Gentian Vuthi: Education

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Gentian Vuthi | (719)-229-4328 |

Engineering Physics Major Boulder, CO
Minor in Applied Mathematics Expected Graduation: May 2022
University of Colorado-Boulder
Cumulative GPA: 3.024

Technical Skills
Python, C++, Mathematica, Matlab, Electronic circuits, Scientific/Technical writing, Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate -
Mechanical Design (Certificate-ID: C-5WKTGXZ2RU), 3D printing, Laser cutting, Arduino circuits and coding

Relevant Experience
Chladni Plate Harmonics Class Project November-December 2021

● Analyzed the harmonics behind a chladni plate using two different mathematical models.
● Did this through using Fourier Series mathematics and numerical analysis.
● Created a detailed technical report on findings and comparisons to theory and experiment.

Advanced Physics Topics Research Seminar February-May 2021

● Course which focused on choosing two different topics throughout semester to present and write a technical report on
● First presentation was 15 minutes long on tokamak reactors.
● Second presentation was 25 minutes with a focus on ELM instability in tokamak reactors.

MRI Group Class Project March-May 2021

● Group Project given in a matrix methods course, worked with two other students
● Researched the mathematics and process behind MRI Image Reconstructions in relation.
● Focused on the use of matrices and how they are solved using a Fast-Fourier-Transform to create an image, also required use
of MATLAB and relevant code

Solidworks Assembly Class Project October-December 2020

● Made a Solidworks assembly of a Presto Heat Lamp individually

● Created 7 separate parts and an assembly of said lamp
● Made GD-T drawings with various dimension readings of the Assembly

Cosmic Showers Simulation Class Project March-May 2020

● Simulated cosmic proton showers using python on jupyterhub

● Involved use of numpy library and various fundamental coding concepts
● Learned and applied concepts about monte carlo simulations to achieve simulations

Chua Chaos Circuit Class Project November-December 2019

● Created a chua chaos circuit system involving the use of a “chua diode” and a gyrator
● Used oscilloscope to record data
● Wrote a technical report and short presentation for the experiment

Dean’s List Fall 2020-Spring 2021

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