Science: Young Achievers Learning Center

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Republic of the Philippines


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Part 1  Law – a precise relationship between
physical parameters that is believed to hold
I. Definition of Science true in all circumstances.
 Science Ex. Einstein’s E=mc2, Newton’s Law of
– derived from the Latin word Scientia Motion and Law of Universal Gravitation
which means “to know”.
– systematized knowledge of based from III. Branches of Science
results of experimentation.
 Two views of Science
(1) Mechanistic view: universe is
explainable in terms of physical and
chemical law.
(2) Vitalistic View: “something” that
controls the natural event or directs
them purposely according to some
divine plans.
 Major Forms of Science
(1) Pure Science – the pursuit of
(2) Applied Science – the search for
practical uses of scientific knowledge
II. Scientific Method
– A problem-solving method/orderly IV. Famous Scientists
manner of doing things.  Isaac Newton – Three laws of motion, Law of
 Elements Gravitation, Calculus
(1) Observation/ Problem Recognition/  Albert Einstein – Photoelectric effect, Theory of
Formulation Relativity, Mass – energy equivalence
(2) Hypothesis – possible explanation,  Marie Curie – Pioneer researcher of
educated guess. Radioactivity, discovered the elements
(3) Experimentation Polonium and Radium
a. Control Set-up/Group  Michael Faraday – discovery of electromagnetic
b. Experimental Set-up/Group induction, Laws of Electrolysis
c. Variables  Alexander Graham Bell – metal detector,
- Independent variable telephone and photophone
- Dependent Variable  Benjamin Franklin
(4) Analysis of Data  John Dalton – Atom Theory
Types of Data:  Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen – discovery of the
a. Quantitative data X-ray wavelength
b. Qualitative data
 Robert Hooke – Discovered the plant cell, Law
(5) Conclusion – drawn from the
of Elasticity
experimental data and further
 Joseph John Thomson – discovery of the
observation about whether the working
hypothesis is correct or must be
 Ernest Rutherford – Father of Nuclear physics,
reformulated and re-examined.
discovery of protons, Rutherford Model
 James Chadwick – discovery of the neutron
 Theory – represents the hypothesis or a
group of related hypothesis which has been
confirmed through repeated experimental
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V. Biology -cork was composed of honeycomb-like
- study of living things. structures made up of thick-walled
compartments which he called cells.
 Branches of Biology
(1) Botany Theodor Schwann (zoologist) and
(2) Zoology Matthias Jakob Schleiden (botanist)
(3) Ecology -stated that cells were the basic unit of life.
(4) Physiology
(5) Embryology Rudolf Virchow
(6) Genetics -stated that cells come from pre-existing cells
(7) Histology
(8) Cytology Cell theory
(9) Pathology 1. Cells are the basic unit of life
(10)Taxonomy 2. All organisms are composed of cells. Every
(11)Anatomy living thing is either single-celled or multi-
(12)Entomology celled.
(13)Ichthyology 3. all cells arise from pre-existing cells (Except
(14)Herpetology for the origin of life itself).
(16)Parasitology Types of Cells
(17)Evolution 1. Prokaryotic - have nucleoid where the
(18)Paleontology genetic material or DNA are found. They
(19)Phycology have cell wall that maintains the shape of
(20)Mycology the cell, plasma membrane that serves as a
selective barrier, ribosomes that make
 Properties of Life proteins, and flagellum that aids in motility.
1. responsiveness to the environment; 2. Eukaryotic - have a nucleus which contains
2. growth and change; the genetic material or DNA. They contain
3. ability to reproduce; many membrane-bound organelles.
4. have a metabolism and breathe;
5. maintain homeostasis; Cellular structures
6. being made of cells; and o Cell membrane - For protection,
7. passing traits onto offspring. explained by the fluid mosaic model
o Phospholipid is bilayer interspersed with
o Cellular Organization proteins fluid, a semipermeable membrane
o Metabolism – break things down then build that encloses the cell, separating its
things back up contents from the surroundings.
o Homeostasis – maintaining stable internal o Mitochondrion - Production of ATP,
conditions enclosed by the inner membrane is a jelly-
o Growth & Development – grow in size or in like matrix, folds are called cristae, has its
number and have life cycle own DNA, the powerhouse of the cell
o Reproduction and Heredity because this is where most energy (ATP) is
o Evolution – random mutation and genetic produced.
combinations contribute to variability o Chloroplast - pigment-containing, has of
o Energy Processing – get energy from food to small flattened sacs called thylakoids.
poser its own activities thylakoids are arranged in stacks called
o Evolutionary Adaptation – organisms adapt granum, has its own DNA, convert light
to their environment energy into sugars through photosynthesis
o Ribosome - Make proteins, may be
 The Cell attached (in rough endoplasmic reticulum)
Robert Hooke or free consist of the large and small
-discovered the cell subunits. Their main role is to synthesize
-made the compound microscope and proteins needed by the cell.
examined thin slices of cork.
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o Endoplasmic Reticulum  Cellular Transport
- may be Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
(RER) which contain ribosomes for protein Transport Mechanism
synthesis I. Passive
- may be Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum - Does not use ATP (the energy currency of the cell)
(SER) with no ribosomes, for lipid synthesis Movement is through the concentration gradient
and detoxification (from high concentration to low concentration)
o Golgi Apparatus
- modifies and packages materials Diffusion - movement of particles (atoms, ions or
- sorts and packages proteins and lipids molecules) from a region in which they are in higher
produced by the smooth and rough concentration to regions of lower concentration.
endoplasmic reticulum It continues until the concentration of substances is
o Vacuole uniform.
- for storage and osmotic regulation
- responsible for storing food, water, and Applications:
metabolic wastes Gas exchange for respiration
o Lysosome Gas exchange for photosynthesis
- for intracellular digestion
- contain digestive enzymes Facilitated diffusion
- suicide bag of the cell -movement of specific molecules down a
o Nucleus concentration gradient, using a carrier protein
- control center of the cell because of the
presence of genetic material known as DNA Osmosis - Diffusion of water through a partially
- surrounded by the nuclear membrane permeable membrane.
o Flagellum/Cilia - for movement
o Centrioles - has 9+0 microtubular o Hypotonic environment-net water movement is
arrangement going inside; animal cell burst; plant cell turgid
- for cellular division (no bursting because of presence of cell wall).
o Nucleolus - Assembles rRNA o Hypertonic environment-net water movement
o Cytoplasm - semifluid matrix where is leaving the cell; cell plasmolyzed (shrink)
organelles are suspended. o Isotonic environment-water entering and
o Cell wall exiting the cell is the same; cell remains the
-provides support and protection for the same in shape.
cell. Special openings called
plasmodesmata are used to communicate Applications
and transport materials between plant Absorption of water by plant roots
cells. Re-absorption of water by the proximal and distal
convoluted tubules of the nephron (basic unit of the
The amyloplast is responsible for the kidney)
production and storage of starch as well as Absorption of water by the alimentary canal
the conversion of starch back to sugar.
II. Active
-Uses ATP
-Movement is against the concentration gradient
(from low concentration to high concentration)

