquito coil business

2004 Entered the snack food business

2005 Opened a liquid shampoo factory – Cikarang

2008 Entered the fruit juice business

2.2 Vision Mission and Objectives of PT. Unilever

The vision that is owned by a company is an ideal about future conditions that
are desired to be realized by all company personnel, starting from the highest level
to the lowest level, even the servants. Mission is a written description of the vision
so that the vision becomes easy to understand or clear for all company staff.

Unilever's vision is "To become the first choice of consumer, customer and
a) Mission
Unilever's mission is:
• To be first and best in class in meeting consumer needs and aspirations
• To be the main partner for customers, consumers and communities.

• Eliminate non-value added activities from all processes.
• To be the company of choice for high performing people.
• Aims to increase profitable growth targets and provide above-average rewards
for employees and shareholders.
• Received honor because of high integrity, care for the community and the
We have always believed in the power of our brand in improving the quality of
people's lives and in doing the right thing. As our business grows, so does our
responsibility. We recognize global challenges such as climate change that
concern us all. Considering the wider impact of our actions is always embedded in
our values and is a fundamental part of who we are.

b) Objectives and Principles

Our corporate goal is that success requires “the highest standards of
corporate behavior towards everyone we work with, the communities we touch
and the environments we impact on.”
Always work with integrity
Operating with integrity and respect for people, our business touch to the
organization and the environment has always been at the center of our corporate
Positive impact
We aim to make a positive impact in many ways: through our brands, through our
commercial activities and relationships, through voluntary contributions, and the
many other ways in which we connect with society.
Ongoing commitment
We are also committed to continuously improving the way we deal with our
environmental impact and working towards our long-term goal of developing a
sustainable business.
Carry out our aspirations
Our corporate goals have given us the aspiration to manage the business. This is
reinforced by our set of business principles that define the operational standards
that all Unilever employees follow, wherever they are around the world. These

regulations also support our approach to government and corporate responsibility.
Work with others
We want to work with resource providers who share our values and standards of
work. The rules on business partners, in line with our rules of business principles,
consist of ten principles covering business integrity and responsibilities related to
employees, consumers and the environment.

2.3 Products and Brands of PT. Unilever

Unilever is one of the world's leading manufacturers of food products. Our
passion for understanding what people want and need from their food - and what
they love about it makes our brands people's choice.
Some of Unilever's products : Surf, Rinso, Buavita, Sunsilk, Taro, Pepsodent,
Molto, Lifebuoy, Clear, Close Up, Citra, Axe, Royco, Kecap Bango, SariWangi,
Blue Band, Wall's, Sunlight, Pond's, Lux, Rexona, Pure It, CIF, Vaseline, Dove,
Domestos Nomos, Viso, Wipol, Vixal, Lipton, She, Molto, SASEBU™.
Bango: Bango, really soy sauce.
Blue Band : Blue band unites hearts with children.
Buavita : Buavita delicious and quality fruit juice
Royco : Empowering Indonesian women and helping meet the nutritional needs of
the family
Sariwangi : The warmth of togetherness with Sariwangi.
Wall's : Wall's brings joy and joy to being together.

For PT. Unilever's brand role is no longer just as a name or as a

differentiator from competing products, but has become a determining factor to

become a "trend setter" in the industry. Many companies are successful because
they have a brand reputation, so they can open distribution in other cities and even
other countries by attracting targeted customers through the strengths of their
brand. A brand that has achieved high equity is a valuable asset for the company.

For this reason, maintaining and increasing brand equity is not an easy job,
because what is being faced is customer expectations. Consumers will feel
“familiar” with the brand name that first entered the market, even though the
brands that entered later performed better. This will lead to greater loyalty to the
first brand and manufacturer.

Customer loyalty is the key to success not only in the short term but a
sustainable competitive advantage. For example, the Lux brand beauty soap,
which is the first beauty soap to enter the market in Indonesia. Lux brand beauty
soap expands its range of bath soap products, which are not only bath soaps in the
form of solid bars but also liquid bath soaps.

Brands need to be perceived as high-quality products, so that consumers

can understand a product only through its existence, function, image and quality.
Quality in the eyes of consumers is more subjective, depending on how
consumers perceive the product. , then the role of the brand can be expanded so as
to be able to provide certain associations in the minds of consumers. A brand will
often be associated with a special function and image. Values based on brands are
often based on the specific associations associated with them.

2.4 Type of Company PT. Unilever

PT Unilever is a multinational company that produces consumer goods

based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The company was founded in 1930. The
company employs 206,000 workers. Manufactures food, beverage, cleaners and
personal consumers.

