Relationships Between Project Size, Agile Practices, and Successful Software Development

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Relationships A TYPICAL RESPONSE when con-

fronted with increased size and com-
plexity of work is to implement more

Between Project
planning and management formal-
ism.1 Agile software development
methods, on the other hand, aim to

Size, Agile
remove or reduce much of the tradi-
tional project management formal-
ism. Does this mean that agile works
mainly for smaller projects, 2 or do ag-

Practices, and ile methods also work well for larger

projects?3, 4 The available empirical
evidence does not provide a definitive

answer. Additionally, the evidence
does not give much insight into when,
if at all, agile methods tend to work

well for larger projects. This shortage
of empirical evidence is the motiva-
tion for the survey presented in this
article, which attempts to answer the

Development following two questions:

1) How well do larger agile soft-

ware projects perform compared
to smaller projects and nonagile

Results and Analysis projects?

2) Which agile practices and char-
acteristics are associated with
better performance?
Magne Jørgensen, Simula Metropolitan and the University of Oslo
The Survey
// Large-scale software development succeeds
more often when using agile methods. Flexible Respondents and Data Collection
The survey’s participants, Nor-
scope, frequent deliveries to production, a wegian software professionals
high degree of requirement changes and more who visited three different project
management seminars in 2016 and
competent providers are possible reasons. // 2017, provided information about
their l a s t c o m p l e t e d p r o j e c t s .
Tw o - hundred sixteen responses
were received. After removing the
responses that lacked the mini-
mum information needed for anal-
ysis, i.e., the budget size category,
the development method, and the
perceived performance of the proj-
ect, 196 unique responses remained.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MS.2018.2884863
The project information was given
Date of publication: 22 February 2019 anonymously, in Norwegian, using

0 74 0 -74 5 9 / 19 © 2 0 19 I E E E M A R C H /A P R I L 2 0 1 9 | I E E E S O F T WA R E 39

the survey tool Qualtrics. There was The software professionals had, on technical roles in the reported proj-
a “Don’t know” option for all of the average, 13 years of experience, with ect, e.g., architects or developers, and
project information questions to en- 70% having eight or more years. Sixty- 29% had managerial roles, e.g., prod-
sure that respondents answered only nine percent the respondents were uct owners, team leaders, and project
when they felt they had sufficient from the provider side and 31% from managers.
knowledge. the client side. Seventy-one percent had
Project Characteristics
The project characteristics requested
from the participants are shown in
Table 1. The project’s characteristics.* Table 1. The variables shown are
those that distinguish successful
Characteristic Categories
software projects from failed soft-
Budget size (used as measure of project size)1 Small (<€1 million) ware projects in an earlier survey. 5
To avoid having too few observations
Medium (€1–10 million)
for some categories, the analyzed cat-
Large (>€10 million) egory “high” (“low”) includes both
“very high” (“very low”) and “high”
Development method2 Agile
(“low”) responses.
Project Performance
Requirement volatility3 High (>30% changes)
After describing the characteristics of
Low (#30% changes) the project, each participant assessed
the performance of his or her last
Perceived flexibility of scope High
completed project as he/she perceived
Low it, using the scale “Very successful—
Perceived detail of upfront project plan High
atic—Very problematic” for each of
Low the success dimensions: client benefits
(value), cost control, time control,
Perceived detail of upfront requirement specification High
productivity, and technical quality.
Low To define the project’s overall
performance, we used the following
Frequency of deliveries to production4 >4 per year
#4 per year
• successful = successful or better
Contract type Time and materials
on all five success dimensions
Fixed price • acceptable = acceptable or better
on all five success dimensions
Perceived provider competence High
• failed = very problematic on at
Low least one success dimension.
Perceived client competence High
Data Collection Challenges
Low Different participants may have been
*The full questionnaire is available to interested readers upon request.
involved in the same projects, leading
1The budget size categories (small, medium, and large) are the same as those that separated the effect of agile practices.4
to the possibility of duplicate proj-
2There is no commonly accepted definition of what it means to work “agile.” I used the respondents’ own perception of whether

they worked agile or not in the first analysis and added analyses of the effects of different agile practices and characteristics in
ects in our data set. The variance in
the second analysis. organizations of the participants,
3The threshold of 30% is based on what was closest to the median level of the perceived amount of requirement change of the projects.
4The original categories were “none,” “1–4,” and “more than 4,” where the two first were joined. Note that even nonagile projects, as analyzed from the list of seminar
e.g., incremental or timeboxing-based projects, may have deliveries to production during the project execution. participants and the typically large

