WHLP - Grade 9 - Q1 - Week 4

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Weekly Home Learning Plan

Quarter 1- Week 4, November 9 -November 21, 2020

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Monday Delivery and Distribution of Self-Learning Kits (SLKs)

8:00 - 9:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!

9:00 - 9:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.


9:30 - 11:30 TLE MELC I.Review (Recall): Word Hunt The parent/guardian can
Care Giving • Plan responses II.Short Discussion. Challenging drop the output in the
o Define difficult or behavior is also known as “behavior assigned drop-box in
challenging behavior which challenges” their barangay on the
o Enumerate the III.Lesson Proper: scheduled date of
characteristics of difficult • Definition of the word difficult or submission.
challenging behavior
or challenging behavior
• Different types of difficult or
• Respond the early signs of
challenging behavior
• Characteristics of difficult or
challenging behavior
• Activity 2. Identification
• Activity 3. Completion
IV.Generalization. We should monitor
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

and address their needed support for

them to achieve such normal life
V.Application. What do you think is the
most essential trat should a future
caregiver must possess in order to
establish therapeutic relationship?
i. Underline the correct answer
ii. Write at least five causes of mental
I. iii. Written response

Cookery Perform Mise en Place From the SLM, consider the following The parent/guardian can
1. Identify tools and lessons: drop the output in the
equipment needed in the assigned drop-box in
preparation of appetizers 1. Tools and equipment in preparing their barangay on the
2. Clean, sanitize and Appetizers. scheduled date of
prepare tools, utensils and 2. Classifications of appetizers, submission.
equipment based on the ingredients, and its nutritional
required tasks. value.
3. Classify appetizers
according to ingredients Answer the following activity:
Identify ingredients according to Activity 1: Identify the term/s described in
the given recipe each item
Activity 2: Identify the term/s described in
each item
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

I. Identify the term/s described in
each item
II. Matching type: Match column A
to column B

Application: Roam around your kitchen,

backyard, and even in our market if
possible and list atleast 20 probable
ingredients that could be used in
preparing appetizers and identify the
classification of appetizers where it can be

EPAS • Participate in process Identify what stage of PDCA Cycle is Personal submission by
improvement procedures being described in each item below the parent/learner to the
in relation to workplace 1. Implement corrective action barangay council/
assignment 2. Monitor the trends in the process teacher in school.
• Carry out work according 3. Think creatively to determine the
to process improvement best approach to solve the problem
4. Study the problem
5. Document the process and revised
Monitor performance of the implementation plan
operation or quality of product 6. Use data gathering tool to collect
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

or service to ensure customer 7. Compare obtained results against

satisfaction expected results from the plan you
have created
8. Analyze the situation
9. If the results are not as expected,
repeat the Plan / Do / Check / Act
Identify what Quality Improvement
Tool is being described in the items
1. It is used to test for cause and effect
2. It can be made up of numerous boxes,
symbols, and Instructional steps. 3. It
puts data in a hierarchical order which
allows the most significant problems to
be corrected first.
4. It indicates the process steps in the
appropriate sequence, the conditions in
those steps, and the related constraints
by using elements such as arrows,
yes/no choices, or if/then statements 5. It
is the undesirable outcome is shown as
effect, and related causes are shown
leading to, the said effect.
6. It is a graphical representation of the
distribution of data.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

7. It is the major areas of potential

causes are shown as the main bones 8.
It prove that a relationship exists and
how strong it is. 9. It shows how many
times an event occur.
10.It help operators spot problems by
showing the frequency of a particular
defect and how often it occurs in a specific

TLE-Bread and TYPES, KINDS AND Week 1 (November 9- 17, 2020) Modules are delivered
Pastry CLASSIFICATION OF BAKERY 1. Read the discussions and examples. through the help of
Production PRODUCTS 2. Understand the different types of barangay officials and
• Prepare a variety of bakery products. (page 3-4) the Philippine National
bakery products according 3.Understand the types, kinds and Police (PNP).The parent
to standard mixing classifications of pie and pastry. (page 5- can drop the output in the
procedures/ formulation/ 6) assigned drop-box in the
recipes and desired 4. Understand the types, kinds and barangay where the
product characteristics. classification of quick breads. (page 6-7) learner resides and shall
• Classify the different Enrichment Activity (Activity sheet) be retrieved by PNP on
bakery products. 5. Research the recipe in making pizza the scheduled date of
Differentiate the characteristics of pie and egg pie. Watch in Youtube.com submission
the different bakery products. how to bake egg pie and pizza pie and
answer the following questions in the
answer sheet.
Week 2 (November 17- 23, 2020)
1. Read and understand the different
types, kinds and classification of cakes,
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

cookies, yeast bread and types of yeast

dough. (page 7-9)
2. Know the fun facts in baking and
Internalize the generalization on page 10.
3. Accomplish activity 1, assessment,
application and analysis activities on
page 10-14.

