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Projection of Planes in engineering drawing

Projection of plane: A plane is a surface having two dimensions length and breadth. It does not have or negligible thickness. A plane
may be of different shapes like triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, circle, etc. The study of projection of plane is important to
understand engineering drawing.

Orientation of planes is described with respect to reference planes. Following are the possible orientations of planes and their
projections with respect to reference planes.

Types of planes in engineering drawing

Projection of planes: When the given plane is perpendicular to one reference

1. Plane Perpendicular to VP and Parallel to HP

When the plane is perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP, the projection of plane is as shown in the above figure.

1. As the plane is parallel to HP, its top view is the true shape (exact shape and size of the plane) in the HP.
2. Front view is the line in the VP because the plane is perpendicular to VP.

3. Front view is the line parallel to XY line because the plane is parallel to HP.

2. Plane Perpendicular to VP and In HP

When the plane is placed in HP, the projection of plane is as shown in the above figure.

1. Top view is the true shape in the HP as the plane is parallel to HP.

2. Front view is in the form of a line on the XY line as the plane is laying in the HP.

3. Plane Perpendicular to HP and Parallel to VP

When the plane is perpendicular to HP and parallel to parallel to VP, projection of plane is as shown in the above figure.

1. As the plane is parallel to VP its front view is the true shape of the plane in VP

2. As the plane is perpendicular to HP, the top view is in the form of a line.

3. Top view is a line parallel to the XY line because the plane is parallel to VP.

4. Plane Perpendicular to HP and in VP

When the plane is placed in VP, projection of plane is as shown in the above figure.

1. Front view is the true shape in the VP as the plane is parallel to VP.

2. Top view is in the form of a line on the XY line as the plane is laying in the VP.

5. Plane Perpendicular to VP and Perpendicular to HP

When the plane is perpendicular to HP and perpendicular to VP, projection of plane is as shown in the above figure.

1. Front view is in the form of a line in the VP because the plane is perpendicular to VP. FV is a vertical line because it is perpendicular
to HP.
2. Top view is in the form of a line in the HP because the plane is perpendicular to HP. FV is a vertical line because it is perpendicular
to VP.

Projections of planes: when the given plane is inclined to one reference plane

6. Plane Perpendicular to VP and Inclined to HP

When the plane is perpendicular to VP and inclined to HP, projection of plane is as shown in the above figure.

1. Top view is the apparent shape (smaller than actual size and different than actual shape) of a plane in HP because the plane is
inclined to HP.

2. Front view is in the form of a line in VP because the plane is perpendicular to VP. The front view is an inclined line because the
plane is inclined to HP.

7. Plane Perpendicular to HP and Inclined to VP

When the plane is perpendicular to VP and inclined to HP, projection of plane is as shown in the above figure.

1. Front view is the apparent shape (smaller than actual size and different than actual shape) of a plane in VP because the plane is
inclined to VP.

2. Top view is in the form of a line in HP because the plane is perpendicular to HP. The top view is an inclined line because the plane is
inclined to VP.

8. Plane Inclined to both HP and VP

When the plane is inclined to HP and VP, projection of plane is as shown in the above figure.

1. Top view is the apparent shape of the plane because the plane is inclined to both reference planes.

2. Front view is the apparent shape of the plane because the plane is inclined to both reference planes.

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