Sodium potassium pump
Bulk transport
Endocytosis-cell membrane folds to ingest particles
Exocytosis-release of materials from the cell; very
important in waste disposal
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 Cell Division

o G1 – The cell increases in size
o S – DNA is synthesized Cytokinesis - cytoplasm divides to form two daughter
o G2 – significant protein being synthesized cells, happens after telophase

G0 – non dividing phase Cancer - cells have uncontrolled mitosis resulting to

uncontrolled growth
Through Mitosis - may spread to other parts of the body (metastasis)
o Happens in somatic cells (all cells except the
sex cells)  Organization
o Daughter cells are the same with the parent
cells o A cell is the smallest independently functioning unit
of a living organism.
o A tissue is a group of many similar cells (though
sometimes composed of a few related types) that
work together to perform a specific function.
o An organ is an anatomically distinct structure of the
body composed of two or more tissue types. Each
organ performs one or more specific physiological
o An organ system is a group of organs that work
together to perform major functions or meet
physiological needs of the body.
o An organism consists of many organ systems but
functions as one individual.
o When a number of organisms of the same species
come together, they form a population.
o Happens in sex cells
o In a given area, when several populations come
o Daughter cells have half of the genetic
together, they form a community.
materials (haploid cell) of the parent cells
o Communities interacting with the nonliving things in
o Has two phases.
the environment comprise the ecosystem.
o The combination of different ecosystems forms the
(1) Reductional phase

2) equational phase

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