40 I E E E S O F T WA R E | W W W. C O M P U T E R . O R G / S O F T W A R E | @ I E E E S O F T WA R E
size of their organizations, indicates medium, and large) suggests that the agile projects was conducted. First,
that the number of duplicates, if any, difference in proportion of acceptable the factors more frequently observed
is very low. projects is statistically significant, in agile than in nonagile projects were
Participants from the client and with agile being more successful for identified through a chi-square analy-
provider sides as well as participants small- (p < 0.01) and medium-sized sis. These factors may explain the bet-
in different roles, may have different (p = 0.03) projects, but not for large- ter performance of agile projects even
knowledge and perceptions of a proj- sized projects (p = 0.12). though they have a similar, positive ef-
ect’s performance. While this subjec- The analysis of practices and context fect on nonagile projects. Secondly, the
tivity may affect the accuracy of the characteristics (i.e., factors) potentially connection between all of the factors
reported success and failure rates, it connected with better performance of and acceptable project performance
is less likely to change the direction of
the connection between development
methods, project size, and project
An examination of the list of par-
Table 2. The relationship among budget size category,
ticipants shows that the majority
development method, and project performance.*
belong to or worked for large orga- Project Development Small Medium Large
nizations with mainly administrative performance method (n = 120) (n = 54) (n = 22)
software applications. Consequently,
Successful (n = 31) Agile 19% 24% 7%
the results may be valid mainly in
this context. Nonagile 0% 19% 0%

Acceptable (n = 102) Agile 65% 58% 50%

In total, 16% of the software proj- Nonagile 19% 31% 25%
ects were categorized as successful,
Failed (n = 13) Agile 2% 3% 14%
52% as acceptable, and 7% as failed.
The small- and medium-sized proj- Nonagile 23% 6% 13%
ects had the best performances with *The percentages are the proportion of successful, acceptable, and failed projects for projects of the same budget size, category, and
15 and 22% categorized as success- development method.

ful, 55 and 50% as acceptable, and

7 and 4% as failed, respectively. The
larger projects had 5% categorized
as successful, 41% as acceptable, 0.7
and 14% as failed. The decrease in Development Method
project performance with increased Agile Nonagile
project size corresponds to findings
Proportion Acceptable

in other studies.6
Seventy-four percent of the proj- 0.5
ects were categorized as agile. These
projects, as shown in Table 2, had a 0.4
better average success rate than the
nonagile projects for all three size cat-
egories. Figure 1 illustrates the effect
of this interaction for projects with
acceptable performance. An analy- 0.2
sis using a general linear model with Small Medium Large
the variable development method Budget Category
(i.e., agile and nonagile) nested into
the variable budget size (i.e., small, FIGURE 1. The interaction plot of projects with acceptable performance.