Why can be categorized as a type of multinational company?

Because PT. Unilever is a company that produces products tailored to local

tastes. One example is, to be better known by the Indonesian people and to win

the hearts of the Indonesian people, Unilever makes products that match
Indonesian tastes, such as Bango soy sauce. Soy sauce is a food made from
soybeans. You could say soy sauce is a typical food from Indonesia.

For this reason, Unilever makes bango soy sauce products for consumption
by the Indonesian people. Although bango soy sauce is not an original product
made by Unilever, the name Unilever is more famous because bango soy sauce is
now a product developed by Unilever. Moreover, the advertisements displayed in
the media about bango soy sauce products reflect the country of Indonesia. With
models originating from Indonesia, this will further build Unilever's image in the
eyes of consumers in Indonesia. Consumers will have a desire to buy bango soy
sauce products because they are impressed to see the advertisements that are
displayed. Although consumers only try to buy the brand, at least the product is
very well known by the public.

2.5 Competitive Strategy of PT. Unilever

Strategy is a general approach (way) taken by an organization or company

to achieve and obtain goals. While tactics are specific ways to implement the
chosen strategy. Now, after we know the difference between the two words, I will
discuss the implementation of Strategic Management and tactics at PT. Unilever
Indonesia Tbk.

PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. is a multinational company that markets a

wide range of consumer goods to meet their daily nutritional, health and personal
care needs with products that make users feel good, look good and enjoy life

In the face of competition between companies, PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk

has prepared strategies and tactics in the face of competition between companies,
to make it easier for us to understand how PT. Unilever penetrates the market, I
share several excellent ways that this company does, including:

There are several surefire ways that this company does in order to stay
competitive in the midst of a tight market especially from their competitors,

Unilever's main competitors are Prector & Gamble and Kraft Foods which had
sales in approximately 140-150 different countries in 2003 and Nestle, including
Unilever's main rival, has market penetration in almost every country in the world
(proof that Unilever is a global company). Other competitors: PT Wings, PT Kao,
PT Mandom, PT Johnson & Johnson. In addition, Unilever must have the ability
to anticipate trends and consumer needs and then fulfill their needs in various
ways that are acceptable to the public, including marketing strategies;

a) Product Differentiation

Product differentiation is a competitive strategy which emphasizes high

creativity in creating unique products that are more attractive, cool, safe,
comfortable, fun, friendly, skilled, insightful, and able to manifest in everyday life
so that they are more attractive to consumers compared to competing products.

In product differentiation, Unilever has a winning with brand and

innovation strategy, the key being the development of new and effective products,
especially in the hair, male grooming, home and personal, and food and beverages
categories last year.

In addition to the product uniqueness factor, companies that have

competitive advantages also apply a marketing mix strategy that includes
competitive prices, strategic places or locations, and adequate promotions. The
conclusion that can be drawn from the concept of competitive advantage through
product differentiation is how companies can create unique products. which
provides an above-average level of profit that can be achieved by industry through
a combination of people, environment and processes.

Unilever products continue to introduce new packaging, but Unilever still

maintains the quality of its products. Be it glass bottles, sachets, small bottles and
many more.

b) Low Price Leadership

By keeping prices low and shelves well stocked using its legendary stock
replenishment system, Wal-Mart is becoming the retail business leader in the

United States. Wal-Mart's milli system sends orders for new merchandise directly
to suppliers when customers pay for their purchases at the cashier. Point-of-sale
terminals record the item code of each item that passes through the checkout and
send the purchase transaction directly to Wal-Mart's central computer. Computers
collect orders from all wai-mart stores and send them to suppliers. Suppliers can
also access wal-mart sales and inventory data using web technology. This system
is able to enable wal-mart to keep costs low while adjusting its inventory to meet
customer demands.

c) Product Segmentation

Unilever creates its own brand for each product, thus dividing the market
for its soap products into 3 brands, namely Lux (for women's beauty with all the
benefits of Lux soap), Lifebuoy (Family-health) and Dove (true beauty because
beauty knows no age). , race and other limitations as well as highlighting the
peculiarities of its formula which until now has not been imitated by any soap
producer), or how Sosro divides its consumers based on the types of bottled tea
products Sosro (general), Estea (likes more volume/content) and Fruit tea ( young
people/especially schoolchildren who like fruit-flavored teas & tend to like sweet
tastes). Unilever not only responds to the needs of its market but also ensures that
its competitors think twice before entering the competitive arena.

