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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I- Ilocos Region
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan Name of Office:



Name:______________________________ LRN :____________________________Score__________

Grade & Section:______________________Teacher:________________________________________


DIRECTION. Choose the letter of the best answer. Blacken the letter that corresponds to your answers.

1. One of the most important and influential of the 20th century composers was Claude
Debussy. He was the primary exponent of the impressionist movement and the focal point
for other impressionist composers.One of his works is a highly imaginative and atmospheric
symphonic work for orchestra about the sea is called___________.
a. La Mer b. Images c. Estampes d. String Quartet
2. A waltz with a frightening undertone that had been composed for ballet and arranged as
well as for solo and duo piano by Maurice Ravel.
a. La Valse b. Daphnis et Chloe c. Sonatine for Piano d. Rhapsodie Espagnole
3. It refers to a looser form of 20th century music development focused on nationalist
composers and musical innovators who sought to combine modern techniques with folk
a. Avant Garde b. Expressionism c. Neo-classicism d.Modern nationalism
4. A 20 century style associated with electronic music and dealt with the parameters or
dimensions of sound in space. It made use of variations of self-contained note groups to
change musical continuity, and Improvisation, with an absence of traditional rules on
harmony, melody, and rhythm.
a. Avant Garde b. Expressionism c. Neo-classicism d.Modern nationalism
5. He was one of the founders of the impressionist movement. He is considered the most
influential figure in the movement. He is best known for his landscape paintings, particularly
those depicting his beloved flower gardens and water lily ponds at his home in Giverny.
a.Claude Monet b. Edouard Manet c. Auguste Renoir d. Vincent van Gogh
6. Vincent van Gogh was a post-impressionist painter from The Netherlands. His works were
remarkable for their strong, heavy brush strokes, intense emotions, and colors that
appeared to almost pulsate with energy. The following are work of art of Gogh EXCEPT:
a. The Sower b. Starry Night c. Boy in a Red Vest d. Bedroom at Aries
7. Style in expressionism characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, and visual tricks
and surprises.
a. dadaism b. fauvism c. surrealism d. social realism
8. It is a contemporary art form that uses sculptural materials and other media to modify the
way the viewer experiences a particular space. Usually life size or sometimes even larger,
this art is not necessarily confined to gallery spaces. It can be constructed or positioned in
everyday public or private spaces, both indoor and outdoor.
a. Op Art b. Installation Art c. Performance Art d. Pop Art
9. The following are art styles under abstractionism EXCEPT:
a. cubism b. futurism c. social realism d. mechanical style