11:30 - 1:00 Lunch Break

1:00 - 3:00 MATH 1. Solve problems involving Read on the discussion part of the The parent/guardian can
quadratic equations and lesson, study the illustrative examples drop the output in the
rational algebraic expressions. then answer the activities/exercises assigned drop-box in
(M9AL-ie-1) embodied on the SLM. their barangay on the
Use separate sheets for your answers scheduled date of
and show solutions. submission.

Answer Activities 1-4.

Analyze and solve. Show your solutions.

Asked the assistance/guidance from

parents/guardian/elder siblings/ subject
teacher if needed.

Answer the assessment part.

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


9:30 - 11:30 ENGLISH MELC: SLK 1 Modular Distance

EN9G-IIg-20: Use conditionals Week 1 Quarter 1 Learning
in expressing arguments LESSON PROPER
A. Review/ Motivation (Modules will be
Objectives Observe the pictures of superheroes and distributed and collected
a. distinguish first conditionals complete the sentence. with the help of barangay
from zero conditionals; officials).
b. construct sentences using B. Short Discussion
Read the short discussion about Second
the first conditionals; and Conditionals.
c. write an essay using first
conditional sentences. C. Exercises
Activity 1
Identify the statements expressed as
second conditional. Put a check mark (✓)
for affirmative answers. Otherwise, leave
it blank.

Activity 2
Read the article and answer the
comprehension questions about the
reading text. Write your answer in
complete sentence.

Activity 3
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Supply appropriate result clause to the

given situations to create Second
Conditional sentences.

Assessment 1.
In a complete sentence, answer the
questions honestly

Assessment 2
Pretend you are one of the prominent
people in the world. Write answers to the
questions using Second Conditional

Assessment 3.
Write ONE paragraph using second
conditional sentences. This should
answer the question, “If I could go for a
time travel, what era would you like to go?
And what are you going to do there?”

11:30 - 1:00 Lunch Break

1:00 - 3:00 Edukasyon sa May mga pangangailangan ang Mula sa SLM, gawin ang mga Ang magulang ang
Pagpapakatao tao na hindi niya makakamtan sumusunod: magpapasa ng output sa
• Paunang Gawain drop-box na nasa
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

bilang indibidwal na makakamit Gawain 1: Mga Pangangailangang barangay hall sa petsa

niya lamang sa pamahalaan o Kailangang Makamtan ng pagpasa.
organisadong pangkat tulad ng
mga pangangailangang Gawain 2: Suliraning Panlipunan
pangkultural, at


9:30 - 11:30 MUSIC SLK 1 The parent/guardian can

(one MAPEH Week 3 Quarter 1 drop the output in the
component ⚫ Relates Medieval, assigned drop-box in
per week) Renaissance and Baroque Lesson Proper their barangay on the
music to the other art forms Review/Motivation scheduled date of
and its history within the era. Before you begin, read, and follow all the submission .
instructions correctly.
Do the task given before going to the
discussion. An activity provided for you to

Short Discussion
You are going to read silently the given
A. Music of Medieval Period
B. Music of Renaissance Period
C. Music of Baroque Period
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Answer the following:
Exercise 1: True or False
Exercise 2: Fill in the blank
Exercise 3: Give the relationship of a
certain words

Complete the phrases


I. Classification
II. Matching Type
III. Multiple Choices

ARTS Lesson Proper The parent/guardian can

⚫ Reflects on and derives the Review/Motivation drop the output in the
mood, idea, or message from Activity 1: I AM FAMOUS! WHO AM I? assigned drop-box in
their barangay on the
selected artworks
scheduled date of
Short Discussion submission .
Sculpture is one of the oldest known art
that is still popular until today. It is an art
form that shows three dimensions and
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

uses may different materials like wood,

rock, clay, etc.
A. Pre-historic era
B. Classical era
C. Medieval era


Things to ponder.

Using the rubrics provided, this will guide
you in doing the task in:
Application 1: GEOMETRIC PAPER
Application 2: ROCK SCULPTURE

PHYSICAL ⚫ Involves oneself in Lesson Proper The parent/guardian can

EDUCATION community services Review/Motivation drop the output in the
through sports officiating Answer the given exercise. assigned drop-box in
and physical activity Follow the direction correctly. their barangay on the
programs scheduled date of
Short Discussion submission .
Read the text about learn Sports
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

ACTIVITY 1. Personal Requirements Of
Officiating Officials That Involved In
Community Services Through Sports
ACTIVITY 2. We Enjoy Physical Activity
Programs In Our Community

The Value of sports and recreation

Read and answer be sure to follow the
instruction given.