Sales and sales promotion approaches will be effective and efficient if they are
designed by applying a regionalization pattern or applied in certain regions or
regions. Unilever has implemented a regionalization pattern because Unilever
already has factories or branch companies in each country. This is done so that
each country can buy products that are in accordance with the wishes and habits
of consuming products that are very closely related to the taste of their country.

a) Focus on Market Opportunities

Unilever products use a customer information system that is different from the
others, products enter the market by promoting their goods by going directly to
the community with real quality evidence, for example by holding competitions
for the public to compare Unilever products with products. -Other competitors'

b) Strengthening Familiarity with Customers and Suppliers

Use information systems to facilitate direct access from suppliers to production

schedules and even allow suppliers to decide how and when to deliver supplies to
suppliers. In addition, Unilever also conducts consumer questions and answers
and makes consumer voices where consumers complain at PT. Unilever
Indonesia, the promotion is mostly done through electronic media. However, in
daily life, promotions carried out by PT. Unilever Indonesia not only through
electronic media but also through print media, sponsorships, holding events.

c) Sales or Promotion Strategy

Promotion strategy that can be done by PT. Unilever are:

• Advertising → any form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas,

goods or services that is paid for by a particular sponsor.

• Sales Promotion → Various short-term incentives to encourage the desire to try

or buy a product or service.

• Public Relations and Publicity → various programs to promote and/or protect

the image of the company or its individual products.

• Personal Selling → direct interaction with one or more potential buyers to make
presentations, answer questions, and receive messages

• Direct Marketing → the use of mail, telephone, facsimile, e-mail, and other non-
personal contact tools to communicate directly with or obtain an immediate
response from specific customers and prospects.

However, with the increasing times, increasingly fierce market competition, the
development of various types of new media and increasingly sophisticated
consumers, the Promotion Strategy is formulated as:

• Advertising

• Consumer Sales Promotion

• Trade Promotion and Co-Marketing

• Packaging. Point Of Purchase

• Personal Selling

• Public relations

• Brand Publicity

• Corporate Advertising

• The Internet

• Direct Marketing

• Experiential contact: Event, sponsorship

• Customer Service

• Word Of Mouth

d) Human Resources Strategy

Human resource management activities revolve around the procurement, use and
maintenance of human resources. In order for the three main activities to run
smoothly, it is necessary to prepare a reliable system. The procurement stage
includes HR planning, recruitment, selection and orientation. The use stage needs
to pay attention to the compatibility between the capabilities of human resources
and what are their duties and responsibilities. It is also necessary to pay attention
to matters regarding the opportunity to receive training and education,
supervision, performance appraisal, compensation and guarantees for protection
and occupational health. Finally, at the human resource maintenance stage, the
goal is how to make employees feel satisfied at work.

One of Unilever's strengths lies in the quality of human resources. Unilever

regularly recruits new graduates from leading universities. After that, they are
given three months of training in production, marketing and finance systems.
They do not work immediately but are trained in various fields such as
manufacturing, marketing , research and development. Currently, Unilever

employs 3,000 workers directly, this does not include indirect workers. The total
workforce absorbed is 25,000 people. If it is assumed that one person has four
family members, the company will bear the fate of around 100,000 people.

Developing HR for Growth

Growth is a topic that is commonly discussed and is a major concern at Unilever
Indonesia. Our view of employees is embodied in our vision: 'developing Human
Resources for growth'. In order for the company to continue to grow, employees
also need to be continuously nurtured and developed. Synergies must be created
between company strategy and employee development. In order to achieve the
best results, our strategy must be based on the dynamics between the organization
and its people. face competition.
For us, developing employees is not enough to hone their intellect and skills, but
also to approach them emotionally by touching their hearts. We want a team of
energetic people who strive to exceed their business goals and do it simply
because they want to while enjoying the process of achieving them.
Cultivating Leadership
We are aware that our most important asset is the right human resources. That is
why we invest a lot of time and effort in employee development. This approach
fully covers individual needs, responsibilities and performance. We identify
individuals with potential and the best work results, then develop them through
placements in various fields of work and training. There is special emphasis on
young managers who need appropriate coaching programs. Through the
Leadership Growth Profile we develop plans for their respective development
programs. To achieve the goals, the company continues to raise the bar to
eliminate poor performance and push people out of the “establishment zone”, so
that they are challenged and strive to achieve their best.
a) Operations Strategy
On the operations side, Unilever Indonesia pays attention to the efficiency and
effectiveness of water use at the Rungkut factory, East Java in a winning with
continuous improvement strategy. The issue of water and sanitation scarcity has
not gone unnoticed by Unilever Indonesia. “By reducing the amount of production
waste, we create efficiencies and lower costs, which in turn will increase margins