10. The way in which an individual lives. It includes the typical patterns of an individual’s
behavior like everydayroutine at home , in school, or at work ; eating, sleeping, and exercise
habits, and many others.
a. Lifestyle b. Daily Routine c. Physical Activities d. Recreational Activities
11. The following are unhealthy practices that cause diseases and illnesses EXCEPT:
a. eating fruits and vegetables
b. skipping meals on a regular basis
c. minimizing intake of deep fried food
d. choosing to eat home cooked meals rather than buying fast food items
12. Kathleen eats a lot of fast food items like burgers and fries. Due to these unhealthy
eating habits, Kathleen identified as obese in her BMI test. It was suggested that Kathleen
should exert more effort on physical activities but less food intake. Which of the following
can be best describe to attain a normal weight?
a. Weight Gainb. Weight Loss c. Weight Management d. Weight Maintenance
13. If Kenneth’s weight is 65 kg and his height is 1.70m, what will be his Body Mass Index?
a. 20.49 b. 21.49 c. 22.49 d. 23.49
14. Using the computed BMI of Kenneth, what is the classification of his BMI?
Classification BMI
Underweight <18.5
Normal 18.5-24.9
Overweight 25.0-29.9
Obesity (I) 30.0-34.9
Obesity (II) 35.0-39.9
Extreme Obesity (III) ≥40.0
a. Obese b. Normal c. Overweight d. Underweight
15. An unhealthy lifestyle brings with it certain diseases that can shorten your lifespan.
These diseases, known as non-communicable diseases( NCD’s), are not transmitted from
one person to person, yet kill more than 36 million people each year. The following are main
types of NCD’s EXCEPT:
a. cancer b. diabetes c. tuberculosis d. chronic respiratory diseases
16. Adrian wants to test his cardiovascular endurance. What physical fitness test should he
try to assess his fitness level and maintain his health status?
a. juggling b. basic plank c. zipper test d. 3-minute step test
17. The following are fitness parameters for Health Related Fitness EXCEPT:
a. agility b. strength c. flexibility d. muscular endurance
18. The following are fitness parameters for Skills Related Fitness EXCEPT:
a. power b. speed c. balance d. body composition
19. It refers to the ability to start (or accelerate), stop ( or decelerate and stabilize), and
change direction quickly, while maintaining posture.
a. agility b. flexibility c. coordination d. cardiovascular endurance
20. The following are social benefits of active participation in sports and recreational
activities EXCEPT:
a. bonding with family and friends
b. release of stress from demands of every living
c. strengthen social networks and community identity
d. opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances
21. Service, lob, clear, drive, drop, smash and footwork are skills that you need to develop
when playing what sports?
a. Baseball b. Badminton c. Table Tennis d. Football/Soccer
22. The following are skills that should be develop in playing volleyball EXCEPT:
a. digging b. blocking c. attacking d. dribbling
23. Media might have persuaded you to eat such food. What factor that drives food choices
with that statement?
a. Habit b. Economy c. Availability d. Advertisement
24. You like the way such food taste. What factor that drives food choices with that
a. Availability b. Advertisement c. Nutritional value d. Personal preference
25. Doctor who specializes in the disorders of the respiratory system.
a. Dentist b. Optometrist c. Gynecologist d. Pulmonologist
26. The following are health information that is scientifically proven EXCEPT:
a. Warts are contagious.
b. Circumcision is done for hygienic purposes only.
c. Touching hands of people with HIV may infect you with such.
d. Healthy people who eat a balanced diet do not need supplements.
27. It is an institution where people undergo medical diagnosis, care and treatment. It offers
different types of medical care like inpatient and outpatient care.
a. Hospital b. Health Center c. Walk-In Surgery Center d. Extended Healthcare Facility
28. A facility that provides treatment, nursing care, and residential services to patients, often
the elderly.
a. Hospital b. Health Center c. Walk-In Surgery Center d. Extended Healthcare Facility
29. Alternative medicine practice where needles are inserted in some specific of the body to
affect the energy flow. It is believed to treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions.
a. Acupressure b. Acupuncture c. Reflexology d. Ventosa cupping massage therapy
30. The following are herbal medicine approved by the DOH EXCEPT:
a. bawang b. bayabas c. lagundi d. oregano
31. A herbal medicine approved by DOH use to control blood pressure.
a. bawang b. bayabas c. lagundi d. oregano
32. This right of the consumer guarantees, survival, adequate food, clothing, shelter,
healthcare, education and sanitation.
a. Right to Choose b. Right to Safety c. Right to Basic Needs d. Right to Representation
33. This right of consumer to be protected against the marketing of goods or the provision of
services that are hazardous to health and life.
a. Right to Choose b. Right to Safety c. Right to Basic Needs d. Right to Representation
34. It is a law that protects the interest of the consumer, promotes general welfare, and
establishes standards of conduct for business and industry.
a. Consumer Act
b. Comprehensive Dangerous Act
c. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act
d. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
35. Specialty hospitals handle a particular disease or condition or deal with only one type of
patient. The following are specialty hospitals EXCEPT:
a. Philippine Heart Center
b. Philippine General Hospital
c. Lung Center of the Philippines
d. National Kidney Transplant Institute
36. When evaluating health information and products, this tells about the accuracy,
disclaimer, and completeness of information.
a. content b. disclosure c. credibility d. interactivity
37. Skill-related component of physical fitness that refers to the ability to perform complex
motor skills with smooth, flow of motion.
a. agility b. coordination c. muscular endurance d. cardiovascular endurance
38. Passing, receiving, serving, attacking, digging and blocking are skills that you need to
develop in what sports?
a. tennis b. basketball c. volleyball d. table tennis
39. Ankle sprains, jammed fingers, knee injuries, deep thigh bruising and foot fractures are
common injuries in what sports?
a. badminton b. basketball c. volleyball d. table tennis
40. It is information that people require to make wise choices and decisions about their
health of other people.
a. health products b. health services c. health information d. health professionals
41. This procedure is done by placing inverted glasses that have flames from burning cotton,
on specific points in the body. It is believed to relieve muscle and joint pains.
a. Acupressure b. Acupuncture c. Reflexology d. Ventosa cupping massage therapy
42. It refers to approach treatment of a medical condition by providing a tailored diet for the
a. Acupunture b. Reflexology c. Nutrition Therapy d. Ventosa cupping massage therapy
43. Form of quackery that make use of miraculous gadgets such as gauges, electrodes,
magnets, and blinkers that are believed to cure certain health conditions.
a. device quackery b. health quackery c. medical quackery d. nutrition quackery
44. When evaluating health information and products, this tells about the source and
decency of the information.
a. content b. disclosure c. credibility d. interactivity
45. A herbal medicine approved by the DOH for ringworm and other skin fungal infection.
a. bayabas b. lagundi c. akapulco d. sambong
46. A herbal medicine approved by DOH for non-insulin dependent diabetic patients.
a. bawang b. bayabas c. ampalaya d. tsaang gubat
47. Doctor who specializes in problems of the skin.
a.urologist b. cardiologist c. dermatologist d. pulmonologist
48. Doctor who specializes in problems of the bones.
a.orthopedist b. pediatrician c. pulmonologist d. ophathalmologist
49. The following are agencies that we can approach to report illegal and fraudulent health
products and services EXCEPT:
a. DOH b. DTI c. FDA d. PNP
50. It is a facility that offers surgery without the patient being admitted in the hospital.
a. Hospital b. Health Center c. Walk-In Surgery Center d. Extended Healthcare Facility

Prepared by: Recommending Approval:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher III

Approved :

Teacher In-Charge

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I- Ilocos Region
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan Name of Office:

Answer Key

1. A 26.C
2. A 27.A
3. D 28.D
4. A 29.B
5. A 30.B
6. C 31.A
7. A 32.C
8. B 33.B
9. C 34. A
10. A 35. B
11. B 36. A
12.B 37. B
13.C 38. C
14.B 39. B
15.C 40. C
16.D 41. D
17.A 42. C
18.D 43.A
19.A 44.C
20.B 45.C
21.B 46.C
22.D 47.C
23.D 48.A
24.D 49.D
25.D 50.C

Prepared by: Recommending Approval:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher III

Approved :

Teacher In-Charge


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