Assessment 1 : Match Column A to B
Assessment 2 : Essay
Assessment 3 : Essay situational

HEALTH ⚫ Discusses the issues of Lesson Proper The parent/guardian can

environmental issues. Review/Motivation drop the output in the
Follow the direction correctly. assigned drop-box in
their barangay on the
Short discussion scheduled date of
Read some vocabularies the lesson submission .
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Activity 1: Crossword Puzzle: Find Me!
Activity 2: COMPLETE ME!
Activity 3: ANSWER ME!

Things to ponder


Do what is asked you to do. Always read
the directions before you begin.
Assessment 1. TRUE OR FALSE
Assessment 2. ARRANGE ME!
Assessment 3. EASY…ESSAY!

11:30 - 1:00 Lunch Break

1:00 - 3:00 SCIENCE Explain the different patterns of LESSON TITLE: The parent/guardian can
non-Mendelian inheritance - Location of Genes in drop the output in the
(S9LT-Id-29) Chromosomes assigned drop-box in
their barangay on the
A. REVIEW / MOTIVATION scheduled date of
submission before the
month ends.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

• Short recall on lifestyles affecting the

respiratory and circulatory systems.

Reflect on the word “PAMANA”. What did

you inherit from your parents?


Read and understand each short

discussion. This will serve as guide in
answering the the following activities.

After reading each short discussion,
answer all the activities intended for you.
Use the answer sheet provided for your
answers. Remember to follow and
understand instructions.
Activity 1. Fill up the table with the
necessary information about
inherited traits from your parents
on page 4. Answer Identification on
page 5.
Activity 2. Illustrate the sequence
of the composition of
chromosomes using a graphic
organizer on page 6. Answer
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Matching Type and Base pairs on

page 7.
Activity 3. Perform the DNA
Modelling on page 8. Cut out the
following base figures at the end of
your module. Use long bond paper
for your model. Answer the guide
questions in your answer sheet.
Internalize concepts on page 10. Reflect
and answer briefly the Application part on
the same page.

Evaluate Learner’s Understanding by
answering the “ASSESSMENT” on pages
For further readings, you may
access the links indicated on your
references found on page 13.


9:30 - 11:30 FILIPINO • Naihahambing ang ilang Mula sa SLK gawin ang mga Ang magulang ang
piling pangyayari sa sumusunod: magpapasa ng output sa
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

napanood na telenobela Pagtalakay sa Aralin: Pagsulat at drop-box na nasa

sa ilang piling kaganapan pagtukoy kung anong uri ng barangay hall sa petsa
sa Lipunang Asyano sa paghahambing ang mga salitang ng pagpasa.
kasalukuyan. nakasulat ng madiin.

Pagbasa at pag-unawa sa talakayan.

Pagsasanay 1: Tukuyin at salungguhitan

ang salitang nahahambing na ginamit sa
bawat pangungusap saka uriin kung
pahambing na magkatulad o pahambing
na di magkatulad.

Pagsasanay 2: Paghahambing sa
telenobela sa kasalukuyang panahon.

Pagsasanay 3: Bumuo ng pangungusap

gamit ang naibigay na salitang

I. Uriin ang mga salita o
panlaping nasa ibaba kung ito
ay pahambing na magkatulad
o di magkatulad
II. Paggawa ng paghahambing
gamit ang mga salitang nasa
loob ng kahon
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

III. Pagsagot sa mga katanungan

11:30 - 1:00 Lunch Break

1:00 - 3:00 ARALING Natatalakay ang mga salik ng Mula sa SLM, gawin ang mga Ang magulang ang
PANLIPUNAN produksyon at ang sumusunod: magpapasa ng output sa
implikasyon nito sa pang- Gawain 1: Checklist drop-box na nasa
Gawain 2: Concept Map barangay hall sa petsa
araw-araw na pamumuhay.
Gawain 3: Palalimin ang Kaalaman: ( ng pagpasa.
Gawain 4: TRAIN MAP
Gawain 5: Supplayan Mo
Gawain 6: Poster Making

Sagutan ang bahaging Pagtataya


9:30 - 11:30 Self-Assessment Tasks; Portfolio Preparation; Finalization of Answer Sheets and Outputs

11:30 - 1:00 Lunch Break

1:00 - 4:00 Self-Assessment Tasks; Portfolio Preparation; Finalization of Answer Sheets and Outputs

4:00 onwards Family Time

Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional
monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.

Prepared by:

Teacher III/Class Adviser

Checked by:

Head Teacher III


School Principal IV

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