and reduce risk.
b) Information Technology Strategy
Many strategies are used by companies, especially in the field of information
technology to improve company efficiency. PT. Unilever operates Integrated
Marketing Communication (IMC). This strategy is the company's effort to
integrate and coordinate all communication channels to deliver its message in a
clear, consistent and powerful way about its product organizations.
IMC (according to the book Advertising Management; chapter 3) is a concept of
marketing communications planning that introduces the added value of a
comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of various communication
disciplines—e.g. general advertising, direct response, sales promotion, and PR—
and combines these disciplines. this discipline to provide clarity, consistency and
maximum communication impact.
In simple terms, IMC can be defined as "The process of managing customer
relationships that drives brand value." Specifically, IMC can be defined as “a
process that has the cross-functional function of creating and maintaining
profitable relationships with customers and other stakeholders by strategically
controlling and influencing all messages sent to these groups and driving a
purposeful dialogue to them.”
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is one of the processes available to
build customer relationships. What distinguishes IMC from other customer-centric
processes is that the basis of the process is communication, which is at the heart of
all relationships, and is also a circular process.
As mentioned above, the basic concept of IMC is communication. With this
communication, IMC strives to maximize positive messages and minimize
negative messages from a brand, with the aim of creating and sustaining brand
relationships. To build long-term relationships, IMC is also used to build and
strengthen the brand. A positive brand relationship will also generate profits and
increase shareholder value for the company.

3.1 Conclusion
a) PT Unilever is a multinational company that produces consumer goods
headquartered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The company was founded in 1930.
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (the company) was founded on December 5, 1933 as
Zeepfabrieken N.V. Lever with deed No. 33 created by Mr. A.H. van Ophuijsen,
notary in Batavia. The company employs 206,000 workers. Manufactures food,
beverage, cleaners and personal consumers.
b) Unilever's vision is “To become the first choice of consumer, customer and
Unilever's mission is:
• To be first and best in class in meeting consumer needs and aspirations
• To be the main partner for customers, consumers and communities.
• Eliminate non-value added activities from all processes.
• To be the company of choice for high performing people.
• Aims to increase profitable growth targets and provide above-average rewards
for employees and shareholders.
• Received honor because of high integrity, care for the community and the
c) PT. Unilever is a company that produces food, beverages, cleaners and personal
consumers. Such as some Unilever products: Surf, Rinso, Buavita, Sunsilk, Taro,
Pepsodent, Molto, Lifebuoy, Clear, Close Up, Citra, Ax, Royco, Kecap Bango,
For Unilever, a brand is no longer just a name, but has become a determining
factor in competing. If the company is able to attract target customers through the
strengths of their brand, then the company will easily take a great position in
international business. A brand that has achieved high equity is a valuable asset
for the company.
d) PT Unilever is a multinational company that produces consumer goods

headquartered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. PT. Unilever is a company that
produces products tailored to local tastes.
e) The strategy used by PT Unilever is a general approach (method) carried out by
an organization or company to achieve and obtain goals. While tactics are specific
ways to implement the chosen strategy.
The competitive strategy used by PT. Unilever are as follows:

• Product differentiation
• Low Price Leadership
• Market segmentation
• Focus on market opportunities
• Strengthening relationships with customers and suppliers
• Sales or promotion strategy
• Human resource strategy
• Operations strategy
• Information Technology Strategy

3.2 Criticism and Suggestions

a) Criticism
We are fully aware that the paper that we have presented is still far from being
perfect, and therefore with great humility we as authors sincerely ask for criticism
and suggestions from our Advisors, fellow students and also the readers of our
paper, for improvement, as well as our performance in compiling all forms of
assignments that we will receive in the future.
b) Suggestions
Our suggestion for companies is that companies should improve their product
sales strategies in more innovative ways and improve products in terms of quality
so that consumers do not easily switch to products from other brands.
The approach to consumers has been very good by providing stimulants that are
rarely done by competing companies. There needs to be a follow-up and the
development of new innovations so that consumers do not feel bored and avoid

pilots from competing companies.
Always pay attention to the safety and feasibility of products that will be
given/distributed to consumers, either through various forms of setting world
industrial and commercial standards or often called ISO (International
Organization for Standardization).



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