M A R C H /A P R I L 2 0 1 9 | I E E E S O F T WA R E 41

proportion of acceptable agile proj-

Table 3. The proportion of projects with acceptable ects, while the proportion of ac-
performance.* ceptable nonagile projects decreased
from 29 to 13%. Frequent delivery
Factor Category Agile (n = 146) Nonagile (n = 50) to production seems to have had
Requirement High (n = 80) 58% 13% a much stronger positive connec-
volatility tion with better performance for
Low (n = 97) 61% 29% agile than for nonagile projects.
Delivery >4 per year (n = 99) 70% 25% This practice was also much more
frequency common among agile projects and
≤4 per year (n = 60) 49% 21% may therefore contribute to a bet-
ter performance of agile projects
Scope flexibility High (n = 71) 85% 33%
both by being more f requent ly
Low (n = 26) 50% 40% u s e d a n d b y h av i n g a stronger
positive connection. Higher scope
Detail of project High (n = 59) 67% 18%
flexibility was connected with a
Low (n = 81) 53% 21% much higher proportion of accept-
able performance for agile projects,
Detail of High (n = 63) 55% 13% and a lower proportion for nonagile
specification Low (n = 76) 61% 26% projects. The factors, including de-
tail of project plan, detail of require-
Contract type Fixed price (n = 66) 60% 17% ment specification, and contract
type, did not contribute significantly
Time and materials (n = 60) 60% 23%
to explaining the improved perfor-
* The percentages are the proportion of acceptable projects for projects with the same factor category and development method. There mance of agile projects.
are too few observations (low statistical power) for some of the combinations of categories to conduct meaningful tests of statistical
significance for the interactions in Table 3. Consequently, the differences should be interpreted as indications of relationships, not as Table 4 suggests that as the project
strong evidence. size increased from small to medium/
large, a high degree of requirement
changes further increased the superior
(i.e., the performance category with (60% of agile and 53% of nonagile performance of the agile projects. A
most observations) was analyzed. projects were perceived to have little higher delivery frequency was associ-
T he factors associated with a detail in project plans, i.e., p = 0.75), ated with a larger increase in acceptable
statistically significant (here, set as detail of requirement specification agile than in acceptable nonagile proj-
p < 0.05) higher proportion of agile (55% of agile and 54% of nonagile ects. Similarly, a higher flexibility of
projects were high requirement vola- projects were perceived to have little scope was associated with increased per-
tility (50% of agile projects and 33% detail in requirement specification, formance of small agile and decreased
of nonagile projects had more than p = 0.96), and contract type (51% of performance of small nonagile projects.
30% requirement changes, i.e., p  = agile and 58% of nonagile used fixed If agile projects attract more
0.04), frequent deliveries to produc- price contracts, p = 0.53). competent providers or clients, this
tion (68% of agile projects and 32% Table 3 shows the results for the may contribute to the difference be-
of nonagile projects had more than proportion of projects with accept- tween agile and nonagile projects.
four deliveries to production per able performance for the analyzed An analysis of the project data indi-
year, i.e., p < 0.01) and flexible scope factors. Note that the sum of obser- cates that the agile software projects
(79% of agile projects and 47% of vations is lower than the full data set were perceived to have more com-
nonagile projects had a perceived of 196 projects because of “Don’t petent clients and providers (a chi-
high degree of scope flexibility). know” answers. square test of independence gives
There were no statistically signifi- The results in Table 3 suggest p = 0.02 and p = 0.01, respectively).
cant differences in the proportion of that experiencing high requirement A binary logistic regression model
projects with detail of project plan volatility did not greatly affect the with the elements client competence

42 I E E E S O F T WA R E | W W W. C O M P U T E R . O R G / S O F T W A R E | @ I E E E S O F T WA R E
(high versus low), provider compe-
tence (high versus low), develop- Table 4. The proportion of projects with acceptable
ment method (agile versus nonagile), performance, per size category.*
requirement volatility (high versus
low), delivery frequency (high ver- Agile Nonagile
sus low), and scope flexibility (high
Small Medium/ Small Medium/
versus low), using the performance Factor Category (n = 94) large (n = 52) (n = 26) large (n = 24)
measure acceptable (1  = acceptable
and 0 = not acceptable) as the depen- Requirement High (n = 80) 62% 54% 13% 14%
dent variable, give much higher like- 65% 47% 20% 38%
Low (n = 97)
lihoods (odds ratios of 5.7 and 2.4,
respectively) of observing an accept- Delivery High (n = 99) 73% 65% — 38%
able project when having a high com- frequency
Low (n = 60) 54% 41% 13% 27%
pared to a low/medium competent
provider (p = 0.046) and client (p = Scope flexibility High (n = 71) 86% 84% 14% —
0.27, i.e., not statistically significant).
Low (n = 26) 55% 40% 57% —
Additional studies are needed to an-
alyze how client and provider com- * The percentages are the proportion of acceptable projects for projects with same factor category, budget size, and development
method. There are too few observations (low statistical power) in some of the categories to conduct meaningful tests of statistical
petence interact with agile practices
significance for the interactions in Table 4. Consequently, the differences should be interpreted as indications of relationships, not as
and contexts to explain differences in strong evidence. The fields with “—” have fewer than five observations because of missing data about a project or because of few
occurrences, and the proportions were not calculated.
project performance.

T he survey of 196 Norwegian

software projects provides
empirical support for the use
of agile methods on larger as well as
smaller software projects, especially

MAGNE JØRGENSEN is a professor of software engineering at the

University of Oslo and a chief research scientist at Simula Metro-
politan. He has extensive industry experience as a consultant and
when including flexible scope and manager and currently serves on the Norwegian Digitalization Board,
frequent delivery to production and where he advises governmental software projects. His research
in contexts with high requirement interests include project management, evidence-based software
engineering, and expert judgment. He received a Ph.D. from the
changes. A contributing factor may be
University of Oslo. Contact him at
that agile projects tend to have more
competent providers and clients.

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3. T. Dingsøyr, N. B. Moe, T. E. Fægri, 5. M. Jørgensen, “A survey on the char- Society subscriptions at
and E. A. Seim, “Exploring software acteristics of projects with success in
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A revelatory case study and research Technol., vol. 78, pp. 83–94, 2016.

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