ADBR302 - Assignment 3

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ADBR302 - Assignment 3

Sachin Patil
Brand - RedBull

Big Idea - ‘Where focus goes, energy flows.’

RedBull ads are mostly focused on a comic way of portraying their brand. This
campaign will be less on the comic side but will give a little insight into the focus
1. Outdoor (Billboard)
2. Television

The advertisement starts with a guy sitting in his office and its almost 12 at night.
Really sleepy and tired but has a load of work load and has to complete his
deadlines. He looks around but he is the only one working. In the corner of his
office he looks at the fridge. He finds a RedBull inside.
He drinks it and suddenly starts feeling energetic. Cut scene its 6 in the morning
and done with his work.
He leaves the table. And the camera focuses on the table where an empty Redbull
can is kept. With a little sunlight coming through the window. Background voice
says ‘Where focus goes, energy flows’.
3. Digital

For digital I am thinking of a Snapchat filter and a digital vending machine at a mall.
In Snapchat it is a normal filter. For the digital screen on the vending machine it has
a small puzzle where it focuses on the reflex on the person standing in front by
touching wherever the screen tells you to. By clearing that the person gets a 50%
discount on the can of RedBull. And the tagline appears on the screen, ‘Where
focus goes, energy flows’.
5. Direct Mail
4. Radio

RedBull - Ad starts with a thunder storm and has fast energetic music in its
background. A voice starts talking, “RedBull energy drink, everyones talking it's
the best tasting and fast acting energy drink ever made. Formulated by the leading
nutritionists and fit for all kinds of lifestyles. It has the perfect amount of flavour
and energy to keep you going on and on, at work, the gym, the club, at home, just
anywhere you can think of. RedBull energy drink, gives you winggs.”
This ad is timed between 35-40 seconds.

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